/* * OpenSeadragon - Drawer * * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 OpenSeadragon contributors * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function( $ ){ var DEVICE_SCREEN = $.getWindowSize(), BROWSER = $.Browser.vendor, BROWSER_VERSION = $.Browser.version, SUBPIXEL_RENDERING = ( ( BROWSER == $.BROWSERS.FIREFOX ) || ( BROWSER == $.BROWSERS.OPERA ) || ( BROWSER == $.BROWSERS.SAFARI && BROWSER_VERSION >= 4 ) || ( BROWSER == $.BROWSERS.CHROME && BROWSER_VERSION >= 2 ) || ( BROWSER == $.BROWSERS.IE && BROWSER_VERSION >= 9 ) ); /** * @class Drawer * @classdesc Handles rendering of tiles for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}. * * @memberof OpenSeadragon * @param {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source - Reference to Viewer tile source. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport. * @param {Element} element - Parent element. */ $.Drawer = function( options ) { var self = this; $.console.assert( options.viewer, "[Drawer] options.viewer is required" ); //backward compatibility for positional args while prefering more //idiomatic javascript options object as the only argument var args = arguments, i; if( !$.isPlainObject( options ) ){ options = { source: args[ 0 ], // Reference to Viewer tile source. viewport: args[ 1 ], // Reference to Viewer viewport. element: args[ 2 ] // Parent element. }; } if ( options.source ) { $.console.error( "[Drawer] options.source is no longer accepted; use TiledImage instead" ); } $.extend( true, this, { //internal state properties viewer: null, imageLoader: new $.ImageLoader(), tilesMatrix: {}, // A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Tile. tilesLoaded: [], // An unordered list of Tiles with loaded images. coverage: {}, // A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Boolean. lastDrawn: [], // An unordered list of Tiles drawn last frame. lastResetTime: 0, // Last time for which the drawer was reset. midUpdate: false, // Is the drawer currently updating the viewport? updateAgain: true, // Does the drawer need to update the viewport again? //internal state / configurable settings collectionOverlays: {}, // For collection mode. Here an overlay is actually a viewer. //configurable settings opacity: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.opacity, maxImageCacheCount: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxImageCacheCount, minZoomImageRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.minZoomImageRatio, wrapHorizontal: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.wrapHorizontal, wrapVertical: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.wrapVertical, immediateRender: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.immediateRender, blendTime: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.blendTime, alwaysBlend: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.alwaysBlend, minPixelRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.minPixelRatio, debugMode: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.debugMode, timeout: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.timeout, crossOriginPolicy: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.crossOriginPolicy }, options ); this.useCanvas = $.supportsCanvas && ( this.viewer ? this.viewer.useCanvas : true ); /** * The parent element of this Drawer instance, passed in when the Drawer was created. * The parent of {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#canvas}. * @member {Element} container * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer# */ this.container = $.getElement( this.element ); /** * A <canvas> element if the browser supports them, otherwise a <div> element. * Child element of {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#container}. * @member {Element} canvas * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer# */ this.canvas = $.makeNeutralElement( this.useCanvas ? "canvas" : "div" ); /** * 2d drawing context for {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#canvas} if it's a <canvas> element, otherwise null. * @member {Object} context * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer# */ this.context = this.useCanvas ? this.canvas.getContext( "2d" ) : null; /** * @member {Element} element * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer# * @deprecated Alias for {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#container}. */ this.element = this.container; // We force our container to ltr because our drawing math doesn't work in rtl. // This issue only affects our canvas renderer, but we do it always for consistency. // Note that this means overlays you want to be rtl need to be explicitly set to rtl. this.container.dir = 'ltr'; this.canvas.style.width = "100%"; this.canvas.style.height = "100%"; this.canvas.style.position = "absolute"; $.setElementOpacity( this.canvas, this.opacity, true ); // explicit left-align this.container.style.textAlign = "left"; this.container.appendChild( this.canvas ); // We need a callback to give image manipulation a chance to happen this._drawingHandler = function(args) { if (self.viewer) { /** * This event is fired just before the tile is drawn giving the application a chance to alter the image. * * NOTE: This event is only fired when the drawer is using a . * * @event tile-drawing * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event. * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile * @property {?Object} userData - 'context', 'tile' and 'rendered'. */ self.viewer.raiseEvent('tile-drawing', args); } }; }; $.Drawer.prototype = /** @lends OpenSeadragon.Drawer.prototype */{ /** * Adds an html element as an overlay to the current viewport. Useful for * highlighting words or areas of interest on an image or other zoomable * interface. * @method * @param {Element|String|Object} element - A reference to an element or an id for * the element which will overlayed. Or an Object specifying the configuration for the overlay * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point|OpenSeadragon.Rect} location - The point or * rectangle which will be overlayed. * @param {OpenSeadragon.OverlayPlacement} placement - The position of the * viewport which the location coordinates will be treated as relative * to. * @param {function} onDraw - If supplied the callback is called when the overlay * needs to be drawn. It it the responsibility of the callback to do any drawing/positioning. * It is passed position, size and element. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:add-overlay * @deprecated - use {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#addOverlay} instead. */ addOverlay: function( element, location, placement, onDraw ) { $.console.error("drawer.addOverlay is deprecated. Use viewer.addOverlay instead."); this.viewer.addOverlay( element, location, placement, onDraw ); return this; }, /** * Updates the overlay represented by the reference to the element or * element id moving it to the new location, relative to the new placement. * @method * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point|OpenSeadragon.Rect} location - The point or * rectangle which will be overlayed. * @param {OpenSeadragon.OverlayPlacement} placement - The position of the * viewport which the location coordinates will be treated as relative * to. * @return {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:update-overlay * @deprecated - use {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#updateOverlay} instead. */ updateOverlay: function( element, location, placement ) { $.console.error("drawer.updateOverlay is deprecated. Use viewer.updateOverlay instead."); this.viewer.updateOverlay( element, location, placement ); return this; }, /** * Removes and overlay identified by the reference element or element id * and schedules and update. * @method * @param {Element|String} element - A reference to the element or an * element id which represent the ovelay content to be removed. * @return {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:remove-overlay * @deprecated - use {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#removeOverlay} instead. */ removeOverlay: function( element ) { $.console.error("drawer.removeOverlay is deprecated. Use viewer.removeOverlay instead."); this.viewer.removeOverlay( element ); return this; }, /** * Removes all currently configured Overlays from this Drawer and schedules * and update. * @method * @return {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:clear-overlay * @deprecated - use {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#clearOverlays} instead. */ clearOverlays: function() { $.console.error("drawer.clearOverlays is deprecated. Use viewer.clearOverlays instead."); this.viewer.clearOverlays(); return this; }, /** * Set the opacity of the drawer. * @method * @param {Number} opacity * @return {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable. */ setOpacity: function( opacity ) { this.opacity = opacity; $.setElementOpacity( this.canvas, this.opacity, true ); return this; }, /** * Get the opacity of the drawer. * @method * @returns {Number} */ getOpacity: function() { return this.opacity; }, /** * Returns whether the Drawer is scheduled for an update at the * soonest possible opportunity. * @method * @returns {Boolean} - Whether the Drawer is scheduled for an update at the * soonest possible opportunity. */ needsUpdate: function() { return this.updateAgain; }, /** * Returns the total number of tiles that have been loaded by this Drawer. * @method * @returns {Number} - The total number of tiles that have been loaded by * this Drawer. */ numTilesLoaded: function() { return this.tilesLoaded.length; }, /** * Clears all tiles and triggers an update on the next call to * Drawer.prototype.update(). * @method * @return {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable. */ reset: function() { this.lastResetTime = $.now(); this.updateAgain = true; return this; }, /** * Forces the Drawer to update. * @method * @return {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable. */ update: function() { //this.profiler.beginUpdate(); this.midUpdate = true; this.midUpdate = false; //this.profiler.endUpdate(); return this; }, /** * Returns whether rotation is supported or not. * @method * @return {Boolean} True if rotation is supported. */ canRotate: function() { return this.useCanvas; }, /** * Destroy the drawer (unload current loaded tiles) * @method * @return null */ destroy: function() { //unload current loaded tiles (=empty TILE_CACHE) for ( var i = 0; i < this.tilesLoaded.length; ++i ) { this.tilesLoaded[i].unload(); } //force unloading of current canvas (1x1 will be gc later, trick not necessarily needed) this.canvas.width = 1; this.canvas.height = 1; }, clear: function() { this.canvas.innerHTML = ""; if ( this.useCanvas ) { var viewportSize = this.viewport.getContainerSize(); if( this.canvas.width != viewportSize.x || this.canvas.height != viewportSize.y ) { this.canvas.width = viewportSize.x; this.canvas.height = viewportSize.y; } this.context.clearRect( 0, 0, viewportSize.x, viewportSize.y ); } }, drawTile: function( tile ) { if ( this.useCanvas ) { // TODO do this in a more performant way // specifically, don't save,rotate,restore every time we draw a tile if( this.viewport.degrees !== 0 ) { this._offsetForRotation( tile, this.viewport.degrees ); tile.drawCanvas( this.context, this._drawingHandler ); this._restoreRotationChanges( tile ); } else { tile.drawCanvas( this.context, this._drawingHandler ); } } else { tile.drawHTML( this.canvas ); } }, drawDebugInfo: function( tile, count, i ){ if ( this.useCanvas ) { this.context.save(); this.context.lineWidth = 2; this.context.font = 'small-caps bold 13px ariel'; this.context.strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor; this.context.fillStyle = this.debugGridColor; this._offsetForRotation( tile, this.canvas, this.context, this.viewport.degrees ); this.context.strokeRect( tile.position.x, tile.position.y, tile.size.x, tile.size.y ); var tileCenterX = tile.position.x + (tile.size.x / 2); var tileCenterY = tile.position.y + (tile.size.y / 2); // Rotate the text the right way around. this.context.translate( tileCenterX, tileCenterY ); this.context.rotate( Math.PI / 180 * -this.viewport.degrees ); this.context.translate( -tileCenterX, -tileCenterY ); if( tile.x === 0 && tile.y === 0 ){ this.context.fillText( "Zoom: " + this.viewport.getZoom(), tile.position.x, tile.position.y - 30 ); this.context.fillText( "Pan: " + this.viewport.getBounds().toString(), tile.position.x, tile.position.y - 20 ); } this.context.fillText( "Level: " + tile.level, tile.position.x + 10, tile.position.y + 20 ); this.context.fillText( "Column: " + tile.x, tile.position.x + 10, tile.position.y + 30 ); this.context.fillText( "Row: " + tile.y, tile.position.x + 10, tile.position.y + 40 ); this.context.fillText( "Order: " + i + " of " + count, tile.position.x + 10, tile.position.y + 50 ); this.context.fillText( "Size: " + tile.size.toString(), tile.position.x + 10, tile.position.y + 60 ); this.context.fillText( "Position: " + tile.position.toString(), tile.position.x + 10, tile.position.y + 70 ); this._restoreRotationChanges( tile, this.canvas, this.context ); this.context.restore(); } }, _offsetForRotation: function( tile, degrees ){ var cx = this.canvas.width / 2, cy = this.canvas.height / 2, px = tile.position.x - cx, py = tile.position.y - cy; this.context.save(); this.context.translate(cx, cy); this.context.rotate( Math.PI / 180 * degrees); tile.position.x = px; tile.position.y = py; }, _restoreRotationChanges: function( tile ){ var cx = this.canvas.width / 2, cy = this.canvas.height / 2, px = tile.position.x + cx, py = tile.position.y + cy; tile.position.x = px; tile.position.y = py; this.context.restore(); } }; }( OpenSeadragon ));