/* * OpenSeadragon * * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 OpenSeadragon contributors * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function( $ ){ /** * @class */ $.Viewport = function( options ) { //backward compatibility for positional args while prefering more //idiomatic javascript options object as the only argument var args = arguments; if( args.length && args[ 0 ] instanceof $.Point ){ options = { containerSize: args[ 0 ], contentSize: args[ 1 ], config: args[ 2 ] }; } //options.config and the general config argument are deprecated //in favor of the more direct specification of optional settings //being pass directly on the options object if ( options.config ){ $.extend( true, options, options.config ); delete options.config; } $.extend( true, this, { //required settings containerSize: null, contentSize: null, //internal state properties zoomPoint: null, viewer: null, //configurable options springStiffness: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.springStiffness, animationTime: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.animationTime, minZoomImageRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.minZoomImageRatio, maxZoomPixelRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxZoomPixelRatio, visibilityRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.visibilityRatio, wrapHorizontal: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.wrapHorizontal, wrapVertical: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.wrapVertical, defaultZoomLevel: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.defaultZoomLevel, minZoomLevel: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.minZoomLevel, maxZoomLevel: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxZoomLevel }, options ); this.centerSpringX = new $.Spring({ initial: 0, springStiffness: this.springStiffness, animationTime: this.animationTime }); this.centerSpringY = new $.Spring({ initial: 0, springStiffness: this.springStiffness, animationTime: this.animationTime }); this.zoomSpring = new $.Spring({ initial: 1, springStiffness: this.springStiffness, animationTime: this.animationTime }); this.resetContentSize( this.contentSize ); this.goHome( true ); this.update(); }; $.Viewport.prototype = { /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ resetContentSize: function( contentSize ){ this.contentSize = contentSize; this.contentAspectX = this.contentSize.x / this.contentSize.y; this.contentAspectY = this.contentSize.y / this.contentSize.x; this.fitWidthBounds = new $.Rect( 0, 0, 1, this.contentAspectY ); this.fitHeightBounds = new $.Rect( 0, 0, this.contentAspectY, this.contentAspectY); this.homeBounds = new $.Rect( 0, 0, 1, this.contentAspectY ); if( this.viewer ){ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'reset-size', { contentSize: contentSize, viewer: this.viewer }); } return this; }, /** * @function */ getHomeZoom: function() { var aspectFactor = this.contentAspectX / this.getAspectRatio(); if( this.defaultZoomLevel ){ return this.defaultZoomLevel; } else { return ( aspectFactor >= 1 ) ? 1 : aspectFactor; } }, /** * @function */ getHomeBounds: function() { var center = this.homeBounds.getCenter( ), width = 1.0 / this.getHomeZoom( ), height = width / this.getAspectRatio(); return new $.Rect( center.x - ( width / 2.0 ), center.y - ( height / 2.0 ), width, height ); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} immediately */ goHome: function( immediately ) { if( this.viewer ){ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'home', { immediately: immediately, viewer: this.viewer }); } return this.fitBounds( this.getHomeBounds(), immediately ); }, /** * @function */ getMinZoom: function() { var homeZoom = this.getHomeZoom(), zoom = this.minZoomLevel ? this.minZoomLevel : this.minZoomImageRatio * homeZoom; return Math.min( zoom, homeZoom ); }, /** * @function */ getMaxZoom: function() { var zoom = this.maxZoomLevel ? this.maxZoomLevel : ( this.contentSize.x * this.maxZoomPixelRatio / this.containerSize.x ); return Math.max( zoom, this.getHomeZoom() ); }, /** * @function */ getAspectRatio: function() { return this.containerSize.x / this.containerSize.y; }, /** * @function */ getContainerSize: function() { return new $.Point( this.containerSize.x, this.containerSize.y ); }, /** * @function */ getBounds: function( current ) { var center = this.getCenter( current ), width = 1.0 / this.getZoom( current ), height = width / this.getAspectRatio(); return new $.Rect( center.x - ( width / 2.0 ), center.y - ( height / 2.0 ), width, height ); }, /** * @function */ getCenter: function( current ) { var centerCurrent = new $.Point( this.centerSpringX.current.value, this.centerSpringY.current.value ), centerTarget = new $.Point( this.centerSpringX.target.value, this.centerSpringY.target.value ), oldZoomPixel, zoom, width, height, bounds, newZoomPixel, deltaZoomPixels, deltaZoomPoints; if ( current ) { return centerCurrent; } else if ( !this.zoomPoint ) { return centerTarget; } oldZoomPixel = this.pixelFromPoint(this.zoomPoint, true); zoom = this.getZoom(); width = 1.0 / zoom; height = width / this.getAspectRatio(); bounds = new $.Rect( centerCurrent.x - width / 2.0, centerCurrent.y - height / 2.0, width, height ); newZoomPixel = this.zoomPoint.minus( bounds.getTopLeft() ).times( this.containerSize.x / bounds.width ); deltaZoomPixels = newZoomPixel.minus( oldZoomPixel ); deltaZoomPoints = deltaZoomPixels.divide( this.containerSize.x * zoom ); return centerTarget.plus( deltaZoomPoints ); }, /** * @function */ getZoom: function( current ) { if ( current ) { return this.zoomSpring.current.value; } else { return this.zoomSpring.target.value; } }, /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ applyConstraints: function( immediately ) { var actualZoom = this.getZoom(), constrainedZoom = Math.max( Math.min( actualZoom, this.getMaxZoom() ), this.getMinZoom() ), bounds, horizontalThreshold, verticalThreshold, left, right, top, bottom, center, dx = 0, dy = 0, dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if ( actualZoom != constrainedZoom ) { this.zoomTo( constrainedZoom, this.zoomPoint, immediately ); } bounds = this.getBounds(); horizontalThreshold = this.visibilityRatio * bounds.width; verticalThreshold = this.visibilityRatio * bounds.height; left = bounds.x + bounds.width; right = 1 - bounds.x; top = bounds.y + bounds.height; bottom = this.contentAspectY - bounds.y; if ( this.wrapHorizontal ) { //do nothing } else { if ( left < horizontalThreshold ) { dx = horizontalThreshold - left; } if ( right < horizontalThreshold ) { dx = dx ? ( dx + right - horizontalThreshold ) / 2 : ( right - horizontalThreshold ); } } if ( this.wrapVertical ) { //do nothing } else { if ( top < verticalThreshold ) { dy = ( verticalThreshold - top ); } if ( bottom < verticalThreshold ) { dy = dy ? ( dy + bottom - verticalThreshold ) / 2 : ( bottom - verticalThreshold ); } } if ( dx || dy || immediately ) { bounds.x += dx; bounds.y += dy; if( bounds.width > 1 ){ bounds.x = 0.5 - bounds.width/2; } if( bounds.height > this.contentAspectY ){ bounds.y = this.contentAspectY/2 - bounds.height/2; } this.fitBounds( bounds, immediately ); } if( this.viewer ){ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'constrain', { immediately: immediately, viewer: this.viewer }); } return this; }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} immediately */ ensureVisible: function( immediately ) { return this.applyConstraints( immediately ); }, /** * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitBounds: function( bounds, immediately ) { var aspect = this.getAspectRatio(), center = bounds.getCenter(), newBounds = new $.Rect( bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height ), oldBounds, oldZoom, newZoom, referencePoint; if ( newBounds.getAspectRatio() >= aspect ) { newBounds.height = bounds.width / aspect; newBounds.y = center.y - newBounds.height / 2; } else { newBounds.width = bounds.height * aspect; newBounds.x = center.x - newBounds.width / 2; } this.panTo( this.getCenter( true ), true ); this.zoomTo( this.getZoom( true ), null, true ); oldBounds = this.getBounds(); oldZoom = this.getZoom(); newZoom = 1.0 / newBounds.width; if ( newZoom == oldZoom || newBounds.width == oldBounds.width ) { return this.panTo( center, immediately ); } referencePoint = oldBounds.getTopLeft().times( this.containerSize.x / oldBounds.width ).minus( newBounds.getTopLeft().times( this.containerSize.x / newBounds.width ) ).divide( this.containerSize.x / oldBounds.width - this.containerSize.x / newBounds.width ); return this.zoomTo( newZoom, referencePoint, immediately ); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitVertically: function( immediately ) { var center = this.getCenter(); if ( this.wrapHorizontal ) { center.x = ( 1 + ( center.x % 1 ) ) % 1; this.centerSpringX.resetTo( center.x ); this.centerSpringX.update(); } if ( this.wrapVertical ) { center.y = ( this.contentAspectY + ( center.y % this.contentAspectY ) ) % this.contentAspectY; this.centerSpringY.resetTo( center.y ); this.centerSpringY.update(); } return this.fitBounds( this.fitHeightBounds, immediately ); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitHorizontally: function( immediately ) { var center = this.getCenter(); if ( this.wrapHorizontal ) { center.x = ( this.contentAspectX + ( center.x % this.contentAspectX ) ) % this.contentAspectX; this.centerSpringX.resetTo( center.x ); this.centerSpringX.update(); } if ( this.wrapVertical ) { center.y = ( 1 + ( center.y % 1 ) ) % 1; this.centerSpringY.resetTo( center.y ); this.centerSpringY.update(); } return this.fitBounds( this.fitWidthBounds, immediately ); }, /** * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} delta * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ panBy: function( delta, immediately ) { var center = new $.Point( this.centerSpringX.target.value, this.centerSpringY.target.value ); return this.panTo( center.plus( delta ), immediately ); }, /** * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} center * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ panTo: function( center, immediately ) { if ( immediately ) { this.centerSpringX.resetTo( center.x ); this.centerSpringY.resetTo( center.y ); } else { this.centerSpringX.springTo( center.x ); this.centerSpringY.springTo( center.y ); } if( this.viewer ){ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'pan', { center: center, immediately: immediately, viewer: this.viewer }); } return this; }, /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ zoomBy: function( factor, refPoint, immediately ) { return this.zoomTo( this.zoomSpring.target.value * factor, refPoint, immediately ); }, /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ zoomTo: function( zoom, refPoint, immediately ) { this.zoomPoint = refPoint instanceof $.Point ? refPoint : null; if ( immediately ) { this.zoomSpring.resetTo( zoom ); } else { this.zoomSpring.springTo( zoom ); } if( this.viewer ){ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'zoom', { zoom: zoom, refPoint: refPoint, immediately: immediately, viewer: this.viewer }); } return this; }, /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ resize: function( newContainerSize, maintain ) { var oldBounds = this.getBounds(), newBounds = oldBounds, widthDeltaFactor = newContainerSize.x / this.containerSize.x; this.containerSize = new $.Point( newContainerSize.x, newContainerSize.y ); if (maintain) { newBounds.width = oldBounds.width * widthDeltaFactor; newBounds.height = newBounds.width / this.getAspectRatio(); } if( this.viewer ){ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'resize', { newContainerSize: newContainerSize, maintain: maintain, viewer: this.viewer }); } return this.fitBounds( newBounds, true ); }, /** * @function */ update: function() { var oldCenterX = this.centerSpringX.current.value, oldCenterY = this.centerSpringY.current.value, oldZoom = this.zoomSpring.current.value, oldZoomPixel, newZoomPixel, deltaZoomPixels, deltaZoomPoints; if (this.zoomPoint) { oldZoomPixel = this.pixelFromPoint( this.zoomPoint, true ); } this.zoomSpring.update(); if (this.zoomPoint && this.zoomSpring.current.value != oldZoom) { newZoomPixel = this.pixelFromPoint( this.zoomPoint, true ); deltaZoomPixels = newZoomPixel.minus( oldZoomPixel ); deltaZoomPoints = this.deltaPointsFromPixels( deltaZoomPixels, true ); this.centerSpringX.shiftBy( deltaZoomPoints.x ); this.centerSpringY.shiftBy( deltaZoomPoints.y ); } else { this.zoomPoint = null; } this.centerSpringX.update(); this.centerSpringY.update(); return this.centerSpringX.current.value != oldCenterX || this.centerSpringY.current.value != oldCenterY || this.zoomSpring.current.value != oldZoom; }, /** * @function */ deltaPixelsFromPoints: function( deltaPoints, current ) { return deltaPoints.times( this.containerSize.x * this.getZoom( current ) ); }, /** * @function */ deltaPointsFromPixels: function( deltaPixels, current ) { return deltaPixels.divide( this.containerSize.x * this.getZoom( current ) ); }, /** * @function */ pixelFromPoint: function( point, current ) { var bounds = this.getBounds( current ); return point.minus( bounds.getTopLeft() ).times( this.containerSize.x / bounds.width ); }, /** * @function */ pointFromPixel: function( pixel, current ) { var bounds = this.getBounds( current ); return pixel.divide( this.containerSize.x / bounds.width ).plus( bounds.getTopLeft() ); }, /** * Translates from Seajax viewer coordinate * system to image coordinate system */ viewportToImageCoordinates: function(viewerX, viewerY) { return new $.Point(viewerX * this.contentSize.x, viewerY * this.contentSize.y * this.contentAspectX); }, /** * Translates from image coordinate system to * Seajax viewer coordinate system */ imageToViewportCoordinates: function( imageX, imageY ) { return new $.Point( imageX / this.contentSize.x, imageY / this.contentSize.y / this.contentAspectX); }, /** * Translates from a rectanlge which describes a portion of * the image in pixel coordinates to OpenSeadragon viewport * rectangle coordinates. */ imageToViewportRectangle: function( imageX, imageY, pixelWidth, pixelHeight ) { var coordA, coordB, rect; if( arguments.length == 1 ){ //they passed a rectangle instead of individual components rect = imageX; return this.imageToViewportRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } coordA = this.imageToViewportCoordinates( imageX, imageY ); coordB = this.imageToViewportCoordinates( pixelWidth, pixelHeight ); return new $.Rect( coordA.x, coordA.y, coordA.x + coordB.x, coordA.y + coordB.y ); } }; }( OpenSeadragon ));