const sources = { "rainbow":"../data/testpattern.dzi", "leaves":"../data/iiif_2_0_sizes/info.json", "bblue":{ type:'image', url: "../data/BBlue.png", }, "duomo":"", } const labels = { rainbow: 'Rainbow Grid', leaves: 'Leaves', bblue: 'Blue B', duomo: 'Duomo', } let viewer; ( function () { // prepare base perf object if ( typeof window.performance === 'undefined' ) { window.performance = {}; } if ( ! ) { var nowOffset =; if ( performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart ) { nowOffset = performance.timing.navigationStart; } = function now () { return - nowOffset; }; } if( !window.performance.mark ) { window.performance.mark = function(){} } if( !window.performance.measure ) { window.performance.measure = function(){} } } )(); /** * @class rStats * @param {rStats~Settings} [settings] Settings for the rStats instance. */ /** * @typedef {Object} rStats~Settings * @property {Array.} [colours] An array of CSS colour values. * @property {String} [CSSPath=''] Base URL where rStats.css is located. * @property {Array.} [css] URLs of CSS or font files to import. * @property {Object.} [values] Properties to use for each counter. * @property {Array.} [groups] Define groups of counters. * @property {Array.} [fractions] Define stacked counters. * @property {Array.} [plugins] Additional plugins. */ /** * @typedef {Object} rStats~CounterProperties * @property {String} [caption] Caption for this counter. * @property {Boolean} [average=false] Whether the values should be averaged. * @property {Number} [avgMs=1000] Duration for which the values should be averaged. * @property {Number} [below] Value below which the graph should be highlighted. * @property {Number} [over] Value over which the graph should be highlighted. * @property {Boolean} [interpolate=true] Whether framerate should be interpolated. */ function rStats ( settings ) { function iterateKeys ( array, callback ) { var keys = Object.keys( array ); for ( var j = 0, l = keys.length; j < l; j++ ) { callback( keys[ j ] ); } } function importCSS ( url ) { var element = document.createElement( 'link' ); element.href = url; element.rel = 'stylesheet'; element.type = 'text/css'; document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ].appendChild( element ); } var _settings = settings || {}; var _colours = _settings.colours || [ '#850700', '#c74900', '#fcb300', '#284280', '#4c7c0c' ]; var _cssFont = ',700,300'; var _cssRStats = ( _settings.CSSPath ? _settings.CSSPath : '' ) + 'rStats.css'; var _css = _settings.css || [ _cssFont, _cssRStats ]; _css.forEach(function (uri) { importCSS( uri ); }); if ( !_settings.values ) _settings.values = {}; var _base, _div, _elHeight = 10, _elWidth = 200; var _perfCounters = {}; function Graph ( _dom, _id, _defArg ) { var _def = _defArg || {}; var _canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ), _ctx = _canvas.getContext( '2d' ), _max = 0, _current = 0; var c = _def.color ? _def.color : '#666666'; var _dotCanvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ), _dotCtx = _dotCanvas.getContext( '2d' ); _dotCanvas.width = 1; _dotCanvas.height = 2 * _elHeight; _dotCtx.fillStyle = '#444444'; _dotCtx.fillRect( 0, 0, 1, 2 * _elHeight ); _dotCtx.fillStyle = c; _dotCtx.fillRect( 0, _elHeight, 1, _elHeight ); _dotCtx.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; _dotCtx.globalAlpha = 0.5; _dotCtx.fillRect( 0, _elHeight, 1, 1 ); _dotCtx.globalAlpha = 1; var _alarmCanvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ), _alarmCtx = _alarmCanvas.getContext( '2d' ); _alarmCanvas.width = 1; _alarmCanvas.height = 2 * _elHeight; _alarmCtx.fillStyle = '#444444'; _alarmCtx.fillRect( 0, 0, 1, 2 * _elHeight ); _alarmCtx.fillStyle = '#b70000'; _alarmCtx.fillRect( 0, _elHeight, 1, _elHeight ); _alarmCtx.globalAlpha = 0.5; _alarmCtx.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; _alarmCtx.fillRect( 0, _elHeight, 1, 1 ); _alarmCtx.globalAlpha = 1; function _init () { _canvas.width = _elWidth; _canvas.height = _elHeight; = _canvas.width + 'px'; = _canvas.height + 'px'; _canvas.className = 'rs-canvas'; _dom.appendChild( _canvas ); _ctx.fillStyle = '#444444'; _ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height ); } function _draw ( v, alarm ) { _current += ( v - _current ) * 0.1; _max *= 0.99; if ( _current > _max ) _max = _current; _ctx.drawImage( _canvas, 1, 0, _canvas.width - 1, _canvas.height, 0, 0, _canvas.width - 1, _canvas.height ); if ( alarm ) { _ctx.drawImage( _alarmCanvas, _canvas.width - 1, _canvas.height - _current * _canvas.height / _max - _elHeight ); } else { _ctx.drawImage( _dotCanvas, _canvas.width - 1, _canvas.height - _current * _canvas.height / _max - _elHeight ); } } _init(); return { draw: _draw }; } function StackGraph ( _dom, _num ) { var _canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ), _ctx = _canvas.getContext( '2d' ); function _init () { _canvas.width = _elWidth; _canvas.height = _elHeight * _num; = _canvas.width + 'px'; = _canvas.height + 'px'; _canvas.className = 'rs-canvas'; _dom.appendChild( _canvas ); _ctx.fillStyle = '#444444'; _ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height ); } function _draw ( v ) { _ctx.drawImage( _canvas, 1, 0, _canvas.width - 1, _canvas.height, 0, 0, _canvas.width - 1, _canvas.height ); var th = 0; iterateKeys( v, function ( j ) { var h = v[ j ] * _canvas.height; _ctx.fillStyle = _colours[ j ]; _ctx.fillRect( _canvas.width - 1, th, 1, h ); th += h; } ); } _init(); return { draw: _draw }; } function PerfCounter ( id, group ) { var _id = id, _time, _value = 0, _total = 0, _averageValue = 0, _accumValue = 0, _accumStart =, _accumSamples = 0, _dom = document.createElement( 'div' ), _spanId = document.createElement( 'span' ), _spanValue = document.createElement( 'div' ), _spanValueText = document.createTextNode( '' ), _def = _settings ? _settings.values[ _id.toLowerCase() ] : null, _graph = new Graph( _dom, _id, _def ), _started = false; _spanId.className = 'rs-counter-id'; _spanId.textContent = ( _def && _def.caption ) ? _def.caption : _id; _spanValue.className = 'rs-counter-value'; _spanValue.appendChild( _spanValueText ); _dom.appendChild( _spanId ); _dom.appendChild( _spanValue ); if ( group ) group.div.appendChild( _dom ); else _div.appendChild( _dom ); _time =; function _average ( v ) { if ( _def && _def.average ) { _accumValue += v; _accumSamples++; var t =; if ( t - _accumStart >= ( _def.avgMs || 1000 ) ) { _averageValue = _accumValue / _accumSamples; _accumValue = 0; _accumStart = t; _accumSamples = 0; } } } function _start () { _time =; if( _settings.userTimingAPI ) performance.mark( _id + '-start' ); _started = true; } function _end () { _value = - _time; if( _settings.userTimingAPI ) { performance.mark( _id + '-end' ); if( _started ) { performance.measure( _id, _id + '-start', _id + '-end' ); } } _average( _value ); } function _tick () { _end(); _start(); } function _draw () { var v = ( _def && _def.average ) ? _averageValue : _value; _spanValueText.nodeValue = Math.round( v * 100 ) / 100; var a = ( _def && ( ( _def.below && _value < _def.below ) || ( _def.over && _value > _def.over ) ) ); _graph.draw( _value, a ); _dom.className = a ? 'rs-counter-base alarm' : 'rs-counter-base'; } function _frame () { var t =; var e = t - _time; _total++; if ( e > 1000 ) { if ( _def && _def.interpolate === false ) { _value = _total; } else { _value = _total * 1000 / e; } _total = 0; _time = t; _average( _value ); } } function _set ( v ) { _value = v; _average( _value ); } return { set: _set, start: _start, tick: _tick, end: _end, frame: _frame, value: function () { return _value; }, draw: _draw }; } function sample () { var _value = 0; function _set ( v ) { _value = v; } return { set: _set, value: function () { return _value; } }; } function _perf ( idArg ) { var id = idArg.toLowerCase(); if ( id === undefined ) id = 'default'; if ( _perfCounters[ id ] ) return _perfCounters[ id ]; var group = null; if ( _settings && _settings.groups ) { iterateKeys( _settings.groups, function ( j ) { var g = _settings.groups[ parseInt( j, 10 ) ]; if ( !group && g.values.indexOf( id.toLowerCase() ) !== -1 ) { group = g; } } ); } var p = new PerfCounter( id, group ); _perfCounters[ id ] = p; return p; } function _init () { if ( _settings.plugins ) { if ( !_settings.values ) _settings.values = {}; if ( !_settings.groups ) _settings.groups = []; if ( !_settings.fractions ) _settings.fractions = []; for ( var j = 0; j < _settings.plugins.length; j++ ) { _settings.plugins[ j ].attach( _perf ); iterateKeys( _settings.plugins[ j ].values, function ( k ) { _settings.values[ k ] = _settings.plugins[ j ].values[ k ]; } ); _settings.groups = _settings.groups.concat( _settings.plugins[ j ].groups ); _settings.fractions = _settings.fractions.concat( _settings.plugins[ j ].fractions ); } } else { _settings.plugins = {}; } _base = document.createElement( 'div' ); _base.className = 'rs-base'; _div = document.createElement( 'div' ); _div.className = 'rs-container'; = 'auto'; _base.appendChild( _div ); document.body.appendChild( _base ); if ( !_settings ) return; if ( _settings.groups ) { iterateKeys( _settings.groups, function ( j ) { var g = _settings.groups[ parseInt( j, 10 ) ]; var div = document.createElement( 'div' ); div.className = 'rs-group'; g.div = div; var h1 = document.createElement( 'h1' ); h1.textContent = g.caption; h1.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) { this.classList.toggle( 'hidden' ); e.preventDefault(); }.bind( div ) ); _div.appendChild( h1 ); _div.appendChild( div ); } ); } if ( _settings.fractions ) { iterateKeys( _settings.fractions, function ( j ) { var f = _settings.fractions[ parseInt( j, 10 ) ]; var div = document.createElement( 'div' ); div.className = 'rs-fraction'; var legend = document.createElement( 'div' ); legend.className = 'rs-legend'; var h = 0; iterateKeys( _settings.fractions[ j ].steps, function ( k ) { var p = document.createElement( 'p' ); p.textContent = _settings.fractions[ j ].steps[ k ]; = _colours[ h ]; legend.appendChild( p ); h++; } ); div.appendChild( legend ); = h * _elHeight + 'px'; f.div = div; var graph = new StackGraph( div, h ); f.graph = graph; _div.appendChild( div ); } ); } } function _update () { iterateKeys( _settings.plugins, function ( j ) { _settings.plugins[ j ].update(); } ); iterateKeys( _perfCounters, function ( j ) { _perfCounters[ j ].draw(); } ); if ( _settings && _settings.fractions ) { iterateKeys( _settings.fractions, function ( j ) { var f = _settings.fractions[ parseInt( j, 10 ) ]; var v = []; var base = _perfCounters[ f.base.toLowerCase() ]; if ( base ) { base = base.value(); iterateKeys( _settings.fractions[ j ].steps, function ( k ) { var s = _settings.fractions[ j ].steps[ parseInt( k, 10 ) ].toLowerCase(); var val = _perfCounters[ s ]; if ( val ) { v.push( val.value() / base ); } } ); } f.graph.draw( v ); } ); } /*if( _height != _div.clientHeight ) { _height = _div.clientHeight; = _height + 2 * _elHeight + 'px'; console.log( _base.clientHeight ); }*/ } _init(); return function ( id ) { if ( id ) return _perf( id ); return { element: _base, update: _update }; }; } var glStats = function() { var _rS = null; var _totalDrawArraysCalls = 0, _totalDrawElementsCalls = 0, _totalUseProgramCalls = 0, _totalFaces = 0, _totalVertices = 0, _totalPoints = 0, _totalBindTexures = 0; function _h( f, c ) { return function() { c.apply( this, arguments ); f.apply( this, arguments ); } } WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawArrays = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawArrays, function() { _totalDrawArraysCalls++; if( arguments[ 0 ] == this.POINTS ) _totalPoints += arguments[ 2 ]; else _totalVertices += arguments[ 2 ]; } ); WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawElements = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawElements, function() { _totalDrawElementsCalls++; _totalFaces += arguments[ 1 ] / 3; _totalVertices += arguments[ 1 ]; } ); WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.useProgram = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.useProgram, function() { _totalUseProgramCalls++; } ); WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.bindTexture = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.bindTexture, function() { _totalBindTexures++; } ); var _values = { allcalls: { over: 3000, caption: 'Calls (hook)' }, drawelements: { caption: 'drawElements (hook)' }, drawarrays: { caption: 'drawArrays (hook)' }, }; var _groups = [ { caption: 'WebGL', values: [ 'allcalls', 'drawelements', 'drawarrays', 'useprogram', 'bindtexture', 'glfaces', 'glvertices', 'glpoints' ] } ]; var _fractions = [ { base: 'allcalls', steps: [ 'drawelements', 'drawarrays' ] } ]; function _update() { _rS( 'allcalls' ).set( _totalDrawArraysCalls + _totalDrawElementsCalls ); _rS( 'drawElements' ).set( _totalDrawElementsCalls ); _rS( 'drawArrays' ).set( _totalDrawArraysCalls ); _rS( 'bindTexture' ).set( _totalBindTexures ); _rS( 'useProgram' ).set( _totalUseProgramCalls ); _rS( 'glfaces' ).set( _totalFaces ); _rS( 'glvertices' ).set( _totalVertices ); _rS( 'glpoints' ).set( _totalPoints ); } function _start() { _totalDrawArraysCalls = 0; _totalDrawElementsCalls = 0; _totalUseProgramCalls = 0; _totalFaces = 0; _totalVertices = 0; _totalPoints = 0; _totalBindTexures = 0; } function _end() {} function _attach( r ) { _rS = r; } return { update: _update, start: _start, end: _end, attach: _attach, values: _values, groups: _groups, fractions: _fractions } } var threeStats = function( renderer ) { var _rS = null; var _values = { '': { caption: 'Geometries' }, '': { caption: 'Textures' }, '': { caption: 'Programs' }, '': { caption: 'Calls' }, '': { caption: 'Faces', over: 1000 }, '': { caption: 'Points' }, '': { caption: 'Vertices' } }; var _groups = [ { caption: 'Three.js - memory', values: [ '', '', '' ] }, { caption: 'Three.js - render', values: [ '', '', '', '' ] } ]; var _fractions = []; function _update() { _rS( '' ).set( ); _rS( '' ).set( ); _rS( '' ).set( ); _rS( '' ).set( ); _rS( '' ).set( ); _rS( '' ).set( ); _rS( '' ).set( ); } function _start() {} function _end() {} function _attach( r ) { _rS = r; } return { update: _update, start: _start, end: _end, attach: _attach, values: _values, groups: _groups, fractions: _fractions } } /** * based on by @author mrdoob / */ class Stats{ constructor(){ this.mode = 0; var container = this.container = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;cursor:pointer;opacity:0.9;z-index:10000'; container.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); showPanel( ++ mode % container.children.length ); }, false ); this.dom = container; this.started = false; this.fpsPanel = this.addPanel( new Stats.Panel( 'FPS', '#0ff', '#002' ) ); this.msPanel = this.addPanel( new Stats.Panel( 'MS', '#0f0', '#020' ) ); this.mspsPanel = this.addPanel( new Stats.Panel( 'MSPS', '#0f0', '#020' ) ); if ( window.performance && window.performance.memory ) { this.memPanel = this.addPanel( new Stats.Panel( 'MB', '#f08', '#201' ) ); } this.showPanel( 0 ); } // addPanel( panel ) { this.container.appendChild( panel.dom ); return panel; } showPanel( id ) { for ( var i = 0; i < this.container.children.length; i ++ ) { this.container.children[ i ].style.display = i === id ? 'block' : 'none'; } this.mode = id; } // begin() { this.beginTime = ( performance || Date ).now(); if(!this.started){ this.started = true; this.prevTime = this.beginTime; this.frames = 0; this.cumulativeMS = 0; } } end() { this.frames ++; var time = ( performance || Date ).now(); var interval = time - this.beginTime; this.cumulativeMS += interval; this.msPanel.update( interval, 200 ); if ( time >= this.prevTime + 1000 ) { this.fpsPanel.update( ( this.frames * 1000 ) / ( time - this.prevTime ), 130 ); this.mspsPanel.update( ( this.cumulativeMS * 1000 ) / ( time - this.prevTime ), 1100 ); this.prevTime = time; this.frames = 0; this.cumulativeMS = 0; if ( this.memPanel ) { var memory = performance.memory; this.memPanel.update( memory.usedJSHeapSize / 1048576, memory.jsHeapSizeLimit / 1048576 ); } } return time; } update() { this.beginTime = this.end(); } }; Stats.Panel = function ( name, fg, bg ) { var min = Infinity, max = 0, round = Math.round; var PR = round( window.devicePixelRatio || 1 ); var WIDTH = 80 * PR, HEIGHT = 48 * PR, TEXT_X = 3 * PR, TEXT_Y = 2 * PR, GRAPH_X = 3 * PR, GRAPH_Y = 15 * PR, GRAPH_WIDTH = 74 * PR, GRAPH_HEIGHT = 30 * PR; var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); canvas.width = WIDTH; canvas.height = HEIGHT; = 'width:80px;height:48px'; var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); context.font = 'bold ' + ( 9 * PR ) + 'px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'; context.textBaseline = 'top'; context.fillStyle = bg; context.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT ); context.fillStyle = fg; context.fillText( name, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y ); context.fillRect( GRAPH_X, GRAPH_Y, GRAPH_WIDTH, GRAPH_HEIGHT ); context.fillStyle = bg; context.globalAlpha = 0.9; context.fillRect( GRAPH_X, GRAPH_Y, GRAPH_WIDTH, GRAPH_HEIGHT ); return { dom: canvas, update: function ( value, maxValue ) { min = Math.min( min, value ); max = Math.max( max, value ); context.fillStyle = bg; context.globalAlpha = 1; context.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, GRAPH_Y ); context.fillStyle = fg; context.fillText( round( value ) + ' ' + name + ' (' + round( min ) + '-' + round( max ) + ')', TEXT_X, TEXT_Y ); context.drawImage( canvas, GRAPH_X + PR, GRAPH_Y, GRAPH_WIDTH - PR, GRAPH_HEIGHT, GRAPH_X, GRAPH_Y, GRAPH_WIDTH - PR, GRAPH_HEIGHT ); context.fillRect( GRAPH_X + GRAPH_WIDTH - PR, GRAPH_Y, PR, GRAPH_HEIGHT ); context.fillStyle = bg; context.globalAlpha = 0.9; context.fillRect( GRAPH_X + GRAPH_WIDTH - PR, GRAPH_Y, PR, round( ( 1 - ( value / maxValue ) ) * GRAPH_HEIGHT ) ); } }; }; // let fpscontainer = $('
',{style:'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;'}).appendTo('body'); // let labels=$('
',{style:'display:grid;grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr 1fr;justify-items:center;'}).appendTo(fpscontainer); // $('