/* * OpenSeadragon - Tile * * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function( $ ){ /** * @class Tile * @memberof OpenSeadragon * @param {Number} level The zoom level this tile belongs to. * @param {Number} x The vector component 'x'. * @param {Number} y The vector component 'y'. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds Where this tile fits, in normalized * coordinates. * @param {Boolean} exists Is this tile a part of a sparse image? ( Also has * this tile failed to load? ) * @param {String|Function} url The URL of this tile's image or a function that returns a url. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} [context2D=undefined] The context2D of this tile if it * * is provided directly by the tile source. Deprecated: use Tile::setCache(...) instead. * @param {Boolean} loadWithAjax Whether this tile image should be loaded with an AJAX request . * @param {Object} ajaxHeaders The headers to send with this tile's AJAX request (if applicable). * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} sourceBounds The portion of the tile to use as the source of the * drawing operation, in pixels. Note that this only works when drawing with canvas; when drawing * with HTML the entire tile is always used. * @param {String} postData HTTP POST data (usually but not necessarily in k=v&k2=v2... form, * see TileSource::getPostData) or null * @param {String} cacheKey key to act as a tile cache, must be unique for tiles with unique image data */ $.Tile = function(level, x, y, bounds, exists, url, context2D, loadWithAjax, ajaxHeaders, sourceBounds, postData, cacheKey) { /** * The zoom level this tile belongs to. * @member {Number} level * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.level = level; /** * The vector component 'x'. * @member {Number} x * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.x = x; /** * The vector component 'y'. * @member {Number} y * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.y = y; /** * Where this tile fits, in normalized coordinates * @member {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.bounds = bounds; /** * The portion of the tile to use as the source of the drawing operation, in pixels. Note that * this only works when drawing with canvas; when drawing with HTML the entire tile is always used. * @member {OpenSeadragon.Rect} sourceBounds * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.sourceBounds = sourceBounds; /** * Is this tile a part of a sparse image? Also has this tile failed to load? * @member {Boolean} exists * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.exists = exists; /** * Private property to hold string url or url retriever function. * Consumers should access via Tile.getUrl() * @private * @member {String|Function} url * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this._url = url; /** * Post parameters for this tile. For example, it can be an URL-encoded string * in k1=v1&k2=v2... format, or a JSON, or a FormData instance... or null if no POST request used * @member {String} postData HTTP POST data (usually but not necessarily in k=v&k2=v2... form, * see TileSource::getPostData) or null * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.postData = postData; /** * The context2D of this tile if it is provided directly by the tile source. * @member {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context2D * @memberOf OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ if (context2D) { this.context2D = context2D; } /** * Whether to load this tile's image with an AJAX request. * @member {Boolean} loadWithAjax * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.loadWithAjax = loadWithAjax; /** * The headers to be used in requesting this tile's image. * Only used if loadWithAjax is set to true. * @member {Object} ajaxHeaders * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.ajaxHeaders = ajaxHeaders; if (cacheKey === undefined) { $.console.warn("Tile constructor needs 'cacheKey' variable: creation tile cache" + " in Tile class is deprecated. TileSource.prototype.getTileHashKey will be used."); cacheKey = $.TileSource.prototype.getTileHashKey(level, x, y, url, ajaxHeaders, postData); } /** * The unique main cache key for this tile. Created automatically * from the given tiledImage.source.getTileHashKey(...) implementation. * @member {String} cacheKey * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.cacheKey = cacheKey; /** * By default equal to tile.cacheKey, marks a cache associated with this tile * that holds the cache original data (it was loaded with). In case you * change the tile data, the tile original data should be left with the cache * 'originalCacheKey' and the new, modified data should be stored in cache 'cacheKey'. * @member {String} originalCacheKey * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.originalCacheKey = this.cacheKey; /** * Is this tile loaded? * @member {Boolean} loaded * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.loaded = false; /** * Is this tile loading? * @member {Boolean} loading * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.loading = false; /** * The HTML div element for this tile * @member {Element} element * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.element = null; /** * The HTML img element for this tile. * @member {Element} imgElement * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.imgElement = null; /** * The alias of this.element.style. * @member {String} style * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.style = null; /** * This tile's position on screen, in pixels. * @member {OpenSeadragon.Point} position * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.position = null; /** * This tile's size on screen, in pixels. * @member {OpenSeadragon.Point} size * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.size = null; /** * Whether to flip the tile when rendering. * @member {Boolean} flipped * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.flipped = false; /** * The start time of this tile's blending. * @member {Number} blendStart * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.blendStart = null; /** * The current opacity this tile should be. * @member {Number} opacity * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.opacity = null; /** * The squared distance of this tile to the viewport center. * Use for comparing tiles. * @private * @member {Number} squaredDistance * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.squaredDistance = null; /** * The visibility score of this tile. * @member {Number} visibility * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.visibility = null; /** * The transparency indicator of this tile. * @member {Boolean} hasTransparency true if tile contains transparency for correct rendering * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.hasTransparency = false; /** * Whether this tile is currently being drawn. * @member {Boolean} beingDrawn * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.beingDrawn = false; /** * Timestamp the tile was last touched. * @member {Number} lastTouchTime * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.lastTouchTime = 0; /** * Whether this tile is in the right-most column for its level. * @member {Boolean} isRightMost * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.isRightMost = false; /** * Whether this tile is in the bottom-most row for its level. * @member {Boolean} isBottomMost * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.isBottomMost = false; /** * FIXME: I would like to remove this reference but there is no way * to remove it since tile-unloaded event requires the tiledImage reference. * And, unloadTilesFor(tiledImage) in cache uses it too. Storing the * reference on a tile level rather than cache level is more efficient. * * Owner of this tile. * @member {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# */ this.tiledImage = null; /** * Array of cached tile data associated with the tile. * @member {Object} _caches * @private */ this._caches = {}; }; /** @lends OpenSeadragon.Tile.prototype */ $.Tile.prototype = { /** * Provides a string representation of this tiles level and (x,y) * components. * @function * @returns {String} */ toString: function() { return this.level + "/" + this.x + "_" + this.y; }, /** * Renders the tile in an html container. * @function * @param {Element} container */ drawHTML: function( container ) { if ( !this.loaded ) { $.console.warn( "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's not yet loaded.", this.toString() ); return; } //EXPERIMENTAL - trying to figure out how to scale the container // content during animation of the container size. if ( !this.element ) { const image = this.getImage(); if (!image) { $.console.warn( '[Tile.drawHTML] attempting to draw tile %s when it\'s not cached', this.toString()); return; } this.element = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" ); this.imgElement = image.cloneNode(); this.imgElement.style.msInterpolationMode = "nearest-neighbor"; this.imgElement.style.width = "100%"; this.imgElement.style.height = "100%"; this.style = this.element.style; this.style.position = "absolute"; } if ( this.element.parentNode !== container ) { container.appendChild( this.element ); } if ( this.imgElement.parentNode !== this.element ) { this.element.appendChild( this.imgElement ); } this.style.top = this.position.y + "px"; this.style.left = this.position.x + "px"; this.style.height = this.size.y + "px"; this.style.width = this.size.x + "px"; if (this.flipped) { this.style.transform = "scaleX(-1)"; } $.setElementOpacity( this.element, this.opacity ); }, /** * The Image object for this tile. * @member {Object} image * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# * @deprecated * @returns {Image} */ get image() { $.console.error("[Tile.image] property has been deprecated. Use [Tile.prototype.getImage] instead."); return this.getImage(); }, /** * The URL of this tile's image. * @member {String} url * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile# * @deprecated * @returns {String} */ get url() { $.console.error("[Tile.url] property has been deprecated. Use [Tile.prototype.getUrl] instead."); return this.getUrl(); }, /** * Get the Image object for this tile. * @returns {?Image} */ getImage: function() { return this.getData("image"); }, /** * Get the url string for this tile. * @returns {String} */ getUrl: function() { if (typeof this._url === 'function') { return this._url(); } return this._url; }, /** * Get the CanvasRenderingContext2D instance for tile image data drawn * onto Canvas if enabled and available * @returns {?CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ getCanvasContext: function() { return this.getData("context2d"); }, /** * The context2D of this tile if it is provided directly by the tile source. * @deprecated * @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context2D */ get context2D() { $.console.error("[Tile.context2D] property has been deprecated. Use Tile::getCache()."); return this.getData("context2d"); }, /** * The context2D of this tile if it is provided directly by the tile source. * @deprecated */ set context2D(value) { $.console.error("[Tile.context2D] property has been deprecated. Use Tile::setCache()."); this.setData(value, "context2d"); }, /** * The default cache for this tile. * @deprecated * @type OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord */ get cacheImageRecord() { $.console.error("[Tile.cacheImageRecord] property has been deprecated. Use Tile::getCache."); return this.getCache(this.cacheKey); }, /** * The default cache for this tile. * @deprecated */ set cacheImageRecord(value) { $.console.error("[Tile.cacheImageRecord] property has been deprecated. Use Tile::setCache."); this._caches[this.cacheKey] = value; }, /** * Get the default data for this tile * @param {?string} [type=undefined] data type to require */ getData(type = undefined) { const cache = this.getCache(this.cacheKey); if (!cache) { return undefined; } cache.getData(type); //returns a promise //we return the data synchronously immediatelly (undefined if conversion happens) return cache.data; }, /** * Invalidate the tile so that viewport gets updated. */ save() { const parent = this.tiledImage; if (parent) { parent._needsDraw = true; } }, /** * Set cache data * @param {*} value * @param {?string} [type=undefined] data type to require */ setData(value, type = undefined) { this.setCache(this.cacheKey, value, type); }, /** * Read tile cache data object (CacheRecord) * @param {string} key cache key to read that belongs to this tile * @return {OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord} */ getCache: function(key) { return this._caches[key]; }, /** * Set tile cache, possibly multiple with custom key * @param {string} key cache key, must be unique (we recommend re-using this.cacheTile * value and extend it with some another unique content, by default overrides the existing * main cache used for drawing, if not existing. * @param {*} data data to cache - this data will be sent to the TileSource API for refinement. * @param {?string} type data type, will be guessed if not provided * @param [_safely=true] private * @param [_cutoff=0] private */ setCache: function(key, data, type = undefined, _safely = true, _cutoff = 0) { type = type || $.convertor.guessType(data); if (_safely && key === this.cacheKey) { //todo later, we could have drawers register their supported rendering type // and OpenSeadragon would check compatibility automatically, now we render // using two main types so we check their ability const conversion = $.convertor.getConversionPath(type, "canvas", "image"); $.console.assert(conversion, "[Tile.setCache] data was set for the default tile cache we are unable" + "to render. Make sure OpenSeadragon.convertor was taught to convert type: " + type); } this.tiledImage._tileCache.cacheTile({ data: data, dataType: type, tile: this, cacheKey: key, cutoff: _cutoff }); }, /** * FIXME:refactor * @return {boolean} */ dataReady() { return this.getCache(this.cacheKey).loaded; }, /** * Renders the tile in a canvas-based context. * @function * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context * @param {Function} drawingHandler - Method for firing the drawing event. * drawingHandler({context, tile, rendered}) * where rendered is the context with the pre-drawn image. * @param {Number} [scale=1] - Apply a scale to position and size * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [translate] - A translation vector * @param {Boolean} [shouldRoundPositionAndSize] - Tells whether to round * position and size of tiles supporting alpha channel in non-transparency context. * @param {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source - The source specification of the tile. */ drawCanvas: function( context, drawingHandler, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source) { var position = this.position.times($.pixelDensityRatio), size = this.size.times($.pixelDensityRatio), rendered = this.getCanvasContext(); if (!rendered) { $.console.warn( '[Tile.drawCanvas] attempting to draw tile %s when it\'s not cached', this.toString()); return; } if ( !this.loaded || !rendered ){ $.console.warn( "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's not yet loaded.", this.toString() ); return; } context.save(); context.globalAlpha = this.opacity; if (typeof scale === 'number' && scale !== 1) { // draw tile at a different scale position = position.times(scale); size = size.times(scale); } if (translate instanceof $.Point) { // shift tile position slightly position = position.plus(translate); } //if we are supposed to be rendering fully opaque rectangle, //ie its done fading or fading is turned off, and if we are drawing //an image with an alpha channel, then the only way //to avoid seeing the tile underneath is to clear the rectangle if (context.globalAlpha === 1 && this.hasTransparency) { if (shouldRoundPositionAndSize) { // Round to the nearest whole pixel so we don't get seams from overlap. position.x = Math.round(position.x); position.y = Math.round(position.y); size.x = Math.round(size.x); size.y = Math.round(size.y); } //clearing only the inside of the rectangle occupied //by the png prevents edge flikering context.clearRect( position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y ); } // This gives the application a chance to make image manipulation // changes as we are rendering the image drawingHandler({context: context, tile: this, rendered: rendered}); var sourceWidth, sourceHeight; if (this.sourceBounds) { sourceWidth = Math.min(this.sourceBounds.width, rendered.canvas.width); sourceHeight = Math.min(this.sourceBounds.height, rendered.canvas.height); } else { sourceWidth = rendered.canvas.width; sourceHeight = rendered.canvas.height; } context.translate(position.x + size.x / 2, 0); if (this.flipped) { context.scale(-1, 1); } context.drawImage( rendered.canvas, 0, 0, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, -size.x / 2, position.y, size.x, size.y ); context.restore(); }, /** * Get the ratio between current and original size. * @function * @returns {Number} */ getScaleForEdgeSmoothing: function() { const context = this.getCanvasContext(); if (!context) { $.console.warn( '[Tile.drawCanvas] attempting to get tile scale %s when tile\'s not cached', this.toString()); return 1; } return context.canvas.width / (this.size.x * $.pixelDensityRatio); }, /** * Get a translation vector that when applied to the tile position produces integer coordinates. * Needed to avoid swimming and twitching. * @function * @param {Number} [scale=1] - Scale to be applied to position. * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ getTranslationForEdgeSmoothing: function(scale, canvasSize, sketchCanvasSize) { // The translation vector must have positive values, otherwise the image goes a bit off // the sketch canvas to the top and left and we must use negative coordinates to repaint it // to the main canvas. In that case, some browsers throw: // INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1: Index or size was negative, or greater than the allowed value. var x = Math.max(1, Math.ceil((sketchCanvasSize.x - canvasSize.x) / 2)); var y = Math.max(1, Math.ceil((sketchCanvasSize.y - canvasSize.y) / 2)); return new $.Point(x, y).minus( this.position .times($.pixelDensityRatio) .times(scale || 1) .apply(function(x) { return x % 1; }) ); }, /** * Removes tile from its container. * @function */ unload: function() { if ( this.imgElement && this.imgElement.parentNode ) { this.imgElement.parentNode.removeChild( this.imgElement ); } if ( this.element && this.element.parentNode ) { this.element.parentNode.removeChild( this.element ); } this.tiledImage = null; this._caches = []; this.element = null; this.imgElement = null; this.loaded = false; this.loading = false; } }; }( OpenSeadragon ));