OPENSEADRAGON CHANGELOG ======================= 0.9.129: (In Progress) * Fixed an error when using navPrevNextWrap on single images (#135) * Various fixes to our timer handling (#133) * Now generating source map for openseadragon.min.js (#51) * Faster and more consistent millisecond getter (#138) * Fix for calculating overlay width / height (#142) * On IE, ajax errors would cause an exception to be thrown; fixed (#144) * JSHint tidying (#136) * Improved Ajax method (#149) * Fixed tile rendering issue at lower zoom levels with the IIIF TileSource (#55) * Overhauled AJAX error reporting (#151) 0.9.128: * The navigator is now off by default (#102) * Reverted minPixelRatio to 0.5 for better quality (#116) * Sometimes tiles wouldn't resolve if you used the blendTime option; fixed. (#95) * You can now choose to have previous and next buttons wrap using the config.navPrevNextWrap. (#114) * You can now specify an ID for a div to hold the navigator (#46) * You can now click in the navigator to go to a new location (#46) * Keyboard handling is now done in the viewer rather than navigator (#46) * Additional navigator fixes (#46) * Drawer events now fire properly (#94) * Fixed an error in EventHandler.removeHandler() (#48) * Better requestAnimationFrame detection on older Firefox (#103) * More efficient navigator loading (#115) * Simplified element opacity setting implementation (#123) 0.9.127: * Fixed a problem with getString when the string property is a sub-property. (#64) * Fixed: Tooltips for Navigation Controls not displaying (#63) * Cleaned up some diagnostic code that was broken. * Added fullpage class to viewer element when in fullpage mode (#61) * Reverted to original New BSD license; cleaned up license declarations (#89) 0.9.126: * DZI JSONp was broken; fixed. 0.9.125: * Fully deprecated OpenSeadragon.createFromDZI, safely deprecated Viewer.openTileSource and Viewer.openDZI to use internally. (#53 & #54). * Full page bug fix for when viewer is child of document body (#43). * Overlays for DZI bug fix (#45). * DziTileSource: avoid changing relative paths (#56). * Fix typo in preserveViewport handling (#77). * Fix updateMulti timer leak after multiple calls (#76). * Minor documentation fixes. 0.9.124: * Performance enhancements. 0.9.123: * Real fullscreen support. 0.9.122: * Performance enhancements. 0.9.121: * Touch pan now works on Android. * Pinch zoom is better on all devices.