(function( $ ){ /** * A display rectanlge is very similar to the OpenSeadragon.Rect but adds two * fields, 'minLevel' and 'maxLevel' which denote the supported zoom levels * for this rectangle. * @class * @extends OpenSeadragon.Rect * @param {Number} x The vector component 'x'. * @param {Number} y The vector component 'y'. * @param {Number} width The vector component 'height'. * @param {Number} height The vector component 'width'. * @param {Number} minLevel The lowest zoom level supported. * @param {Number} maxLevel The highest zoom level supported. * @property {Number} minLevel The lowest zoom level supported. * @property {Number} maxLevel The highest zoom level supported. */ $.DisplayRect = function( x, y, width, height, minLevel, maxLevel ) { $.Rect.apply( this, [ x, y, width, height ] ); this.minLevel = minLevel; this.maxLevel = maxLevel; } $.extend( $.DisplayRect.prototype, $.Rect.prototype ); }( OpenSeadragon ));