/* * OpenSeadragon - IIIFTileSource * * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function( $ ){ /** * @class IIIFTileSource * @classdesc A client implementation of the International Image Interoperability Framework * Format: Image API 1.0 - 2.1 * * @memberof OpenSeadragon * @extends OpenSeadragon.TileSource * @see http://iiif.io/api/image/ * @param {String} [options.tileFormat='jpg'] * The extension that will be used when requiring tiles. */ $.IIIFTileSource = function( options ){ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ $.extend( true, this, options ); /* Normalizes v3-style 'id' keys to an "_id" internal property */ this._id = this["@id"] || this["id"] || this['identifier'] || null; if ( !( this.height && this.width && this._id) ) { throw new Error( 'IIIF required parameters (width, height, or id) not provided.' ); } options.tileSizePerScaleFactor = {}; this.tileFormat = this.tileFormat || 'jpg'; this.version = options.version; // N.B. 2.0 renamed scale_factors to scaleFactors if ( this.tile_width && this.tile_height ) { options.tileWidth = this.tile_width; options.tileHeight = this.tile_height; } else if ( this.tile_width ) { options.tileSize = this.tile_width; } else if ( this.tile_height ) { options.tileSize = this.tile_height; } else if ( this.tiles ) { // Version 2.0 forwards if ( this.tiles.length === 1 ) { options.tileWidth = this.tiles[0].width; // Use height if provided, otherwise assume square tiles and use width. options.tileHeight = this.tiles[0].height || this.tiles[0].width; this.scale_factors = this.tiles[0].scaleFactors; } else { // Multiple tile sizes at different levels this.scale_factors = []; for (var t = 0; t < this.tiles.length; t++ ) { for (var sf = 0; sf < this.tiles[t].scaleFactors.length; sf++) { var scaleFactor = this.tiles[t].scaleFactors[sf]; this.scale_factors.push(scaleFactor); options.tileSizePerScaleFactor[scaleFactor] = { width: this.tiles[t].width, height: this.tiles[t].height || this.tiles[t].width }; } } } } else if ( canBeTiled(options) ) { // use the largest of tileOptions that is smaller than the short dimension var shortDim = Math.min( this.height, this.width ), tileOptions = [256, 512, 1024], smallerTiles = []; for ( var c = 0; c < tileOptions.length; c++ ) { if ( tileOptions[c] <= shortDim ) { smallerTiles.push( tileOptions[c] ); } } if ( smallerTiles.length > 0 ) { options.tileSize = Math.max.apply( null, smallerTiles ); } else { // If we're smaller than 256, just use the short side. options.tileSize = shortDim; } } else if (this.sizes && this.sizes.length > 0) { // This info.json can't be tiled, but we can still construct a legacy pyramid from the sizes array. // In this mode, IIIFTileSource will call functions from the abstract baseTileSource or the // LegacyTileSource instead of performing IIIF tiling. this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid = true; options.levels = constructLevels( this ); // use the largest available size to define tiles $.extend( true, options, { width: options.levels[ options.levels.length - 1 ].width, height: options.levels[ options.levels.length - 1 ].height, tileSize: Math.max( options.height, options.width ), tileOverlap: 0, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: options.levels.length - 1 }); this.levels = options.levels; } else { $.console.error("Nothing in the info.json to construct image pyramids from"); } if (!options.maxLevel && !this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { if (!this.scale_factors) { options.maxLevel = Number(Math.round(Math.log(Math.max(this.width, this.height), 2))); } else { var maxScaleFactor = Math.max.apply(null, this.scale_factors); options.maxLevel = Math.round(Math.log(maxScaleFactor) * Math.LOG2E); } } // Create an array with our exact resolution sizes if these have been supplied if( this.sizes ) { var sizeLength = this.sizes.length; if ( (sizeLength === options.maxLevel) || (sizeLength === options.maxLevel + 1) ) { this.levelSizes = this.sizes.slice().sort(( size1, size2 ) => size1.width - size2.width); // Need to take into account that the list may or may not include the full resolution size if( sizeLength === options.maxLevel ) { this.levelSizes.push( {width: this.width, height: this.height} ); } } } $.TileSource.apply( this, [ options ] ); }; $.extend( $.IIIFTileSource.prototype, $.TileSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadragon.IIIFTileSource.prototype */{ /** * Determine if the data and/or url imply the image service is supported by * this tile source. * @function * @param {Object|Array} data * @param {String} [url] - url */ supports: function( data, url ) { // Version 2.0 and forwards if (data.protocol && data.protocol === 'http://iiif.io/api/image') { return true; // Version 1.1 } else if ( data['@context'] && ( data['@context'] === "http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/1.1/context.json" || data['@context'] === "http://iiif.io/api/image/1/context.json") ) { // N.B. the iiif.io context is wrong, but where the representation lives so likely to be used return true; // Version 1.0 } else if ( data.profile && data.profile.indexOf("http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/compliance.html") === 0) { return true; } else if ( data.identifier && data.width && data.height ) { return true; } else if ( data.documentElement && "info" === data.documentElement.tagName && "http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/ns/" === data.documentElement.namespaceURI) { return true; // Not IIIF } else { return false; } }, /** * A static function used to prepare an incoming IIIF Image API info.json * response for processing by the tile handler. Normalizes data for all * versions of IIIF (1.0, 1.1, 2.x, 3.x) and returns a data object that * may be passed to the IIIFTileSource. * * @function * @static * @param {Object} data - the raw configuration * @param {String} url - the url configuration was retrieved from * @param {String} postData - HTTP POST data in k=v&k2=v2... form or null * @returns {Object} A normalized IIIF data object * @example IIIF 2.x Info Looks like this * { * "@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json", * "@id": "http://iiif.example.com/prefix/1E34750D-38DB-4825-A38A-B60A345E591C", * "protocol": "http://iiif.io/api/image", * "height": 1024, * "width": 775, * "tiles" : [{"width":256, "scaleFactors":[1,2,4,8]}], * "profile": ["http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level1.json", { * "qualities": [ "native", "bitonal", "grey", "color" ], * "formats": [ "jpg", "png", "gif" ] * }] * } */ configure: function( data, url, postData ){ // Try to deduce our version and fake it upwards if needed if ( !$.isPlainObject(data) ) { var options = configureFromXml10( data ); options['@context'] = "http://iiif.io/api/image/1.0/context.json"; options["@id"] = url.replace('/info.xml', ''); options.version = 1; return options; } else { if ( !data['@context'] ) { data['@context'] = 'http://iiif.io/api/image/1.0/context.json'; data["@id"] = url.replace('/info.json', ''); data.version = 1; } else { var context = data['@context']; if (Array.isArray(context)) { for (var i = 0; i < context.length; i++) { if (typeof context[i] === 'string' && ( /^http:\/\/iiif\.io\/api\/image\/[1-3]\/context\.json$/.test(context[i]) || context[i] === 'http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/1.1/context.json' ) ) { context = context[i]; break; } } } switch (context) { case 'http://iiif.io/api/image/1/context.json': case 'http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/1.1/context.json': data.version = 1; break; case 'http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json': data.version = 2; break; case 'http://iiif.io/api/image/3/context.json': data.version = 3; break; default: $.console.error('Data has a @context property which contains no known IIIF context URI.'); } } if (data.preferredFormats) { for (var f = 0; f < data.preferredFormats.length; f++ ) { if ( $.imageFormatSupported(data.preferredFormats[f]) ) { data.tileFormat = data.preferredFormats[f]; break; } } } return data; } }, /** * Return the tileWidth for the given level. * @function * @param {Number} level */ getTileWidth: function( level ) { if(this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { return $.TileSource.prototype.getTileWidth.call(this, level); } var scaleFactor = Math.pow(2, this.maxLevel - level); if (this.tileSizePerScaleFactor && this.tileSizePerScaleFactor[scaleFactor]) { return this.tileSizePerScaleFactor[scaleFactor].width; } return this._tileWidth; }, /** * Return the tileHeight for the given level. * @function * @param {Number} level */ getTileHeight: function( level ) { if(this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { return $.TileSource.prototype.getTileHeight.call(this, level); } var scaleFactor = Math.pow(2, this.maxLevel - level); if (this.tileSizePerScaleFactor && this.tileSizePerScaleFactor[scaleFactor]) { return this.tileSizePerScaleFactor[scaleFactor].height; } return this._tileHeight; }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level */ getLevelScale: function ( level ) { if(this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { var levelScale = NaN; if (this.levels.length > 0 && level >= this.minLevel && level <= this.maxLevel) { levelScale = this.levels[level].width / this.levels[this.maxLevel].width; } return levelScale; } return $.TileSource.prototype.getLevelScale.call(this, level); }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level */ getNumTiles: function( level ) { if(this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { var scale = this.getLevelScale(level); if (scale) { return new $.Point(1, 1); } else { return new $.Point(0, 0); } } // Use supplied list of scaled resolution sizes if these exist if( this.levelSizes ) { var levelSize = this.levelSizes[level]; var x = Math.ceil( levelSize.width / this.getTileWidth(level) ), y = Math.ceil( levelSize.height / this.getTileHeight(level) ); return new $.Point( x, y ); } // Otherwise call default TileSource->getNumTiles() function else { return $.TileSource.prototype.getNumTiles.call(this, level); } }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point */ getTileAtPoint: function( level, point ) { if(this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { return new $.Point(0, 0); } // Use supplied list of scaled resolution sizes if these exist if( this.levelSizes ) { var validPoint = point.x >= 0 && point.x <= 1 && point.y >= 0 && point.y <= 1 / this.aspectRatio; $.console.assert(validPoint, "[TileSource.getTileAtPoint] must be called with a valid point."); var widthScaled = this.levelSizes[level].width; var pixelX = point.x * widthScaled; var pixelY = point.y * widthScaled; var x = Math.floor(pixelX / this.getTileWidth(level)); var y = Math.floor(pixelY / this.getTileHeight(level)); // When point.x == 1 or point.y == 1 / this.aspectRatio we want to // return the last tile of the row/column if (point.x >= 1) { x = this.getNumTiles(level).x - 1; } var EPSILON = 1e-15; if (point.y >= 1 / this.aspectRatio - EPSILON) { y = this.getNumTiles(level).y - 1; } return new $.Point(x, y); } // Otherwise call default TileSource->getTileAtPoint() function return $.TileSource.prototype.getTileAtPoint.call(this, level, point); }, /** * Responsible for retrieving the url which will return an image for the * region specified by the given x, y, and level components. * @function * @param {Number} level - z index * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @throws {Error} */ getTileUrl: function( level, x, y ){ if(this.emulateLegacyImagePyramid) { var url = null; if ( this.levels.length > 0 && level >= this.minLevel && level <= this.maxLevel ) { url = this.levels[ level ].url; } return url; } //# constants var IIIF_ROTATION = '0', //## get the scale (level as a decimal) scale = Math.pow( 0.5, this.maxLevel - level ), //# image dimensions at this level levelWidth, levelHeight, //## iiif region tileWidth, tileHeight, iiifTileSizeWidth, iiifTileSizeHeight, iiifRegion, iiifTileX, iiifTileY, iiifTileW, iiifTileH, iiifSize, iiifSizeW, iiifSizeH, iiifQuality, uri; // Use supplied list of scaled resolution sizes if these exist if( this.levelSizes ) { levelWidth = this.levelSizes[level].width; levelHeight = this.levelSizes[level].height; } // Otherwise calculate the sizes ourselves else { levelWidth = Math.ceil( this.width * scale ); levelHeight = Math.ceil( this.height * scale ); } tileWidth = this.getTileWidth(level); tileHeight = this.getTileHeight(level); iiifTileSizeWidth = Math.round( tileWidth / scale ); iiifTileSizeHeight = Math.round( tileHeight / scale ); if (this.version === 1) { iiifQuality = "native." + this.tileFormat; } else { iiifQuality = "default." + this.tileFormat; } if ( levelWidth < tileWidth && levelHeight < tileHeight ){ if ( this.version === 2 && levelWidth === this.width ) { iiifSize = "full"; } else if ( this.version === 3 && levelWidth === this.width && levelHeight === this.height ) { iiifSize = "max"; } else if ( this.version === 3 ) { iiifSize = levelWidth + "," + levelHeight; } else { iiifSize = levelWidth + ","; } iiifRegion = 'full'; } else { iiifTileX = x * iiifTileSizeWidth; iiifTileY = y * iiifTileSizeHeight; iiifTileW = Math.min( iiifTileSizeWidth, this.width - iiifTileX ); iiifTileH = Math.min( iiifTileSizeHeight, this.height - iiifTileY ); if ( x === 0 && y === 0 && iiifTileW === this.width && iiifTileH === this.height ) { iiifRegion = "full"; } else { iiifRegion = [ iiifTileX, iiifTileY, iiifTileW, iiifTileH ].join( ',' ); } iiifSizeW = Math.min( tileWidth, levelWidth - (x * tileWidth) ); iiifSizeH = Math.min( tileHeight, levelHeight - (y * tileHeight) ); if ( this.version === 2 && iiifSizeW === this.width ) { iiifSize = "full"; } else if ( this.version === 3 && iiifSizeW === this.width && iiifSizeH === this.height ) { iiifSize = "max"; } else if (this.version === 3) { iiifSize = iiifSizeW + "," + iiifSizeH; } else { iiifSize = iiifSizeW + ","; } } uri = [ this._id, iiifRegion, iiifSize, IIIF_ROTATION, iiifQuality ].join( '/' ); return uri; }, /** * Equality comparator */ equals: function(otherSource) { return this._id === otherSource._id; }, __testonly__: { canBeTiled: canBeTiled, constructLevels: constructLevels } }); /** * Determine whether arbitrary tile requests can be made against a service with the given profile * @function * @param {Object} options * @param {Array|String} options.profile * @param {Number} options.version * @param {String[]} options.extraFeatures * @returns {Boolean} */ function canBeTiled ( options ) { var level0Profiles = [ "http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/compliance.html#level0", "http://library.stanford.edu/iiif/image-api/1.1/compliance.html#level0", "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level0.json", "level0", "https://iiif.io/api/image/3/level0.json" ]; var profileLevel = Array.isArray(options.profile) ? options.profile[0] : options.profile; var isLevel0 = (level0Profiles.indexOf(profileLevel) !== -1); var hasCanoncicalSizeFeature = false; if ( options.version === 2 && options.profile.length > 1 && options.profile[1].supports ) { hasCanoncicalSizeFeature = options.profile[1].supports.indexOf( "sizeByW" ) !== -1; } if ( options.version === 3 && options.extraFeatures ) { hasCanoncicalSizeFeature = options.extraFeatures.indexOf( "sizeByWh" ) !== -1; } return !isLevel0 || hasCanoncicalSizeFeature; } /** * Build the legacy pyramid URLs (one tile per level) * @function * @param {object} options - infoJson * @throws {Error} */ function constructLevels(options) { var levels = []; for(var i = 0; i < options.sizes.length; i++) { levels.push({ url: options._id + '/full/' + options.sizes[i].width + ',' + (options.version === 3 ? options.sizes[i].height : '') + '/0/default.' + options.tileFormat, width: options.sizes[i].width, height: options.sizes[i].height }); } return levels.sort(function(a, b) { return a.width - b.width; }); } function configureFromXml10(xmlDoc) { //parse the xml if ( !xmlDoc || !xmlDoc.documentElement ) { throw new Error( $.getString( "Errors.Xml" ) ); } var root = xmlDoc.documentElement, rootName = root.tagName, configuration = null; if ( rootName === "info" ) { try { configuration = {}; parseXML10( root, configuration ); return configuration; } catch ( e ) { throw (e instanceof Error) ? e : new Error( $.getString("Errors.IIIF") ); } } throw new Error( $.getString( "Errors.IIIF" ) ); } function parseXML10( node, configuration, property ) { var i, value; if ( node.nodeType === 3 && property ) {//text node value = node.nodeValue.trim(); if( value.match(/^\d*$/)){ value = Number( value ); } if( !configuration[ property ] ){ configuration[ property ] = value; }else{ if( !$.isArray( configuration[ property ] ) ){ configuration[ property ] = [ configuration[ property ] ]; } configuration[ property ].push( value ); } } else if( node.nodeType === 1 ){ for( i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ ){ parseXML10( node.childNodes[ i ], configuration, node.nodeName ); } } } }( OpenSeadragon ));