example: tilesource-collection *NOTE* UNDER DEVELOPMENT

The image collection is a major hurdle for OpenSeadragon. It allows arbitrarily large sets of tile sources, of mixed types, to be used to easily visualize the group as 'wall' or 'grid'. Many core features are available for preview now, though they may change soon. Many additional features are under development.

This implementation does not support plain html rendering techniques, eg canvas is required for smooth, regular rendering. The plain html image rendering support, for IE and small mobile devices should be done soon.

A basic single row tile source collection.

Just a simple row of tile sources visualized as a collection.

One row, mixed tile sources..

No doubt this makes OpenSeadragon into a whole new platform for deepzoom image visualization.

    collectionMode:     true,
    collectionRows:     1, 
    collectionTileSize: 1024,
    collectionTileMargin: 256,