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synced 2025-03-14 04:56:19 +03:00
Exposed gesture settings as options
This commit is contained in:
* BREAKING CHANGE: Pseudo full screen mode on IE<11 using activex has been dropped. OpenSeadragon will run in full page if full screen mode is requested.
* DEPRECATION: overlay functions have been moved from Drawer to Viewer (#331)
* DEPRECATION: OpenSeadragon.cancelFullScreen has been renamed OpenSeadragon.exitFullScreen (#358)
* DEPRECATION: The 'isTouchEvent' property passed in MouseTracker events is deprecated and has been replaced with 'pointerType', which is a String value "mouse", "touch", "pen", or "" to support multiple simultaneous pointing devices (#369)
* Added layers support. Multiple images can now been displayed on top of each other with transparency via the Viewer.addLayer method (#298)
* Improved overlay functions (#331)
* Fixed: Nav button highlight states aren't quite aligned on Firefox (#303)
* Enabled basic cross-domain tile loading without tainting canvas (works in Chrome and Firefox) (#308)
* Added crossOriginPolicy drawer configuration to enable or disable CORS image requests (#364)
* Added a ControlAnchor.ABSOLUTE enumeration. Enables absolute positioning of control elements in the viewer (#310)
* Added a 'navigator-scroll' event to Navigator. Fired when mousewheel/pinch events occur in the navigator (#310)
* Added a 'navigator-scroll' event to Navigator. Fired when mousewheel events occur in the navigator (#310)
* Added a navigatorMaintainSizeRatio option. If set to true, the navigator minimap resizes when the viewer element is resized (#310)
* Added 'ABSOLUTE' as a navigatorPosition option, along with corresponding navigatorTop, navigatorLeft options. Allows the navigator minimap to be placed anywhere in the viewer (#310)
* Enhanced the navigatorTop, navigatorLeft, navigatorHeight, and navigatorWidth options to allow a number for pixel units or a string for other element units (%, em, etc.) (#310)
* Added optional Rotate Left/Right buttons to standard controls (#341)
* Added optimization for large numbers of overlays: `checkResize = false` option for OpenSeadragon.Overlay (#365)
* Updated full screen API, adding support for Opera and IE11 and allowing keyboard input in Chrome (#358)
* Enhanced MouseTracker for multi-touch (#369)
* Added support for multiple touch-points on multiple/simultaneous pointing devices
* Added support for the W3C Pointer Events event model. Enables touch/multi-touch on IE10+
* Added a dragEndHandler event callback, called when a drag gesture ends
* Added a pinchHandler event callback, called as a pinch gesture (2 touch points) is occurring
* Added real-time velocity (speed and direction) tracking to drag operations. 'speed' and 'direction' values are passed in the dragHandler and dragEndHandler event data
@ -684,6 +684,10 @@
} )();
// Event model detection
* Detect available mouse wheel event name.
@ -748,6 +752,10 @@
// Classes and typedefs
* Represents a point of contact on the screen made by a mouse cursor, pen, touch, or other pointing device.
@ -875,8 +883,12 @@
// Utility functions
* Starts tracking pointer events on this element.
* Starts tracking pointer events on the tracked element.
* @private
* @inner
@ -900,7 +912,7 @@
* Stops tracking pointer events on this element.
* Stops tracking pointer events on the tracked element.
* @private
* @inner
@ -926,7 +938,7 @@
* Begin capturing mouse events on this element (legacy mouse events only).
* Begin capturing mouse events to the tracked element (legacy mouse events only).
* @private
* @inner
@ -958,7 +970,7 @@
* Stop capturing mouse events on this element (legacy mouse events only).
* Stop capturing mouse events to the tracked element (legacy mouse events only).
* @private
* @inner
@ -1013,6 +1025,8 @@
* Gets a W3C Pointer Events model compatible pointer type string from a DOM pointer event.
* IE10 used a long integer value, but the W3C specification (and IE11+) use a string "mouse", "touch", "pen", or "".
* @private
* @inner
@ -1079,6 +1093,10 @@
// DOM event handlers
* @private
* @inner
@ -1726,6 +1744,10 @@
// DOM event handler utility functions
* Handles 'wheel' events.
* The event may be simulated by the legacy mouse wheel event handler (onMouseWheel()).
@ -2294,7 +2316,11 @@
// TODO Do we really need these anymore (used as buttonDownAny in enterHandler/exitHandler callbacks)?
// Deprecated
// TODO Do we really need these anymore (used as buttonDownAny in enterHandler/exitHandler callbacks)?
// Surely there's a more robust and elegant solution...
@ -185,10 +185,6 @@
* @property {String} [debugGridColor='#437AB2']
* @property {Number} [animationTime=1.2]
* Specifies the animation duration per each {@link OpenSeadragon.Spring}
* which occur when the image is dragged or zoomed.
* @property {Number} [blendTime=0]
* Specifies the duration of animation as higher or lower level tiles are
* replacing the existing tile.
@ -265,8 +261,6 @@
* achieved. Setting this to 0 and wrapHorizontal ( or wrapVertical ) to
* true will provide the effect of an infinitely scrolling viewport.
* @property {Number} [springStiffness=7.0]
* @property {Number} [imageLoaderLimit=0]
* The maximum number of image requests to make concurrently. By default
* it is set to 0 allowing the browser to make the maximum number of
@ -280,8 +274,35 @@
* If a mouse or touch drag occurs and the distance to the starting drag
* point is less than this many pixels, ignore the drag event.
* @property {Number} [springStiffness=5.0]
* @property {Number} [animationTime=1.2]
* Specifies the animation duration per each {@link OpenSeadragon.Spring}
* which occur when the image is dragged or zoomed.
* @property {OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings} [gestureSettingsMouse]
* Settings for gestures generated by a mouse pointer device. (See {@link OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings})
* @property {Boolean} [gestureSettingsMouse.clickToZoom=true] - Zoom on click gesture
* @property {Boolean} [gestureSettingsMouse.flickEnabled=false] - Enable flick gesture
* @property {Number} [gestureSettingsMouse.flickMinSpeed=20] - Minimum speed to initiate a flick gesture (pixels-per-second)
* @property {Number} [gestureSettingsMouse.flickMomentum=0.35] - Momentum factor for the flick gesture
* @property {OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings} [gestureSettingsTouch]
* Settings for gestures generated by a touch pointer device. (See {@link OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings})
* @property {Boolean} [gestureSettingsTouch.clickToZoom=false] - Zoom on click gesture
* @property {Boolean} [gestureSettingsTouch.flickEnabled=true] - Enable flick gesture
* @property {Number} [gestureSettingsTouch.flickMinSpeed=20] - Minimum speed to initiate a flick gesture (pixels-per-second)
* @property {Number} [gestureSettingsTouch.flickMomentum=0.35] - Momentum factor for the flick gesture
* @property {OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings} [gestureSettingsPen]
* Settings for gestures generated by a pen pointer device. (See {@link OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings})
* @property {Boolean} [gestureSettingsPen.clickToZoom=true] - Zoom on click gesture
* @property {Boolean} [gestureSettingsPen.flickEnabled=false] - Enable flick gesture
* @property {Number} [gestureSettingsPen.flickMinSpeed=20] - Minimum speed to initiate a flick gesture (pixels-per-second)
* @property {Number} [gestureSettingsPen.flickMomentum=0.35] - Momentum factor for the flick gesture
* @property {Number} [zoomPerClick=2.0]
* The "zoom distance" per mouse click or touch tap. <em><strong>Note:</strong> Setting this to 1.0 effectively disables the click-to-zoom feature.</em>
* The "zoom distance" per mouse click or touch tap. <em><strong>Note:</strong> Setting this to 1.0 effectively disables the click-to-zoom feature (also see {@link OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings.clickToZoom}).</em>
* @property {Number} [zoomPerScroll=1.2]
* The "zoom distance" per mouse scroll or touch pinch. <em><strong>Note:</strong> Setting this to 1.0 effectively disables the mouse-wheel zoom feature.</em>
@ -415,6 +436,28 @@
* Settings for gestures generated by a pointer device.
* @typedef {Object} GestureSettings
* @memberof OpenSeadragon
* @property {Boolean} clickToZoom
* Set to false to disable zooming on click gestures.
* @property {Boolean} flickEnabled
* Set to false to disable the kinetic panning effect (flick) at the end of a drag gesture.
* @property {Number} flickMinSpeed
* Minimum speed (in pixels-per-second) required to cause the kinetic panning effect (flick) at the end of a drag gesture.
* @property {Number} flickMomentum
* Constant multiplied by the velocity to determine the distance of the kinetic panning effect (flick) at the end of a drag gesture.
* A larger value will make the flick feel "lighter", while a smaller value will make the flick feel "heavier".
* Also, springStiffness and animationTime affect the "spring" used to stop the flick animation.
* The names for the image resources used for the image navigation buttons.
@ -742,13 +785,16 @@ window.OpenSeadragon = window.OpenSeadragon || function( options ){
maxZoomLevel: null,
springStiffness: 5.0,
clickTimeThreshold: 300,
clickDistThreshold: 5,
springStiffness: 5.0,
animationTime: 1.2,
gestureSettingsMouse: { clickToZoom: true, flickEnabled: false, flickMinSpeed: 20, flickMomentum: 0.40 },
gestureSettingsTouch: { clickToZoom: false, flickEnabled: true, flickMinSpeed: 20, flickMomentum: 0.40 },
gestureSettingsPen: { clickToZoom: true, flickEnabled: false, flickMinSpeed: 20, flickMomentum: 0.40 },
zoomPerClick: 2,
zoomPerScroll: 1.2,
zoomPerSecond: 1.0,
animationTime: 1.2,
blendTime: 0,
alwaysBlend: false,
autoHideControls: true,
@ -1771,7 +1771,29 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
delete this.messageDiv;
* Gets this viewer's gesture settings for the given pointer device type.
* @method
* @param {String} type - The pointer device type to get the gesture settings for. "mouse", "touch", "pen", or "".
* @return {OpenSeadragon.GestureSettings}
gestureSettingsByDeviceType: function ( type ) {
if ( type === 'mouse' ) {
return this.gestureSettingsMouse;
else if ( type === 'touch' ) {
return this.gestureSettingsTouch;
else if ( type === 'pen' ) {
return this.gestureSettingsPen;
else {
return { clickToZoom: false, flickEnabled: false, flickMinSpeed: 20, flickMomentum: 0.35 };
@ -2205,16 +2227,17 @@ function onBlur(){
function onCanvasClick( event ) {
var zoomPerClick,
if ( event.pointerType !== 'touch' && !event.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport && event.quick ) {
zoomPerClick = this.zoomPerClick;
factor = event.shift ? 1.0 / zoomPerClick : zoomPerClick;
this.viewport.pointFromPixel( event.position, true )
var gestureSettings;
if ( !event.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport && event.quick ) {
gestureSettings = this.gestureSettingsByDeviceType( event.pointerType );
if ( gestureSettings.clickToZoom ) {
event.shift ? 1.0 / this.zoomPerClick : this.zoomPerClick,
this.viewport.pointFromPixel( event.position, true )
* Raised when a mouse press/release or touch/remove occurs on the {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#canvas} element.
@ -2240,15 +2263,18 @@ function onCanvasClick( event ) {
function onCanvasDrag( event ) {
var gestureSettings;
if ( !event.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport ) {
gestureSettings = this.gestureSettingsByDeviceType( event.pointerType );
if( !this.panHorizontal ){
event.delta.x = 0;
if( !this.panVertical ){
event.delta.y = 0;
this.viewport.panBy( this.viewport.deltaPointsFromPixels( event.delta.negate() ), ( event.pointerType !== 'mouse' ) ? true : false );
if( this.constrainDuringPan ){
this.viewport.panBy( this.viewport.deltaPointsFromPixels( event.delta.negate() ), gestureSettings.flickEnabled );
if( this.constrainDuringPan && !gestureSettings.flickEnabled ){
@ -2280,14 +2306,18 @@ function onCanvasDrag( event ) {
function onCanvasDragEnd( event ) {
// TODO: Make the magic numbers configurable (20 pixels-per-second speed threshold and 0.35 momentum dampener).
if ( event.pointerType !== 'mouse' && !event.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport && event.speed > 20 ) {
var amplitudeX = 0.35 * ( event.speed * Math.cos( event.direction ) ),
amplitudeY = 0.35 * ( event.speed * Math.sin( event.direction ) ),
center = this.viewport.pixelFromPoint( this.viewport.getCenter( true ) ),
target = this.viewport.pointFromPixel( new $.Point( center.x - amplitudeX, center.y - amplitudeY ) );
this.viewport.panTo( target, false );
var gestureSettings;
if ( !event.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport ) {
gestureSettings = this.gestureSettingsByDeviceType( event.pointerType );
if ( gestureSettings.flickEnabled && event.speed >= gestureSettings.flickMinSpeed && !event.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport ) {
var amplitudeX = gestureSettings.flickMomentum * ( event.speed * Math.cos( event.direction ) ),
amplitudeY = gestureSettings.flickMomentum * ( event.speed * Math.sin( event.direction ) ),
center = this.viewport.pixelFromPoint( this.viewport.getCenter( true ) ),
target = this.viewport.pointFromPixel( new $.Point( center.x - amplitudeX, center.y - amplitudeY ) );
this.viewport.panTo( target, false );
* Raised when a mouse or touch drag operation ends on the {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#canvas} element.
@ -2315,8 +2345,14 @@ function onCanvasDragEnd( event ) {
function onCanvasRelease( event ) {
if ( event.pointerType === 'mouse' && event.insideElementPressed && this.viewport ) {
var gestureSettings;
if ( event.insideElementPressed && this.viewport ) {
gestureSettings = this.gestureSettingsByDeviceType( event.pointerType );
if ( !gestureSettings.flickEnabled ) {
* Raised when the mouse button is released or touch ends on the {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer#canvas} element.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user