mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 23:53:53 +03:00
Removed date loader (will be handled by future OSD cache system). Attempt to use instanced rendering. Refactoring of the module.
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
//Aiosa's webgl drawer - needs optimization, polishing, trimming
@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ $.DrawerOptions = class DrawerOptions{
* @typedef {Object} Point
* @property {number} x
* @property {number} y
* @class DrawerBase
* @memberof OpenSeadragon
@ -297,7 +303,7 @@ $.DrawerBase = class DrawerBase{
* @inner
* Calculate width and height of the canvas based on viewport dimensions
* and pixelDensityRatio
* @returns {Dictionary} {x, y} size of the canvas
* @returns {Point} {x, y} size of the canvas
_calculateCanvasSize() {
var pixelDensityRatio = $.pixelDensityRatio;
@ -272,7 +272,8 @@ $.TileCache.prototype = {
* @property {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context2D - The context that is being unloaded
tiledImage.viewer.raiseEvent("image-unloaded", {
context2D: context2D
context2D: context2D,
tile: tile
@ -125,8 +125,11 @@ $.WebGLModule.IDataLoader = class {
* @param id
free(renderer, id) {
this.unloadTexture(renderer, id, this.getLoaded(id));
const loaded = this.getLoaded(id);
if (loaded) {
this.unloadTexture(renderer, id, this.getLoaded(id));
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
* @param {Object} options - Options for this Drawer.
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} options.viewer - The Viewer that owns this Drawer.
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} options.viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport.
* @param {boolean} options.twoPassRendering
* @param {Element} options.element - Parent element.
* @param {Number} [options.debugGridColor] - See debugGridColor in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
@ -49,10 +50,56 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
this.maxTextureUnits = 4 || gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
this.maxDrawBufferUnits = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS);
const size = this._calculateCanvasSize();
this.renderer.init(size.x, size.y);
this._size = size;
this.destroyed = false;
this._textureMap = {};
this._renderOffScreenBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
this._renderOffScreenTextures = [];
//batch rendering (artifacts)
// this._tileTexturePositions = new Float32Array(this.maxTextureUnits * 8);
// this._transformMatrices = new Float32Array(this.maxTextureUnits * 9);
this.viewer.addHandler("resize", this._resizeRenderer.bind(this));
// Add listeners for events that require modifying the scene or camera
this.viewer.addHandler("tile-ready", this._tileReadyHandler.bind(this));
this.viewer.addHandler("image-unloaded", this.renderer.freeData.bind(this.renderer));
this.viewer.addHandler("image-unloaded", (e) => {
const tileData = this._textureMap[e.tile.cacheKey];
if (tileData.texture) {
delete this._textureMap[e.tile.cacheKey];
this.viewer.world.addHandler("add-item", (e) => {
let shader = e.item.source.shader;
if (shader) {
const targetIndex = this.renderer.getSpecificationsCount();
if (this.renderer.addRenderingSpecifications(shader)) {
shader._programIndexTarget = targetIndex;
} else {
e.item.source.shader = shader = this.defaultRenderingSpecification;
//set default program: identity
shader._programIndexTarget = 0;
this.viewer.world.addHandler("remove-item", (e) => {
const tIndex = e.item.source.shader._programIndexTarget;
if (tIndex > 0) {
this.renderer.setRenderingSpecification(tIndex, null);
// Public API required by all Drawer implementations
@ -64,6 +111,17 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
this._renderOffScreenTextures.forEach(t => {
if (t) {
this._renderOffScreenTextures = [];
if (this._renderOffScreenBuffer) {
this.destroyed = true;
@ -94,8 +152,7 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
* @returns {Element} the canvas to draw into
const engine = new $.WebGLModule($.extend(this.options, {
this.renderer = new $.WebGLModule($.extend(this.options, {
uniqueId: "openseadragon",
"2.0": {
canvasOptions: {
@ -103,51 +160,26 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
return this.renderer.canvas;
shaders: {
renderShader: {
type: "identity",
dataReferences: [0],
enableStencilTest(enabled) {
if (enabled) {
if (!this._stencilTestEnabled) {
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
gl.stencilFunc(gl.GREATER, 1, 0xff);
gl.stencilOp(gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.REPLACE);
this._stencilTestEnabled = true;
const size = this._calculateCanvasSize();
engine.init(size.x, size.y);
this.viewer.addHandler("resize", this._resizeRenderer.bind(this));
this.renderer = engine;
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
// this._renderToTexture = gl.createTexture();
// gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0);
// gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._renderToTexture);
// gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, size.x, size.y, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
// gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
// gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
// gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
// // set up the framebuffer for render-to-texture
// this._glFrameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
// gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._glFrameBuffer);
// gl.framebufferTexture2D(
// gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, // attach texture as COLOR_ATTACHMENT0
// gl.TEXTURE_2D, // attach a 2D texture
// this._renderToTexture, // the texture to attach
// 0
// );
// gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._glFrameBuffer);
// gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._renderToTexture, 0);
gl.stencilFunc(gl.GREATER, 1, 0xff);
gl.stencilOp(gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.REPLACE);
return engine.canvas;
} else {
if (this._stencilTestEnabled) {
this._stencilTestEnabled = false;
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
@ -155,6 +187,15 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
* @param {Array} tiledImages Array of TiledImage objects to draw
let twoPassRendering = this.options.twoPassRendering;
if (!twoPassRendering) {
for (const tiledImage of tiledImages) {
if (tiledImage.blendTime > 0) {
twoPassRendering = false; //todo set true, now we debug single pass
let viewport = {
bounds: this.viewport.getBoundsNoRotate(true),
center: this.viewport.getCenter(true),
@ -162,20 +203,39 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
zoom: this.viewport.getZoom(true)
// let flipMultiplier = this.viewport.flipped ? -1 : 1;
let flipMultiplier = this.viewport.flipped ? -1 : 1;
// calculate view matrix for viewer
let posMatrix = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(-viewport.center.x, -viewport.center.y);
let scaleMatrix = $.Mat3.makeScaling(2 / viewport.bounds.width, -2 / viewport.bounds.height);
let scaleMatrix = $.Mat3.makeScaling(2 / viewport.bounds.width * flipMultiplier, -2 / viewport.bounds.height);
let rotMatrix = $.Mat3.makeRotation(-viewport.rotation);
let viewMatrix = scaleMatrix.multiply(rotMatrix).multiply(posMatrix);
this._batchTextures = Array(this.maxTextureUnits);
if (twoPassRendering) {
this._drawTwoPass(tiledImages, viewport, viewMatrix);
} else {
this._drawSinglePass(tiledImages, viewport, viewMatrix);
tiledImageViewportToImageZoom(tiledImage, viewportZoom) {
var ratio = tiledImage._scaleSpring.current.value *
tiledImage.viewport._containerInnerSize.x /
return ratio * viewportZoom;
_drawSinglePass(tiledImages, viewport, viewMatrix) {
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
// gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._glFrameBuffer);
// clear the buffer to draw a new image
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
//iterate over tiled images and draw each one using a two-pass rendering pipeline if needed
for (const tiledImage of tiledImages) {
let tilesToDraw = tiledImage.getTilesToDraw();
@ -183,8 +243,145 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
//todo better access to the rendering context
const shader = this.renderer.specification(0).shaders.renderShader._renderContext;
shader.setBlendMode(tiledImage.index === 0 ?
"source-over" : tiledImage.compositeOperation || this.viewer.compositeOperation);
const sourceShader = tiledImage.source.shader;
if (tiledImage.debugMode !== this.renderer.getCompiled("debug", sourceShader._programIndexTarget)) {
this.buildOptions.debug = tiledImage.debugMode;
//todo per image-level debug info :/
this.renderer.buildProgram(sourceShader._programIndexTarget, null, true, this.buildOptions);
let overallMatrix = viewMatrix;
let imageRotation = tiledImage.getRotation(true);
// if needed, handle the tiledImage being rotated
if( imageRotation % 360 !== 0) {
let imageRotationMatrix = $.Mat3.makeRotation(-imageRotation * Math.PI / 180);
let imageCenter = tiledImage.getBoundsNoRotate(true).getCenter();
let t1 = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(imageCenter.x, imageCenter.y);
let t2 = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(-imageCenter.x, -imageCenter.y);
// update the view matrix to account for this image's rotation
let localMatrix = t1.multiply(imageRotationMatrix).multiply(t2);
overallMatrix = viewMatrix.multiply(localMatrix);
let pixelSize = this.tiledImageViewportToImageZoom(tiledImage, viewport.zoom);
//tile level opacity not supported with single pass rendering
//batch rendering (artifacts)
//let batchSize = 0;
// iterate over tiles and add data for each one to the buffers
for (let tileIndex = tilesToDraw.length - 1; tileIndex >= 0; tileIndex--){
const tile = tilesToDraw[tileIndex].tile;
const matrix = this._getTileMatrix(tile, tiledImage, overallMatrix);
const tileData = this._textureMap[tile.cacheKey];
this.renderer.processData(tileData.texture, {
transform: matrix,
zoom: viewport.zoom,
pixelSize: pixelSize,
textureCoords: tileData.position,
//batch rendering (artifacts)
// this._transformMatrices.set(matrix, batchSize * 9);
// this._tileTexturePositions.set(tileData.position, batchSize * 8);
// this._batchTextures[batchSize] = tileData.texture;
// batchSize++;
// if (batchSize === this.maxTextureUnits) {
// console.log("tiles inside", this._tileTexturePositions);
// this.renderer.processData(this._batchTextures, {
// transform: this._transformMatrices,
// zoom: viewport.zoom,
// pixelSize: pixelSize,
// textureCoords: this._tileTexturePositions,
// instanceCount: batchSize
// });
// batchSize = 0;
// }
//batch rendering (artifacts)
// if (batchSize > 0) {
// console.log("tiles outside", this._tileTexturePositions);
// //todo possibly zero out unused, or limit drawing size
// this.renderer.processData(this._batchTextures, {
// transform: this._transformMatrices,
// zoom: viewport.zoom,
// pixelSize: pixelSize,
// textureCoords: this._tileTexturePositions,
// instanceCount: batchSize
// });
// }
// Fire tiled-image-drawn event.
// TODO: the image data may not be on the output canvas yet!!
if( this.viewer ){
* Raised when a tiled image is drawn to the canvas. Only valid
* for webgl drawer.
* @event tiled-image-drawn
* @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
* @type {object}
* @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
* @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
* @property {Array} tiles - An array of Tile objects that were drawn.
* @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'tiled-image-drawn', {
tiledImage: tiledImage,
tiles: tilesToDraw.map(info => info.tile),
_drawTwoPass(tiledImages, viewport, viewMatrix) {
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
let drawnItems = 0;
for (const tiledImage of tiledImages) {
let tilesToDraw = tiledImage.getTilesToDraw();
if (tilesToDraw.length === 0) {
//second pass first: check whether next render won't overflow batch size
//todo better access to the rendering context
const shader = this.renderer.specification(0).shaders.renderShader._renderContext;
shader.setBlendMode(tiledImage.index === 0 ?
"source-over" : tiledImage.compositeOperation || this.viewer.compositeOperation);
// const willDraw = drawnItems + shader.dataReferences.length;
// if (willDraw > this.maxTextureUnits) {
// //merge to the output screen
// this._bindOffScreenTexture(-1);
// //todo
// drawnItems = 0;
// }
this.renderer.useProgram(0); //todo use program based on texture used, e.g. drawing multi output
let overallMatrix = viewMatrix;
let imageRotation = tiledImage.getRotation(true);
// if needed, handle the tiledImage being rotated
@ -199,21 +396,20 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
overallMatrix = viewMatrix.multiply(localMatrix);
//todo better access to the rendering context
const shader = this.renderer.specification(0).shaders.renderShader._renderContext;
// iterate over tiles and add data for each one to the buffers
for (let tileIndex = tilesToDraw.length - 1; tileIndex >= 0; tileIndex--){
const tile = tilesToDraw[tileIndex].tile;
const matrix = this._getTileMatrix(tile, tiledImage, overallMatrix);
shader.opacity.set(tile.opacity * tiledImage.opacity);
const tileData = this._textureMap[tile.cacheKey];
//todo pixelSize value (not yet memoized)
this.renderer.processData(tile.cacheKey, {
this.renderer.processData(tileData.texture, {
transform: matrix,
zoom: viewport.zoom,
pixelSize: 0
pixelSize: 0,
textureCoords: tileData.position
@ -240,6 +436,54 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
//single pass shaders are built-in shaders compiled from JSON
_createSinglePassShader(textureType) {
this.defaultRenderingSpecification = {
shaders: {
renderShader: {
type: "identity",
dataReferences: [0],
this.buildOptions = {
textureType: textureType,
//batch rendering (artifacts)
//instanceCount: this.maxTextureUnits,
debug: false
const index = this.renderer.getSpecificationsCount();
this.renderer.buildProgram(index, null, true, this.buildOptions);
//two pass shaders are special
_createTwoPassShaderForFirstPass(textureType) {
//custom program for two pass processing
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
const program = gl.createProgram();
//works only in version dependent matter!
const glContext = this.renderer.webglContext;
const options = {
textureType: textureType
glContext.compileVertexShader(program, `
uniform mat3 transform_matrix;
const vec3 quad[4] = vec3[4] (
vec3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
);`, `
gl_Position = vec4(transform_matrix * quad[gl_VertexID], 1);`, options);
glContext.compileFragmentShader(program, `
uniform int texture_location;`, `
blend(osd_texture(texture_location, osd_texture_coords), 0, false)`, options);
return program;
* Set the context2d imageSmoothingEnabled parameter
* @param {Boolean} enabled
@ -253,11 +497,12 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
// private
_getTileMatrix(tile, tiledImage, viewMatrix){
// compute offsets that account for tile overlap; needed for calculating the transform matrix appropriately
// x, y, w, h in viewport coords
let overlapFraction = this._calculateOverlapFraction(tile, tiledImage);
let xOffset = tile.positionedBounds.width * overlapFraction.x;
let yOffset = tile.positionedBounds.height * overlapFraction.y;
// x, y, w, h in viewport coords
let x = tile.positionedBounds.x + (tile.x === 0 ? 0 : xOffset);
let y = tile.positionedBounds.y + (tile.y === 0 ? 0 : yOffset);
let right = tile.positionedBounds.x + tile.positionedBounds.width - (tile.isRightMost ? 0 : xOffset);
@ -288,19 +533,116 @@ $.WebGL = class WebGL extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
const size = this._calculateCanvasSize();
this.renderer.setDimensions(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
this._size = size;
_bindOffScreenTexture(index) {
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
if (index < 0) {
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
} else {
let texture = this._renderOffScreenTextures[index];
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._renderOffScreenBuffer);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);
_resizeOffScreenTextures(count) {
//create at most count textures, with max texturing units constraint
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
count = Math.min(count, this.maxTextureUnits);
if (count > 0) {
//append or reinitialize textures
const rebuildStartIndex =
this._renderBufferSize === this._size ?
this._renderOffScreenTextures.length : 0;
let i;
for (i = rebuildStartIndex; i < count; i++) {
let texture = this._renderOffScreenTextures[i];
if (!texture) {
this._renderOffScreenTextures[i] = texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA8,
this._size.x, this._size.y, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);
//destroy any textures that we don't need todo maybe just keep dont bother?
for (let j = this._renderOffScreenTextures.length - 1; j >= i; j--) {
let texture = this._renderOffScreenTextures.pop();
this._renderBufferSize = this._size;
return count;
//just leave the textures be, freeing consumes time
return 0;
//todo tile overlap
let tile = event.tile;
//todo fix cache system and then this line
//access by default raw tile data, and only access canvas if not cache set
let tiledImage = event.tiledImage;
if (this._textureMap[tile.cacheKey]) {
let position,
overlap = tiledImage.source.tileOverlap;
if( overlap > 0){
// calculate the normalized position of the rect to actually draw
// discarding overlap.
let overlapFraction = this._calculateOverlapFraction(tile, tiledImage);
let left = tile.x === 0 ? 0 : overlapFraction.x;
let top = tile.y === 0 ? 0 : overlapFraction.y;
let right = tile.isRightMost ? 1 : 1 - overlapFraction.x;
let bottom = tile.isBottomMost ? 1 : 1 - overlapFraction.y;
position = new Float32Array([
left, bottom,
left, top,
right, bottom,
right, top
} else {
// no overlap: this texture can use the unit quad as it's position data
position = new Float32Array([
0, 1,
0, 0,
1, 1,
1, 0
//todo rewrite with new cache api, support data arrays
let data = tile.cacheImageRecord ? tile.cacheImageRecord.getData() : tile.getCanvasContext().canvas;
this.renderer.loadData(tile.cacheKey, data, tile.sourceBounds.width, tile.sourceBounds.height);
const options = this.renderer.webglContext.options;
const gl = this.renderer.gl;
const texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, options.wrap);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, options.wrap);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, options.minFilter);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, options.magFilter);
this._textureMap[tile.cacheKey] = {
texture: texture,
position: position,
_calculateOverlapFraction(tile, tiledImage){
@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
(function($) {
* Identity shader
* data reference must contain one index to the data to render using identity
$.WebGLModule.IdentityLayer = class extends $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer {
* Identity shader
* data reference must contain one index to the data to render using identity
$.WebGLModule.IdentityLayer = class extends $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer {
static type() {
return "identity";
static type() {
return "identity";
static name() {
return "Identity";
static name() {
return "Identity";
static description() {
return "shows the data AS-IS";
static description() {
return "shows the data AS-IS";
static sources() {
return [{
acceptsChannelCount: (x) => x === 4,
description: "4d texture to render AS-IS"
static sources() {
return [{
acceptsChannelCount: (x) => x === 4,
description: "4d texture to render AS-IS"
getFragmentShaderExecution() {
return `return ${this.sampleChannel("tile_texture_coords")};`;
getFragmentShaderExecution() {
return `return ${this.sampleChannel("osd_texture_coords")};`;
//return `return vec4(osd_texture_coords, .0, 1.0);`;
//todo why cannot be inside object :/
$.WebGLModule.IdentityLayer.defaultControls["use_channel0"] = {
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
$.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @typedef {{
* name: string,
* lossless: boolean,
* name?: string,
* lossless?: boolean,
* shaders: Object.<string, OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayerConfig>
* }} OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.RenderingConfig
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @type {{TUseChannel,TUseFilter,TIControlConfig}}
* @typedef {{
* name: string,
* name?: string,
* type: string,
* visible: boolean,
* visible?: boolean,
* dataReferences: number[],
* params: OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayerParams
* params?: OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayerParams,
* }} OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayerConfig
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @param {boolean} incomingOptions.debug debug mode default false
* @param {function} incomingOptions.ready function called when ready
* @param {function} incomingOptions.resetCallback function called when user input changed, e.g. changed output of the current rendering
* @param {function} incomingOptions.visualisationInUse function called when a specification is initialized and run
* @param {function} incomingOptions.visualisationChanged function called when a visualization swap is performed:
* signature f({Visualization} oldVisualisation,{Visualization} newVisualisation)
* @constructor
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
@ -77,9 +75,6 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
this.resetCallback = function() { };
//called once a visualisation is compiled and linked (might not happen)
this.visualisationReady = function(i, visualisation) { };
//called once a visualisation is switched to (including first run)
this.visualisationInUse = function(visualisation) { };
this.visualisationChanged = function(oldVis, newVis) { };
* Debug mode.
@ -110,7 +105,7 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* WebGL context
* @member {WebGLRenderingContextBase}
* @member {WebGLRenderingContext|WebGL2RenderingContext}
this.gl = null;
@ -141,13 +136,11 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @param {string} options.wrap texture wrap parameteri
* @param {string} options.magFilter texture filter parameteri
* @param {string} options.minFilter texture filter parameteri
* @param {string|WebGLModule.IDataLoader} options.dataLoader class name or implementation of a given loader
const options = {
wrap: readGlProp("wrap", "MIRRORED_REPEAT"),
magFilter: readGlProp("magFilter", "LINEAR"),
minFilter: readGlProp("minFilter", "LINEAR"),
dataLoader: contextOpts.dataLoader || "TEXTURE_2D"
this.webglContext = new Context(this, glContext, options);
@ -159,10 +152,10 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
this.raiseEvent('fatal-error', {message: "Unable to initialize the WebGL renderer.",
details: e});
console.log(`WebGL ${this.webglContext.getVersion()} Rendering module (ID ${this.uniqueId})`);
$.console.log(`WebGL ${this.webglContext.getVersion()} Rendering module (ID ${this.uniqueId})`);
@ -171,28 +164,18 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
reset() {
this._programConfigurations = [];
if (this._programs) {
Object.values(this._programs).forEach(p => this._unloadProgram(p));
this._programSpecifications = [];
this._dataSources = [];
this._shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex = [];
this._origDataSources = [];
this._programs = {};
this._program = -1;
this._prepared = false;
this.running = false;
this._initialized = false;
* Check if prepare() was called.
* @return {boolean}
* @instance
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
get isPrepared() {
return this._prepared;
* WebGL target canvas
* @return {HTMLCanvasElement}
@ -236,50 +219,108 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
this.gl.viewport(x, y, width, height);
getCompiled(name, programIndex = this._program) {
return this.webglContext.getCompiled(this._programs[programIndex], name);
* Set program shaders. Vertex shader is set by default a square.
* @param {RenderingConfig} configurations - objects that define the what to render (see Readme)
* @param {RenderingConfig} specifications - objects that define the what to render (see Readme)
* @return {boolean} true if loaded successfully
* @instance
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
addRenderingSpecifications(...configurations) {
if (this._prepared) {
console.error("New specification cannot be introduced after the visualiser was prepared.");
return false;
for (let config of configurations) {
if (!config.shaders) {
console.warn("Invalid visualization: no shaders defined", config);
addRenderingSpecifications(...specifications) {
for (let spec of specifications) {
const parsed = this._parseSpec(spec);
if (parsed) {
let count = 0;
for (let sid in config.shaders) {
const shader = config.shaders[sid];
if (!shader.params) {
shader.params = {};
if (count < 0) {
console.warn("Invalid configualization: no shader configuration present!", config);
return true;
setRenderingSpecification(i, spec) {
if (!spec) {
const program = this._programs[i];
if (program) {
delete this._programs[i];
delete this._programSpecifications[i];
return true;
} else {
const parsed = this._parseSpec(spec);
if (parsed) {
this._programSpecifications[i] = parsed;
return true;
return false;
_parseSpec(spec) {
if (!spec.shaders) {
$.console.warn("Invalid visualization: no shaders defined", spec);
return undefined;
let count = 0;
for (let sid in spec.shaders) {
const shader = spec.shaders[sid];
if (!shader.params) {
shader.params = {};
if (count < 0) {
$.console.warn("Invalid rendering specs: no shader configuration present!", spec);
return undefined;
return spec;
* Runs a callback on each specification
* @param {function} call callback to perform on each specification (its object given as the only parameter)
* @instance
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
* @param i
* @param order
* @param force
* @param {object} options
* @param {boolean} options.withHtml whether html should be also created (false if no UI controls are desired)
* @param {string} options.textureType id of texture to be used, supported are TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_3D
* @param {string} options.instanceCount number of instances to draw at once
* @param {boolean} options.debug draw debugging info
* @return {boolean}
foreachRenderingSpecification(call) {
this._programConfigurations.forEach(vis => call(vis));
buildProgram(i, order, force, options) {
let vis = this._programSpecifications[i];
if (!vis) {
$.console.error("Invalid rendering program target!", i);
return false;
if (order) {
vis.order = order;
let program = this._programs && this._programs[i];
force = force || (program && !program['VERTEX_SHADER']);
if (force) {
this._specificationToProgram(vis, i, options);
if (i === this._program) {
return true;
return false;
@ -289,15 +330,11 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @instance
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
rebuildSpecification(order = undefined) {
let vis = this._programConfigurations[this._program];
if (order) {
vis.order = order;
rebuildCurrentProgram(order = undefined) {
const program = this._programs[this._program];
if (this.buildProgram(this._program, order, true, program && program._osdOptions)) {
this._specificationToProgram(vis, this._program);
@ -307,7 +344,7 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
specification(index) {
return this._programConfigurations[Math.min(index, this._programConfigurations.length - 1)];
return this._programSpecifications[index];
@ -328,17 +365,25 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @instance
* @memberOf OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule
useSpecification(i) {
useProgram(i) {
if (!this._initialized) {
console.warn("$.WebGLModule::useSpecification(): not initialized.");
$.console.warn("$.WebGLModule::useSpecification(): not initialized.");
if (this._program === i) {
let oldIndex = this._program;
this.visualisationChanged(this._programConfigurations[oldIndex], this._programConfigurations[i]);
useCustomProgram(program) {
this._program = -1;
this.webglContext.programLoaded(program, null);
getSpecificationsCount() {
return this._programSpecifications.length;
@ -347,59 +392,55 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @memberOf WebGLModule
getSources() {
//return this._programConfigurations[this._program].dziExtendedUrl;
return this._dataSources;
* Supported: 'wrap', 'minFilter', 'magFilter'
* @param {string} name WebGL name of the parameter
* @param {GLuint} value
* Set data srouces
setTextureParam(name, value) {
this.webglContext.texture.setTextureParam(name, value);
* @param id
* @param data
* @param width
* @param height
loadData(id, data, width, height) {
this.webglContext.texture.load(this, id, data, width, height);
setSources(sources) {
if (!this._initialized) {
$.console.warn("$.WebGLModule::useSpecification(): not initialized.");
this._origDataSources = sources || [];
* Renders data using WebGL
* @param {string} id used in loadImage()
* @param {GLuint|[GLuint]} texture or texture array for instanced drawing
* @param {object} tileOpts
* @param {number} tileOpts.zoom value passed to the shaders as zoom_level
* @param {number} tileOpts.pixelSize value passed to the shaders as pixel_size_in_fragments
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} tileOpts.transform position of the rendered tile
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Mat3|[OpenSeadragon.Mat3]} tileOpts.transform position transform
* matrix or flat matrix array (instance drawing)
* @param {number?} tileOpts.instanceCount how many instances to draw in case instanced drawing is enabled
* @instance
* @memberOf WebGLModule
processData(id, tileOpts) {
processData(texture, tileOpts) {
const spec = this._programSpecifications[this._program];
if (!spec) {
$.console.error("Cannot render using invalid specification: did you call useCustomProgram?", this._program);
} else {
this.webglContext.programUsed(this.program, spec, texture, tileOpts);
// if (this.debug) {
// //todo
// this._renderDebugIO(data, result);
// }
processCustomData(texture, tileOpts) {
this.webglContext.programUsed(this.program, null, texture, tileOpts);
// if (this.debug) {
// //todo
// this._renderDebugIO(data, result);
// }
freeData(id) {
* Clear the output canvas
@ -431,9 +472,12 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
static eachValidShaderLayer(vis, callback,
onFail = (layer, e) => {
layer.error = e.message;
}) {
let shaders = vis.shaders;
if (!shaders) {
return true;
let noError = true;
for (let key in shaders) {
let shader = shaders[key];
@ -466,10 +510,13 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
static eachVisibleShaderLayer(vis, callback,
onFail = (layer, e) => {
layer.error = e.message;
}) {
let shaders = vis.shaders;
if (!shaders) {
return true;
let noError = true;
for (let key in shaders) {
//rendering == true means no error
@ -499,7 +546,7 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* @return {number} program index
getCurrentProgramIndex() {
if (this._program < 0 || this._program >= this._programConfigurations.length) {
if (this._program < 0 || this._program >= this._programSpecifications.length) {
this._program = 0;
return this._program;
@ -516,36 +563,21 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* For easy initialization, do both in once call.
* For separate initialization (prepare|init), see functions below.
* @param {string[]|undefined} dataSources a list of data identifiers available to the specifications
* - specification configurations should not reference data not present in this array
* - the module gives you current list of required subset of this list for particular active visualization goal
* @param width initialization width
* @param height initialization height
prepareAndInit(dataSources = undefined, width = 1, height = 1) {
this.init(width, height);
* Prepares the WebGL wrapper for being initialized. It is separated from
* initialization as this must be finished before OSD is ready (we must be ready to draw when the data comes).
* The idea is to open the protocol for OSD in onPrepared.
* Shaders are fetched from `specification.url` parameter.
* Initialization. It is separated from preparation as this actually initiates the rendering,
* sometimes this can happen only when other things are ready. Must be performed after
* all the prepare() strategy finished: e.g. as onPrepared. Or use prepareAndInit();
* @param {string[]|undefined} dataSources id's of data such that server can understand which image to send (usually paths)
* @param {number} visIndex index of the initial specification
* @param {int} width width of the first tile going to be drawn
* @param {int} height height of the first tile going to be drawn
* @param firstProgram
prepare(dataSources = undefined, visIndex = 0) {
if (this._prepared) {
console.error("Already prepared!");
init(width = 1, height = 1, firstProgram = 0) {
if (this._initialized) {
$.console.error("Already initialized!");
if (this._programConfigurations.length < 1) {
console.error("No specification specified!");
if (this._programSpecifications.length < 1) {
$.console.error("No specification specified!");
* @event fatal-error
@ -553,35 +585,12 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
details: "::prepare() called with no specification set."});
this._origDataSources = dataSources || [];
this._program = visIndex;
this._program = firstProgram;
this.getCurrentProgramIndex(); //validates index
this._prepared = true;
this.getCurrentProgramIndex(); //resets index
this._specificationToProgram(this._programConfigurations[this._program], this._program);
* Initialization. It is separated from preparation as this actually initiates the rendering,
* sometimes this can happen only when other things are ready. Must be performed after
* all the prepare() strategy finished: e.g. as onPrepared. Or use prepareAndInit();
* @param {int} width width of the first tile going to be drawn
* @param {int} height height of the first tile going to be drawn
init(width = 1, height = 1) {
if (!this._prepared) {
console.error("The viaGL was not yet prepared. Call prepare() before init()!");
if (this._initialized) {
console.error("Already initialized!");
this._initialized = true;
this.setDimensions(width, height);
//todo rotate anticlockwise to cull backfaces
@ -604,23 +613,6 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
* Supported are two modes: show and blend
* show is the default option, stacking layers by generalized alpha blending
* blend is a custom alternative, default is a mask (remove background where foreground.a > 0.001)
* vec4 my_blend(vec4 foreground, vec4 background) {
* <<code>> //here goes your blending code
* }
* @param code GLSL code to blend - must return vec4() and can use
* two variables: background, foreground
setLayerBlending(code) {
@ -659,16 +651,14 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
i = this._program;
if (i >= this._programConfigurations.length) {
console.error("Invalid specification index ", i, "trying to use index 0...");
if (i === 0) {
i = 0;
let target = this._programSpecifications[i];
if (!target) {
$.console.error("Invalid rendering target index!", i);
let target = this._programConfigurations[i];
if (!this._programs[i]) {
const program = this._programs[i];
if (!program) {
this._specificationToProgram(target, i);
} else if (i !== this._program) {
@ -677,11 +667,11 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
this._program = i;
if (target.error) {
if (this.supportsHtmlControls()) {
this._loadHtml(i, this._program);
this._loadHtml(i, program);
this._loadScript(i, this._program);
this.running = false;
if (this._programConfigurations.length < 2) {
if (this._programSpecifications.length < 2) {
* @event fatal-error
@ -695,22 +685,21 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
} else {
this.running = true;
if (this.supportsHtmlControls()) {
this._loadHtml(i, this._program);
if (!this._loadScript(i, this._program)) {
if (!this._loadScript(i)) {
if (!_reset) {
throw "Could not build visualization";
this._forceSwitchShader(i, false); //force reset in errors
this.webglContext.programLoaded(this._programs[i], target);
this.webglContext.programLoaded(program, target);
_unloadCurrentProgram() {
let program = this._programs && this._programs[this._program];
_unloadProgram(program) {
if (program) {
//must remove before attaching new
this._detachShader(program, "VERTEX_SHADER");
@ -718,13 +707,13 @@ $.WebGLModule = class extends $.EventSource {
_loadHtml(visId) {
_loadHtml(program) {
let htmlControls = document.getElementById(this.htmlControlsId);
htmlControls.innerHTML = this._programConfigurations[visId]._built["html"];
htmlControls.innerHTML = this.webglContext.getCompiled(program, "html") || "";
_loadScript(visId) {
return $.WebGLModule.eachValidShaderLayer(this._programConfigurations[visId], layer => layer._renderContext.init());
return $.WebGLModule.eachValidShaderLayer(this._programSpecifications[visId], layer => layer._renderContext.init());
_getDebugInfoPanel() {
@ -774,33 +763,29 @@ Output:<br><div style="border: 1px solid;display: inline-block; overflow: auto;"
_buildFailed(specification, error) {
specification.error = "Failed to compose this specification.";
specification.desc = error;
_buildSpecification(order, specification) {
_buildSpecification(program, order, specification, options) {
try {
let data = this.webglContext.compileSpecification(order, specification,
this._shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex, this.supportsHtmlControls());
options.withHtml = this.supportsHtmlControls();
const usableShaderCount = this.webglContext.compileSpecification(
program, order, specification, options);
if (data.usableShaders < 1) {
if (usableShaderCount < 1) {
this._buildFailed(specification, `Empty specification: no valid specification has been specified.
<br><b>Specification setup:</b></br> <code>${JSON.stringify(specification, $.WebGLModule.jsonReplacer)}</code>
<br><b>Dynamic shader data:</b></br><code>${JSON.stringify(specification.data)}</code>`);
return null;
data.dziExtendedUrl = data.dataUrls.join(",");
specification._built = data;
delete specification.error;
delete specification.desc;
return data;
} catch (error) {
this._buildFailed(specification, error);
return null;
_detachShader(program, type) {
@ -812,73 +797,9 @@ Output:<br><div style="border: 1px solid;display: inline-block; overflow: auto;"
_specificationToProgram(vis, idx) {
if (!vis._built) {
vis._built = {};
this._processSpecification(vis, idx);
return idx;
_initializeShaderFactory(ShaderFactoryClass, layer, idx) {
if (!ShaderFactoryClass) {
layer.error = "Unknown layer type.";
layer.desc = `The layer type '${layer.type}' has no associated factory. Missing in 'shaderSources'.`;
console.warn("Skipping layer " + layer.name);
layer._index = idx;
layer.visible = layer.visible === undefined ? true : layer.visible;
layer._renderContext = new ShaderFactoryClass(`${this.uniqueId}${idx}`, layer.params || {}, {
layer: layer,
webgl: this.webglContext,
invalidate: this.resetCallback,
rebuild: this.rebuildSpecification.bind(this, undefined)
_updateRequiredDataSources(specs) {
//for now just request all data, later decide in the context on what to really send
//might in the future decide to only request used data, now not supported
let usedIds = new Set();
for (let key in specs.shaders) {
let layer = specs.shaders[key];
if (layer) {
for (let x of layer.dataReferences) {
usedIds = [...usedIds].sort();
this._dataSources = [];
while (usedIds[usedIds.length - 1] >= this._origDataSources.length) {
//make sure values are set if user did not provide
this._shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex = new Array(
Math.max(this._origDataSources.length, usedIds[usedIds.length - 1])
for (let id of usedIds) {
this._shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex[id] = this._dataSources.length;
while (id > this._shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex.length) {
_processSpecification(spec, idx) {
let gl = this.gl,
err = function(message, description) {
spec.error = message;
spec.desc = description;
_specificationToProgram(spec, idx, options) {
let gl = this.gl;
let program;
if (!this._programs[idx]) {
@ -923,55 +844,50 @@ Output:<br><div style="border: 1px solid;display: inline-block; overflow: auto;"
spec.order = Object.keys(spec.shaders);
this._buildSpecification(spec.order, spec);
if (spec.error) {
this.visualisationReady(idx, spec);
this.constructor.compileShader(gl, program,
spec._built.vertexShader, spec._built.fragmentShader, err, this.debug);
this._buildSpecification(program, spec.order, spec, options);
this.visualisationReady(idx, spec);
return idx;
static compileShader(gl, program, VS, FS, onError, isDebugMode) {
function ok (kind, status, value, sh) {
if (!gl['get' + kind + 'Parameter'](value, gl[status + '_STATUS'])) {
console.error((sh || 'LINK') + ':\n' + gl['get' + kind + 'InfoLog'](value));
return false;
_initializeShaderFactory(ShaderFactoryClass, layer, idx) {
if (!ShaderFactoryClass) {
layer.error = "Unknown layer type.";
layer.desc = `The layer type '${layer.type}' has no associated factory. Missing in 'shaderSources'.`;
$.console.warn("Skipping layer " + layer.name);
layer._index = idx;
layer.visible = layer.visible === undefined ? true : layer.visible;
layer._renderContext = new ShaderFactoryClass(`${this.uniqueId}${idx}`, layer.params || {}, {
layer: layer,
webgl: this.webglContext,
invalidate: this.resetCallback,
rebuild: this.rebuildCurrentProgram.bind(this, undefined)
_updateRequiredDataSources(specs) {
//for now just request all data, later decide in the context on what to really send
//might in the future decide to only request used data, now not supported
let usedIds = new Set();
for (let key in specs.shaders) {
let layer = specs.shaders[key];
if (layer) {
for (let x of layer.dataReferences) {
return true;
usedIds = [...usedIds].sort();
this._dataSources = [];
while (usedIds[usedIds.length - 1] >= this._origDataSources.length) {
//make sure values are set if user did not provide
function useShader(gl, program, data, type) {
let shader = gl.createShader(gl[type]);
gl.shaderSource(shader, data);
gl.attachShader(program, shader);
program[type] = shader;
return ok('Shader', 'COMPILE', shader, type);
function numberLines(str) {
return str.split('\n').map((line, index) => `${index + 1} ${line}`).join('\n');
if (!useShader(gl, program, VS, 'VERTEX_SHADER') ||
!useShader(gl, program, FS, 'FRAGMENT_SHADER')) {
onError("Unable to use this specification.",
"Compilation of shader failed. For more information, see logs in the console.");
console.warn("VERTEX SHADER\n", numberLines( VS ));
console.warn("FRAGMENT SHADER\n", numberLines( FS ));
} else {
if (!ok('Program', 'LINK', program)) {
onError("Unable to use this specification.",
"Linking of shader failed. For more information, see logs in the console.");
} else { //if (isDebugMode) { //todo testing
console.info("FRAGMENT SHADER\n", numberLines( FS ));
for (let id of usedIds) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator = class {
* Register shader
* @param {function} LayerRendererClass class extends OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
* @param {typeof OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer} LayerRendererClass static class definition
static registerLayer(LayerRendererClass) {
//todo why not hasOwnProperty check allowed by syntax checker
@ -18,9 +18,16 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator = class {
// if (!$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.isPrototypeOf(LayerRendererClass)) {
// throw `${LayerRendererClass} does not inherit from ShaderLayer!`;
// }
if (!this.acceptsShaders) {
$.console.error("Registering layer renderer when registering disabled!", LayerRendererClass.type());
this._layers[LayerRendererClass.type()] = LayerRendererClass;
static setAcceptsRegistrations(accepts) {
this.acceptsShaders = accepts;
* Get the shader class by type id
* @param {string} id
@ -32,16 +39,52 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator = class {
* Get all available shaders
* @return {function[]} classes that extend OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
* @return {typeof OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer[]} classes that extend OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
static availableShaders() {
return Object.values(this._layers);
* Get all available shaders
* @return {string[]} classes that extend OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
static availableTypes() {
return Object.keys(this._layers);
//todo why cannot be inside object :/
$.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator.acceptsShaders = true;
$.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator._layers = {};
$.WebGLModule.BLEND_MODE = {
'source-over': 0,
'source-in': 1,
'source-out': 1,
'source-atop': 1,
'destination-over': 1,
'destination-in': 1,
'destination-out': 1,
'destination-atop': 1,
lighten: 1,
darken: 1,
copy: 1,
xor: 1,
multiply: 1,
screen: 1,
overlay: 1,
'color-dodge': 1,
'color-burn': 1,
'hard-light': 1,
'soft-light': 1,
difference: 1,
exclusion: 1,
hue: 1,
saturation: 1,
color: 1,
luminosity: 1
* Abstract interface to any Shader.
* @abstract
@ -103,6 +146,9 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
this._blendUniform = null;
this._clipUniform = null;
this.blendMode = $.WebGLModule.BLEND_MODE["source-over"];
@ -121,8 +167,10 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
* @return {string}
getFragmentShaderDefinition() {
this._blendUniform = `${this.uid}_blend`;
this._clipUniform = `${this.uid}_clip`;
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls,
html = [];
glsl = [`uniform int ${this._blendUniform};`, `uniform bool ${this._clipUniform};`];
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
@ -133,11 +181,19 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
let code = controlObject.define();
if (code) {
code = code.trim();
return html.join("\n");
return glsl.join("\n");
setBlendMode(name) {
const modes = $.WebGLModule.BLEND_MODE;
this.blendMode = modes[name];
if (this.blendMode === undefined) {
this.blendMode = modes["source-over"];
@ -159,6 +215,11 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
* @param {WebGLRenderingContextBase} gl
glDrawing(program, gl) {
if (this._blendUniform) {
gl.uniform1i(this._blendLoc, this.blendMode);
gl.uniform1i(this._clipLoc, 0); //todo
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls;
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
@ -178,6 +239,13 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
* @param {WebGLRenderingContextBase} gl WebGL Context
glLoaded(program, gl) {
if (!this._blendUniform) {
$.console.warn("Shader layer has autoblending disabled: are you sure you call super.getFragmentShaderDefinition()?");
} else {
this._clipLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program, this._clipUniform);
this._blendLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program, this._blendUniform);
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls;
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
@ -295,7 +363,7 @@ $.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
return 'vec4(0.0)';
let sampled = `${this.webglContext.texture.sample(refs[otherDataIndex], textureCoords)}.${chan}`;
let sampled = `${this.webglContext.sampleTexture(refs[otherDataIndex], textureCoords)}.${chan}`;
// if (raw) return sampled;
// return this.filter(sampled);
return sampled;
@ -16,6 +16,15 @@ $.WebGLModule.determineContext = function( version ){
return null;
function iterate(n) {
let result = Array(n),
it = 0;
while (it < n) {
result[it] = it++;
return result;
* @interface OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.webglContext
* Interface for the visualisation rendering implementation which can run
@ -26,35 +35,18 @@ $.WebGLModule.WebGLImplementation = class {
* Create a WebGL Renderer Context Implementation (version-dependent)
* @param {WebGLModule} renderer
* @param {WebGLRenderingContextBase} gl
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext|WebGL2RenderingContext} gl
* @param webglVersion
* @param {object} options
* @param {GLuint} options.wrap texture wrap parameteri
* @param {GLuint} options.magFilter texture filter parameteri
* @param {GLuint} options.minFilter texture filter parameteri
* @param {string|WebGLModule.IDataLoader} options.dataLoader class name or implementation of a given loader
constructor(renderer, gl, webglVersion, options) {
//Set default blending to be MASK
this.renderer = renderer;
this.gl = gl;
this.glslBlendCode = "return background * (step(0.001, foreground.a));";
let Loader = options.dataLoader;
if (typeof Loader === "string") {
Loader = $.WebGLModule.Loaders[Loader];
if (!Loader) {
throw("Unknown data loader: " + options.dataLoader);
if (!(Loader.prototype instanceof $.WebGLModule.IDataLoader)) {
throw("Incompatible texture loader used: " + options.dataLoader);
this._texture = new Loader(gl, webglVersion, options);
if (!this.texture.supportsWebglVersion(this.getVersion())) {
throw("Incompatible texture loader version to the renderer context version! Context WebGL" + this.getVersion());
this.options = options;
@ -82,49 +74,81 @@ $.WebGLModule.WebGLImplementation = class {
return this._texture;
getCompiled(program, name) {
throw("::getCompiled() must be implemented!");
* Create a visualisation from the given JSON params
* @param program
* @param {string[]} order keys of visualisation.shader in which order to build the visualization
* the order: painter's algorithm: the last drawn is the most visible
* @param {object} visualisation
* @param {[number]} shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex
* @param {boolean} withHtml whether html should be also created (false if no UI controls are desired)
* @return {object} compiled specification object ready to be used by the wrapper, with the following keys:
{string} object.vertexShader vertex shader code
{string} object.fragmentShader fragment shader code
{string} object.html html for the UI
{number} object.usableShaders how many layers are going to be visualised
{(array|string[])} object.dataUrls ID's of data in use (keys of visualisation.shaders object) in desired order
the data is guaranteed to arrive in this order (images stacked below each other in imageElement)
* @param {object} options
* @param {boolean} options.withHtml whether html should be also created (false if no UI controls are desired)
* @param {string} options.textureType id of texture to be used, supported are TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_3D
* @param {string} options.instanceCount number of instances to draw at once
* @return {number} amount of usable shaders
compileSpecification(order, visualisation, shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex, withHtml) {
compileSpecification(program, order, visualisation, options) {
throw("::compileSpecification() must be implemented!");
* Called once program is switched to: initialize all necessary items
* @param {WebGLProgram} program used program
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.RenderingConfig} currentConfig JSON parameters used for this visualisation
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.RenderingConfig?} currentConfig JSON parameters used for this visualisation
programLoaded(program, currentConfig) {
programLoaded(program, currentConfig = null) {
throw("::programLoaded() must be implemented!");
* Draw on the canvas using given program
* @param {WebGLProgram} program used program
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.RenderingConfig} currentConfig JSON parameters used for this visualisation
* @param {string} id dataId
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.RenderingConfig?} currentConfig JSON parameters used for this visualisation
* @param {GLuint} texture
* @param {object} tileOpts
* @param {number} tileOpts.zoom value passed to the shaders as zoom_level
* @param {number} tileOpts.pixelSize value passed to the shaders as pixel_size_in_fragments
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} tileOpts.transform position of the rendered tile
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Mat3|[OpenSeadragon.Mat3]} tileOpts.transform position transform
* @param {number?} tileOpts.instanceCount how many instances to draw in case instanced drawing is enabled
* matrix or flat matrix array (instance drawing)
programUsed(program, currentConfig, id, tileOpts) {
programUsed(program, currentConfig, texture, tileOpts = {}) {
throw("::programUsed() must be implemented!");
sampleTexture(index, vec2coords) {
throw("::sampleTexture() must be implemented!");
* @param {WebGLProgram} program
* @param definition
* @param execution
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.textureType id of texture to be used, supported are TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_3D
* @param {string} options.instanceCount number of instances to draw at once
compileFragmentShader(program, definition, execution, options) {
throw("::compileFragmentShader() must be implemented!");
* @param {WebGLProgram} program
* @param definition
* @param execution
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.textureType id of texture to be used, supported are TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_3D
* @param {string} options.instanceCount number of instances to draw at once
compileVertexShader(program, definition, execution, options) {
throw("::compileVertexShader() must be implemented!");
* Code to be included only once, required by given shader type (keys are considered global)
* @param {string} type shader type
@ -167,6 +191,55 @@ $.WebGLModule.WebGLImplementation = class {
setBlendEquation(glslCode) {
this.glslBlendCode = glslCode;
_compileProgram(program, onError) {
const gl = this.gl;
function ok (kind, status, value, sh) {
if (!gl['get' + kind + 'Parameter'](value, gl[status + '_STATUS'])) {
$.console.error((sh || 'LINK') + ':\n' + gl['get' + kind + 'InfoLog'](value));
return false;
return true;
function useShader(gl, program, data, type) {
let shader = gl.createShader(gl[type]);
gl.shaderSource(shader, data);
gl.attachShader(program, shader);
program[type] = shader;
return ok('Shader', 'COMPILE', shader, type);
function numberLines(str) {
return str.split('\n').map((line, index) => `${index + 1} ${line}`).join('\n');
const opts = program._osdOptions;
if (!opts) {
$.console.error("Invalid program compilation! Did you build shaders using compile[Type]Shader() methods?");
onError("Invalid program.", "Program not compatible with this renderer!");
if (!useShader(gl, program, opts.vs, 'VERTEX_SHADER') ||
!useShader(gl, program, opts.fs, 'FRAGMENT_SHADER')) {
onError("Unable to use this specification.",
"Compilation of shader failed. For more information, see logs in the $.console.");
$.console.warn("VERTEX SHADER\n", numberLines( opts.vs ));
$.console.warn("FRAGMENT SHADER\n", numberLines( opts.fs ));
} else {
if (!ok('Program', 'LINK', program)) {
onError("Unable to use this specification.",
"Linking of shader failed. For more information, see logs in the $.console.");
} else { //if (this.renderer.debug) { //todo uncomment in production
$.console.info("VERTEX SHADER\n", numberLines( opts.vs ));
$.console.info("FRAGMENT SHADER\n", numberLines( opts.fs ));
$.WebGLModule.WebGL20 = class extends $.WebGLModule.WebGLImplementation {
@ -178,7 +251,32 @@ $.WebGLModule.WebGL20 = class extends $.WebGLModule.WebGLImplementation {
constructor(renderer, gl, options) {
super(renderer, gl, "2.0", options);
this.emptyBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
// this.vao = gl.createVertexArray();
this._bufferTexturePosition = gl.createBuffer();
// Create a texture.
this.glyphTex = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glyphTex);
// Fill the texture with a 1x1 blue pixel.
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
new Uint8Array([0, 0, 255, 255]));
// Asynchronously load an image
var image = new Image();
image.src = "8x8-font.png";
const _this = this;
image.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Now that the image has loaded make copy it to the texture.
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, _this.glyphTex);
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, true);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
getVersion() {
@ -191,33 +289,40 @@ $.WebGLModule.WebGL20 = class extends $.WebGLModule.WebGLImplementation {
return canvas.getContext('webgl2', options);
getCompiled(program, name) {
return program._osdOptions[name];
//todo try to implement on the global scope version-independntly
compileSpecification(order, visualisation, shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex, withHtml) {
compileSpecification(program, order, specification, options) {
var definition = "",
execution = "",
html = "",
_this = this,
usableShaders = 0,
dataCount = 0,
globalScopeCode = {};
order.forEach(dataId => {
let layer = visualisation.shaders[dataId];
let layer = specification.shaders[dataId];
layer.rendering = false;
if (layer.type === "none") {
//prevents the layer from being accounted for
layer.error = "Not an error - layer type none.";
} else if (layer.error) {
if (withHtml) {
if (options.withHtml) {
html = _this.renderer.htmlShaderPartHeader(layer.name, layer.error, dataId, false, layer, false) + html;
console.warn(layer.error, layer["desc"]);
$.console.warn(layer.error, layer["desc"]);
} else if (layer._renderContext && (layer._index || layer._index === 0)) {
//todo consider html generating in the renderer
let visible = false;
//make visible textures if 'visible' flag set
//todo either allways visible or ensure textures do not get loaded
if (layer.visible) {
let renderCtx = layer._renderContext;
definition += renderCtx.getFragmentShaderDefinition() + `
@ -228,137 +333,308 @@ vec4 lid_${layer._index}_xo() {
execution += `
vec4 l${layer._index}_out = lid_${layer._index}_xo();
l${layer._index}_out.a *= ${renderCtx.opacity.sample()};
blend(l${layer._index}_out, ${renderCtx._blendUniform}, ${renderCtx._clipUniform});`;
} else {
execution += `
blend(lid_${layer._index}_xo(), ${renderCtx._blendUniform}, ${renderCtx._clipUniform});`; //todo remove ${renderCtx.__mode}
layer.rendering = true;
visible = true;
OpenSeadragon.extend(globalScopeCode, _this.globalCodeRequiredByShaderType(layer.type));
$.extend(globalScopeCode, _this.globalCodeRequiredByShaderType(layer.type));
dataCount += layer.dataReferences.length;
//reverse order append to show first the last drawn element (top)
if (withHtml) {
if (options.withHtml) {
html = _this.renderer.htmlShaderPartHeader(layer.name,
layer._renderContext.htmlControls(), dataId, visible, layer, true) + html;
} else {
if (withHtml) {
if (options.withHtml) {
html = _this.renderer.htmlShaderPartHeader(layer.name,
`The requested visualisation type does not work properly.`, dataId, false, layer, false) + html;
`The requested specification type does not work properly.`, dataId, false, layer, false) + html;
console.warn("Invalid shader part.", "Missing one of the required elements.", layer);
$.console.warn("Invalid shader part.", "Missing one of the required elements.", layer);
return {
vertexShader: this.getVertexShader(),
fragmentShader: this.getFragmentShader(definition, execution, shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex, globalScopeCode),
html: html,
usableShaders: usableShaders,
dataUrls: this.renderer._dataSources
if (!options.textureType) {
if (dataCount === 1) {
options.textureType = "TEXTURE_2D";
if (dataCount > 1) {
options.textureType = "TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY";
options.html = html;
options.dataUrls = this.renderer._dataSources;
options.onError = function(message, description) {
specification.error = message;
specification.desc = description;
getFragmentShader(definition, execution, shaderDataIndexToGlobalDataIndex, globalScopeCode) {
return `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
precision mediump sampler2DArray;
precision mediump sampler2D;
const matrixType = options.instanceCount > 2 ? "in" : "uniform";
uniform float pixel_size_in_fragments;
uniform float zoom_level;
uniform vec2 u_tile_size;
vec4 _last_rendered_color = vec4(.0);
in vec2 tile_texture_coords;
out vec4 final_color;
bool close(float value, float target) {
return abs(target - value) < 0.001;
void show(vec4 color) {
//premultiplied alpha blending
vec4 fg = _last_rendered_color;
_last_rendered_color = color;
vec4 pre_fg = vec4(fg.rgb * fg.a, fg.a);
final_color = pre_fg + final_color;
vec4 blend_equation(in vec4 foreground, in vec4 background) {
void blend_clip(vec4 foreground) {
_last_rendered_color = blend_equation(foreground, _last_rendered_color);
void blend(vec4 foreground) {
final_color = blend_equation(foreground, final_color);
_last_rendered_color = vec4(.0);
void main() {
//blend last level
getVertexShader() {
//UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL not supported with 3D textures so sample bottom up
return `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform mat3 transform_matrix;
out vec2 tile_texture_coords;
//hack use 'invalid' key to attach item
globalScopeCode[null] = definition;
program, `
${matrixType} mat3 osd_transform_matrix;
const vec3 quad[4] = vec3[4] (
vec3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
);`, `
gl_Position = vec4(osd_transform_matrix * quad[gl_VertexID], 1);`, options);
void main() {
vec3 vertex = quad[gl_VertexID];
tile_texture_coords = vec2(vertex.x, -vertex.y);
gl_Position = vec4(transform_matrix * vertex, 1);
return usableShaders;
programLoaded(program, currentConfig) {
getTextureSampling(options) {
const type = options.textureType;
if (!type) { //no texture is also allowed option todo test if valid, defined since we read its location
return `
ivec2 osd_texture_size() {
return ivec2(0);
uniform sampler2D _vis_data_sampler[0];
vec4 osd_texture(int index, vec2 coords) {
return vec(.0);
const numOfTextures = options.instanceCount =
Math.max(options.instanceCount || 0, 1);
function samplingCode(coords) {
if (numOfTextures === 1) {
return `return texture(_vis_data_sampler[0], ${coords});`;
//sampling hardcode switch to sample with constant indexes
return `switch(osd_texture_id) {
${iterate(options.instanceCount).map(i => `
case ${i}:
return texture(_vis_data_sampler[${i}], ${coords});`).join("")}
return vec4(1.0);`;
//todo consider sampling with vec3 for universality
if (type === "TEXTURE_2D") {
return `
uniform sampler2D _vis_data_sampler[${numOfTextures}];
ivec2 osd_texture_size() {
return textureSize(_vis_data_sampler[0], 0);
vec4 osd_texture(int index, vec2 coords) {
if (type === "TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY") {
return `
uniform sampler2DArray _vis_data_sampler[${numOfTextures}];
ivec2 osd_texture_size() {
return textureSize(_vis_data_sampler[0], 0).xy;
vec4 osd_texture(int index, vec2 coords) {
${samplingCode('vec3(coords, index)')}
} else if (type === "TEXTURE_3D") {
//todo broken api, but pointless sending vec2 with 3d tex
return `
uniform sampler3D _vis_data_sampler[${numOfTextures}];
ivec3 osd_texture_size() {
return textureSize(_vis_data_sampler[0], 0).xy;
vec4 osd_texture(int index, vec2 coords) {
${samplingCode('vec3(coords, index)')}
return 'Error: invalid texture: unsupported sampling type ' + type;
sampleTexture(index, vec2coords) {
return `osd_texture(${index}, ${vec2coords})`;
compileFragmentShader(program, definition, execution, options) {
const debug = options.debug ? `
float twoPixels = 1.0 / float(osd_texture_size().x) * 2.0;
vec2 distance = abs(osd_texture_bounds - osd_texture_coords);
if (distance.x <= twoPixels || distance.y <= twoPixels) {
final_color = vec4(1.0, .0, .0, 1.0);
` : "";
options.fs = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
precision mediump sampler2DArray;
precision mediump sampler2D;
precision mediump sampler3D;
uniform float pixel_size_in_fragments;
uniform float zoom_level;
in vec2 osd_texture_coords;
flat in vec2 osd_texture_bounds;
flat in int osd_texture_id;
out vec4 final_color;
vec4 _last_rendered_color = vec4(.0);
bool close(float value, float target) {
return abs(target - value) < 0.001;
int _last_mode = 0;
bool _last_clip = false;
void blend(vec4 color, int mode, bool clip) {
//premultiplied alpha blending
//if (_last_clip) {
// todo
//} else {
vec4 fg = _last_rendered_color;
vec4 pre_fg = vec4(fg.rgb * fg.a, fg.a);
if (_last_mode == 0) {
final_color = pre_fg + (1.0-fg.a)*final_color;
} else if (_last_mode == 1) {
final_color = vec4(pre_fg.rgb * final_color.rgb, pre_fg.a + final_color.a);
} else {
final_color = vec4(.0, .0, 1.0, 1.0);
_last_rendered_color = color;
_last_mode = mode;
_last_clip = clip;
void main() {
//blend last level
blend(vec4(.0), 0, false);
if (options.vs) {
program._osdOptions = options;
this._compileProgram(program, options.onError || $.console.error);
delete options.fs;
delete options.vs;
compileVertexShader(program, definition, execution, options) {
const textureId = options.instanceCount > 1 ? 'gl_InstanceID' : '0';
options.vs = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
in vec2 osd_tile_texture_position;
flat out int osd_texture_id;
out vec2 osd_texture_coords;
flat out vec2 osd_texture_bounds;
void main() {
osd_texture_id = ${textureId};
// vec3 vertex = quad[gl_VertexID];
// vec2 texCoords = vec2(vertex.x, -vertex.y);
// osd_texture_coords = texCoords;
// osd_texture_bounds = texCoords;
osd_texture_coords = osd_tile_texture_position;
osd_texture_bounds = osd_tile_texture_position;
if (options.fs) {
program._osdOptions = options;
this._compileProgram(program, options.onError || $.console.error);
delete options.fs;
delete options.vs;
programLoaded(program, currentConfig = null) {
if (!this.renderer.running) {
let context = this.renderer,
gl = this.gl;
const gl = this.gl;
// Allow for custom loading
context.glLoaded(gl, program, currentConfig);
if (currentConfig) {
this.renderer.glLoaded(gl, program, currentConfig);
//Note that the drawing strategy is not to resize canvas, and simply draw everyhing on squares
this.texture.programLoaded(context, gl, program, currentConfig);
// gl.bindVertexArray(this.vao);
//Empty ARRAY: get the vertices directly from the shader
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.emptyBuffer);
this._locationPixelSize = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pixel_size_in_fragments");
this._locationZoomLevel = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "zoom_level");
const options = program._osdOptions;
if (options.instanceCount > 1) {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufferTexturePosition);
this._locationTexturePosition = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'osd_tile_texture_position');
//vec2 * 4 bytes per element
const vertexSizeByte = 2 * 4;
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, options.instanceCount * 4 * vertexSizeByte, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._locationTexturePosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.vertexAttribDivisor(this._locationTexturePosition, 0);
this._bufferMatrices = this._bufferMatrices || gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufferMatrices);
this._locationMatrices = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "osd_transform_matrix");
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * 9 * options.instanceCount, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
//matrix 3x3 (9) * 4 bytes per element
const bytesPerMatrix = 4 * 9;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const loc = this._locationMatrices + i;
// note the stride and offset
const offset = i * 12; // 3 floats per row, 4 bytes per float
loc, // location
3, // size (num values to pull from buffer per iteration)
gl.FLOAT, // type of data in buffer
false, // normalize
bytesPerMatrix, // stride, num bytes to advance to get to next set of values
// this line says this attribute only changes for each 1 instance
gl.vertexAttribDivisor(loc, 1);
this._textureLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "_vis_data_sampler");
gl.uniform1iv(this._textureLoc, iterate(options.instanceCount));
} else {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufferTexturePosition);
this._locationTexturePosition = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'osd_tile_texture_position');
gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._locationTexturePosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
this._locationMatrices = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "osd_transform_matrix");
programUsed(program, currentConfig, id, tileOpts) {
programUsed(program, currentConfig, texture, tileOpts = {}) {
if (!this.renderer.running) {
@ -367,19 +643,46 @@ void main() {
let context = this.renderer,
gl = this.gl;
context.glDrawing(gl, program, currentConfig, tileOpts);
if (currentConfig) {
context.glDrawing(gl, program, currentConfig, tileOpts);
// Set Attributes for GLSL
gl.uniform1f(gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pixel_size_in_fragments"), tileOpts.pixelSize || 1);
gl.uniform1f(gl.getUniformLocation(program, "zoom_level"), tileOpts.zoom || 1);
gl.uniformMatrix3fv(gl.getUniformLocation(program, "transform_matrix"), false,
tileOpts.transform || OpenSeadragon.Mat3.makeIdentity());
gl.uniform1f(this._locationPixelSize, tileOpts.pixelSize || 1);
gl.uniform1f(this._locationZoomLevel, tileOpts.zoom || 1);
// Upload textures
this.texture.programUsed(context, currentConfig, id, program, gl);
const options = program._osdOptions;
//if compiled as instanced drawing
if (options.instanceCount > 1) {
// Draw triangle strip (two triangles) from a static array defined in the vertex shader
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufferTexturePosition);
gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, tileOpts.textureCoords);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufferMatrices);
gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, tileOpts.transform);
let drawInstanceCount = tileOpts.instanceCount || Infinity;
drawInstanceCount = Math.min(drawInstanceCount, options.instanceCount);
for (let i = 0; i <= drawInstanceCount; i++){
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture[i]);
gl.drawArraysInstanced(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, drawInstanceCount);
} else {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufferTexturePosition);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, tileOpts.textureCoords, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this._locationMatrices, false, tileOpts.transform || $.Mat3.makeIdentity());
// Upload texture, only one texture active, no preparation
gl.bindTexture(gl[options.textureType], texture);
// Draw triangle strip (two triangles) from a static array defined in the vertex shader
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ $('#image-picker').sortable({
$('#image-picker').append(`<div class="option-grid">
<label>Blend Time (s): <input type="number" value="0" data-field="blend-time" min="0" max="1" step="0.2"> </label>
Object.keys(sources).forEach((key, index)=>{
let element = makeImagePickerElement(key, labels[key])
@ -163,9 +166,10 @@ $('#image-picker input:not(.toggle)').on('change',function(){
function updateTiledImage(tiledImage, data, value, item){
let field = data.field;
//item = tiledImage
let field = data.field;
if(field == 'x'){
let bounds = tiledImage.getBoundsNoRotate();
let position = new OpenSeadragon.Point(Number(value), bounds.y);
@ -198,14 +202,18 @@ function updateTiledImage(tiledImage, data, value, item){
} else {
else if (field == 'debug'){
} else if (field == 'debug'){
if( $(item).prop('checked') ){
tiledImage.debugMode = true;
} else {
tiledImage.debugMode = false;
} else {
//viewer-level option
if (field == "blend-time") {
@ -339,6 +347,7 @@ function makeImagePickerElement(key, label){
<label>Flipped: <input type="checkbox" data-image="" data-field="flipped"></label>
<label>Cropped: <input type="checkbox" data-image="" data-field="cropped"></label>
<label>Clipped: <input type="checkbox" data-image="" data-field="clipped"></label>
<label>Chess Tile Opacity: <input type="checkbox" data-image="" data-field="tile-level-opecity"></label>
<label>Debug: <input type="checkbox" data-image="" data-field="debug"></label>
<label>Composite: <select data-image="" data-field="composite"></select></label>
<label>Wrap: <select data-image="" data-field="wrapping"></select></label>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user