mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 16:43:50 +03:00
removed more psuedo-private methods and properties in favor of direct accessors or closure private methods. moved raiseEvent to EventHandler interface
This commit is contained in:
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ OpenSeadragon = window.OpenSeadragon || (function(){
if (!evt) return;
//End Thatcher
getHandler: function(id) {
var evt = this.events[ id ];
if (!evt || !evt.length) return null;
@ -238,6 +238,18 @@ OpenSeadragon = window.OpenSeadragon || (function(){
evt[i](source, args);
raiseEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs) {
var handler = this.getHandler( eventName );
if (handler) {
if (!eventArgs) {
eventArgs = new Object();
handler(this, eventArgs);
@ -1653,33 +1665,33 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
var containerSize = $.Utils.getElementSize( this.container );
if (!containerSize.equals(this._prevContainerSize)) {
this.viewport.resize(containerSize, true); // maintain image position
if ( !containerSize.equals( this._prevContainerSize ) ) {
this.viewport.resize( containerSize, true ); // maintain image position
this._prevContainerSize = containerSize;
raiseEvent( this, "resize" );
this.raiseEvent( "resize" );
var animated = this.viewport.update();
if (!this._animating && animated) {
raiseEvent( this, "animationstart" );
if ( !this._animating && animated ) {
this.raiseEvent( "animationstart" );
abortControlsAutoHide( this );
if (animated) {
if ( animated ) {
raiseEvent( this, "animation" );
} else if (this._forceRedraw || this.drawer.needsUpdate()) {
this.raiseEvent( "animation" );
} else if ( this._forceRedraw || this.drawer.needsUpdate() ) {
this._forceRedraw = false;
} else {
if (this._animating && !animated) {
raiseEvent( this, "animationfinish" );
if ( this._animating && !animated ) {
this.raiseEvent( "animationfinish" );
if (!this._mouseInside) {
if ( !this._mouseInside ) {
beginControlsAutoHide( this );
@ -1764,7 +1776,7 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
if ( this._lastOpenStartTime < viewer._lastOpenStartTime ) {
$.Debug.log( "Ignoring out-of-date open." );
raiseEvent( this, "ignore" );
this.raiseEvent( "ignore" );
@ -1814,7 +1826,7 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
raiseEvent( this, "open" );
this.raiseEvent( "open" );
close: function () {
@ -1950,7 +1962,7 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
this._forceRedraw = true;
raiseEvent( this, "resize", this );
this.raiseEvent( "resize", this );
@ -2047,20 +2059,6 @@ function abortControlsAutoHide( viewer ) {
// Event engine is simple, look up event handler and call.
// TODO: add the to EventHandler and call it trigger to align with jQuery
function raiseEvent( viewer, eventName, eventArgs) {
var handler = viewer.getHandler( eventName );
if ( handler ) {
if (!eventArgs) {
eventArgs = new Object();
handler( viewer, eventArgs );
// Default view event handlers.
@ -2771,11 +2769,11 @@ $.Button = function( options ) {
$.EventHandler.call( this );
this._tooltip = options.tooltip;
this._srcRest = options.srcRest;
this._srcGroup = options.srcGroup;
this._srcHover = options.srcHover;
this._srcDown = options.srcDown;
this.tooltip = options.tooltip;
this.srcRest = options.srcRest;
this.srcGroup = options.srcGroup;
this.srcHover = options.srcHover;
this.srcDown = options.srcDown;
//TODO: make button elements accessible by making them a-tags
// maybe even consider basing them on the element and adding
// methods jquery-style.
@ -2798,207 +2796,192 @@ $.Button = function( options ) {
this.addHandler("onExit", options.onExit );
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
this._tracker = new $.MouseTracker(
this.currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
this.tracker = new $.MouseTracker(
this._imgRest = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcRest);
this._imgGroup = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcGroup);
this._imgHover = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcHover);
this._imgDown = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcDown);
this.imgRest = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcRest );
this.imgGroup = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcGroup );
this.imgHover = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcHover );
this.imgDown = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcDown );
this._fadeDelay = 0; // begin fading immediately
this._fadeLength = 2000; // fade over a period of 2 seconds
this._fadeBeginTime = null;
this._shouldFade = false;
this.fadeDelay = 0; // begin fading immediately
this.fadeLength = 2000; // fade over a period of 2 seconds
this.fadeBeginTime = null;
this.shouldFade = false;
this.element.style.display = "inline-block";
this.element.style.display = "inline-block";
this.element.style.position = "relative";
this.element.title = this._tooltip;
this.element.title = this.tooltip;
this.element.appendChild( this.imgRest );
this.element.appendChild( this.imgGroup );
this.element.appendChild( this.imgHover );
this.element.appendChild( this.imgDown );
var styleRest = this._imgRest.style;
var styleGroup = this._imgGroup.style;
var styleHover = this._imgHover.style;
var styleDown = this._imgDown.style;
var styleRest = this.imgRest.style;
var styleGroup = this.imgGroup.style;
var styleHover = this.imgHover.style;
var styleDown = this.imgDown.style;
styleGroup.position = styleHover.position = styleDown.position = "absolute";
styleGroup.top = styleHover.top = styleDown.top = "0px";
styleGroup.left = styleHover.left = styleDown.left = "0px";
styleHover.visibility = styleDown.visibility = "hidden";
styleGroup.position =
styleHover.position =
styleDown.position =
styleGroup.top =
styleHover.top =
styleDown.top =
styleGroup.left =
styleHover.left =
styleDown.left =
styleHover.visibility =
styleDown.visibility =
if ( $.Utils.getBrowser() == $.Browser.FIREFOX
&& $.Utils.getBrowserVersion() < 3 ){
styleGroup.top = styleHover.top = styleDown.top = "";
styleGroup.top =
styleHover.top =
styleDown.top = "";
this._tracker.enterHandler = $.delegate(this, this._enterHandler);
this._tracker.exitHandler = $.delegate(this, this._exitHandler);
this._tracker.pressHandler = $.delegate(this, this._pressHandler);
this._tracker.releaseHandler = $.delegate(this, this._releaseHandler);
this._tracker.clickHandler = $.delegate(this, this._clickHandler);
this.tracker.enterHandler = $.delegate( this, this._enterHandler );
this.tracker.exitHandler = $.delegate( this, this._exitHandler );
this.tracker.pressHandler = $.delegate( this, this._pressHandler );
this.tracker.releaseHandler = $.delegate( this, this._releaseHandler );
this.tracker.clickHandler = $.delegate( this, this._clickHandler );
this._tracker.setTracking( true );
this._outTo( $.ButtonState.REST );
this.tracker.setTracking( true );
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.REST );
$.extend( $.Button.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
_scheduleFade: function() {
window.setTimeout($.delegate(this, this._updateFade), 20);
_updateFade: function() {
if (this._shouldFade) {
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
var deltaTime = currentTime - this._fadeBeginTime;
var opacity = 1.0 - deltaTime / this._fadeLength;
opacity = Math.min(1.0, opacity);
opacity = Math.max(0.0, opacity);
$.Utils.setElementOpacity(this._imgGroup, opacity, true);
if (opacity > 0) {
this._scheduleFade(); // fade again
_beginFading: function() {
this._shouldFade = true;
this._fadeBeginTime = new Date().getTime() + this._fadeDelay;
window.setTimeout($.delegate(this, this._scheduleFade), this._fadeDelay);
_stopFading: function() {
this._shouldFade = false;
$.Utils.setElementOpacity(this._imgGroup, 1.0, true);
_inTo: function(newState) {
if (newState >= $.ButtonState.GROUP && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.REST) {
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if (newState >= $.ButtonState.HOVER && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP) {
this._imgHover.style.visibility = "";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if (newState >= $.ButtonState.DOWN && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER) {
this._imgDown.style.visibility = "";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.DOWN;
_outTo: function(newState) {
if (newState <= $.ButtonState.HOVER && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.DOWN) {
this._imgDown.style.visibility = "hidden";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if (newState <= $.ButtonState.GROUP && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER) {
this._imgHover.style.visibility = "hidden";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if (this._newState <= $.ButtonState.REST && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP) {
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.REST;
_enterHandler: function(tracker, position, buttonDownElmt, buttonDownAny) {
if (buttonDownElmt) {
this._raiseEvent("onEnter", this);
} else if (!buttonDownAny) {
if ( buttonDownElmt ) {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.DOWN );
this.raiseEvent( "onEnter", this );
} else if ( !buttonDownAny ) {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.HOVER );
_exitHandler: function(tracker, position, buttonDownElmt, buttonDownAny) {
if (buttonDownElmt) {
this._raiseEvent("onExit", this);
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.GROUP );
if ( buttonDownElmt ) {
this.raiseEvent( "onExit", this );
_pressHandler: function(tracker, position) {
this._raiseEvent("onPress", this);
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.DOWN );
this.raiseEvent( "onPress", this );
_releaseHandler: function(tracker, position, insideElmtPress, insideElmtRelease) {
if (insideElmtPress && insideElmtRelease) {
this._raiseEvent("onRelease", this);
} else if (insideElmtPress) {
if ( insideElmtPress && insideElmtRelease ) {
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.HOVER );
this.raiseEvent( "onRelease", this );
} else if ( insideElmtPress ) {
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.GROUP );
} else {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.HOVER );
_clickHandler: function(tracker, position, quick, shift) {
if (quick) {
this._raiseEvent("onClick", this);
if ( quick ) {
this.raiseEvent("onClick", this);
_raiseEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs) {
var handler = this.getHandler(eventName);
if (handler) {
if (!eventArgs) {
eventArgs = new Object(); // Sys.EventArgs.Empty;
handler(this, eventArgs);
get_element: function() {
return this.element;
get_tooltip: function() {
return this._tooltip;
set_tooltip: function(value) {
this._tooltip = value;
get_config: function() {
return this.config;
set_config: function(value) {
this.config = value;
get_srcRest: function() {
return this._srcRest;
set_srcRest: function(value) {
this._srcRest = value;
get_srcGroup: function() {
return this._srcGroup;
set_srcGroup: function(value) {
this._srcGroup = value;
get_srcHover: function() {
return this._srcHover;
set_srcHover: function(value) {
this._srcHover = value;
get_srcDown: function() {
return this._srcDown;
set_srcDown: function(value) {
this._srcDown = value;
notifyGroupEnter: function() {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.GROUP );
notifyGroupExit: function() {
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.REST );
function scheduleFade( button ) {
updateFade( button );
}, 20 );
function updateFade( button ) {
var currentTime,
if ( button.shouldFade ) {
currentTime = +new Date();
deltaTime = currentTime - this.fadeBeginTime;
opacity = 1.0 - deltaTime / this.fadeLength;
opacity = Math.min( 1.0, opacity );
opacity = Math.max( 0.0, opacity );
$.Utils.setElementOpacity( button.imgGroup, opacity, true );
if ( opacity > 0 ) {
// fade again
scheduleFade( button );
function beginFading( button ) {
button.shouldFade = true;
button.fadeBeginTime = new Date().getTime() + button.fadeDelay;
scheduleFade( button );
}, button.fadeDelay );
function stopFading( button ) {
button.shouldFade = false;
$.Utils.setElementOpacity( button.imgGroup, 1.0, true );
function inTo( button, newState ) {
if ( newState >= $.ButtonState.GROUP && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.REST ) {
stopFading( button );
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if ( newState >= $.ButtonState.HOVER && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP ) {
button.imgHover.style.visibility = "";
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if ( newState >= $.ButtonState.DOWN && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER ) {
button.imgDown.style.visibility = "";
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.DOWN;
function outTo( button, newState ) {
if ( newState <= $.ButtonState.HOVER && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.DOWN ) {
button.imgDown.style.visibility = "hidden";
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if ( newState <= $.ButtonState.GROUP && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER ) {
this.imgHover.style.visibility = "hidden";
this.currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if ( button.newState <= $.ButtonState.REST && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP ) {
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.REST;
}( OpenSeadragon ));
(function( $ ){
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ $.Button = function( options ) {
$.EventHandler.call( this );
this._tooltip = options.tooltip;
this._srcRest = options.srcRest;
this._srcGroup = options.srcGroup;
this._srcHover = options.srcHover;
this._srcDown = options.srcDown;
this.tooltip = options.tooltip;
this.srcRest = options.srcRest;
this.srcGroup = options.srcGroup;
this.srcHover = options.srcHover;
this.srcDown = options.srcDown;
//TODO: make button elements accessible by making them a-tags
// maybe even consider basing them on the element and adding
// methods jquery-style.
@ -39,205 +39,190 @@ $.Button = function( options ) {
this.addHandler("onExit", options.onExit );
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
this._tracker = new $.MouseTracker(
this.currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
this.tracker = new $.MouseTracker(
this._imgRest = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcRest);
this._imgGroup = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcGroup);
this._imgHover = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcHover);
this._imgDown = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage(this._srcDown);
this.imgRest = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcRest );
this.imgGroup = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcGroup );
this.imgHover = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcHover );
this.imgDown = $.Utils.makeTransparentImage( this.srcDown );
this._fadeDelay = 0; // begin fading immediately
this._fadeLength = 2000; // fade over a period of 2 seconds
this._fadeBeginTime = null;
this._shouldFade = false;
this.fadeDelay = 0; // begin fading immediately
this.fadeLength = 2000; // fade over a period of 2 seconds
this.fadeBeginTime = null;
this.shouldFade = false;
this.element.style.display = "inline-block";
this.element.style.display = "inline-block";
this.element.style.position = "relative";
this.element.title = this._tooltip;
this.element.title = this.tooltip;
this.element.appendChild( this.imgRest );
this.element.appendChild( this.imgGroup );
this.element.appendChild( this.imgHover );
this.element.appendChild( this.imgDown );
var styleRest = this._imgRest.style;
var styleGroup = this._imgGroup.style;
var styleHover = this._imgHover.style;
var styleDown = this._imgDown.style;
var styleRest = this.imgRest.style;
var styleGroup = this.imgGroup.style;
var styleHover = this.imgHover.style;
var styleDown = this.imgDown.style;
styleGroup.position = styleHover.position = styleDown.position = "absolute";
styleGroup.top = styleHover.top = styleDown.top = "0px";
styleGroup.left = styleHover.left = styleDown.left = "0px";
styleHover.visibility = styleDown.visibility = "hidden";
styleGroup.position =
styleHover.position =
styleDown.position =
styleGroup.top =
styleHover.top =
styleDown.top =
styleGroup.left =
styleHover.left =
styleDown.left =
styleHover.visibility =
styleDown.visibility =
if ( $.Utils.getBrowser() == $.Browser.FIREFOX
&& $.Utils.getBrowserVersion() < 3 ){
styleGroup.top = styleHover.top = styleDown.top = "";
styleGroup.top =
styleHover.top =
styleDown.top = "";
this._tracker.enterHandler = $.delegate(this, this._enterHandler);
this._tracker.exitHandler = $.delegate(this, this._exitHandler);
this._tracker.pressHandler = $.delegate(this, this._pressHandler);
this._tracker.releaseHandler = $.delegate(this, this._releaseHandler);
this._tracker.clickHandler = $.delegate(this, this._clickHandler);
this.tracker.enterHandler = $.delegate( this, this._enterHandler );
this.tracker.exitHandler = $.delegate( this, this._exitHandler );
this.tracker.pressHandler = $.delegate( this, this._pressHandler );
this.tracker.releaseHandler = $.delegate( this, this._releaseHandler );
this.tracker.clickHandler = $.delegate( this, this._clickHandler );
this._tracker.setTracking( true );
this._outTo( $.ButtonState.REST );
this.tracker.setTracking( true );
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.REST );
$.extend( $.Button.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
_scheduleFade: function() {
window.setTimeout($.delegate(this, this._updateFade), 20);
_updateFade: function() {
if (this._shouldFade) {
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
var deltaTime = currentTime - this._fadeBeginTime;
var opacity = 1.0 - deltaTime / this._fadeLength;
opacity = Math.min(1.0, opacity);
opacity = Math.max(0.0, opacity);
$.Utils.setElementOpacity(this._imgGroup, opacity, true);
if (opacity > 0) {
this._scheduleFade(); // fade again
_beginFading: function() {
this._shouldFade = true;
this._fadeBeginTime = new Date().getTime() + this._fadeDelay;
window.setTimeout($.delegate(this, this._scheduleFade), this._fadeDelay);
_stopFading: function() {
this._shouldFade = false;
$.Utils.setElementOpacity(this._imgGroup, 1.0, true);
_inTo: function(newState) {
if (newState >= $.ButtonState.GROUP && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.REST) {
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if (newState >= $.ButtonState.HOVER && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP) {
this._imgHover.style.visibility = "";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if (newState >= $.ButtonState.DOWN && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER) {
this._imgDown.style.visibility = "";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.DOWN;
_outTo: function(newState) {
if (newState <= $.ButtonState.HOVER && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.DOWN) {
this._imgDown.style.visibility = "hidden";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if (newState <= $.ButtonState.GROUP && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER) {
this._imgHover.style.visibility = "hidden";
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if (this._newState <= $.ButtonState.REST && this._currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP) {
this._currentState = $.ButtonState.REST;
_enterHandler: function(tracker, position, buttonDownElmt, buttonDownAny) {
if (buttonDownElmt) {
this._raiseEvent("onEnter", this);
} else if (!buttonDownAny) {
if ( buttonDownElmt ) {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.DOWN );
this.raiseEvent( "onEnter", this );
} else if ( !buttonDownAny ) {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.HOVER );
_exitHandler: function(tracker, position, buttonDownElmt, buttonDownAny) {
if (buttonDownElmt) {
this._raiseEvent("onExit", this);
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.GROUP );
if ( buttonDownElmt ) {
this.raiseEvent( "onExit", this );
_pressHandler: function(tracker, position) {
this._raiseEvent("onPress", this);
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.DOWN );
this.raiseEvent( "onPress", this );
_releaseHandler: function(tracker, position, insideElmtPress, insideElmtRelease) {
if (insideElmtPress && insideElmtRelease) {
this._raiseEvent("onRelease", this);
} else if (insideElmtPress) {
if ( insideElmtPress && insideElmtRelease ) {
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.HOVER );
this.raiseEvent( "onRelease", this );
} else if ( insideElmtPress ) {
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.GROUP );
} else {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.HOVER );
_clickHandler: function(tracker, position, quick, shift) {
if (quick) {
this._raiseEvent("onClick", this);
if ( quick ) {
this.raiseEvent("onClick", this);
_raiseEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs) {
var handler = this.getHandler(eventName);
if (handler) {
if (!eventArgs) {
eventArgs = new Object(); // Sys.EventArgs.Empty;
handler(this, eventArgs);
get_element: function() {
return this.element;
get_tooltip: function() {
return this._tooltip;
set_tooltip: function(value) {
this._tooltip = value;
get_config: function() {
return this.config;
set_config: function(value) {
this.config = value;
get_srcRest: function() {
return this._srcRest;
set_srcRest: function(value) {
this._srcRest = value;
get_srcGroup: function() {
return this._srcGroup;
set_srcGroup: function(value) {
this._srcGroup = value;
get_srcHover: function() {
return this._srcHover;
set_srcHover: function(value) {
this._srcHover = value;
get_srcDown: function() {
return this._srcDown;
set_srcDown: function(value) {
this._srcDown = value;
notifyGroupEnter: function() {
inTo( this, $.ButtonState.GROUP );
notifyGroupExit: function() {
outTo( this, $.ButtonState.REST );
function scheduleFade( button ) {
updateFade( button );
}, 20 );
function updateFade( button ) {
var currentTime,
if ( button.shouldFade ) {
currentTime = +new Date();
deltaTime = currentTime - this.fadeBeginTime;
opacity = 1.0 - deltaTime / this.fadeLength;
opacity = Math.min( 1.0, opacity );
opacity = Math.max( 0.0, opacity );
$.Utils.setElementOpacity( button.imgGroup, opacity, true );
if ( opacity > 0 ) {
// fade again
scheduleFade( button );
function beginFading( button ) {
button.shouldFade = true;
button.fadeBeginTime = new Date().getTime() + button.fadeDelay;
scheduleFade( button );
}, button.fadeDelay );
function stopFading( button ) {
button.shouldFade = false;
$.Utils.setElementOpacity( button.imgGroup, 1.0, true );
function inTo( button, newState ) {
if ( newState >= $.ButtonState.GROUP && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.REST ) {
stopFading( button );
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if ( newState >= $.ButtonState.HOVER && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP ) {
button.imgHover.style.visibility = "";
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if ( newState >= $.ButtonState.DOWN && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER ) {
button.imgDown.style.visibility = "";
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.DOWN;
function outTo( button, newState ) {
if ( newState <= $.ButtonState.HOVER && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.DOWN ) {
button.imgDown.style.visibility = "hidden";
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.HOVER;
if ( newState <= $.ButtonState.GROUP && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.HOVER ) {
this.imgHover.style.visibility = "hidden";
this.currentState = $.ButtonState.GROUP;
if ( button.newState <= $.ButtonState.REST && button.currentState == $.ButtonState.GROUP ) {
button.currentState = $.ButtonState.REST;
}( OpenSeadragon ));
@ -248,33 +248,33 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
var containerSize = $.Utils.getElementSize( this.container );
if (!containerSize.equals(this._prevContainerSize)) {
this.viewport.resize(containerSize, true); // maintain image position
if ( !containerSize.equals( this._prevContainerSize ) ) {
this.viewport.resize( containerSize, true ); // maintain image position
this._prevContainerSize = containerSize;
raiseEvent( this, "resize" );
this.raiseEvent( "resize" );
var animated = this.viewport.update();
if (!this._animating && animated) {
raiseEvent( this, "animationstart" );
if ( !this._animating && animated ) {
this.raiseEvent( "animationstart" );
abortControlsAutoHide( this );
if (animated) {
if ( animated ) {
raiseEvent( this, "animation" );
} else if (this._forceRedraw || this.drawer.needsUpdate()) {
this.raiseEvent( "animation" );
} else if ( this._forceRedraw || this.drawer.needsUpdate() ) {
this._forceRedraw = false;
} else {
if (this._animating && !animated) {
raiseEvent( this, "animationfinish" );
if ( this._animating && !animated ) {
this.raiseEvent( "animationfinish" );
if (!this._mouseInside) {
if ( !this._mouseInside ) {
beginControlsAutoHide( this );
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
if ( this._lastOpenStartTime < viewer._lastOpenStartTime ) {
$.Debug.log( "Ignoring out-of-date open." );
raiseEvent( this, "ignore" );
this.raiseEvent( "ignore" );
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
raiseEvent( this, "open" );
this.raiseEvent( "open" );
close: function () {
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ $.extend($.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
this._forceRedraw = true;
raiseEvent( this, "resize", this );
this.raiseEvent( "resize", this );
@ -642,20 +642,6 @@ function abortControlsAutoHide( viewer ) {
// Event engine is simple, look up event handler and call.
// TODO: add the to EventHandler and call it trigger to align with jQuery
function raiseEvent( viewer, eventName, eventArgs) {
var handler = viewer.getHandler( eventName );
if ( handler ) {
if (!eventArgs) {
eventArgs = new Object();
handler( viewer, eventArgs );
// Default view event handlers.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user