diff --git a/src/iiiftilesource.js b/src/iiiftilesource.js
index 802e932c..1649a096 100644
--- a/src/iiiftilesource.js
+++ b/src/iiiftilesource.js
@@ -63,27 +63,19 @@ $.IIIFTileSource = function( options ){
     //      to store it.  It may be possible to make tileSize a vector
     //      OpenSeadraon.Point but would require careful implementation
     //      to preserve backward compatibility.
-    options.tileSize = this.tile_width;
-    if (! options.maxLevel ) {
-      var mf = -1;
-      if ( this.scale_factor instanceof Array ) 
-      {
-        for ( var i = 0; i < this.scale_factor.length; i++ )
-        {
-            var cf = Number( this.scale_factor[i] );
-            if ( (! isNaN( cf )) && ( cf > mf )) { 
-                mf = cf; 
+    options.tileSize = this.tile_width;    
+    if (! options.maxLevel){
+        var mf = -1;
+        if (this.scale_factor instanceof Array){
+            for (var i = 0;i < this.scale_factor.length;i++)
+            {
+                var cf = Number(this.scale_factor[i]);
+                if (!isNaN(cf) && cf > mf) mf = cf;
-      }
-      if ( mf < 0 ) {
-         options.maxLevel = Number( Math.ceil( Math.log( Math.max( this.width, this.height ), 2 )));
-      } else {
-          options.maxLevel = mf;
-      }
-    }
+        if ( mf < 0 ) options.maxLevel = Number(Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.max(this.width, this.height ), 2)));
+        else options.maxLevel = mf;
+    }    
     $.TileSource.apply( this, [ options ] );