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synced 2025-03-20 07:03:58 +03:00
Temporarily disable tests - discussing design.
This commit is contained in:
@ -314,200 +314,200 @@
//Tile API and cache interaction
//Tile API and cache interaction
QUnit.test('Tile: basic rendering & test setup', function(test) {
// QUnit.test('Tile: basic rendering & test setup', function(test) {
const done = test.async();
// const done = test.async();
// const tileCache = viewer.tileCache;
// const drawer = viewer.drawer;
// let testTileCalled = false;
// drawer.testEvents.addHandler('test-tile', e => {
// testTileCalled = true;
// test.ok(e.dataToDraw, "Tile data is ready to be drawn");
// });
// viewer.addHandler('open', async () => {
// await viewer.waitForFinishedJobsForTest();
// await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// test.ok(viewer.world.getItemAt(0).source instanceof OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource, "Tests are done with empty test source type T_A.");
// test.ok(viewer.world.getItemAt(1).source instanceof OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource, "Tests are done with empty test source type T_A.");
// test.ok(testTileCalled, "Drawer tested at least one tile.");
// test.ok(typeAtoB > 1, "At least one conversion was triggered.");
// test.equal(typeAtoB, typeBtoC, "A->B = B->C, since we need to move all data to T_C for the drawer.");
// for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
// const cache = tile.getCache();
// test.equal(cache.type, T_A, "Cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
// const internalCache = cache.getCacheForRendering(drawer, tile);
// test.equal(internalCache.type, T_C, "Conversion A->C ready, since there is no way to get to T_E.");
// test.ok(internalCache.loaded, "Internal cache ready.");
// }
// done();
// });
// viewer.open([
// {isTestSource: true},
// {isTestSource: true},
// ]);
// });
const tileCache = viewer.tileCache;
// QUnit.test('Tile & Invalidation API: basic conversion & preprocessing', function(test) {
const drawer = viewer.drawer;
// const done = test.async();
let testTileCalled = false;
// const tileCache = viewer.tileCache;
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('test-tile', e => {
// const drawer = viewer.drawer;
testTileCalled = true;
test.ok(e.dataToDraw, "Tile data is ready to be drawn");
// let testTileCalled = false;
// let _currentTestVal = undefined;
viewer.addHandler('open', async () => {
// let previousTestValue = undefined;
await viewer.waitForFinishedJobsForTest();
// drawer.testEvents.addHandler('test-tile', e => {
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// test.ok(e.dataToDraw, "Tile data is ready to be drawn");
// if (_currentTestVal !== undefined) {
test.ok(viewer.world.getItemAt(0).source instanceof OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource, "Tests are done with empty test source type T_A.");
// testTileCalled = true;
test.ok(viewer.world.getItemAt(1).source instanceof OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource, "Tests are done with empty test source type T_A.");
// test.equal(e.dataToDraw, _currentTestVal, "Value is correct on the drawn data.");
test.ok(testTileCalled, "Drawer tested at least one tile.");
// }
// });
test.ok(typeAtoB > 1, "At least one conversion was triggered.");
test.equal(typeAtoB, typeBtoC, "A->B = B->C, since we need to move all data to T_C for the drawer.");
// function testDrawingRoutine(value) {
// _currentTestVal = value;
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
// viewer.world.needsDraw();
const cache = tile.getCache();
// viewer.world.draw();
test.equal(cache.type, T_A, "Cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
// previousTestValue = value;
// _currentTestVal = undefined;
const internalCache = cache.getCacheForRendering(drawer, tile);
// }
test.equal(internalCache.type, T_C, "Conversion A->C ready, since there is no way to get to T_E.");
test.ok(internalCache.loaded, "Internal cache ready.");
// viewer.addHandler('open', async () => {
// await viewer.waitForFinishedJobsForTest();
// await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// // Test simple data set -> creates main cache
{isTestSource: true},
// let testHandler = async e => {
{isTestSource: true},
// // data comes in as T_A
// test.equal(typeDtoA, 0, "No conversion needed to get type A.");
// test.equal(typeCtoA, 0, "No conversion needed to get type A.");
QUnit.test('Tile & Invalidation API: basic conversion & preprocessing', function(test) {
// const data = await e.getData(T_A);
const done = test.async();
// test.equal(data, 1, "Copy: creation of a working cache.");
// e.tile.__TEST_PROCESSED = true;
const tileCache = viewer.tileCache;
const drawer = viewer.drawer;
// // Test value 2 since we set T_C no need to convert
// await e.setData(2, T_C);
let testTileCalled = false;
// test.notOk(e.outdated(), "Event is still valid.");
// };
let _currentTestVal = undefined;
let previousTestValue = undefined;
// viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('test-tile', e => {
// await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(true);
test.ok(e.dataToDraw, "Tile data is ready to be drawn");
// await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for internal updates
if (_currentTestVal !== undefined) {
// testDrawingRoutine(2);
testTileCalled = true;
test.equal(e.dataToDraw, _currentTestVal, "Value is correct on the drawn data.");
// //test for each level only single cache was processed
// const processedLevels = {};
// for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
// const level = tile.level;
function testDrawingRoutine(value) {
_currentTestVal = value;
// if (tile.__TEST_PROCESSED) {
// test.ok(!processedLevels[level], "Only single tile processed per level.");
// processedLevels[level] = true;
previousTestValue = value;
// delete tile.__TEST_PROCESSED;
_currentTestVal = undefined;
// }
// const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
viewer.addHandler('open', async () => {
// test.equal(origCache.type, T_A, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
await viewer.waitForFinishedJobsForTest();
// test.equal(origCache.data, 0, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// const cache = tile.getCache();
// Test simple data set -> creates main cache
// test.equal(cache.type, T_C, "Main Cache Updated (suite 1)");
// test.equal(cache.data, previousTestValue, "Main Cache Updated (suite 1)");
let testHandler = async e => {
// data comes in as T_A
// const internalCache = cache.getCacheForRendering(drawer, tile);
test.equal(typeDtoA, 0, "No conversion needed to get type A.");
// test.equal(T_C, internalCache.type, "Conversion A->C ready, since there is no way to get to T_E.");
test.equal(typeCtoA, 0, "No conversion needed to get type A.");
// test.ok(internalCache.loaded, "Internal cache ready.");
// }
const data = await e.getData(T_A);
test.equal(data, 1, "Copy: creation of a working cache.");
// // Test that basic scenario with reset data false starts from the main cache data of previous round
e.tile.__TEST_PROCESSED = true;
// const modificationConstant = 50;
// viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// Test value 2 since we set T_C no need to convert
// testHandler = async e => {
await e.setData(2, T_C);
// const data = await e.getData(T_B);
test.notOk(e.outdated(), "Event is still valid.");
// test.equal(data, previousTestValue + 2, "C -> A -> B conversion happened.");
// await e.setData(data + modificationConstant, T_B);
// console.log(data + modificationConstant);
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// test.notOk(e.outdated(), "Event is still valid.");
await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(true);
// };
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for internal updates
// console.log(previousTestValue, modificationConstant)
// viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
//test for each level only single cache was processed
// await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(false);
const processedLevels = {};
// await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
// // We set data as TB - there is T_C -> T_A -> T_B -> T_C conversion round
const level = tile.level;
// let newValue = previousTestValue + modificationConstant + 3;
// testDrawingRoutine(newValue);
if (tile.__TEST_PROCESSED) {
test.ok(!processedLevels[level], "Only single tile processed per level.");
// newValue--; // intenrla cache performed +1 conversion, but here we have main cache with one step less
processedLevels[level] = true;
// for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
delete tile.__TEST_PROCESSED;
// const cache = tile.getCache();
// test.equal(cache.type, T_B, "Main Cache Updated (suite 2).");
// test.equal(cache.data, newValue, "Main Cache Updated (suite 2).");
const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
// }
test.equal(origCache.type, T_A, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
test.equal(origCache.data, 0, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
// // Now test whether data reset works, value 1 -> copy perfomed due to internal cache cration
// viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
const cache = tile.getCache();
// testHandler = async e => {
test.equal(cache.type, T_C, "Main Cache Updated (suite 1)");
// const data = await e.getData(T_B);
test.equal(cache.data, previousTestValue, "Main Cache Updated (suite 1)");
// test.equal(data, 1, "Copy: creation of a working cache.");
// await e.setData(-8, T_E);
const internalCache = cache.getCacheForRendering(drawer, tile);
// e.resetData();
test.equal(T_C, internalCache.type, "Conversion A->C ready, since there is no way to get to T_E.");
// };
test.ok(internalCache.loaded, "Internal cache ready.");
// viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(true);
// await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// Test that basic scenario with reset data false starts from the main cache data of previous round
// testDrawingRoutine(2); // Value +2 rendering from original data
const modificationConstant = 50;
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
testHandler = async e => {
// const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
const data = await e.getData(T_B);
// test.ok(tile.getCache() === origCache, "Main cache is now original cache.");
test.equal(data, previousTestValue + 2, "C -> A -> B conversion happened.");
// }
await e.setData(data + modificationConstant, T_B);
console.log(data + modificationConstant);
// // Now force main cache creation that differs
test.notOk(e.outdated(), "Event is still valid.");
// viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// testHandler = async e => {
console.log(previousTestValue, modificationConstant)
// await e.setData(41, T_B);
// };
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(false);
// await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(true);
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// We set data as TB - there is T_C -> T_A -> T_B -> T_C conversion round
// // Now test whether data reset works, even with non-original data
let newValue = previousTestValue + modificationConstant + 3;
// viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// testHandler = async e => {
// const data = await e.getData(T_B);
newValue--; // intenrla cache performed +1 conversion, but here we have main cache with one step less
// test.equal(data, 42, "Copy: 41 + 1.");
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
// await e.setData(data, T_E);
const cache = tile.getCache();
// e.resetData();
test.equal(cache.type, T_B, "Main Cache Updated (suite 2).");
// };
test.equal(cache.data, newValue, "Main Cache Updated (suite 2).");
// viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(false);
// await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// Now test whether data reset works, value 1 -> copy perfomed due to internal cache cration
// testDrawingRoutine(42);
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
// for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const data = await e.getData(T_B);
// const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
test.equal(data, 1, "Copy: creation of a working cache.");
// test.equal(origCache.type, T_A, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses main cache even after refresh.");
await e.setData(-8, T_E);
// test.equal(origCache.data, 0, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses main cache even after refresh.");
// }
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// test.ok(testTileCalled, "Drawer tested at least one tile.");
await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(true);
// done();
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// });
testDrawingRoutine(2); // Value +2 rendering from original data
// viewer.open([
// {isTestSource: true},
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
// {isTestSource: true},
const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
// ]);
test.ok(tile.getCache() === origCache, "Main cache is now original cache.");
// });
// Now force main cache creation that differs
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
await e.setData(41, T_B);
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(true);
// Now test whether data reset works, even with non-original data
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
const data = await e.getData(T_B);
test.equal(data, 42, "Copy: 41 + 1.");
await e.setData(data, T_E);
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
await viewer.world.requestInvalidate(false);
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
test.equal(origCache.type, T_A, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses main cache even after refresh.");
test.equal(origCache.data, 0, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses main cache even after refresh.");
test.ok(testTileCalled, "Drawer tested at least one tile.");
{isTestSource: true},
{isTestSource: true},
//Tile API and cache interaction
//Tile API and cache interaction
QUnit.test('Tile API Cache Interaction', function(test) {
QUnit.test('Tile API Cache Interaction', function(test) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user