diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
index 29e37cda..72460432 100644
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ b/Gruntfile.js
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
coverageDir = 'coverage/' + dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyymmdd-HHMMss'),
sources = [
+ "src/matrix3.js",
@@ -59,11 +60,14 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
- "src/drawer.js",
+ "src/drawerbase.js",
+ "src/htmldrawer.js",
+ "src/canvasdrawer.js",
+ "src/webgldrawer.js",
- "src/world.js"
+ "src/world.js",
var banner = "//! <%= pkg.name %> <%= pkg.version %>\n" +
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
index 7c6df831..247d11af 100644
--- a/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
-Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
index b3b0ae36..866f0394 100644
--- a/changelog.txt
+++ b/changelog.txt
* BREAKING CHANGE: Dropped support for IE11 (#2300, #2361 @AndrewADev)
* DEPRECATION: The OpenSeadragon.createCallback function is no longer recommended (#2367 @akansjain)
+* The viewer now uses WebGL when available (#2310, #2462, #2466 @pearcetm, @Aiosa)
+* Added webp to supported image formats (#2455 @BeebBenjamin)
* Introduced maxTilesPerFrame option to allow loading more tiles simultaneously (#2387 @jetic83)
* Now when creating a viewer or navigator, we leave its position style alone if possible (#2393 @VIRAT9358)
* Test improvements (#2382 @AndrewADev)
* Fixed: Sometimes if the viewport was flipped and the user zoomed in far enough, it would flip back (#2364 @SebDelile)
* Fixed: Strange behavior if IIIF sizes were not in ascending order (#2416 @lutzhelm)
* Fixed: Two-finger tap on a Mac trackpad would zoom you out (#2431 @cavenel)
+* Fixed: dragToPan gesture could not be disabled when flickEnabled was activated (#2464 @jonasengelmann)
diff --git a/src/button.js b/src/button.js
index e6c525d7..34d1f27a 100644
--- a/src/button.js
+++ b/src/button.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Button
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/buttongroup.js b/src/buttongroup.js
index 6cab6395..8a1b4c9e 100644
--- a/src/buttongroup.js
+++ b/src/buttongroup.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - ButtonGroup
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/canvasdrawer.js b/src/canvasdrawer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4ec6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/canvasdrawer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+ * OpenSeadragon - CanvasDrawer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+(function( $ ){
+ const OpenSeadragon = $; // (re)alias back to OpenSeadragon for JSDoc
+ * @class OpenSeadragon.CanvasDrawer
+ * @extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase
+ * @classdesc Default implementation of CanvasDrawer for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}.
+ * @param {Object} options - Options for this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} options.viewer - The Viewer that owns this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} options.viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport.
+ * @param {Element} options.element - Parent element.
+ * @param {Number} [options.debugGridColor] - See debugGridColor in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
+ */
+class CanvasDrawer extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase{
+ constructor(options){
+ super(options);
+ /**
+ * The HTML element (canvas) that this drawer uses for drawing
+ * @member {Element} canvas
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.CanvasDrawer#
+ */
+ /**
+ * The parent element of this Drawer instance, passed in when the Drawer was created.
+ * The parent of {@link OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer#canvas}.
+ * @member {Element} container
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.CanvasDrawer#
+ */
+ /**
+ * 2d drawing context for {@link OpenSeadragon.CanvasDrawer#canvas}.
+ * @member {Object} context
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.CanvasDrawer#
+ * @private
+ */
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext( '2d' );
+ // Sketch canvas used to temporarily draw tiles which cannot be drawn directly
+ // to the main canvas due to opacity. Lazily initialized.
+ this.sketchCanvas = null;
+ this.sketchContext = null;
+ // Image smoothing for canvas rendering (only if canvas is used).
+ // Canvas default is "true", so this will only be changed if user specifies "false" in the options or via setImageSmoothinEnabled.
+ this._imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
+ // Since the tile-drawn and tile-drawing events are fired by this drawer, make sure handlers can be added for them
+ this.viewer.allowEventHandler("tile-drawn");
+ this.viewer.allowEventHandler("tile-drawing");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} true if canvas is supported by the browser, otherwise false
+ */
+ static isSupported(){
+ return $.supportsCanvas;
+ }
+ getType(){
+ return 'canvas';
+ }
+ /**
+ * create the HTML element (e.g. canvas, div) that the image will be drawn into
+ * @returns {Element} the canvas to draw into
+ */
+ _createDrawingElement(){
+ let canvas = $.makeNeutralElement("canvas");
+ let viewportSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
+ canvas.width = viewportSize.x;
+ canvas.height = viewportSize.y;
+ return canvas;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws the TiledImages
+ */
+ draw(tiledImages) {
+ this._prepareNewFrame(); // prepare to draw a new frame
+ for(const tiledImage of tiledImages){
+ if (tiledImage.opacity !== 0) {
+ this._drawTiles(tiledImage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} True - rotation is supported.
+ */
+ canRotate() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy the drawer (unload current loaded tiles)
+ */
+ destroy() {
+ //force unloading of current canvas (1x1 will be gc later, trick not necessarily needed)
+ this.canvas.width = 1;
+ this.canvas.height = 1;
+ this.sketchCanvas = null;
+ this.sketchContext = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether this drawer requires enforcing minimum tile overlap to avoid showing seams.
+ */
+ minimumOverlapRequired() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Turns image smoothing on or off for this viewer. Note: Ignored in some (especially older) browsers that do not support this property.
+ *
+ * @function
+ * @param {Boolean} [imageSmoothingEnabled] - Whether or not the image is
+ * drawn smoothly on the canvas; see imageSmoothingEnabled in
+ * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for more explanation.
+ */
+ setImageSmoothingEnabled(imageSmoothingEnabled){
+ this._imageSmoothingEnabled = !!imageSmoothingEnabled;
+ this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.context);
+ this.viewer.forceRedraw();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draw a rectangle onto the canvas
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rect
+ */
+ drawDebuggingRect(rect) {
+ var context = this.context;
+ context.save();
+ context.lineWidth = 2 * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ context.strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor[0];
+ context.fillStyle = this.debugGridColor[0];
+ context.strokeRect(
+ rect.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ rect.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ rect.width * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ rect.height * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fires the tile-drawing event.
+ * @private
+ */
+ _raiseTileDrawingEvent(tiledImage, context, tile, rendered){
+ /**
+ * This event is fired just before the tile is drawn giving the application a chance to alter the image.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This event is only fired when the 'canvas' drawer is being used
+ *
+ * @event tile-drawing
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
+ * @type {object}
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The Tile being drawn.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
+ * @property {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context - The HTML canvas context being drawn into.
+ * @property {CanvasRenderingContext2D} rendered - The HTML canvas context containing the tile imagery.
+ * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
+ */
+ this.viewer.raiseEvent('tile-drawing', {
+ tiledImage: tiledImage,
+ context: context,
+ tile: tile,
+ rendered: rendered
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clears the Drawer so it's ready to draw another frame.
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
+ _prepareNewFrame() {
+ var viewportSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
+ if( this.canvas.width !== viewportSize.x ||
+ this.canvas.height !== viewportSize.y ) {
+ this.canvas.width = viewportSize.x;
+ this.canvas.height = viewportSize.y;
+ this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.context);
+ if ( this.sketchCanvas !== null ) {
+ var sketchCanvasSize = this._calculateSketchCanvasSize();
+ this.sketchCanvas.width = sketchCanvasSize.x;
+ this.sketchCanvas.height = sketchCanvasSize.y;
+ this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.sketchContext);
+ }
+ }
+ this._clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @param {Boolean} useSketch Whether to clear sketch canvas or main canvas
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} [bounds] The rectangle to clear
+ */
+ _clear(useSketch, bounds){
+ var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
+ if (bounds) {
+ context.clearRect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
+ } else {
+ var canvas = context.canvas;
+ context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws a TiledImage.
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
+ _drawTiles( tiledImage ) {
+ var lastDrawn = tiledImage.getTilesToDraw().map(info => info.tile);
+ if (tiledImage.opacity === 0 || (lastDrawn.length === 0 && !tiledImage.placeholderFillStyle)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var tile = lastDrawn[0];
+ var useSketch;
+ if (tile) {
+ useSketch = tiledImage.opacity < 1 ||
+ (tiledImage.compositeOperation && tiledImage.compositeOperation !== 'source-over') ||
+ (!tiledImage._isBottomItem() &&
+ tiledImage.source.hasTransparency(tile.context2D, tile.getUrl(), tile.ajaxHeaders, tile.postData));
+ }
+ var sketchScale;
+ var sketchTranslate;
+ var zoom = this.viewport.getZoom(true);
+ var imageZoom = tiledImage.viewportToImageZoom(zoom);
+ if (lastDrawn.length > 1 &&
+ imageZoom > tiledImage.smoothTileEdgesMinZoom &&
+ !tiledImage.iOSDevice &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 ){ // TODO: support tile edge smoothing with tiled image rotation.
+ // When zoomed in a lot (>100%) the tile edges are visible.
+ // So we have to composite them at ~100% and scale them up together.
+ // Note: Disabled on iOS devices per default as it causes a native crash
+ useSketch = true;
+ sketchScale = tile.getScaleForEdgeSmoothing();
+ sketchTranslate = tile.getTranslationForEdgeSmoothing(sketchScale,
+ this._getCanvasSize(false),
+ this._getCanvasSize(true));
+ }
+ var bounds;
+ if (useSketch) {
+ if (!sketchScale) {
+ // Except when edge smoothing, we only clean the part of the
+ // sketch canvas we are going to use for performance reasons.
+ bounds = this.viewport.viewportToViewerElementRectangle(
+ tiledImage.getClippedBounds(true))
+ .getIntegerBoundingBox();
+ if(this.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ||
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ bounds.x = this.viewer.container.clientWidth - (bounds.x + bounds.width);
+ }
+ }
+ bounds = bounds.times($.pixelDensityRatio);
+ }
+ this._clear(true, bounds);
+ }
+ // When scaling, we must rotate only when blending the sketch canvas to
+ // avoid interpolation
+ if (!sketchScale) {
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({
+ degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true),
+ useSketch: useSketch
+ });
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({
+ degrees: tiledImage.getRotation(true),
+ point: this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
+ tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true), true),
+ useSketch: useSketch
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
+ if(this.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ this._flip();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var usedClip = false;
+ if ( tiledImage._clip ) {
+ this._saveContext(useSketch);
+ var box = tiledImage.imageToViewportRectangle(tiledImage._clip, true);
+ box = box.rotate(-tiledImage.getRotation(true), tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true));
+ var clipRect = this.viewportToDrawerRectangle(box);
+ if (sketchScale) {
+ clipRect = clipRect.times(sketchScale);
+ }
+ if (sketchTranslate) {
+ clipRect = clipRect.translate(sketchTranslate);
+ }
+ this._setClip(clipRect, useSketch);
+ usedClip = true;
+ }
+ if (tiledImage._croppingPolygons) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(!usedClip){
+ this._saveContext(useSketch);
+ }
+ try {
+ var polygons = tiledImage._croppingPolygons.map(function (polygon) {
+ return polygon.map(function (coord) {
+ var point = tiledImage
+ .imageToViewportCoordinates(coord.x, coord.y, true)
+ .rotate(-tiledImage.getRotation(true), tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true));
+ var clipPoint = self.viewportCoordToDrawerCoord(point);
+ if (sketchScale) {
+ clipPoint = clipPoint.times(sketchScale);
+ }
+ if (sketchTranslate) { // mostly fixes #2312
+ clipPoint = clipPoint.plus(sketchTranslate);
+ }
+ return clipPoint;
+ });
+ });
+ this._clipWithPolygons(polygons, useSketch);
+ } catch (e) {
+ $.console.error(e);
+ }
+ usedClip = true;
+ }
+ if ( tiledImage.placeholderFillStyle && tiledImage._hasOpaqueTile === false ) {
+ var placeholderRect = this.viewportToDrawerRectangle(tiledImage.getBounds(true));
+ if (sketchScale) {
+ placeholderRect = placeholderRect.times(sketchScale);
+ }
+ if (sketchTranslate) {
+ placeholderRect = placeholderRect.translate(sketchTranslate);
+ }
+ var fillStyle = null;
+ if ( typeof tiledImage.placeholderFillStyle === "function" ) {
+ fillStyle = tiledImage.placeholderFillStyle(tiledImage, this.context);
+ }
+ else {
+ fillStyle = tiledImage.placeholderFillStyle;
+ }
+ this._drawRectangle(placeholderRect, fillStyle, useSketch);
+ }
+ var subPixelRoundingRule = determineSubPixelRoundingRule(tiledImage.subPixelRoundingForTransparency);
+ var shouldRoundPositionAndSize = false;
+ if (subPixelRoundingRule === $.SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES.ALWAYS) {
+ shouldRoundPositionAndSize = true;
+ } else if (subPixelRoundingRule === $.SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES.ONLY_AT_REST) {
+ var isAnimating = this.viewer && this.viewer.isAnimating();
+ shouldRoundPositionAndSize = !isAnimating;
+ }
+ // Iterate over the tiles to draw, and draw them
+ for (var i = 0; i < lastDrawn.length; i++) {
+ tile = lastDrawn[ i ];
+ this._drawTile( tile, tiledImage, useSketch, sketchScale,
+ sketchTranslate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, tiledImage.source );
+ if( this.viewer ){
+ /**
+ * Raised when a tile is drawn to the canvas. Only valid for
+ * context2d and html drawers.
+ *
+ * @event tile-drawn
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
+ * @type {object}
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
+ * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
+ */
+ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'tile-drawn', {
+ tiledImage: tiledImage,
+ tile: tile
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ( usedClip ) {
+ this._restoreContext( useSketch );
+ }
+ if (!sketchScale) {
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges(useSketch);
+ }
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges(useSketch);
+ }
+ }
+ if (useSketch) {
+ if (sketchScale) {
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({
+ degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true),
+ useSketch: false
+ });
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({
+ degrees: tiledImage.getRotation(true),
+ point: this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
+ tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true), true),
+ useSketch: false
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.blendSketch({
+ opacity: tiledImage.opacity,
+ scale: sketchScale,
+ translate: sketchTranslate,
+ compositeOperation: tiledImage.compositeOperation,
+ bounds: bounds
+ });
+ if (sketchScale) {
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges(false);
+ }
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sketchScale) {
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
+ if(this.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ this._flip();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._drawDebugInfo( tiledImage, lastDrawn );
+ // Fire tiled-image-drawn event.
+ this._raiseTiledImageDrawnEvent(tiledImage, lastDrawn);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws special debug information for a TiledImage if in debug mode.
+ * @private
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} lastDrawn - An unordered list of Tiles drawn last frame.
+ */
+ _drawDebugInfo( tiledImage, lastDrawn ) {
+ if( tiledImage.debugMode ) {
+ for ( var i = lastDrawn.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ var tile = lastDrawn[ i ];
+ try {
+ this._drawDebugInfoOnTile(tile, lastDrawn.length, i, tiledImage);
+ } catch(e) {
+ $.console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function will create multiple polygon paths on the drawing context by provided polygons,
+ * then clip the context to the paths.
+ * @private
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point[][]} polygons - an array of polygons. A polygon is an array of OpenSeadragon.Point
+ * @param {Boolean} useSketch - Whether to use the sketch canvas or not.
+ */
+ _clipWithPolygons (polygons, useSketch) {
+ var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
+ context.beginPath();
+ for(const polygon of polygons){
+ for(const [i, coord] of polygon.entries() ){
+ context[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](coord.x, coord.y);
+ }
+ }
+ context.clip();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws the given tile.
+ * @private
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The tile to draw.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - The tiled image being drawn.
+ * @param {Boolean} useSketch - Whether to use the sketch canvas or not.
+ * where rendered
is the context with the pre-drawn image.
+ * @param {Float} [scale=1] - Apply a scale to tile position and size. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [translate] A translation vector to offset tile position
+ * @param {Boolean} [shouldRoundPositionAndSize] - Tells whether to round
+ * position and size of tiles supporting alpha channel in non-transparency
+ * context.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source - The source specification of the tile.
+ */
+ _drawTile( tile, tiledImage, useSketch, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source) {
+ $.console.assert(tile, '[Drawer._drawTile] tile is required');
+ $.console.assert(tiledImage, '[Drawer._drawTile] drawingHandler is required');
+ var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
+ scale = scale || 1;
+ this._drawTileToCanvas(tile, context, tiledImage, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders the tile in a canvas-based context.
+ * @private
+ * @function
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - the tile to draw to the canvas
+ * @param {Canvas} context
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Method for firing the drawing event.
+ * drawingHandler({context, tile, rendered})
+ * where rendered
is the context with the pre-drawn image.
+ * @param {Number} [scale=1] - Apply a scale to position and size
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [translate] - A translation vector
+ * @param {Boolean} [shouldRoundPositionAndSize] - Tells whether to round
+ * position and size of tiles supporting alpha channel in non-transparency
+ * context.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source - The source specification of the tile.
+ */
+ _drawTileToCanvas( tile, context, tiledImage, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source) {
+ var position = tile.position.times($.pixelDensityRatio),
+ size = tile.size.times($.pixelDensityRatio),
+ rendered;
+ if (!tile.context2D && !tile.cacheImageRecord) {
+ $.console.warn(
+ '[Drawer._drawTileToCanvas] attempting to draw tile %s when it\'s not cached',
+ tile.toString());
+ return;
+ }
+ rendered = tile.getCanvasContext();
+ if ( !tile.loaded || !rendered ){
+ $.console.warn(
+ "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's not yet loaded.",
+ tile.toString()
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ context.save();
+ // context.globalAlpha = this.options.opacity; // this was deprecated previously and should not be applied as it is set per TiledImage
+ if (typeof scale === 'number' && scale !== 1) {
+ // draw tile at a different scale
+ position = position.times(scale);
+ size = size.times(scale);
+ }
+ if (translate instanceof $.Point) {
+ // shift tile position slightly
+ position = position.plus(translate);
+ }
+ //if we are supposed to be rendering fully opaque rectangle,
+ //ie its done fading or fading is turned off, and if we are drawing
+ //an image with an alpha channel, then the only way
+ //to avoid seeing the tile underneath is to clear the rectangle
+ if (context.globalAlpha === 1 && tile.hasTransparency) {
+ if (shouldRoundPositionAndSize) {
+ // Round to the nearest whole pixel so we don't get seams from overlap.
+ position.x = Math.round(position.x);
+ position.y = Math.round(position.y);
+ size.x = Math.round(size.x);
+ size.y = Math.round(size.y);
+ }
+ //clearing only the inside of the rectangle occupied
+ //by the png prevents edge flikering
+ context.clearRect(
+ position.x,
+ position.y,
+ size.x,
+ size.y
+ );
+ }
+ this._raiseTileDrawingEvent(tiledImage, context, tile, rendered);
+ var sourceWidth, sourceHeight;
+ if (tile.sourceBounds) {
+ sourceWidth = Math.min(tile.sourceBounds.width, rendered.canvas.width);
+ sourceHeight = Math.min(tile.sourceBounds.height, rendered.canvas.height);
+ } else {
+ sourceWidth = rendered.canvas.width;
+ sourceHeight = rendered.canvas.height;
+ }
+ context.translate(position.x + size.x / 2, 0);
+ if (tile.flipped) {
+ context.scale(-1, 1);
+ }
+ context.drawImage(
+ rendered.canvas,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ sourceWidth,
+ sourceHeight,
+ -size.x / 2,
+ position.y,
+ size.x,
+ size.y
+ );
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the context of the main or sketch canvas
+ * @private
+ * @param {Boolean} useSketch
+ * @returns {CanvasRenderingContext2D}
+ */
+ _getContext( useSketch ) {
+ var context = this.context;
+ if ( useSketch ) {
+ if (this.sketchCanvas === null) {
+ this.sketchCanvas = document.createElement( "canvas" );
+ var sketchCanvasSize = this._calculateSketchCanvasSize();
+ this.sketchCanvas.width = sketchCanvasSize.x;
+ this.sketchCanvas.height = sketchCanvasSize.y;
+ this.sketchContext = this.sketchCanvas.getContext( "2d" );
+ // If the viewport is not currently rotated, the sketchCanvas
+ // will have the same size as the main canvas. However, if
+ // the viewport get rotated later on, we will need to resize it.
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation() === 0) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.viewer.addHandler('rotate', function resizeSketchCanvas() {
+ if (self.viewport.getRotation() === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.viewer.removeHandler('rotate', resizeSketchCanvas);
+ var sketchCanvasSize = self._calculateSketchCanvasSize();
+ self.sketchCanvas.width = sketchCanvasSize.x;
+ self.sketchCanvas.height = sketchCanvasSize.y;
+ });
+ }
+ this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.sketchContext);
+ }
+ context = this.sketchContext;
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save the context of the main or sketch canvas
+ * @private
+ * @param {Boolean} useSketch
+ */
+ _saveContext( useSketch ) {
+ this._getContext( useSketch ).save();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore the context of the main or sketch canvas
+ * @private
+ * @param {Boolean} useSketch
+ */
+ _restoreContext( useSketch ) {
+ this._getContext( useSketch ).restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _setClip(rect, useSketch) {
+ var context = this._getContext( useSketch );
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
+ context.clip();
+ }
+ // private
+ // used to draw a placeholder rectangle
+ _drawRectangle(rect, fillStyle, useSketch) {
+ var context = this._getContext( useSketch );
+ context.save();
+ context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+ context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Blends the sketch canvas in the main canvas.
+ * @param {Object} options The options
+ * @param {Float} options.opacity The opacity of the blending.
+ * @param {Float} [options.scale=1] The scale at which tiles were drawn on
+ * the sketch. Default is 1.
+ * Use scale to draw at a lower scale and then enlarge onto the main canvas.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [options.translate] A translation vector
+ * that was used to draw the tiles
+ * @param {String} [options.compositeOperation] - How the image is
+ * composited onto other images; see compositeOperation in
+ * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for possible values.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} [options.bounds] The part of the sketch
+ * canvas to blend in the main canvas. If specified, options.scale and
+ * options.translate get ignored.
+ */
+ blendSketch(opacity, scale, translate, compositeOperation) {
+ var options = opacity;
+ if (!$.isPlainObject(options)) {
+ options = {
+ opacity: opacity,
+ scale: scale,
+ translate: translate,
+ compositeOperation: compositeOperation
+ };
+ }
+ opacity = options.opacity;
+ compositeOperation = options.compositeOperation;
+ var bounds = options.bounds;
+ this.context.save();
+ this.context.globalAlpha = opacity;
+ if (compositeOperation) {
+ this.context.globalCompositeOperation = compositeOperation;
+ }
+ if (bounds) {
+ // Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Safari have problems
+ // when you call context.drawImage with negative x or y
+ // or x + width or y + height greater than the canvas width or height respectively.
+ if (bounds.x < 0) {
+ bounds.width += bounds.x;
+ bounds.x = 0;
+ }
+ if (bounds.x + bounds.width > this.canvas.width) {
+ bounds.width = this.canvas.width - bounds.x;
+ }
+ if (bounds.y < 0) {
+ bounds.height += bounds.y;
+ bounds.y = 0;
+ }
+ if (bounds.y + bounds.height > this.canvas.height) {
+ bounds.height = this.canvas.height - bounds.y;
+ }
+ this.context.drawImage(
+ this.sketchCanvas,
+ bounds.x,
+ bounds.y,
+ bounds.width,
+ bounds.height,
+ bounds.x,
+ bounds.y,
+ bounds.width,
+ bounds.height
+ );
+ } else {
+ scale = options.scale || 1;
+ translate = options.translate;
+ var position = translate instanceof $.Point ?
+ translate : new $.Point(0, 0);
+ var widthExt = 0;
+ var heightExt = 0;
+ if (translate) {
+ var widthDiff = this.sketchCanvas.width - this.canvas.width;
+ var heightDiff = this.sketchCanvas.height - this.canvas.height;
+ widthExt = Math.round(widthDiff / 2);
+ heightExt = Math.round(heightDiff / 2);
+ }
+ this.context.drawImage(
+ this.sketchCanvas,
+ position.x - widthExt * scale,
+ position.y - heightExt * scale,
+ (this.canvas.width + 2 * widthExt) * scale,
+ (this.canvas.height + 2 * heightExt) * scale,
+ -widthExt,
+ -heightExt,
+ this.canvas.width + 2 * widthExt,
+ this.canvas.height + 2 * heightExt
+ );
+ }
+ this.context.restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _drawDebugInfoOnTile(tile, count, i, tiledImage) {
+ var colorIndex = this.viewer.world.getIndexOfItem(tiledImage) % this.debugGridColor.length;
+ var context = this.context;
+ context.save();
+ context.lineWidth = 2 * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ context.font = 'small-caps bold ' + (13 * $.pixelDensityRatio) + 'px arial';
+ context.strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor[colorIndex];
+ context.fillStyle = this.debugGridColor[colorIndex];
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true)});
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({
+ degrees: tiledImage.getRotation(true),
+ point: tiledImage.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
+ tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true), true)
+ });
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
+ if(tiledImage._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ tiledImage._drawer._flip();
+ }
+ }
+ context.strokeRect(
+ tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ tile.position.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ tile.size.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ tile.size.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ var tileCenterX = (tile.position.x + (tile.size.x / 2)) * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ var tileCenterY = (tile.position.y + (tile.size.y / 2)) * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ // Rotate the text the right way around.
+ context.translate( tileCenterX, tileCenterY );
+ context.rotate( Math.PI / 180 * -this.viewport.getRotation(true) );
+ context.translate( -tileCenterX, -tileCenterY );
+ if( tile.x === 0 && tile.y === 0 ){
+ context.fillText(
+ "Zoom: " + this.viewport.getZoom(),
+ tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y - 30) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Pan: " + this.viewport.getBounds().toString(),
+ tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y - 20) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ }
+ context.fillText(
+ "Level: " + tile.level,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 20) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Column: " + tile.x,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 30) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Row: " + tile.y,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 40) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Order: " + i + " of " + count,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 50) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Size: " + tile.size.toString(),
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 60) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Position: " + tile.position.toString(),
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 70) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges();
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges();
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
+ if(tiledImage._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ tiledImage._drawer._flip();
+ }
+ }
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _updateImageSmoothingEnabled(context){
+ context.msImageSmoothingEnabled = this._imageSmoothingEnabled;
+ context.imageSmoothingEnabled = this._imageSmoothingEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the canvas size
+ * @private
+ * @param {Boolean} sketch If set to true return the size of the sketch canvas
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} The size of the canvas
+ */
+ _getCanvasSize(sketch) {
+ var canvas = this._getContext(sketch).canvas;
+ return new $.Point(canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the canvas center
+ * @private
+ * @param {Boolean} sketch If set to true return the center point of the sketch canvas
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} The center point of the canvas
+ */
+ _getCanvasCenter() {
+ return new $.Point(this.canvas.width / 2, this.canvas.height / 2);
+ }
+ // private
+ _offsetForRotation(options) {
+ var point = options.point ?
+ options.point.times($.pixelDensityRatio) :
+ this._getCanvasCenter();
+ var context = this._getContext(options.useSketch);
+ context.save();
+ context.translate(point.x, point.y);
+ if(this.viewer.viewport.flipped){
+ context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * -options.degrees);
+ context.scale(-1, 1);
+ } else{
+ context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * options.degrees);
+ }
+ context.translate(-point.x, -point.y);
+ }
+ // private
+ _flip(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var point = options.point ?
+ options.point.times($.pixelDensityRatio) :
+ this._getCanvasCenter();
+ var context = this._getContext(options.useSketch);
+ context.translate(point.x, 0);
+ context.scale(-1, 1);
+ context.translate(-point.x, 0);
+ }
+ // private
+ _restoreRotationChanges(useSketch) {
+ var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _calculateCanvasSize() {
+ var pixelDensityRatio = $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ var viewportSize = this.viewport.getContainerSize();
+ return {
+ // canvas width and height are integers
+ x: Math.round(viewportSize.x * pixelDensityRatio),
+ y: Math.round(viewportSize.y * pixelDensityRatio)
+ };
+ }
+ // private
+ _calculateSketchCanvasSize() {
+ var canvasSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation() === 0) {
+ return canvasSize;
+ }
+ // If the viewport is rotated, we need a larger sketch canvas in order
+ // to support edge smoothing.
+ var sketchCanvasSize = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(
+ canvasSize.x * canvasSize.x +
+ canvasSize.y * canvasSize.y));
+ return {
+ x: sketchCanvasSize,
+ y: sketchCanvasSize
+ };
+ }
+$.CanvasDrawer = CanvasDrawer;
+ * Defines the value for subpixel rounding to fallback to in case of missing or
+ * invalid value.
+ * @private
+ */
+ * Checks whether the input value is an invalid subpixel rounding enum value.
+ * @private
+ *
+ * @param {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} value - The subpixel rounding enum value to check.
+ * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if the input value is none of the expected
+ */
+function isSubPixelRoundingRuleUnknown(value) {
+ * Ensures the returned value is always a valid subpixel rounding enum value,
+ * defaulting to {@link SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES.NEVER} if input is missing or invalid.
+ * @private
+ * @param {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} value - The subpixel rounding enum value to normalize.
+ * @returns {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} Returns a valid subpixel rounding enum value.
+ */
+function normalizeSubPixelRoundingRule(value) {
+ if (isSubPixelRoundingRuleUnknown(value)) {
+ }
+ return value;
+ * Ensures the returned value is always a valid subpixel rounding enum value,
+ * defaulting to 'NEVER' if input is missing or invalid.
+ * @private
+ *
+ * @param {Object} subPixelRoundingRules - A subpixel rounding enum values dictionary [{@link BROWSERS}] --> {@link SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES}.
+ * @returns {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} Returns the determined subpixel rounding enum value for the
+ * current browser.
+ */
+function determineSubPixelRoundingRule(subPixelRoundingRules) {
+ if (typeof subPixelRoundingRules === 'number') {
+ return normalizeSubPixelRoundingRule(subPixelRoundingRules);
+ }
+ if (!subPixelRoundingRules || !$.Browser) {
+ }
+ var subPixelRoundingRule = subPixelRoundingRules[$.Browser.vendor];
+ if (isSubPixelRoundingRuleUnknown(subPixelRoundingRule)) {
+ subPixelRoundingRule = subPixelRoundingRules['*'];
+ }
+ return normalizeSubPixelRoundingRule(subPixelRoundingRule);
+}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/control.js b/src/control.js
index 3428befd..0a8b7ca6 100644
--- a/src/control.js
+++ b/src/control.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Control
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/controldock.js b/src/controldock.js
index 0ab9e5cc..31f44b52 100644
--- a/src/controldock.js
+++ b/src/controldock.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - ControlDock
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/datatypeconvertor.js b/src/datatypeconvertor.js
index 438545c4..2cc6c2da 100644
--- a/src/datatypeconvertor.js
+++ b/src/datatypeconvertor.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon.convertor (static property)
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/displayrectangle.js b/src/displayrectangle.js
index 58610058..3c3284d5 100644
--- a/src/displayrectangle.js
+++ b/src/displayrectangle.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - DisplayRect
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/drawer.js b/src/drawer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aa2c3ad..00000000
--- a/src/drawer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
- * OpenSeadragon - Drawer
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-(function( $ ){
- * @class Drawer
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon
- * @classdesc Handles rendering of tiles for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}.
- * @param {Object} options - Options for this Drawer.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} options.viewer - The Viewer that owns this Drawer.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} options.viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport.
- * @param {Element} options.element - Parent element.
- * @param {Number} [options.debugGridColor] - See debugGridColor in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
- */
-$.Drawer = function( options ) {
- $.console.assert( options.viewer, "[Drawer] options.viewer is required" );
- //backward compatibility for positional args while preferring more
- //idiomatic javascript options object as the only argument
- var args = arguments;
- if( !$.isPlainObject( options ) ){
- options = {
- source: args[ 0 ], // Reference to Viewer tile source.
- viewport: args[ 1 ], // Reference to Viewer viewport.
- element: args[ 2 ] // Parent element.
- };
- }
- $.console.assert( options.viewport, "[Drawer] options.viewport is required" );
- $.console.assert( options.element, "[Drawer] options.element is required" );
- if ( options.source ) {
- $.console.error( "[Drawer] options.source is no longer accepted; use TiledImage instead" );
- }
- this.viewer = options.viewer;
- this.viewport = options.viewport;
- this.debugGridColor = typeof options.debugGridColor === 'string' ? [options.debugGridColor] : options.debugGridColor || $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.debugGridColor;
- if (options.opacity) {
- $.console.error( "[Drawer] options.opacity is no longer accepted; set the opacity on the TiledImage instead" );
- }
- this.useCanvas = $.supportsCanvas && ( this.viewer ? this.viewer.useCanvas : true );
- /**
- * The parent element of this Drawer instance, passed in when the Drawer was created.
- * The parent of {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#canvas}.
- * @member {Element} container
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer#
- */
- this.container = $.getElement( options.element );
- /**
- * A <canvas> element if the browser supports them, otherwise a <div> element.
- * Child element of {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#container}.
- * @member {Element} canvas
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer#
- */
- this.canvas = $.makeNeutralElement( this.useCanvas ? "canvas" : "div" );
- /**
- * 2d drawing context for {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#canvas} if it's a <canvas> element, otherwise null.
- * @member {Object} context
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer#
- */
- this.context = this.useCanvas ? this.canvas.getContext( "2d" ) : null;
- /**
- * Sketch canvas used to temporarily draw tiles which cannot be drawn directly
- * to the main canvas due to opacity. Lazily initialized.
- */
- this.sketchCanvas = null;
- this.sketchContext = null;
- /**
- * @member {Element} element
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Drawer#
- * @deprecated Alias for {@link OpenSeadragon.Drawer#container}.
- */
- this.element = this.container;
- // We force our container to ltr because our drawing math doesn't work in rtl.
- // This issue only affects our canvas renderer, but we do it always for consistency.
- // Note that this means overlays you want to be rtl need to be explicitly set to rtl.
- this.container.dir = 'ltr';
- // check canvas available width and height, set canvas width and height such that the canvas backing store is set to the proper pixel density
- if (this.useCanvas) {
- var viewportSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
- this.canvas.width = viewportSize.x;
- this.canvas.height = viewportSize.y;
- }
- this.canvas.style.width = "100%";
- this.canvas.style.height = "100%";
- this.canvas.style.position = "absolute";
- $.setElementOpacity( this.canvas, this.opacity, true );
- // Allow pointer events to pass through the canvas element so implicit
- // pointer capture works on touch devices
- $.setElementPointerEventsNone( this.canvas );
- $.setElementTouchActionNone( this.canvas );
- // explicit left-align
- this.container.style.textAlign = "left";
- this.container.appendChild( this.canvas );
- // Image smoothing for canvas rendering (only if canvas is used).
- // Canvas default is "true", so this will only be changed if user specified "false".
- this._imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
-/** @lends OpenSeadragon.Drawer.prototype */
-$.Drawer.prototype = {
- // deprecated
- addOverlay: function( element, location, placement, onDraw ) {
- $.console.error("drawer.addOverlay is deprecated. Use viewer.addOverlay instead.");
- this.viewer.addOverlay( element, location, placement, onDraw );
- return this;
- },
- // deprecated
- updateOverlay: function( element, location, placement ) {
- $.console.error("drawer.updateOverlay is deprecated. Use viewer.updateOverlay instead.");
- this.viewer.updateOverlay( element, location, placement );
- return this;
- },
- // deprecated
- removeOverlay: function( element ) {
- $.console.error("drawer.removeOverlay is deprecated. Use viewer.removeOverlay instead.");
- this.viewer.removeOverlay( element );
- return this;
- },
- // deprecated
- clearOverlays: function() {
- $.console.error("drawer.clearOverlays is deprecated. Use viewer.clearOverlays instead.");
- this.viewer.clearOverlays();
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * This function converts the given point from to the drawer coordinate by
- * multiplying it with the pixel density.
- * This function does not take rotation into account, thus assuming provided
- * point is at 0 degree.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point - the pixel point to convert
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} Point in drawer coordinate system.
- */
- viewportCoordToDrawerCoord: function(point) {
- var vpPoint = this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(point, true);
- return new $.Point(
- vpPoint.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- vpPoint.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- },
- /**
- * This function will create multiple polygon paths on the drawing context by provided polygons,
- * then clip the context to the paths.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point[][]} polygons - an array of polygons. A polygon is an array of OpenSeadragon.Point
- * @param {Boolean} useSketch - Whether to use the sketch canvas or not.
- */
- clipWithPolygons: function (polygons, useSketch) {
- if (!this.useCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
- context.beginPath();
- polygons.forEach(function (polygon) {
- polygon.forEach(function (coord, i) {
- context[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](coord.x, coord.y);
- });
- });
- context.clip();
- },
- /**
- * Set the opacity of the drawer.
- * @param {Number} opacity
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Drawer} Chainable.
- */
- setOpacity: function( opacity ) {
- $.console.error("drawer.setOpacity is deprecated. Use tiledImage.setOpacity instead.");
- var world = this.viewer.world;
- for (var i = 0; i < world.getItemCount(); i++) {
- world.getItemAt( i ).setOpacity( opacity );
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Get the opacity of the drawer.
- * @returns {Number}
- */
- getOpacity: function() {
- $.console.error("drawer.getOpacity is deprecated. Use tiledImage.getOpacity instead.");
- var world = this.viewer.world;
- var maxOpacity = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < world.getItemCount(); i++) {
- var opacity = world.getItemAt( i ).getOpacity();
- if ( opacity > maxOpacity ) {
- maxOpacity = opacity;
- }
- }
- return maxOpacity;
- },
- // deprecated
- needsUpdate: function() {
- $.console.error( "[Drawer.needsUpdate] this function is deprecated. Use World.needsDraw instead." );
- return this.viewer.world.needsDraw();
- },
- // deprecated
- numTilesLoaded: function() {
- $.console.error( "[Drawer.numTilesLoaded] this function is deprecated. Use TileCache.numTilesLoaded instead." );
- return this.viewer.tileCache.numTilesLoaded();
- },
- // deprecated
- reset: function() {
- $.console.error( "[Drawer.reset] this function is deprecated. Use World.resetItems instead." );
- this.viewer.world.resetItems();
- return this;
- },
- // deprecated
- update: function() {
- $.console.error( "[Drawer.update] this function is deprecated. Use Drawer.clear and World.draw instead." );
- this.clear();
- this.viewer.world.draw();
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * @returns {Boolean} True if rotation is supported.
- */
- canRotate: function() {
- return this.useCanvas;
- },
- /**
- * Destroy the drawer (unload current loaded tiles)
- */
- destroy: function() {
- //force unloading of current canvas (1x1 will be gc later, trick not necessarily needed)
- this.canvas.width = 1;
- this.canvas.height = 1;
- this.sketchCanvas = null;
- this.sketchContext = null;
- },
- /**
- * Clears the Drawer so it's ready to draw another frame.
- */
- clear: function() {
- this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
- if ( this.useCanvas ) {
- var viewportSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
- if( this.canvas.width !== viewportSize.x ||
- this.canvas.height !== viewportSize.y ) {
- this.canvas.width = viewportSize.x;
- this.canvas.height = viewportSize.y;
- this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.context);
- if ( this.sketchCanvas !== null ) {
- var sketchCanvasSize = this._calculateSketchCanvasSize();
- this.sketchCanvas.width = sketchCanvasSize.x;
- this.sketchCanvas.height = sketchCanvasSize.y;
- this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.sketchContext);
- }
- }
- this._clear();
- }
- },
- _clear: function (useSketch, bounds) {
- if (!this.useCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
- if (bounds) {
- context.clearRect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
- } else {
- var canvas = context.canvas;
- context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Scale from OpenSeadragon viewer rectangle to drawer rectangle
- * (ignoring rotation)
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rectangle - The rectangle in viewport coordinate system.
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} Rectangle in drawer coordinate system.
- */
- viewportToDrawerRectangle: function(rectangle) {
- var topLeft = this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(rectangle.getTopLeft(), true);
- var size = this.viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(rectangle.getSize(), true);
- return new $.Rect(
- topLeft.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- topLeft.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- size.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- size.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- },
- /**
- * Draws the given tile.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The tile to draw.
- * @param {Function} drawingHandler - Method for firing the drawing event if using canvas.
- * drawingHandler({context, tile, rendered})
- * @param {Boolean} useSketch - Whether to use the sketch canvas or not.
- * where rendered
is the context with the pre-drawn image.
- * @param {Float} [scale=1] - Apply a scale to tile position and size. Defaults to 1.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [translate] A translation vector to offset tile position
- * @param {Boolean} [shouldRoundPositionAndSize] - Tells whether to round
- * position and size of tiles supporting alpha channel in non-transparency
- * context.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source - The source specification of the tile.
- */
- drawTile: function( tile, drawingHandler, useSketch, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source) {
- $.console.assert(tile, '[Drawer.drawTile] tile is required');
- $.console.assert(drawingHandler, '[Drawer.drawTile] drawingHandler is required');
- if (this.useCanvas) {
- var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
- scale = scale || 1;
- tile.drawCanvas(context, drawingHandler, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source);
- } else {
- tile.drawHTML( this.canvas );
- }
- },
- _getContext: function( useSketch ) {
- var context = this.context;
- if ( useSketch ) {
- if (this.sketchCanvas === null) {
- this.sketchCanvas = document.createElement( "canvas" );
- var sketchCanvasSize = this._calculateSketchCanvasSize();
- this.sketchCanvas.width = sketchCanvasSize.x;
- this.sketchCanvas.height = sketchCanvasSize.y;
- this.sketchContext = this.sketchCanvas.getContext( "2d" );
- // If the viewport is not currently rotated, the sketchCanvas
- // will have the same size as the main canvas. However, if
- // the viewport get rotated later on, we will need to resize it.
- if (this.viewport.getRotation() === 0) {
- var self = this;
- this.viewer.addHandler('rotate', function resizeSketchCanvas() {
- if (self.viewport.getRotation() === 0) {
- return;
- }
- self.viewer.removeHandler('rotate', resizeSketchCanvas);
- var sketchCanvasSize = self._calculateSketchCanvasSize();
- self.sketchCanvas.width = sketchCanvasSize.x;
- self.sketchCanvas.height = sketchCanvasSize.y;
- });
- }
- this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.sketchContext);
- }
- context = this.sketchContext;
- }
- return context;
- },
- // private
- saveContext: function( useSketch ) {
- if (!this.useCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- this._getContext( useSketch ).save();
- },
- // private
- restoreContext: function( useSketch ) {
- if (!this.useCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- this._getContext( useSketch ).restore();
- },
- // private
- setClip: function(rect, useSketch) {
- if (!this.useCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- var context = this._getContext( useSketch );
- context.beginPath();
- context.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
- context.clip();
- },
- // private
- drawRectangle: function(rect, fillStyle, useSketch) {
- if (!this.useCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- var context = this._getContext( useSketch );
- context.save();
- context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
- context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
- context.restore();
- },
- /**
- * Blends the sketch canvas in the main canvas.
- * @param {Object} options The options
- * @param {Float} options.opacity The opacity of the blending.
- * @param {Float} [options.scale=1] The scale at which tiles were drawn on
- * the sketch. Default is 1.
- * Use scale to draw at a lower scale and then enlarge onto the main canvas.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [options.translate] A translation vector
- * that was used to draw the tiles
- * @param {String} [options.compositeOperation] - How the image is
- * composited onto other images; see compositeOperation in
- * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for possible values.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} [options.bounds] The part of the sketch
- * canvas to blend in the main canvas. If specified, options.scale and
- * options.translate get ignored.
- */
- blendSketch: function(opacity, scale, translate, compositeOperation) {
- var options = opacity;
- if (!$.isPlainObject(options)) {
- options = {
- opacity: opacity,
- scale: scale,
- translate: translate,
- compositeOperation: compositeOperation
- };
- }
- if (!this.useCanvas || !this.sketchCanvas) {
- return;
- }
- opacity = options.opacity;
- compositeOperation = options.compositeOperation;
- var bounds = options.bounds;
- this.context.save();
- this.context.globalAlpha = opacity;
- if (compositeOperation) {
- this.context.globalCompositeOperation = compositeOperation;
- }
- if (bounds) {
- // Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Safari have problems
- // when you call context.drawImage with negative x or y
- // or x + width or y + height greater than the canvas width or height respectively.
- if (bounds.x < 0) {
- bounds.width += bounds.x;
- bounds.x = 0;
- }
- if (bounds.x + bounds.width > this.canvas.width) {
- bounds.width = this.canvas.width - bounds.x;
- }
- if (bounds.y < 0) {
- bounds.height += bounds.y;
- bounds.y = 0;
- }
- if (bounds.y + bounds.height > this.canvas.height) {
- bounds.height = this.canvas.height - bounds.y;
- }
- this.context.drawImage(
- this.sketchCanvas,
- bounds.x,
- bounds.y,
- bounds.width,
- bounds.height,
- bounds.x,
- bounds.y,
- bounds.width,
- bounds.height
- );
- } else {
- scale = options.scale || 1;
- translate = options.translate;
- var position = translate instanceof $.Point ?
- translate : new $.Point(0, 0);
- var widthExt = 0;
- var heightExt = 0;
- if (translate) {
- var widthDiff = this.sketchCanvas.width - this.canvas.width;
- var heightDiff = this.sketchCanvas.height - this.canvas.height;
- widthExt = Math.round(widthDiff / 2);
- heightExt = Math.round(heightDiff / 2);
- }
- this.context.drawImage(
- this.sketchCanvas,
- position.x - widthExt * scale,
- position.y - heightExt * scale,
- (this.canvas.width + 2 * widthExt) * scale,
- (this.canvas.height + 2 * heightExt) * scale,
- -widthExt,
- -heightExt,
- this.canvas.width + 2 * widthExt,
- this.canvas.height + 2 * heightExt
- );
- }
- this.context.restore();
- },
- // private
- drawDebugInfo: function(tile, count, i, tiledImage) {
- if ( !this.useCanvas ) {
- return;
- }
- var colorIndex = this.viewer.world.getIndexOfItem(tiledImage) % this.debugGridColor.length;
- var context = this.context;
- context.save();
- context.lineWidth = 2 * $.pixelDensityRatio;
- context.font = 'small-caps bold ' + (13 * $.pixelDensityRatio) + 'px arial';
- context.strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor[colorIndex];
- context.fillStyle = this.debugGridColor[colorIndex];
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ) {
- this._offsetForRotation({degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true)});
- }
- if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._offsetForRotation({
- degrees: tiledImage.getRotation(true),
- point: tiledImage.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
- tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true), true)
- });
- }
- if (tiledImage.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
- tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
- if(tiledImage._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
- tiledImage._drawer._flip();
- }
- }
- context.strokeRect(
- tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- tile.position.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- tile.size.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- tile.size.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- var tileCenterX = (tile.position.x + (tile.size.x / 2)) * $.pixelDensityRatio;
- var tileCenterY = (tile.position.y + (tile.size.y / 2)) * $.pixelDensityRatio;
- // Rotate the text the right way around.
- context.translate( tileCenterX, tileCenterY );
- context.rotate( Math.PI / 180 * -this.viewport.getRotation(true) );
- context.translate( -tileCenterX, -tileCenterY );
- if( tile.x === 0 && tile.y === 0 ){
- context.fillText(
- "Zoom: " + this.viewport.getZoom(),
- tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y - 30) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.fillText(
- "Pan: " + this.viewport.getBounds().toString(),
- tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y - 20) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- }
- context.fillText(
- "Level: " + tile.level,
- (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y + 20) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.fillText(
- "Column: " + tile.x,
- (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y + 30) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.fillText(
- "Row: " + tile.y,
- (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y + 40) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.fillText(
- "Order: " + i + " of " + count,
- (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y + 50) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.fillText(
- "Size: " + tile.size.toString(),
- (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y + 60) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.fillText(
- "Position: " + tile.position.toString(),
- (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- (tile.position.y + 70) * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ) {
- this._restoreRotationChanges();
- }
- if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._restoreRotationChanges();
- }
- if (tiledImage.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
- tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
- if(tiledImage._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
- tiledImage._drawer._flip();
- }
- }
- context.restore();
- },
- // private
- debugRect: function(rect) {
- if ( this.useCanvas ) {
- var context = this.context;
- context.save();
- context.lineWidth = 2 * $.pixelDensityRatio;
- context.strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor[0];
- context.fillStyle = this.debugGridColor[0];
- context.strokeRect(
- rect.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- rect.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- rect.width * $.pixelDensityRatio,
- rect.height * $.pixelDensityRatio
- );
- context.restore();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Turns image smoothing on or off for this viewer. Note: Ignored in some (especially older) browsers that do not support this property.
- *
- * @function
- * @param {Boolean} [imageSmoothingEnabled] - Whether or not the image is
- * drawn smoothly on the canvas; see imageSmoothingEnabled in
- * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for more explanation.
- */
- setImageSmoothingEnabled: function(imageSmoothingEnabled){
- if ( this.useCanvas ) {
- this._imageSmoothingEnabled = imageSmoothingEnabled;
- this._updateImageSmoothingEnabled(this.context);
- this.viewer.forceRedraw();
- }
- },
- // private
- _updateImageSmoothingEnabled: function(context){
- context.msImageSmoothingEnabled = this._imageSmoothingEnabled;
- context.imageSmoothingEnabled = this._imageSmoothingEnabled;
- },
- /**
- * Get the canvas size
- * @param {Boolean} sketch If set to true return the size of the sketch canvas
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} The size of the canvas
- */
- getCanvasSize: function(sketch) {
- var canvas = this._getContext(sketch).canvas;
- return new $.Point(canvas.width, canvas.height);
- },
- getCanvasCenter: function() {
- return new $.Point(this.canvas.width / 2, this.canvas.height / 2);
- },
- // private
- _offsetForRotation: function(options) {
- var point = options.point ?
- options.point.times($.pixelDensityRatio) :
- this.getCanvasCenter();
- var context = this._getContext(options.useSketch);
- context.save();
- context.translate(point.x, point.y);
- if(this.viewer.viewport.flipped){
- context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * -options.degrees);
- context.scale(-1, 1);
- } else{
- context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * options.degrees);
- }
- context.translate(-point.x, -point.y);
- },
- // private
- _flip: function(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var point = options.point ?
- options.point.times($.pixelDensityRatio) :
- this.getCanvasCenter();
- var context = this._getContext(options.useSketch);
- context.translate(point.x, 0);
- context.scale(-1, 1);
- context.translate(-point.x, 0);
- },
- // private
- _restoreRotationChanges: function(useSketch) {
- var context = this._getContext(useSketch);
- context.restore();
- },
- // private
- _calculateCanvasSize: function() {
- var pixelDensityRatio = $.pixelDensityRatio;
- var viewportSize = this.viewport.getContainerSize();
- return {
- // canvas width and height are integers
- x: Math.round(viewportSize.x * pixelDensityRatio),
- y: Math.round(viewportSize.y * pixelDensityRatio)
- };
- },
- // private
- _calculateSketchCanvasSize: function() {
- var canvasSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
- if (this.viewport.getRotation() === 0) {
- return canvasSize;
- }
- // If the viewport is rotated, we need a larger sketch canvas in order
- // to support edge smoothing.
- var sketchCanvasSize = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(
- canvasSize.x * canvasSize.x +
- canvasSize.y * canvasSize.y));
- return {
- x: sketchCanvasSize,
- y: sketchCanvasSize
- };
- }
-}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/drawerbase.js b/src/drawerbase.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29d7a3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/drawerbase.js
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * OpenSeadragon - DrawerBase
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+(function( $ ){
+ const OpenSeadragon = $; // (re)alias back to OpenSeadragon for JSDoc
+ * @class OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase
+ * @classdesc Base class for Drawers that handle rendering of tiles for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}.
+ * @param {Object} options - Options for this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} options.viewer - The Viewer that owns this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} options.viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} options.element - Parent element.
+ * @abstract
+ */
+OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase = class DrawerBase{
+ constructor(options){
+ $.console.assert( options.viewer, "[Drawer] options.viewer is required" );
+ $.console.assert( options.viewport, "[Drawer] options.viewport is required" );
+ $.console.assert( options.element, "[Drawer] options.element is required" );
+ this.viewer = options.viewer;
+ this.viewport = options.viewport;
+ this.debugGridColor = typeof options.debugGridColor === 'string' ? [options.debugGridColor] : options.debugGridColor || $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.debugGridColor;
+ this.options = options.options || {};
+ this.container = $.getElement( options.element );
+ this._renderingTarget = this._createDrawingElement();
+ this.canvas.style.width = "100%";
+ this.canvas.style.height = "100%";
+ this.canvas.style.position = "absolute";
+ // set canvas.style.left = 0 so the canvas is positioned properly in ltr and rtl html
+ this.canvas.style.left = "0";
+ $.setElementOpacity( this.canvas, this.viewer.opacity, true );
+ // Allow pointer events to pass through the canvas element so implicit
+ // pointer capture works on touch devices
+ $.setElementPointerEventsNone( this.canvas );
+ $.setElementTouchActionNone( this.canvas );
+ // explicit left-align
+ this.container.style.textAlign = "left";
+ this.container.appendChild( this.canvas );
+ this._checkForAPIOverrides();
+ }
+ // protect the canvas member with a getter
+ get canvas(){
+ return this._renderingTarget;
+ }
+ get element(){
+ $.console.error('Drawer.element is deprecated. Use Drawer.container instead.');
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ * @returns {String | undefined} What type of drawer this is. Must be overridden by extending classes.
+ */
+ getType(){
+ $.console.error('Drawer.getType must be implemented by child class');
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether the drawer implementation is supported by the browser. Must be overridden by extending classes.
+ */
+ static isSupported() {
+ $.console.error('Drawer.isSupported must be implemented by child class');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ * @returns {Element} the element to draw into
+ * @private
+ */
+ _createDrawingElement() {
+ $.console.error('Drawer._createDrawingElement must be implemented by child class');
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ * @param {Array} tiledImages - An array of TiledImages that are ready to be drawn.
+ * @private
+ */
+ draw(tiledImages) {
+ $.console.error('Drawer.draw must be implemented by child class');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ * @returns {Boolean} True if rotation is supported.
+ */
+ canRotate() {
+ $.console.error('Drawer.canRotate must be implemented by child class');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ destroy() {
+ $.console.error('Drawer.destroy must be implemented by child class');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether this drawer requires enforcing minimum tile overlap to avoid showing seams.
+ * @private
+ */
+ minimumOverlapRequired() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @abstract
+ * @param {Boolean} [imageSmoothingEnabled] - Whether or not the image is
+ * drawn smoothly on the canvas; see imageSmoothingEnabled in
+ * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for more explanation.
+ */
+ setImageSmoothingEnabled(imageSmoothingEnabled){
+ $.console.error('Drawer.setImageSmoothingEnabled must be implemented by child class');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Optional public API to draw a rectangle (e.g. for debugging purposes)
+ * Child classes can override this method if they wish to support this
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rect
+ */
+ drawDebuggingRect(rect) {
+ $.console.warn('[drawer].drawDebuggingRect is not implemented by this drawer');
+ }
+ // Deprecated functions
+ clear(){
+ $.console.warn('[drawer].clear() is deprecated. The drawer is responsible for clearing itself as needed before drawing tiles.');
+ }
+ // Private functions
+ /**
+ * Ensures that child classes have provided implementations for public API methods
+ * draw, canRotate, destroy, and setImageSmoothinEnabled. Throws an exception if the original
+ * placeholder methods are still in place.
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
+ _checkForAPIOverrides(){
+ if(this._createDrawingElement === $.DrawerBase.prototype._createDrawingElement){
+ throw(new Error("[drawer]._createDrawingElement must be implemented by child class"));
+ }
+ if(this.draw === $.DrawerBase.prototype.draw){
+ throw(new Error("[drawer].draw must be implemented by child class"));
+ }
+ if(this.canRotate === $.DrawerBase.prototype.canRotate){
+ throw(new Error("[drawer].canRotate must be implemented by child class"));
+ }
+ if(this.destroy === $.DrawerBase.prototype.destroy){
+ throw(new Error("[drawer].destroy must be implemented by child class"));
+ }
+ if(this.setImageSmoothingEnabled === $.DrawerBase.prototype.setImageSmoothingEnabled){
+ throw(new Error("[drawer].setImageSmoothingEnabled must be implemented by child class"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Utility functions
+ /**
+ * Scale from OpenSeadragon viewer rectangle to drawer rectangle
+ * (ignoring rotation)
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rectangle - The rectangle in viewport coordinate system.
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} Rectangle in drawer coordinate system.
+ */
+ viewportToDrawerRectangle(rectangle) {
+ var topLeft = this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(rectangle.getTopLeft(), true);
+ var size = this.viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(rectangle.getSize(), true);
+ return new $.Rect(
+ topLeft.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ topLeft.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ size.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ size.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function converts the given point from to the drawer coordinate by
+ * multiplying it with the pixel density.
+ * This function does not take rotation into account, thus assuming provided
+ * point is at 0 degree.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point - the pixel point to convert
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} Point in drawer coordinate system.
+ */
+ viewportCoordToDrawerCoord(point) {
+ var vpPoint = this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(point, true);
+ return new $.Point(
+ vpPoint.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ vpPoint.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ }
+ // Internal utility functions
+ /**
+ * Calculate width and height of the canvas based on viewport dimensions
+ * and pixelDensityRatio
+ * @private
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} {x, y} size of the canvas
+ */
+ _calculateCanvasSize() {
+ var pixelDensityRatio = $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ var viewportSize = this.viewport.getContainerSize();
+ return new OpenSeadragon.Point( Math.round(viewportSize.x * pixelDensityRatio), Math.round(viewportSize.y * pixelDensityRatio));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called by implementations to fire the tiled-image-drawn event (used by tests)
+ * @private
+ */
+ _raiseTiledImageDrawnEvent(tiledImage, tiles){
+ if(!this.viewer) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Raised when a tiled image is drawn to the canvas. Used internally for testing.
+ * The update-viewport event is preferred if you want to know when a frame has been drawn.
+ *
+ * @event tiled-image-drawn
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
+ * @type {object}
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
+ * @property {Array} tiles - An array of Tile objects that were drawn.
+ * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
+ * @private
+ */
+ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'tiled-image-drawn', {
+ tiledImage: tiledImage,
+ tiles: tiles,
+ });
+ }
+}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/dzitilesource.js b/src/dzitilesource.js
index 492bedec..96be0453 100644
--- a/src/dzitilesource.js
+++ b/src/dzitilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - DziTileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/eventsource.js b/src/eventsource.js
index 7d77e8d6..058a4220 100644
--- a/src/eventsource.js
+++ b/src/eventsource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - EventSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
$.EventSource = function() {
this.events = {};
+ this._rejectedEventList = {};
/** @lends OpenSeadragon.EventSource.prototype */
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ $.EventSource.prototype = {
* @param {Number} [times=1] - The number of times to handle the event
* before removing it.
* @param {Number} [priority=0] - Handler priority. By default, all priorities are 0. Higher number = priority.
+ * @returns {Boolean} - True if the handler was added, false if it was rejected
addOnceHandler: function(eventName, handler, userData, times, priority) {
const self = this;
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ $.EventSource.prototype = {
return handler(event);
- this.addHandler(eventName, onceHandler, userData, priority);
+ return this.addHandler(eventName, onceHandler, userData, priority);
@@ -90,8 +92,15 @@ $.EventSource.prototype = {
* @param {OpenSeadragon.EventHandler} handler - Function to call when event is triggered.
* @param {Object} [userData=null] - Arbitrary object to be passed unchanged to the handler.
* @param {Number} [priority=0] - Handler priority. By default, all priorities are 0. Higher number = priority.
+ * @returns {Boolean} - True if the handler was added, false if it was rejected
addHandler: function ( eventName, handler, userData, priority ) {
+ if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._rejectedEventList, eventName)){
+ $.console.error(`Error adding handler for ${eventName}. ${this._rejectedEventList[eventName]}`);
+ return false;
+ }
let events = this.events[ eventName ];
if ( !events ) {
this.events[ eventName ] = events = [];
@@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ $.EventSource.prototype = {
+ return true;
@@ -226,16 +236,22 @@ $.EventSource.prototype = {
* @function
* @param {String} eventName - Name of event to register.
* @param {Object} eventArgs - Event-specific data.
+ * @returns {Boolean} True if the event was fired, false if it was rejected because of rejectEventHandler(eventName)
raiseEvent: function( eventName, eventArgs ) {
//uncomment if you want to get a log of all events
//$.console.log( "Event fired:", eventName );
+ if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._rejectedEventList, eventName)){
+ $.console.error(`Error adding handler for ${eventName}. ${this._rejectedEventList[eventName]}`);
+ return false;
+ }
const handler = this.getHandler( eventName );
if ( handler ) {
- return handler( this, eventArgs || {} );
+ handler( this, eventArgs || {} );
- return undefined;
+ return true;
@@ -249,11 +265,32 @@ $.EventSource.prototype = {
//uncomment if you want to get a log of all events
//$.console.log( "Awaiting event fired:", eventName );
- const awaitingHandler = this.getAwaitingHandler( eventName );
- if ( awaitingHandler ) {
- return awaitingHandler( this, eventArgs || {} );
+ const awaitingHandler = this.getAwaitingHandler(eventName);
+ if (awaitingHandler) {
+ return awaitingHandler(this, eventArgs || {});
return $.Promise.resolve("No handler for this event registered.");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set an event name as being disabled, and provide an optional error message
+ * to be printed to the console
+ * @param {String} eventName - Name of the event
+ * @param {String} [errorMessage] - Optional string to print to the console
+ * @private
+ */
+ rejectEventHandler(eventName, errorMessage = ''){
+ this._rejectedEventList[eventName] = errorMessage;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Explicitly allow an event handler to be added for this event type, undoing
+ * the effects of rejectEventHandler
+ * @param {String} eventName - Name of the event
+ * @private
+ */
+ allowEventHandler(eventName){
+ delete this._rejectedEventList[eventName];
diff --git a/src/fullscreen.js b/src/fullscreen.js
index 1b80464c..4af8630d 100644
--- a/src/fullscreen.js
+++ b/src/fullscreen.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - full-screen support functions
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/htmldrawer.js b/src/htmldrawer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..824976ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/htmldrawer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * OpenSeadragon - HTMLDrawer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+(function( $ ){
+ const OpenSeadragon = $; // alias back for JSDoc
+ * @class OpenSeadragon.HTMLDrawer
+ * @extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase
+ * @classdesc HTML-based implementation of DrawerBase for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}.
+ * @param {Object} options - Options for this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} options.viewer - The Viewer that owns this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} options.viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport.
+ * @param {Element} options.element - Parent element.
+ * @param {Number} [options.debugGridColor] - See debugGridColor in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
+ */
+class HTMLDrawer extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase{
+ constructor(options){
+ super(options);
+ /**
+ * The HTML element (div) that this drawer uses for drawing
+ * @member {Element} canvas
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.HTMLDrawer#
+ */
+ /**
+ * The parent element of this Drawer instance, passed in when the Drawer was created.
+ * The parent of {@link OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer#canvas}.
+ * @member {Element} container
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.HTMLDrawer#
+ */
+ // Reject listening for the tile-drawing event, which this drawer does not fire
+ this.viewer.rejectEventHandler("tile-drawing", "The HTMLDrawer does not raise the tile-drawing event");
+ // Since the tile-drawn event is fired by this drawer, make sure handlers can be added for it
+ this.viewer.allowEventHandler("tile-drawn");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} always true
+ */
+ static isSupported(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @returns 'html'
+ */
+ getType(){
+ return 'html';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether this drawer requires enforcing minimum tile overlap to avoid showing seams.
+ */
+ minimumOverlapRequired() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create the HTML element (e.g. canvas, div) that the image will be drawn into
+ * @returns {Element} the div to draw into
+ */
+ _createDrawingElement(){
+ let canvas = $.makeNeutralElement("div");
+ return canvas;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws the TiledImages
+ */
+ draw(tiledImages) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this._prepareNewFrame(); // prepare to draw a new frame
+ tiledImages.forEach(function(tiledImage){
+ if (tiledImage.opacity !== 0) {
+ _this._drawTiles(tiledImage);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} False - rotation is not supported.
+ */
+ canRotate() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy the drawer (unload current loaded tiles)
+ */
+ destroy() {
+ this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function is ignored by the HTML Drawer. Implementing it is required by DrawerBase.
+ * @param {Boolean} [imageSmoothingEnabled] - Whether or not the image is
+ * drawn smoothly on the canvas; see imageSmoothingEnabled in
+ * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for more explanation.
+ */
+ setImageSmoothingEnabled(){
+ // noop - HTML Drawer does not deal with this property
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clears the Drawer so it's ready to draw another frame.
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
+ _prepareNewFrame() {
+ this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws a TiledImage.
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
+ _drawTiles( tiledImage ) {
+ var lastDrawn = tiledImage.getTilesToDraw().map(info => info.tile);
+ if (tiledImage.opacity === 0 || (lastDrawn.length === 0 && !tiledImage.placeholderFillStyle)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Iterate over the tiles to draw, and draw them
+ for (var i = lastDrawn.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var tile = lastDrawn[ i ];
+ this._drawTile( tile );
+ if( this.viewer ){
+ /**
+ * Raised when a tile is drawn to the canvas. Only valid for
+ * context2d and html drawers.
+ *
+ * @event tile-drawn
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
+ * @type {object}
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
+ * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
+ */
+ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'tile-drawn', {
+ tiledImage: tiledImage,
+ tile: tile
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draws the given tile.
+ * @private
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The tile to draw.
+ * @param {Function} drawingHandler - Method for firing the drawing event if using canvas.
+ * drawingHandler({context, tile, rendered})
+ */
+ _drawTile( tile ) {
+ $.console.assert(tile, '[Drawer._drawTile] tile is required');
+ let container = this.canvas;
+ if ( !tile.loaded ) {
+ $.console.warn(
+ "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's not yet loaded.",
+ tile.toString()
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ //EXPERIMENTAL - trying to figure out how to scale the container
+ // content during animation of the container size.
+ if ( !tile.element ) {
+ var image = tile.getImage();
+ if (!image) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tile.element = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" );
+ tile.imgElement = image.cloneNode();
+ tile.imgElement.style.msInterpolationMode = "nearest-neighbor";
+ tile.imgElement.style.width = "100%";
+ tile.imgElement.style.height = "100%";
+ tile.style = tile.element.style;
+ tile.style.position = "absolute";
+ }
+ if ( tile.element.parentNode !== container ) {
+ container.appendChild( tile.element );
+ }
+ if ( tile.imgElement.parentNode !== tile.element ) {
+ tile.element.appendChild( tile.imgElement );
+ }
+ tile.style.top = tile.position.y + "px";
+ tile.style.left = tile.position.x + "px";
+ tile.style.height = tile.size.y + "px";
+ tile.style.width = tile.size.x + "px";
+ if (tile.flipped) {
+ tile.style.transform = "scaleX(-1)";
+ }
+ $.setElementOpacity( tile.element, tile.opacity );
+ }
+$.HTMLDrawer = HTMLDrawer;
+}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/iiiftilesource.js b/src/iiiftilesource.js
index afa196cb..100297ee 100644
--- a/src/iiiftilesource.js
+++ b/src/iiiftilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - IIIFTileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/imageloader.js b/src/imageloader.js
index 59ff63c4..c07b6e22 100644
--- a/src/imageloader.js
+++ b/src/imageloader.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - ImageLoader
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
* @class ImageJob
* @classdesc Handles downloading of a single image.
+ *
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon
* @param {Object} options - Options for this ImageJob.
* @param {String} [options.src] - URL of image to download.
* @param {Tile} [options.tile] - Tile that belongs the data to.
@@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ $.ImageJob.prototype = {
* Starts the image job.
* @method
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.ImageJob#
start: function() {
@@ -113,7 +116,8 @@ $.ImageJob.prototype = {
* @param {*} data data that has been downloaded
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} request reference to the request if used
* @param {string} dataType data type identifier
- * old behavior: dataType treated as errorMessage if data is falsey value
+ * fallback compatibility behavior: dataType treated as errorMessage if data is falsey value
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.ImageJob#
finish: function(data, request, dataType) {
// old behavior, no deprecation due to possible finish calls with invalid data item (e.g. different error)
diff --git a/src/imagetilesource.js b/src/imagetilesource.js
index c5990266..aab005a2 100644
--- a/src/imagetilesource.js
+++ b/src/imagetilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - ImageTileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@
(function ($) {
* @class ImageTileSource
* @classdesc The ImageTileSource allows a simple image to be loaded
@@ -68,7 +66,6 @@ $.ImageTileSource = class extends $.TileSource {
buildPyramid: true,
crossOriginPolicy: false,
ajaxWithCredentials: false,
- useCanvas: true
}, props));
@@ -196,13 +193,9 @@ $.ImageTileSource = class extends $.TileSource {
* @deprecated
getContext2D(level, x, y) {
- $.console.warn('Using [TiledImage.getContext2D] (for plain images only) is deprecated. ' +
+ $.console.error('Using [TiledImage.getContext2D] (for plain images only) is deprecated. ' +
'Use overridden downloadTileStart (https://openseadragon.github.io/examples/advanced-data-model/) instead.');
- var context = null;
- if (level >= this.minLevel && level <= this.maxLevel) {
- context = this.levels[level].context2D;
- }
- return context;
+ return this._createContext2D();
downloadTileStart(job) {
@@ -242,21 +235,8 @@ $.ImageTileSource = class extends $.TileSource {
let currentWidth = image.naturalWidth,
currentHeight = image.naturalHeight;
- // We cache the context of the highest level because the browser
- // is a lot faster at downsampling something it already has
- // downsampled before.
- levels[0].context2D = this._createContext2D(image, currentWidth, currentHeight);
- // We don't need the image anymore. Allows it to be GC.
- if ($.isCanvasTainted(levels[0].context2D)) {
- // If the canvas is tainted, we can't compute the pyramid.
- this.buildPyramid = false;
- return levels;
- }
// We build smaller levels until either width or height becomes
- // 1 pixel wide.
+ // 2 pixel wide.
while (currentWidth >= 2 && currentHeight >= 2) {
currentWidth = Math.floor(currentWidth / 2);
currentHeight = Math.floor(currentHeight / 2);
diff --git a/src/legacytilesource.js b/src/legacytilesource.js
index 3ddb6122..c51231c3 100644
--- a/src/legacytilesource.js
+++ b/src/legacytilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - LegacyTileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/matrix3.js b/src/matrix3.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4ba0f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matrix3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * OpenSeadragon - Mat3
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * Portions of this source file are taken from WegGL Fundamentals:
+ *
+ * Copyright 2012, Gregg Tavares.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of Gregg Tavares. nor the names of his
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+(function( $ ){
+// Modified from https://webglfundamentals.org/webgl/lessons/webgl-2d-matrices.html
+ *
+ *
+ * @class Mat3
+ * @classdesc A left-to-right matrix representation, useful for affine transforms for
+ * positioning tiles for drawing
+ *
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon
+ *
+ * @param {Array} [values] - Initial values for the matrix
+ *
+ **/
+class Mat3{
+ constructor(values){
+ if(!values) {
+ values = [
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0
+ ];
+ }
+ this.values = values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @function makeIdentity
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Mat3
+ * @static
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} an identity matrix
+ */
+ static makeIdentity(){
+ return new Mat3([
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @function makeTranslation
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Mat3
+ * @static
+ * @param {Number} tx The x value of the translation
+ * @param {Number} ty The y value of the translation
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} A translation matrix
+ */
+ static makeTranslation(tx, ty) {
+ return new Mat3([
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ tx, ty, 1,
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @function makeRotation
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Mat3
+ * @static
+ * @param {Number} angleInRadians The desired rotation angle, in radians
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} A rotation matrix
+ */
+ static makeRotation(angleInRadians) {
+ var c = Math.cos(angleInRadians);
+ var s = Math.sin(angleInRadians);
+ return new Mat3([
+ c, -s, 0,
+ s, c, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @function makeScaling
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Mat3
+ * @static
+ * @param {Number} sx The x value of the scaling
+ * @param {Number} sy The y value of the scaling
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} A scaling matrix
+ */
+ static makeScaling(sx, sy) {
+ return new Mat3([
+ sx, 0, 0,
+ 0, sy, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @alias multiply
+ * @memberof! OpenSeadragon.Mat3
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} other the matrix to multiply with
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Mat3} The result of matrix multiplication
+ */
+ multiply(other) {
+ let a = this.values;
+ let b = other.values;
+ var a00 = a[0 * 3 + 0];
+ var a01 = a[0 * 3 + 1];
+ var a02 = a[0 * 3 + 2];
+ var a10 = a[1 * 3 + 0];
+ var a11 = a[1 * 3 + 1];
+ var a12 = a[1 * 3 + 2];
+ var a20 = a[2 * 3 + 0];
+ var a21 = a[2 * 3 + 1];
+ var a22 = a[2 * 3 + 2];
+ var b00 = b[0 * 3 + 0];
+ var b01 = b[0 * 3 + 1];
+ var b02 = b[0 * 3 + 2];
+ var b10 = b[1 * 3 + 0];
+ var b11 = b[1 * 3 + 1];
+ var b12 = b[1 * 3 + 2];
+ var b20 = b[2 * 3 + 0];
+ var b21 = b[2 * 3 + 1];
+ var b22 = b[2 * 3 + 2];
+ return new Mat3([
+ b00 * a00 + b01 * a10 + b02 * a20,
+ b00 * a01 + b01 * a11 + b02 * a21,
+ b00 * a02 + b01 * a12 + b02 * a22,
+ b10 * a00 + b11 * a10 + b12 * a20,
+ b10 * a01 + b11 * a11 + b12 * a21,
+ b10 * a02 + b11 * a12 + b12 * a22,
+ b20 * a00 + b21 * a10 + b22 * a20,
+ b20 * a01 + b21 * a11 + b22 * a21,
+ b20 * a02 + b21 * a12 + b22 * a22,
+ ]);
+ }
+$.Mat3 = Mat3;
+}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/mousetracker.js b/src/mousetracker.js
index 57d89d5b..2a0b6a3c 100644
--- a/src/mousetracker.js
+++ b/src/mousetracker.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - MouseTracker
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
getActivePointersListByType: function ( type ) {
var delegate = THIS[ this.hash ],
- len = delegate.activePointersLists.length,
+ len = delegate ? delegate.activePointersLists.length : 0,
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
@@ -367,7 +367,9 @@
list = new $.MouseTracker.GesturePointList( type );
- delegate.activePointersLists.push( list );
+ if(delegate){
+ delegate.activePointersLists.push( list );
+ }
return list;
diff --git a/src/navigator.js b/src/navigator.js
index 0665b58d..6a213624 100644
--- a/src/navigator.js
+++ b/src/navigator.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Navigator
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ $.Navigator = function( options ){
style.border = borderWidth + 'px solid ' + options.displayRegionColor;
style.margin = '0px';
style.padding = '0px';
- //TODO: IE doesn't like this property being set
- //try{ style.outline = '2px auto #909'; }catch(e){/*ignore*/}
style.background = 'transparent';
// We use square bracket notation on the statement below, because float is a keyword.
@@ -310,7 +307,7 @@ $.extend( $.Navigator.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, $.Viewer.prototype, /*
this.viewport.resize( containerSize, true );
this.oldContainerSize = containerSize;
- this.drawer.clear();
+ this.world.update();
diff --git a/src/openseadragon.js b/src/openseadragon.js
index f24b1c54..3afa2acb 100644
--- a/src/openseadragon.js
+++ b/src/openseadragon.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -190,6 +190,16 @@
* Zoom level to use when image is first opened or the home button is clicked.
* If 0, adjusts to fit viewer.
+ * @property {String|DrawerImplementation|Array} [drawer = ['webgl', 'canvas', 'html']]
+ * Which drawer to use. Valid strings are 'webgl', 'canvas', and 'html'. Valid drawer
+ * implementations are constructors of classes that extend OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase.
+ * An array of strings and/or constructors can be used to indicate the priority
+ * of different implementations, which will be tried in order based on browser support.
+ *
+ * @property {Object} drawerOptions
+ * Options to pass to the selected drawer implementation. For details
+ * please see {@link OpenSeadragon.DrawerOptions}.
+ *
* @property {Number} [opacity=1]
* Default proportional opacity of the tiled images (1=opaque, 0=hidden)
* Hidden images do not draw and only load when preloading is allowed.
@@ -204,9 +214,9 @@
* For complete list of modes, please @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/globalCompositeOperation/ globalCompositeOperation}
* @property {Boolean} [imageSmoothingEnabled=true]
- * Image smoothing for canvas rendering (only if canvas is used). Note: Ignored
+ * Image smoothing for canvas rendering (only if the canvas drawer is used). Note: Ignored
* by some (especially older) browsers which do not support this canvas property.
- * This property can be changed in {@link Viewer.Drawer.setImageSmoothingEnabled}.
+ * This property can be changed in {@link Viewer.DrawerBase.setImageSmoothingEnabled}.
* @property {String|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern|Function} [placeholderFillStyle=null]
* Draws a colored rectangle behind the tile if it is not loaded yet.
@@ -508,7 +518,7 @@
* Milliseconds to wait after each tile retry if tileRetryMax is set.
* @property {Boolean} [useCanvas=true]
- * Set to false to not use an HTML canvas element for image rendering even if canvas is supported.
+ * Deprecated. Use the `drawer` option to specify preferred renderer.
* @property {Number} [minPixelRatio=0.5]
* The higher the minPixelRatio, the lower the quality of the image that
@@ -750,6 +760,16 @@
+ /**
+ * @typedef {Object} DrawerOptions
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon
+ * @property {Object} webgl - options if the WebGLDrawer is used. No options are currently supported.
+ * @property {Object} canvas - options if the CanvasDrawer is used. No options are currently supported.
+ * @property {Object} html - options if the HTMLDrawer is used. No options are currently supported.
+ * @property {Object} custom - options if a custom drawer is used. No options are currently supported.
+ */
* The names for the image resources used for the image navigation buttons.
@@ -1350,12 +1370,32 @@ function OpenSeadragon( options ){
flipped: false,
- opacity: 1,
- preload: false,
- compositeOperation: null,
- imageSmoothingEnabled: true,
- placeholderFillStyle: null,
- subPixelRoundingForTransparency: null,
+ opacity: 1, // to be passed into each TiledImage
+ compositeOperation: null, // to be passed into each TiledImage
+ drawer: ['webgl', 'canvas', 'html'], // prefer using webgl, then canvas (i.e. context2d), then fallback to html
+ drawerOptions: {
+ webgl: {
+ },
+ canvas: {
+ },
+ html: {
+ },
+ custom: {
+ }
+ },
+ preload: false, // to be passed into each TiledImage
+ imageSmoothingEnabled: true, // to be passed into each TiledImage
+ placeholderFillStyle: null, // to be passed into each TiledImage
+ subPixelRoundingForTransparency: null, // to be passed into each TiledImage
showReferenceStrip: false,
@@ -1378,7 +1418,6 @@ function OpenSeadragon( options ){
imageLoaderLimit: 0,
maxImageCacheCount: 200,
timeout: 30000,
- useCanvas: true, // Use canvas element for drawing if available
tileRetryMax: 0,
tileRetryDelay: 2500,
@@ -1448,18 +1487,6 @@ function OpenSeadragon( options ){
- /**
- * TODO: remove soon
- * @deprecated
- * @ignore
- */
- get SIGNAL() {
- $.console.error("OpenSeadragon.SIGNAL is deprecated and should not be used.");
- return "----seadragon----";
- },
* Returns a function which invokes the method as if it were a method belonging to the object.
* @function
@@ -2598,13 +2625,14 @@ function OpenSeadragon( options ){
* jpg: true,
* png: true,
* tif: false,
- * wdp: false
+ * wdp: false,
+ * webp: true
* }
* @function
* @example
- * // sets webp as supported and png as unsupported
- * setImageFormatsSupported({webp: true, png: false});
+ * // sets bmp as supported and png as unsupported
+ * setImageFormatsSupported({bmp: true, png: false});
* @param {Object} formats An object containing format extensions as
* keys and booleans as values.
@@ -2728,7 +2756,8 @@ function OpenSeadragon( options ){
jpg: true,
png: true,
tif: false,
- wdp: false
+ wdp: false,
+ webp: true
diff --git a/src/osmtilesource.js b/src/osmtilesource.js
index 5a380d71..1dfeba52 100644
--- a/src/osmtilesource.js
+++ b/src/osmtilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - OsmTileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/overlay.js b/src/overlay.js
index bc25a051..7dec6a6b 100644
--- a/src/overlay.js
+++ b/src/overlay.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Overlay
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/placement.js b/src/placement.js
index 561d5daf..2db3e2b1 100644
--- a/src/placement.js
+++ b/src/placement.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Placement
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/point.js b/src/point.js
index 8df11d63..cc831b26 100644
--- a/src/point.js
+++ b/src/point.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Point
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/priorityqueue.js b/src/priorityqueue.js
index 3e3bd02a..312c410e 100644
--- a/src/priorityqueue.js
+++ b/src/priorityqueue.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Queue
- * Copyright (C) 2023 OpenSeadragon contributors (modified)
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 OpenSeadragon contributors (modified)
* Copyright (C) Google Inc., The Closure Library Authors.
* https://github.com/google/closure-library
diff --git a/src/profiler.js b/src/profiler.js
index d0ffc2b2..01566bc0 100644
--- a/src/profiler.js
+++ b/src/profiler.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Profiler
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/rectangle.js b/src/rectangle.js
index fdeab18f..d154691d 100644
--- a/src/rectangle.js
+++ b/src/rectangle.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Rect
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/referencestrip.js b/src/referencestrip.js
index ab21da50..1f9bb35b 100644
--- a/src/referencestrip.js
+++ b/src/referencestrip.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - ReferenceStrip
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ var THIS = {};
* This idea is a reexpression of the idea of dzi collections
* which allows a clearer algorithm to reuse the tile sources already
- * supported by OpenSeadragon, in heterogenious or homogenious
+ * supported by OpenSeadragon, in heterogeneous or homogeneous
* sequences just like mixed groups already supported by the viewer
* for the purpose of image sequnces.
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ function loadPanels( strip, viewerSize, scroll ) {
animationTime: 0,
loadTilesWithAjax: strip.viewer.loadTilesWithAjax,
ajaxHeaders: strip.viewer.ajaxHeaders,
- useCanvas: strip.useCanvas
+ drawer: 'canvas', //always use canvas for the reference strip
} );
// Allow pointer events to pass through miniViewer's canvas/container
// elements so implicit pointer capture works on touch devices
diff --git a/src/spring.js b/src/spring.js
index 12592889..f65f076e 100644
--- a/src/spring.js
+++ b/src/spring.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Spring
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ $.Spring.prototype = {
* @function
- * @returns true if the value got updated, false otherwise
+ * @returns true if the spring is still updating its value, false if it is
+ * already at the target value.
update: function() {
this.current.time = $.now();
@@ -230,14 +231,13 @@ $.Spring.prototype = {
( this.target.time - this.start.time )
- var oldValue = this.current.value;
if (this._exponential) {
this.current.value = Math.exp(currentValue);
} else {
this.current.value = currentValue;
- return oldValue !== this.current.value;
+ return currentValue !== targetValue;
diff --git a/src/strings.js b/src/strings.js
index e423bef9..9d2b30d7 100644
--- a/src/strings.js
+++ b/src/strings.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - getString/setString
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/tile.js b/src/tile.js
index 6a2cfbdd..071e5d53 100644
--- a/src/tile.js
+++ b/src/tile.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Tile
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ $.Tile = function(level, x, y, bounds, exists, url, context2D, loadWithAjax, aja
* @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile#
this.bounds = bounds;
+ /**
+ * Where this tile fits, in normalized coordinates, after positioning
+ * @member {OpenSeadragon.Rect} positionedBounds
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Tile#
+ */
+ this.positionedBounds = new OpenSeadragon.Rect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
* The portion of the tile to use as the source of the drawing operation, in pixels. Note that
* this only works when drawing with canvas; when drawing with HTML the entire tile is always used.
@@ -298,59 +304,6 @@ $.Tile.prototype = {
return this.level + "/" + this.x + "_" + this.y;
- /**
- * Renders the tile in an html container.
- * @function
- * @param {Element} container
- */
- drawHTML: function( container ) {
- if ( !this.loaded ) {
- $.console.warn(
- "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's not yet loaded.",
- this.toString()
- );
- return;
- }
- //EXPERIMENTAL - trying to figure out how to scale the container
- // content during animation of the container size.
- if ( !this.element ) {
- const image = this.getImage();
- if (!image) {
- $.console.warn(
- '[Tile.drawHTML] attempting to draw tile %s when it\'s not cached',
- this.toString());
- return;
- }
- this.element = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" );
- this.imgElement = image.cloneNode();
- this.imgElement.style.msInterpolationMode = "nearest-neighbor";
- this.imgElement.style.width = "100%";
- this.imgElement.style.height = "100%";
- this.style = this.element.style;
- this.style.position = "absolute";
- }
- if ( this.element.parentNode !== container ) {
- container.appendChild( this.element );
- }
- if ( this.imgElement.parentNode !== this.element ) {
- this.element.appendChild( this.imgElement );
- }
- this.style.top = this.position.y + "px";
- this.style.left = this.position.x + "px";
- this.style.height = this.size.y + "px";
- this.style.width = this.size.x + "px";
- if (this.flipped) {
- this.style.transform = "scaleX(-1)";
- }
- $.setElementOpacity( this.element, this.opacity );
- },
* The Image object for this tile.
* @member {Object} image
@@ -380,7 +333,7 @@ $.Tile.prototype = {
* @returns {?Image}
getImage: function() {
- //TODO: after-merge-aiosa $.console.error("[Tile.getImage] property has been deprecated. Use [Tile.getData] instead.");
+ $.console.error("[Tile.getImage] property has been deprecated. Use [Tile.getData] instead.");
//this method used to ensure the underlying data model conformed to given type - convert instead of getData()
const cache = this.getCache(this.cacheKey);
if (!cache) {
@@ -408,7 +361,7 @@ $.Tile.prototype = {
* @returns {?CanvasRenderingContext2D}
getCanvasContext: function() {
- //TODO: after-merge-aiosa $.console.error("[Tile.getCanvasContext] property has been deprecated. Use [Tile.getData] instead.");
+ $.console.error("[Tile.getCanvasContext] property has been deprecated. Use [Tile.getData] instead.");
//this method used to ensure the underlying data model conformed to given type - convert instead of getData()
const cache = this.getCache(this.cacheKey);
if (!cache) {
@@ -622,145 +575,14 @@ $.Tile.prototype = {
- /**
- * Renders the tile in a canvas-based context.
- * @function
- * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context
- * @param {Function} drawingHandler - Method for firing the drawing event.
- * drawingHandler({context, tile, rendered})
- * where rendered
is the context with the pre-drawn image.
- * @param {Number} [scale=1] - Apply a scale to position and size
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [translate] - A translation vector
- * @param {Boolean} [shouldRoundPositionAndSize] - Tells whether to round
- * position and size of tiles supporting alpha channel in non-transparency context.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source - The source specification of the tile.
- */
- drawCanvas: function( context, drawingHandler, scale, translate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, source) {
- var position = this.position.times($.pixelDensityRatio),
- size = this.size.times($.pixelDensityRatio);
- const _this = this;
- // This gives the application a chance to make image manipulation
- // changes as we are rendering the image
- drawingHandler({context: context, get tile() {
- $.console.warn("[tile-drawing] event is deprecated. " +
- "Use 'tile-drawn' event instead.");
- return _this;
- }, get rendered() {
- $.console.warn("[tile-drawing] rendered property and this event itself are deprecated. " +
- "Use Tile data API and `tile-drawn` event instead.");
- const context = _this.getCanvasContext();
- if (!context) {
- $.console.warn(
- '[Tile.drawCanvas] attempting to draw tile %s when it\'s not cached',
- _this.toString());
- return undefined;
- }
- if ( !_this.loaded || !context ){
- $.console.warn(
- "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's not yet loaded.",
- _this.toString()
- );
- return undefined;
- }
- return _this.getCanvasContext();
- }});
- //Now really get the tile data
- const cache = this.getCache(this.cacheKey);
- if (!cache) {
- $.console.error(
- "Attempting to draw tile %s when it's main cache key has no associated cache record!",
- this.toString()
- );
- return;
- }
- if (cache.type !== "context2d") {
- //cache not ready to render, wait
- cache.transformTo("context2d");
- return;
- }
- if ( !cache.loaded ){
- //cache not ready to render, wait
- return;
- }
- const rendered = cache.data;
- context.save();
- context.globalAlpha = this.opacity;
- if (typeof scale === 'number' && scale !== 1) {
- // draw tile at a different scale
- position = position.times(scale);
- size = size.times(scale);
- }
- if (translate instanceof $.Point) {
- // shift tile position slightly
- position = position.plus(translate);
- }
- //if we are supposed to be rendering fully opaque rectangle,
- //ie its done fading or fading is turned off, and if we are drawing
- //an image with an alpha channel, then the only way
- //to avoid seeing the tile underneath is to clear the rectangle
- if (context.globalAlpha === 1 && this.hasTransparency) {
- if (shouldRoundPositionAndSize) {
- // Round to the nearest whole pixel so we don't get seams from overlap.
- position.x = Math.round(position.x);
- position.y = Math.round(position.y);
- size.x = Math.round(size.x);
- size.y = Math.round(size.y);
- }
- //clearing only the inside of the rectangle occupied
- //by the png prevents edge flikering
- context.clearRect(
- position.x,
- position.y,
- size.x,
- size.y
- );
- }
- var sourceWidth, sourceHeight;
- if (this.sourceBounds) {
- sourceWidth = Math.min(this.sourceBounds.width, rendered.canvas.width);
- sourceHeight = Math.min(this.sourceBounds.height, rendered.canvas.height);
- } else {
- sourceWidth = rendered.canvas.width;
- sourceHeight = rendered.canvas.height;
- }
- context.translate(position.x + size.x / 2, 0);
- if (this.flipped) {
- context.scale(-1, 1);
- }
- context.drawImage(
- rendered.canvas,
- 0,
- 0,
- sourceWidth,
- sourceHeight,
- -size.x / 2,
- position.y,
- size.x,
- size.y
- );
- context.restore();
- },
* Get the ratio between current and original size.
* @function
- * @returns {Number}
+ * @returns {number}
getScaleForEdgeSmoothing: function() {
+ // getCanvasContext is deprecated and so should be this method.
+ $.console.warn("[Tile.getScaleForEdgeSmoothing] is deprecated, the following error is the consequence:");
const context = this.getCanvasContext();
if (!context) {
@@ -800,13 +622,13 @@ $.Tile.prototype = {
* @function
unload: function() {
+ //TODO AIOSA remove this.element and move it to a data constructor
if ( this.imgElement && this.imgElement.parentNode ) {
this.imgElement.parentNode.removeChild( this.imgElement );
if ( this.element && this.element.parentNode ) {
this.element.parentNode.removeChild( this.element );
this.tiledImage = null;
this._caches = [];
this._cacheSize = 0;
@@ -814,7 +636,7 @@ $.Tile.prototype = {
this.imgElement = null;
this.loaded = false;
this.loading = false;
- this.cacheKey = this.originalCacheKey;
+ this.cacheKey = this.originalCacheKey;
diff --git a/src/tilecache.js b/src/tilecache.js
index a686f1e9..ad0aa3fc 100644
--- a/src/tilecache.js
+++ b/src/tilecache.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - TileCache
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -34,649 +34,646 @@
(function( $ ){
- * Cached Data Record, the cache object.
- * Keeps only latest object type required.
- *
- * This class acts like the Maybe type:
- * - it has 'loaded' flag indicating whether the tile data is ready
- * - it has 'data' property that has value if loaded=true
- *
- * Furthermore, it has a 'getData' function that returns a promise resolving
- * with the value on the desired type passed to the function.
- *
- * @typedef {{
- * destroy: function,
- * revive: function,
- * save: function,
- * getDataAs: function,
- * transformTo: function,
- * data: ?,
- * loaded: boolean
- * }} OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord
- */
-$.CacheRecord = class {
- constructor() {
- this.revive();
- }
- * Access the cache record data directly. Preferred way of data access.
- * Might be undefined if this.loaded = false.
- * You can access the data in synchronous way, but the data might not be available.
- * If you want to access the data indirectly (await), use this.transformTo or this.getDataAs
- * @returns {any}
+ * Cached Data Record, the cache object.
+ * Keeps only latest object type required.
+ *
+ * This class acts like the Maybe type:
+ * - it has 'loaded' flag indicating whether the tile data is ready
+ * - it has 'data' property that has value if loaded=true
+ *
+ * Furthermore, it has a 'getData' function that returns a promise resolving
+ * with the value on the desired type passed to the function.
+ *
+ * @typedef {{
+ * destroy: function,
+ * revive: function,
+ * save: function,
+ * getDataAs: function,
+ * transformTo: function,
+ * data: ?,
+ * loaded: boolean
+ * }} OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord
- get data() {
- return this._data;
- }
- /**
- * Read the cache type. The type can dynamically change, but should be consistent at
- * one point in the time. For available types see the OpenSeadragon.Convertor, or the tutorials.
- * @returns {string}
- */
- get type() {
- return this._type;
- }
- /**
- * Await ongoing process so that we get cache ready on callback.
- * @returns {null|*}
- */
- await() {
- if (!this._promise) { //if not cache loaded, do not fail
- return $.Promise.resolve();
- }
- return this._promise;
- }
- getImage() {
- $.console.error("[CacheRecord.getImage] options.image is deprecated. Moreover, it might not work" +
- " correctly as the cache system performs conversion asynchronously in case the type needs to be converted.");
- this.transformTo("image");
- return this.data;
- }
- getRenderedContext() {
- $.console.error("[CacheRecord.getRenderedContext] options.getRenderedContext is deprecated. Moreover, it might not work" +
- " correctly as the cache system performs conversion asynchronously in case the type needs to be converted.");
- this.transformTo("context2d");
- return this.data;
- }
- /**
- * Set the cache data. Asynchronous.
- * @param {any} data
- * @param {string} type
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Promise>} the old cache data that has been overwritten
- */
- setDataAs(data, type) {
- //allow set data with destroyed state, destroys the data if necessary
- $.console.assert(data !== undefined, "[CacheRecord.setDataAs] needs valid data to set!");
- if (this._conversionJobQueue) {
- //delay saving if ongiong conversion, these were registered first
- let resolver = null;
- const promise = new $.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- resolver = resolve;
- });
- this._conversionJobQueue.push(() => resolver(this._overwriteData(data, type)));
- return promise;
- }
- return this._overwriteData(data, type);
- }
- /**
- * Access the cache record data indirectly. Preferred way of data access. Asynchronous.
- * @param {string?} [type=this.type]
- * @param {boolean?} [copy=true] if false and same type is retrieved as the cache type,
- * copy is not performed: note that this is potentially dangerous as it might
- * introduce race conditions (you get a cache data direct reference you modify,
- * but others might also access it, for example drawers to draw the viewport).
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Promise>} desired data type in promise, undefined if the cache was destroyed
- */
- getDataAs(type = this._type, copy = true) {
- if (this.loaded && type === this._type) {
- return copy ? $.convertor.copy(this._data, type) : this._promise;
+ $.CacheRecord = class {
+ constructor() {
+ this.revive();
- return this._promise.then(data => {
- //might get destroyed in meanwhile
- if (this._destroyed) {
- return undefined;
- }
- if (type !== this._type) {
- return $.convertor.convert(data, this._type, type);
- }
- if (copy) { //convert does not copy data if same type, do explicitly
- return $.convertor.copy(data, type);
- }
- return data;
- });
- }
+ /**
+ * Access the cache record data directly. Preferred way of data access.
+ * Might be undefined if this.loaded = false.
+ * You can access the data in synchronous way, but the data might not be available.
+ * If you want to access the data indirectly (await), use this.transformTo or this.getDataAs
+ * @returns {any}
+ */
+ get data() {
+ return this._data;
+ }
- /**
- * Transform cache to desired type and get the data after conversion.
- * Does nothing if the type equals to the current type. Asynchronous.
- * @param {string} type
- * @return {OpenSeadragon.Promise>|*}
- */
- transformTo(type = this._type) {
- if (!this.loaded || type !== this._type) {
- if (!this.loaded) {
- this._conversionJobQueue = this._conversionJobQueue || [];
+ /**
+ * Read the cache type. The type can dynamically change, but should be consistent at
+ * one point in the time. For available types see the OpenSeadragon.Convertor, or the tutorials.
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ get type() {
+ return this._type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Await ongoing process so that we get cache ready on callback.
+ * @returns {null|*}
+ */
+ await() {
+ if (!this._promise) { //if not cache loaded, do not fail
+ return $.Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ return this._promise;
+ }
+ getImage() {
+ $.console.error("[CacheRecord.getImage] options.image is deprecated. Moreover, it might not work" +
+ " correctly as the cache system performs conversion asynchronously in case the type needs to be converted.");
+ this.transformTo("image");
+ return this.data;
+ }
+ getRenderedContext() {
+ $.console.error("[CacheRecord.getRenderedContext] options.getRenderedContext is deprecated. Moreover, it might not work" +
+ " correctly as the cache system performs conversion asynchronously in case the type needs to be converted.");
+ this.transformTo("context2d");
+ return this.data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the cache data. Asynchronous.
+ * @param {any} data
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Promise>} the old cache data that has been overwritten
+ */
+ setDataAs(data, type) {
+ //allow set data with destroyed state, destroys the data if necessary
+ $.console.assert(data !== undefined, "[CacheRecord.setDataAs] needs valid data to set!");
+ if (this._conversionJobQueue) {
+ //delay saving if ongiong conversion, these were registered first
let resolver = null;
const promise = new $.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolver = resolve;
- this._conversionJobQueue.push(() => {
- if (this._destroyed) {
- return;
- }
- if (type !== this._type) {
- //ensures queue gets executed after finish
- this._convert(this._type, type);
- this._promise.then(data => resolver(data));
- } else {
- //must ensure manually, but after current promise finished, we won't wait for the following job
- this._promise.then(data => {
- this._checkAwaitsConvert();
- return resolver(data);
- });
- }
- });
+ this._conversionJobQueue.push(() => resolver(this._overwriteData(data, type)));
return promise;
- this._convert(this._type, type);
+ return this._overwriteData(data, type);
- return this._promise;
- }
- /**
- * Set initial state, prepare for usage.
- * Must not be called on active cache, e.g. first call destroy().
- */
- revive() {
- $.console.assert(!this.loaded && !this._type, "[CacheRecord::revive] must not be called when loaded!");
- this._tiles = [];
- this._data = null;
- this._type = null;
- this.loaded = false;
- this._promise = null;
- this._destroyed = false;
- }
+ /**
+ * Access the cache record data indirectly. Preferred way of data access. Asynchronous.
+ * @param {string?} [type=this.type]
+ * @param {boolean?} [copy=true] if false and same type is retrieved as the cache type,
+ * copy is not performed: note that this is potentially dangerous as it might
+ * introduce race conditions (you get a cache data direct reference you modify,
+ * but others might also access it, for example drawers to draw the viewport).
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Promise>} desired data type in promise, undefined if the cache was destroyed
+ */
+ getDataAs(type = this._type, copy = true) {
+ if (this.loaded && type === this._type) {
+ return copy ? $.convertor.copy(this._data, type) : this._promise;
+ }
- /**
- * Free all the data and call data destructors if defined.
- */
- destroy() {
- delete this._conversionJobQueue;
- this._destroyed = true;
+ return this._promise.then(data => {
+ //might get destroyed in meanwhile
+ if (this._destroyed) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if (type !== this._type) {
+ return $.convertor.convert(data, this._type, type);
+ }
+ if (copy) { //convert does not copy data if same type, do explicitly
+ return $.convertor.copy(data, type);
+ }
+ return data;
+ });
+ }
- //make sure this gets destroyed even if loaded=false
- if (this.loaded) {
- $.convertor.destroy(this._data, this._type);
- this._tiles = null;
+ /**
+ * Transform cache to desired type and get the data after conversion.
+ * Does nothing if the type equals to the current type. Asynchronous.
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @return {OpenSeadragon.Promise>|*}
+ */
+ transformTo(type = this._type) {
+ if (!this.loaded || type !== this._type) {
+ if (!this.loaded) {
+ this._conversionJobQueue = this._conversionJobQueue || [];
+ let resolver = null;
+ const promise = new $.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ resolver = resolve;
+ });
+ this._conversionJobQueue.push(() => {
+ if (this._destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type !== this._type) {
+ //ensures queue gets executed after finish
+ this._convert(this._type, type);
+ this._promise.then(data => resolver(data));
+ } else {
+ //must ensure manually, but after current promise finished, we won't wait for the following job
+ this._promise.then(data => {
+ this._checkAwaitsConvert();
+ return resolver(data);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return promise;
+ }
+ this._convert(this._type, type);
+ }
+ return this._promise;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set initial state, prepare for usage.
+ * Must not be called on active cache, e.g. first call destroy().
+ */
+ revive() {
+ $.console.assert(!this.loaded && !this._type, "[CacheRecord::revive] must not be called when loaded!");
+ this._tiles = [];
this._data = null;
this._type = null;
+ this.loaded = false;
this._promise = null;
- } else {
- const oldType = this._type;
- this._promise.then(x => {
- //ensure old data destroyed
- $.convertor.destroy(x, oldType);
- //might get revived...
- if (!this._destroyed) {
- return;
- }
+ this._destroyed = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Free all the data and call data destructors if defined.
+ */
+ destroy() {
+ delete this._conversionJobQueue;
+ this._destroyed = true;
+ //make sure this gets destroyed even if loaded=false
+ if (this.loaded) {
+ $.convertor.destroy(this._data, this._type);
this._tiles = null;
this._data = null;
this._type = null;
this._promise = null;
- });
+ } else {
+ const oldType = this._type;
+ this._promise.then(x => {
+ //ensure old data destroyed
+ $.convertor.destroy(x, oldType);
+ //might get revived...
+ if (!this._destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._tiles = null;
+ this._data = null;
+ this._type = null;
+ this._promise = null;
+ });
+ }
+ this.loaded = false;
- this.loaded = false;
- }
- /**
- * Add tile dependency on this record
- * @param tile
- * @param data
- * @param type
- */
- addTile(tile, data, type) {
- if (this._destroyed) {
- return;
+ /**
+ * Add tile dependency on this record
+ * @param tile
+ * @param data
+ * @param type
+ */
+ addTile(tile, data, type) {
+ if (this._destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $.console.assert(tile, '[CacheRecord.addTile] tile is required');
+ //allow overriding the cache - existing tile or different type
+ if (this._tiles.includes(tile)) {
+ this.removeTile(tile);
+ } else if (!this.loaded) {
+ this._type = type;
+ this._promise = $.Promise.resolve(data);
+ this._data = data;
+ this.loaded = true;
+ }
+ //else pass: the tile data type will silently change as it inherits this cache
+ this._tiles.push(tile);
- $.console.assert(tile, '[CacheRecord.addTile] tile is required');
- //allow overriding the cache - existing tile or different type
- if (this._tiles.includes(tile)) {
- this.removeTile(tile);
- } else if (!this.loaded) {
- this._type = type;
- this._promise = $.Promise.resolve(data);
- this._data = data;
- this.loaded = true;
- }
- //else pass: the tile data type will silently change as it inherits this cache
- this._tiles.push(tile);
- }
- /**
- * Remove tile dependency on this record.
- * @param tile
- * @returns {Boolean} true if record removed
- */
- removeTile(tile) {
- if (this._destroyed) {
+ /**
+ * Remove tile dependency on this record.
+ * @param tile
+ * @returns {Boolean} true if record removed
+ */
+ removeTile(tile) {
+ if (this._destroyed) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._tiles.length; i++) {
+ if (this._tiles[i] === tile) {
+ this._tiles.splice(i, 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ $.console.warn('[CacheRecord.removeTile] trying to remove unknown tile', tile);
return false;
- for (let i = 0; i < this._tiles.length; i++) {
- if (this._tiles[i] === tile) {
- this._tiles.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- $.console.warn('[CacheRecord.removeTile] trying to remove unknown tile', tile);
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Get the amount of tiles sharing this record.
- * @return {number}
- */
- getTileCount() {
- return this._tiles ? this._tiles.length : 0;
- }
- /**
- * Private conversion that makes sure collided requests are
- * processed eventually
- * @private
- */
- _checkAwaitsConvert() {
- if (!this._conversionJobQueue || this._destroyed) {
- return;
+ /**
+ * Get the amount of tiles sharing this record.
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getTileCount() {
+ return this._tiles ? this._tiles.length : 0;
- //let other code finish first
- setTimeout(() => {
- //check again, meanwhile things might've changed
+ /**
+ * Private conversion that makes sure collided requests are
+ * processed eventually
+ * @private
+ */
+ _checkAwaitsConvert() {
if (!this._conversionJobQueue || this._destroyed) {
- const job = this._conversionJobQueue[0];
- this._conversionJobQueue.splice(0, 1);
- if (this._conversionJobQueue.length === 0) {
- delete this._conversionJobQueue;
- }
- job();
- });
- }
- _triggerNeedsDraw() {
- for (let tile of this._tiles) {
- tile.tiledImage._needsDraw = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Safely overwrite the cache data and return the old data
- * @private
- */
- _overwriteData(data, type) {
- if (this._destroyed) {
- //we take ownership of the data, destroy
- $.convertor.destroy(data, type);
- return $.Promise.resolve();
- }
- if (this.loaded) {
- $.convertor.destroy(this._data, this._type);
- this._type = type;
- this._data = data;
- this._promise = $.Promise.resolve(data);
- this._triggerNeedsDraw();
- return this._promise;
- }
- return this._promise.then(x => {
- $.convertor.destroy(x, this._type);
- this._type = type;
- this._data = data;
- this._promise = $.Promise.resolve(data);
- this._triggerNeedsDraw();
- return x;
- });
- }
- /**
- * Private conversion that makes sure the cache knows its data is ready
- * @private
- */
- _convert(from, to) {
- const convertor = $.convertor,
- conversionPath = convertor.getConversionPath(from, to);
- if (!conversionPath) {
- $.console.error(`[OpenSeadragon.convertor.convert] Conversion conversion ${from} ---> ${to} cannot be done!`);
- return; //no-op
- }
- const originalData = this._data,
- stepCount = conversionPath.length,
- _this = this,
- convert = (x, i) => {
- if (i >= stepCount) {
- _this._data = x;
- _this.loaded = true;
- _this._checkAwaitsConvert();
- return $.Promise.resolve(x);
+ //let other code finish first
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ //check again, meanwhile things might've changed
+ if (!this._conversionJobQueue || this._destroyed) {
+ return;
- let edge = conversionPath[i];
- return $.Promise.resolve(edge.transform(x)).then(
- y => {
- if (!y) {
- $.console.error(`[OpenSeadragon.convertor.convert] data mid result falsey value (while converting using %s)`, edge);
- //try to recover using original data, but it returns inconsistent type (the log be hopefully enough)
- _this._data = from;
- _this._type = from;
- _this.loaded = true;
- return originalData;
- }
- //node.value holds the type string
- convertor.destroy(x, edge.origin.value);
- return convert(y, i + 1);
- }
- );
- };
+ const job = this._conversionJobQueue[0];
+ this._conversionJobQueue.splice(0, 1);
+ if (this._conversionJobQueue.length === 0) {
+ delete this._conversionJobQueue;
+ }
+ job();
+ });
+ }
- this.loaded = false;
- this._data = undefined;
- this._type = to;
- this._promise = convert(originalData, 0);
- }
+ _triggerNeedsDraw() {
+ for (let tile of this._tiles) {
+ tile.tiledImage._needsDraw = true;
+ }
+ }
- * @class TileCache
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon
- * @classdesc Stores all the tiles displayed in a {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}.
- * You generally won't have to interact with the TileCache directly.
- * @param {Object} options - Configuration for this TileCache.
- * @param {Number} [options.maxImageCacheCount] - See maxImageCacheCount in
- * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
- */
-$.TileCache = class {
- constructor( options ) {
- options = options || {};
+ /**
+ * Safely overwrite the cache data and return the old data
+ * @private
+ */
+ _overwriteData(data, type) {
+ if (this._destroyed) {
+ //we take ownership of the data, destroy
+ $.convertor.destroy(data, type);
+ return $.Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ if (this.loaded) {
+ $.convertor.destroy(this._data, this._type);
+ this._type = type;
+ this._data = data;
+ this._promise = $.Promise.resolve(data);
+ this._triggerNeedsDraw();
+ return this._promise;
+ }
+ return this._promise.then(x => {
+ $.convertor.destroy(x, this._type);
+ this._type = type;
+ this._data = data;
+ this._promise = $.Promise.resolve(data);
+ this._triggerNeedsDraw();
+ return x;
+ });
+ }
- this._maxCacheItemCount = options.maxImageCacheCount || $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxImageCacheCount;
- this._tilesLoaded = [];
- this._zombiesLoaded = [];
- this._zombiesLoadedCount = 0;
- this._cachesLoaded = [];
- this._cachesLoadedCount = 0;
- }
- /**
- * @returns {Number} The total number of tiles that have been loaded by
- * this TileCache. Note that the tile might be recorded here mutliple times,
- * once for each cache it uses.
- */
- numTilesLoaded() {
- return this._tilesLoaded.length;
- }
- /**
- * @returns {Number} The total number of cached objects (+ zombies)
- */
- numCachesLoaded() {
- return this._zombiesLoadedCount + this._cachesLoadedCount;
- }
- /**
- * Caches the specified tile, removing an old tile if necessary to stay under the
- * maxImageCacheCount specified on construction. Note that if multiple tiles reference
- * the same image, there may be more tiles than maxImageCacheCount; the goal is to keep
- * the number of images below that number. Note, as well, that even the number of images
- * may temporarily surpass that number, but should eventually come back down to the max specified.
- * @private
- * @param {Object} options - Tile info.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} options.tile - The tile to cache.
- * @param {?String} [options.cacheKey=undefined] - Cache Key to use. Defaults to options.tile.cacheKey
- * @param {String} options.tile.cacheKey - The unique key used to identify this tile in the cache.
- * Used if cacheKey not set.
- * @param {Image} options.image - The image of the tile to cache. Deprecated.
- * @param {*} options.data - The data of the tile to cache.
- * @param {string} [options.dataType] - The data type of the tile to cache. Required.
- * @param {Number} [options.cutoff=0] - If adding this tile goes over the cache max count, this
- * function will release an old tile. The cutoff option specifies a tile level at or below which
- * tiles will not be released.
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord} - The cache record the tile was attached to.
- */
- cacheTile( options ) {
- $.console.assert( options, "[TileCache.cacheTile] options is required" );
- const theTile = options.tile;
- $.console.assert( theTile, "[TileCache.cacheTile] options.tile is required" );
- $.console.assert( theTile.cacheKey, "[TileCache.cacheTile] options.tile.cacheKey is required" );
- let cutoff = options.cutoff || 0,
- insertionIndex = this._tilesLoaded.length,
- cacheKey = options.cacheKey || theTile.cacheKey;
- let cacheRecord = this._cachesLoaded[cacheKey] || this._zombiesLoaded[cacheKey];
- if (!cacheRecord) {
- if (options.data === undefined) {
- $.console.error("[TileCache.cacheTile] options.image was renamed to options.data. '.image' attribute " +
- "has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.");
- options.data = options.image;
+ /**
+ * Private conversion that makes sure the cache knows its data is ready
+ * @private
+ */
+ _convert(from, to) {
+ const convertor = $.convertor,
+ conversionPath = convertor.getConversionPath(from, to);
+ if (!conversionPath) {
+ $.console.error(`[OpenSeadragon.convertor.convert] Conversion conversion ${from} ---> ${to} cannot be done!`);
+ return; //no-op
- //allow anything but undefined, null, false (other values mean the data was set, for example '0')
- $.console.assert( options.data !== undefined && options.data !== null && options.data !== false,
- "[TileCache.cacheTile] options.data is required to create an CacheRecord" );
- cacheRecord = this._cachesLoaded[cacheKey] = new $.CacheRecord();
- this._cachesLoadedCount++;
- } else if (cacheRecord._destroyed) {
- cacheRecord.revive();
- delete this._zombiesLoaded[cacheKey];
- this._zombiesLoadedCount--;
+ const originalData = this._data,
+ stepCount = conversionPath.length,
+ _this = this,
+ convert = (x, i) => {
+ if (i >= stepCount) {
+ _this._data = x;
+ _this.loaded = true;
+ _this._checkAwaitsConvert();
+ return $.Promise.resolve(x);
+ }
+ let edge = conversionPath[i];
+ return $.Promise.resolve(edge.transform(x)).then(
+ y => {
+ if (!y) {
+ $.console.error(`[OpenSeadragon.convertor.convert] data mid result falsey value (while converting using %s)`, edge);
+ //try to recover using original data, but it returns inconsistent type (the log be hopefully enough)
+ _this._data = from;
+ _this._type = from;
+ _this.loaded = true;
+ return originalData;
+ }
+ //node.value holds the type string
+ convertor.destroy(x, edge.origin.value);
+ return convert(y, i + 1);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ this.loaded = false;
+ this._data = undefined;
+ this._type = to;
+ this._promise = convert(originalData, 0);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @class TileCache
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon
+ * @classdesc Stores all the tiles displayed in a {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}.
+ * You generally won't have to interact with the TileCache directly.
+ * @param {Object} options - Configuration for this TileCache.
+ * @param {Number} [options.maxImageCacheCount] - See maxImageCacheCount in
+ * {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
+ */
+ $.TileCache = class {
+ constructor( options ) {
+ options = options || {};
+ this._maxCacheItemCount = options.maxImageCacheCount || $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxImageCacheCount;
+ this._tilesLoaded = [];
+ this._zombiesLoaded = [];
+ this._zombiesLoadedCount = 0;
+ this._cachesLoaded = [];
+ this._cachesLoadedCount = 0;
- if (!options.dataType) {
- $.console.error("[TileCache.cacheTile] options.dataType is newly required. " +
- "For easier use of the cache system, use the tile instance API.");
- options.dataType = $.convertor.guessType(options.data);
+ /**
+ * @returns {Number} The total number of tiles that have been loaded by
+ * this TileCache. Note that the tile might be recorded here mutliple times,
+ * once for each cache it uses.
+ */
+ numTilesLoaded() {
+ return this._tilesLoaded.length;
- cacheRecord.addTile(theTile, options.data, options.dataType);
- if (cacheKey === theTile.cacheKey) {
- theTile.tiledImage._needsDraw = true;
+ /**
+ * @returns {Number} The total number of cached objects (+ zombies)
+ */
+ numCachesLoaded() {
+ return this._zombiesLoadedCount + this._cachesLoadedCount;
- // Note that just because we're unloading a tile doesn't necessarily mean
- // we're unloading its cache records. With repeated calls it should sort itself out, though.
- let worstTileIndex = -1;
- if ( this._cachesLoadedCount + this._zombiesLoadedCount > this._maxCacheItemCount ) {
- //prefer zombie deletion, faster, better
- if (this._zombiesLoadedCount > 0) {
+ /**
+ * Caches the specified tile, removing an old tile if necessary to stay under the
+ * maxImageCacheCount specified on construction. Note that if multiple tiles reference
+ * the same image, there may be more tiles than maxImageCacheCount; the goal is to keep
+ * the number of images below that number. Note, as well, that even the number of images
+ * may temporarily surpass that number, but should eventually come back down to the max specified.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Object} options - Tile info.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} options.tile - The tile to cache.
+ * @param {?String} [options.cacheKey=undefined] - Cache Key to use. Defaults to options.tile.cacheKey
+ * @param {String} options.tile.cacheKey - The unique key used to identify this tile in the cache.
+ * Used if options.cacheKey not set.
+ * @param {Image} options.image - The image of the tile to cache. Deprecated.
+ * @param {*} options.data - The data of the tile to cache.
+ * @param {string} [options.dataType] - The data type of the tile to cache. Required.
+ * @param {Number} [options.cutoff=0] - If adding this tile goes over the cache max count, this
+ * function will release an old tile. The cutoff option specifies a tile level at or below which
+ * tiles will not be released.
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord} - The cache record the tile was attached to.
+ */
+ cacheTile( options ) {
+ $.console.assert( options, "[TileCache.cacheTile] options is required" );
+ const theTile = options.tile;
+ $.console.assert( theTile, "[TileCache.cacheTile] options.tile is required" );
+ $.console.assert( theTile.cacheKey, "[TileCache.cacheTile] options.tile.cacheKey is required" );
+ let cutoff = options.cutoff || 0,
+ insertionIndex = this._tilesLoaded.length,
+ cacheKey = options.cacheKey || theTile.cacheKey;
+ let cacheRecord = this._cachesLoaded[cacheKey] || this._zombiesLoaded[cacheKey];
+ if (!cacheRecord) {
+ if (options.data === undefined) {
+ $.console.error("[TileCache.cacheTile] options.image was renamed to options.data. '.image' attribute " +
+ "has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.");
+ options.data = options.image;
+ }
+ //allow anything but undefined, null, false (other values mean the data was set, for example '0')
+ $.console.assert( options.data !== undefined && options.data !== null && options.data !== false,
+ "[TileCache.cacheTile] options.data is required to create an CacheRecord" );
+ cacheRecord = this._cachesLoaded[cacheKey] = new $.CacheRecord();
+ this._cachesLoadedCount++;
+ } else if (cacheRecord._destroyed) {
+ cacheRecord.revive();
+ delete this._zombiesLoaded[cacheKey];
+ this._zombiesLoadedCount--;
+ }
+ if (!options.dataType) {
+ $.console.error("[TileCache.cacheTile] options.dataType is newly required. " +
+ "For easier use of the cache system, use the tile instance API.");
+ options.dataType = $.convertor.guessType(options.data);
+ }
+ cacheRecord.addTile(theTile, options.data, options.dataType);
+ if (cacheKey === theTile.cacheKey) {
+ theTile.tiledImage._needsDraw = true;
+ }
+ // Note that just because we're unloading a tile doesn't necessarily mean
+ // we're unloading its cache records. With repeated calls it should sort itself out, though.
+ let worstTileIndex = -1;
+ if ( this._cachesLoadedCount + this._zombiesLoadedCount > this._maxCacheItemCount ) {
+ //prefer zombie deletion, faster, better
+ if (this._zombiesLoadedCount > 0) {
+ for (let zombie in this._zombiesLoaded) {
+ this._zombiesLoaded[zombie].destroy();
+ delete this._zombiesLoaded[zombie];
+ this._zombiesLoadedCount--;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let worstTile = null;
+ let prevTile, worstTime, worstLevel, prevTime, prevLevel;
+ for ( let i = this._tilesLoaded.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ prevTile = this._tilesLoaded[ i ];
+ if ( prevTile.level <= cutoff || prevTile.beingDrawn ) {
+ continue;
+ } else if ( !worstTile ) {
+ worstTile = prevTile;
+ worstTileIndex = i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ prevTime = prevTile.lastTouchTime;
+ worstTime = worstTile.lastTouchTime;
+ prevLevel = prevTile.level;
+ worstLevel = worstTile.level;
+ if ( prevTime < worstTime ||
+ ( prevTime === worstTime && prevLevel > worstLevel )) {
+ worstTile = prevTile;
+ worstTileIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( worstTile && worstTileIndex >= 0 ) {
+ this.unloadTile(worstTile, true);
+ insertionIndex = worstTileIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (theTile.getCacheSize() === 0) {
+ this._tilesLoaded[ insertionIndex ] = theTile;
+ } else if (worstTileIndex >= 0) {
+ //tile is already recorded, do not add tile, but remove the tile at insertion index
+ this._tilesLoaded.splice(insertionIndex, 1);
+ }
+ return cacheRecord;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clears all tiles associated with the specified tiledImage.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage
+ */
+ clearTilesFor( tiledImage ) {
+ $.console.assert(tiledImage, '[TileCache.clearTilesFor] tiledImage is required');
+ let tile;
+ let cacheOverflows = this._cachesLoadedCount + this._zombiesLoadedCount > this._maxCacheItemCount;
+ if (tiledImage._zombieCache && cacheOverflows && this._zombiesLoadedCount > 0) {
+ //prefer newer (fresh ;) zombies
for (let zombie in this._zombiesLoaded) {
delete this._zombiesLoaded[zombie];
- this._zombiesLoadedCount--;
- break;
- } else {
- let worstTile = null;
- let prevTile, worstTime, worstLevel, prevTime, prevLevel;
+ this._zombiesLoadedCount = 0;
+ cacheOverflows = this._cachesLoadedCount > this._maxCacheItemCount;
+ }
+ for ( let i = this._tilesLoaded.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ tile = this._tilesLoaded[ i ];
- for ( let i = this._tilesLoaded.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- prevTile = this._tilesLoaded[ i ];
- if ( prevTile.level <= cutoff || prevTile.beingDrawn ) {
- continue;
- } else if ( !worstTile ) {
- worstTile = prevTile;
- worstTileIndex = i;
- continue;
- }
- prevTime = prevTile.lastTouchTime;
- worstTime = worstTile.lastTouchTime;
- prevLevel = prevTile.level;
- worstLevel = worstTile.level;
- if ( prevTime < worstTime ||
- ( prevTime === worstTime && prevLevel > worstLevel )) {
- worstTile = prevTile;
- worstTileIndex = i;
+ if (tile.tiledImage === tiledImage) {
+ if (!tile.loaded) {
+ //iterates from the array end, safe to remove
+ this._tilesLoaded.splice( i, 1 );
+ } else if ( tile.tiledImage === tiledImage ) {
+ this.unloadTile(tile, !tiledImage._zombieCache || cacheOverflows, i);
- if ( worstTile && worstTileIndex >= 0 ) {
- this.unloadTile(worstTile, true);
- insertionIndex = worstTileIndex;
- }
- if (theTile.getCacheSize() === 0) {
- this._tilesLoaded[ insertionIndex ] = theTile;
- } else if (worstTileIndex >= 0) {
- //tile is already recorded, do not add tile, but remove the tile at insertion index
- this._tilesLoaded.splice(insertionIndex, 1);
- }
- return cacheRecord;
- }
- /**
- * Clears all tiles associated with the specified tiledImage.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage
- */
- clearTilesFor( tiledImage ) {
- $.console.assert(tiledImage, '[TileCache.clearTilesFor] tiledImage is required');
- let tile;
- let cacheOverflows = this._cachesLoadedCount + this._zombiesLoadedCount > this._maxCacheItemCount;
- if (tiledImage._zombieCache && cacheOverflows && this._zombiesLoadedCount > 0) {
- //prefer newer (fresh ;) zombies
- for (let zombie in this._zombiesLoaded) {
- this._zombiesLoaded[zombie].destroy();
- delete this._zombiesLoaded[zombie];
- }
- this._zombiesLoadedCount = 0;
- cacheOverflows = this._cachesLoadedCount > this._maxCacheItemCount;
- }
- for ( let i = this._tilesLoaded.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- tile = this._tilesLoaded[ i ];
- if (tile.tiledImage === tiledImage) {
- if (!tile.loaded) {
- //iterates from the array end, safe to remove
- this._tilesLoaded.splice( i, 1 );
- } else if ( tile.tiledImage === tiledImage ) {
- this.unloadTile(tile, !tiledImage._zombieCache || cacheOverflows, i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns reference to all tiles loaded by a particular
- * tiled image item
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage|Boolean} tiledImage true for all, reference for selection
- */
- getLoadedTilesFor(tiledImage) {
- if (tiledImage === true) {
- return [...this._tilesLoaded];
- }
- return this._tilesLoaded.filter(tile => tile.tiledImage === tiledImage);
- }
- /**
- * Get cache record (might be a unattached record, i.e. a zombie)
- * @param cacheKey
- * @returns {OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord|undefined}
- */
- getCacheRecord(cacheKey) {
- $.console.assert(cacheKey, '[TileCache.getCacheRecord] cacheKey is required');
- return this._cachesLoaded[cacheKey] || this._zombiesLoaded[cacheKey];
- }
- /**
- * Delete cache record for a given til
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
- * @param {string} key cache key
- * @param {boolean} destroy if true, empty cache is destroyed, else left as a zombie
- * @private
- */
- unloadCacheForTile(tile, key, destroy) {
- const cacheRecord = this._cachesLoaded[key];
- //unload record only if relevant - the tile exists in the record
- if (cacheRecord) {
- if (cacheRecord.removeTile(tile)) {
- if (!cacheRecord.getTileCount()) {
- if (destroy) {
- // #1 tile marked as destroyed (e.g. too much cached tiles or not a zombie)
- cacheRecord.destroy();
- } else {
- // #2 Tile is a zombie. Do not delete record, reuse.
- this._zombiesLoaded[key] = cacheRecord;
- this._zombiesLoadedCount++;
- }
- // Either way clear cache
- delete this._cachesLoaded[key];
- this._cachesLoadedCount--;
- }
- return true;
- }
- $.console.error("[TileCache.unloadCacheForTile] System tried to delete tile from cache it " +
- "does not belong to! This could mean a bug in the cache system.");
- return false;
- }
- $.console.warn("[TileCache.unloadCacheForTile] Attempting to delete missing cache!");
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @param tile tile to unload
- * @param destroy destroy tile cache if the cache tile counts falls to zero
- * @param deleteAtIndex index to remove the tile record at, will not remove from _tiledLoaded if not set
- * @private
- */
- unloadTile(tile, destroy, deleteAtIndex) {
- $.console.assert(tile, '[TileCache.unloadTile] tile is required');
- for (let key in tile._caches) {
- //we are 'ok' to remove tile caches here since we later call destroy on tile, otherwise
- //tile has count of its cache size --> would be inconsistent
- this.unloadCacheForTile(tile, key, destroy);
- }
- //delete also the tile record
- if (deleteAtIndex !== undefined) {
- this._tilesLoaded.splice( deleteAtIndex, 1 );
- }
- const tiledImage = tile.tiledImage;
- tile.unload();
- * Triggered when a tile has just been unloaded from memory.
- *
- * @event tile-unloaded
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
- * @type {object}
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - The tiled image of the unloaded tile.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The tile which has been unloaded.
- * @property {boolean} destroyed - False if the tile data was kept in the system.
+ * Returns reference to all tiles loaded by a particular
+ * tiled image item
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage|Boolean} tiledImage true for all, reference for selection
- tiledImage.viewer.raiseEvent("tile-unloaded", {
- tile: tile,
- tiledImage: tiledImage,
- destroyed: destroy
- });
- }
+ getLoadedTilesFor(tiledImage) {
+ if (tiledImage === true) {
+ return [...this._tilesLoaded];
+ }
+ return this._tilesLoaded.filter(tile => tile.tiledImage === tiledImage);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get cache record (might be a unattached record, i.e. a zombie)
+ * @param cacheKey
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.CacheRecord|undefined}
+ */
+ getCacheRecord(cacheKey) {
+ $.console.assert(cacheKey, '[TileCache.getCacheRecord] cacheKey is required');
+ return this._cachesLoaded[cacheKey] || this._zombiesLoaded[cacheKey];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete cache record for a given til
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
+ * @param {string} key cache key
+ * @param {boolean} destroy if true, empty cache is destroyed, else left as a zombie
+ * @private
+ */
+ unloadCacheForTile(tile, key, destroy) {
+ const cacheRecord = this._cachesLoaded[key];
+ //unload record only if relevant - the tile exists in the record
+ if (cacheRecord) {
+ if (cacheRecord.removeTile(tile)) {
+ if (!cacheRecord.getTileCount()) {
+ if (destroy) {
+ // #1 tile marked as destroyed (e.g. too much cached tiles or not a zombie)
+ cacheRecord.destroy();
+ } else {
+ // #2 Tile is a zombie. Do not delete record, reuse.
+ this._zombiesLoaded[key] = cacheRecord;
+ this._zombiesLoadedCount++;
+ }
+ // Either way clear cache
+ delete this._cachesLoaded[key];
+ this._cachesLoadedCount--;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ $.console.error("[TileCache.unloadCacheForTile] System tried to delete tile from cache it " +
+ "does not belong to! This could mean a bug in the cache system.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ $.console.warn("[TileCache.unloadCacheForTile] Attempting to delete missing cache!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param tile tile to unload
+ * @param destroy destroy tile cache if the cache tile counts falls to zero
+ * @param deleteAtIndex index to remove the tile record at, will not remove from _tiledLoaded if not set
+ * @private
+ */
+ unloadTile(tile, destroy, deleteAtIndex) {
+ $.console.assert(tile, '[TileCache.unloadTile] tile is required');
+ for (let key in tile._caches) {
+ //we are 'ok' to remove tile caches here since we later call destroy on tile, otherwise
+ //tile has count of its cache size --> would be inconsistent
+ this.unloadCacheForTile(tile, key, destroy);
+ }
+ //delete also the tile record
+ if (deleteAtIndex !== undefined) {
+ this._tilesLoaded.splice( deleteAtIndex, 1 );
+ }
+ const tiledImage = tile.tiledImage;
+ tile.unload();
+ /**
+ * Triggered when a tile has just been unloaded from memory.
+ @@ -255,12 +668,15 @@ $.TileCache.prototype = {
+ * @type {object}
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - The tiled image of the unloaded tile.
+ * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The tile which has been unloaded.
+ * @property {boolean} destroyed - False if the tile data was kept in the system.
+ */
+ tiledImage.viewer.raiseEvent("tile-unloaded", {
+ tile: tile,
+ tiledImage: tiledImage,
+ destroyed: destroy
+ });
+ }
+ };
}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/tiledimage.js b/src/tiledimage.js
index e757d24b..26cf204b 100644
--- a/src/tiledimage.js
+++ b/src/tiledimage.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - TiledImage
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
* Invoke tile-loded event for also for tiles loaded from cache if true.
$.TiledImage = function( options ) {
- var _this = this;
+ this._initialized = false;
* The {@link OpenSeadragon.TileSource} that defines this TiledImage.
* @member {OpenSeadragon.TileSource} source
@@ -161,11 +161,14 @@ $.TiledImage = function( options ) {
loadingCoverage: {}, // A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Boolean; shows what areas are loaded or are being loaded/blended.
lastDrawn: [], // An unordered list of Tiles drawn last frame.
lastResetTime: 0, // Last time for which the tiledImage was reset.
- _midDraw: false, // Is the tiledImage currently updating the viewport?
_needsDraw: true, // Does the tiledImage need to update the viewport again?
_hasOpaqueTile: false, // Do we have even one fully opaque tile?
_tilesLoading: 0, // The number of pending tile requests.
_zombieCache: false, // Allow cache to stay in memory upon deletion.
+ _tilesToDraw: [], // info about the tiles currently in the viewport, two deep: array[level][tile]
+ _lastDrawn: [], // array of tiles that were last fetched by the drawer
+ _isBlending: false, // Are any tiles still being blended?
+ _wasBlending: false, // Were any tiles blending before the last draw?
//configurable settings
springStiffness: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.springStiffness,
animationTime: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.animationTime,
@@ -225,31 +228,9 @@ $.TiledImage = function( options ) {
this.fitBounds(fitBounds, fitBoundsPlacement, true);
- // We need a callback to give image manipulation a chance to happen
- this._drawingHandler = function(args) {
- /**
- * This event is fired just before the tile is drawn giving the application a chance to alter the image.
- *
- * NOTE: This event is only fired when the drawer is using a <canvas>.
- *
- * @event tile-drawing
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
- * @type {object}
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile - The Tile being drawn.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} context - The HTML canvas context being drawn into.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} rendered - The HTML canvas context containing the tile imagery.
- * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
- * @deprecated
- */
- _this.viewer.raiseEvent('tile-drawing', $.extend({
- tiledImage: _this
- }, args));
- };
this._ownAjaxHeaders = {};
this.setAjaxHeaders(ajaxHeaders, false);
+ this._initialized = true;
$.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadragon.TiledImage.prototype */{
@@ -260,6 +241,13 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
return this._needsDraw;
+ /**
+ * Mark the tiled image as needing to be (re)drawn
+ */
+ redraw: function() {
+ this._needsDraw = true;
+ },
* @returns {Boolean} Whether all tiles necessary for this TiledImage to draw at the current view have been loaded.
@@ -328,17 +316,28 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * Updates the TiledImage's bounds, animating if needed.
- * @returns {Boolean} Whether the TiledImage animated.
+ * Updates the TiledImage's bounds, animating if needed. Based on the new
+ * bounds, updates the levels and tiles to be drawn into the viewport.
+ * @param viewportChanged Whether the viewport changed meaning tiles need to be updated.
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether the TiledImage needs to be drawn.
- update: function() {
- var xUpdated = this._xSpring.update();
- var yUpdated = this._ySpring.update();
- var scaleUpdated = this._scaleSpring.update();
- var degreesUpdated = this._degreesSpring.update();
+ update: function(viewportChanged) {
+ let xUpdated = this._xSpring.update();
+ let yUpdated = this._ySpring.update();
+ let scaleUpdated = this._scaleSpring.update();
+ let degreesUpdated = this._degreesSpring.update();
- if (xUpdated || yUpdated || scaleUpdated || degreesUpdated) {
+ let updated = (xUpdated || yUpdated || scaleUpdated || degreesUpdated);
+ if (updated || viewportChanged || !this._fullyLoaded){
+ let fullyLoadedFlag = this._updateLevelsForViewport();
+ this._setFullyLoaded(fullyLoadedFlag);
+ }
+ if (updated) {
+ this._raiseBoundsChange();
this._needsDraw = true;
return true;
@@ -347,18 +346,14 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * Draws the TiledImage to its Drawer.
+ * Mark this TiledImage as having been drawn, so that it will only be drawn
+ * again if something changes about the image. If the image is still blending,
+ * this will have no effect.
+ * @returns {Boolean} whether the item still needs to be drawn due to blending
- draw: function() {
- if (this.opacity !== 0 || this._preload) {
- this._midDraw = true;
- this._updateViewport();
- this._midDraw = false;
- }
- // Images with opacity 0 should not need to be drawn in future. this._needsDraw = false is set in this._updateViewport() for other images.
- else {
- this._needsDraw = false;
- }
+ setDrawn: function(){
+ this._needsDraw = this._isBlending || this._wasBlending;
+ return this._needsDraw;
@@ -366,11 +361,7 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
destroy: function() {
- if (this.source.destroy) {
- $.console.warn("[TileSource.destroy] is deprecated. Use advanced data model API.");
- this.source.destroy();
- }
+ this.source.destroy(this.viewer);
@@ -446,7 +437,7 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
var yMod = ( numTiles.y + ( y % numTiles.y ) ) % numTiles.y;
var bounds = this.source.getTileBounds(level, xMod, yMod);
if (this.getFlip()) {
- bounds.x = 1 - bounds.x - bounds.width;
+ bounds.x = Math.max(0, 1 - bounds.x - bounds.width);
bounds.x += (x - xMod) / numTiles.x;
bounds.y += (this._worldHeightCurrent / this._worldWidthCurrent) * ((y - yMod) / numTiles.y);
@@ -527,7 +518,7 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
imageX = imageX.x;
- var point = this._imageToViewportDelta(imageX, imageY);
+ var point = this._imageToViewportDelta(imageX, imageY, current);
if (current) {
point.x += this._xSpring.current.value;
point.y += this._ySpring.current.value;
@@ -759,7 +750,6 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* ]
setCroppingPolygons: function( polygons ) {
var isXYObject = function(obj) {
return obj instanceof $.Point || (typeof obj.x === 'number' && typeof obj.y === 'number');
@@ -785,10 +775,11 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
this._croppingPolygons = polygons.map(function(polygon){
return objectToSimpleXYObject(polygon);
+ this._needsDraw = true;
} catch (e) {
$.console.error('[TiledImage.setCroppingPolygons] Cropping polygon format not supported');
- this._croppingPolygons = null;
+ this.resetCroppingPolygons();
@@ -798,6 +789,7 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
resetCroppingPolygons: function() {
this._croppingPolygons = null;
+ this._needsDraw = true;
@@ -906,7 +898,7 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the TiledImage should be flipped before rendering.
getFlip: function() {
- return !!this.flipped;
+ return this.flipped;
@@ -914,9 +906,54 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* @fires OpenSeadragon.TiledImage.event:bounds-change
setFlip: function(flip) {
- this.flipped = !!flip;
+ this.flipped = flip;
+ },
+ get flipped(){
+ return this._flipped;
+ },
+ set flipped(flipped){
+ let changed = this._flipped !== !!flipped;
+ this._flipped = !!flipped;
+ if(changed){
+ this.update(true);
+ this._needsDraw = true;
+ this._raiseBoundsChange();
+ }
+ },
+ get wrapHorizontal(){
+ return this._wrapHorizontal;
+ },
+ set wrapHorizontal(wrap){
+ let changed = this._wrapHorizontal !== !!wrap;
+ this._wrapHorizontal = !!wrap;
+ if(this._initialized && changed){
+ this.update(true);
+ this._needsDraw = true;
+ // this._raiseBoundsChange();
+ }
+ },
+ get wrapVertical(){
+ return this._wrapVertical;
+ },
+ set wrapVertical(wrap){
+ let changed = this._wrapVertical !== !!wrap;
+ this._wrapVertical = !!wrap;
+ if(this._initialized && changed){
+ this.update(true);
+ this._needsDraw = true;
+ // this._raiseBoundsChange();
+ }
+ },
+ get debugMode(){
+ return this._debugMode;
+ },
+ set debugMode(debug){
+ this._debugMode = !!debug;
this._needsDraw = true;
- this._raiseBoundsChange();
@@ -931,11 +968,19 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* @fires OpenSeadragon.TiledImage.event:opacity-change
setOpacity: function(opacity) {
+ this.opacity = opacity;
+ },
+ get opacity() {
+ return this._opacity;
+ },
+ set opacity(opacity) {
if (opacity === this.opacity) {
- this.opacity = opacity;
+ this._opacity = opacity;
this._needsDraw = true;
* Raised when the TiledImage's opacity is changed.
@@ -999,6 +1044,54 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
+ /**
+ * Get the region of this tiled image that falls within the viewport.
+ * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} the region of this tiled image that falls within the viewport.
+ * Returns false for images with opacity==0 unless preload==true
+ */
+ getDrawArea: function(){
+ if( this._opacity === 0 && !this._preload){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var drawArea = this._viewportToTiledImageRectangle(
+ this.viewport.getBoundsWithMargins(true));
+ if (!this.wrapHorizontal && !this.wrapVertical) {
+ var tiledImageBounds = this._viewportToTiledImageRectangle(
+ this.getClippedBounds(true));
+ drawArea = drawArea.intersection(tiledImageBounds);
+ }
+ return drawArea;
+ },
+ /**
+ *
+ * @returns {Array} Array of Tiles that make up the current view
+ */
+ getTilesToDraw: function(){
+ // start with all the tiles added to this._tilesToDraw during the most recent
+ // call to this.update. Then update them so the blending and coverage properties
+ // are updated based on the current time
+ let tileArray = this._tilesToDraw.flat();
+ // update all tiles, which can change the coverage provided
+ this._updateTilesInViewport(tileArray);
+ // _tilesToDraw might have been updated by the update; refresh it
+ tileArray = this._tilesToDraw.flat();
+ // mark the tiles as being drawn, so that they won't be discarded from
+ // the tileCache
+ tileArray.forEach(tileInfo => {
+ tileInfo.tile.beingDrawn = true;
+ });
+ this._lastDrawn = tileArray;
+ return tileArray;
+ },
* Get the point around which this tiled image is rotated
* @private
@@ -1009,23 +1102,16 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
return this.getBoundsNoRotate(current).getCenter();
- /**
- * @returns {String} The TiledImage's current compositeOperation.
- */
- getCompositeOperation: function() {
- return this.compositeOperation;
+ get compositeOperation(){
+ return this._compositeOperation;
- /**
- * @param {String} compositeOperation the tiled image should be drawn with this globalCompositeOperation.
- * @fires OpenSeadragon.TiledImage.event:composite-operation-change
- */
- setCompositeOperation: function(compositeOperation) {
- if (compositeOperation === this.compositeOperation) {
+ set compositeOperation(compositeOperation){
+ if (compositeOperation === this._compositeOperation) {
- this.compositeOperation = compositeOperation;
+ this._compositeOperation = compositeOperation;
this._needsDraw = true;
* Raised when the TiledImage's opacity is changed.
@@ -1038,8 +1124,24 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
this.raiseEvent('composite-operation-change', {
- compositeOperation: this.compositeOperation
+ compositeOperation: this._compositeOperation
+ },
+ /**
+ * @returns {String} The TiledImage's current compositeOperation.
+ */
+ getCompositeOperation: function() {
+ return this._compositeOperation;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param {String} compositeOperation the tiled image should be drawn with this globalCompositeOperation.
+ * @fires OpenSeadragon.TiledImage.event:composite-operation-change
+ */
+ setCompositeOperation: function(compositeOperation) {
+ this.compositeOperation = compositeOperation; //invokes setter
@@ -1219,56 +1321,66 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- /**
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Pretty much every other line in this needs to be documented so it's clear
- * how each piece of this routine contributes to the drawing process. That's
- * why there are so many TODO's inside this function.
- */
- _updateViewport: function() {
- this._needsDraw = false;
- this._tilesLoading = 0;
- this.loadingCoverage = {};
- // Reset tile's internal drawn state
- while (this.lastDrawn.length > 0) {
- var tile = this.lastDrawn.pop();
- tile.beingDrawn = false;
- }
- var viewport = this.viewport;
- var drawArea = this._viewportToTiledImageRectangle(
- viewport.getBoundsWithMargins(true));
- if (!this.wrapHorizontal && !this.wrapVertical) {
- var tiledImageBounds = this._viewportToTiledImageRectangle(
- this.getClippedBounds(true));
- drawArea = drawArea.intersection(tiledImageBounds);
- if (drawArea === null) {
- return;
- }
- }
+ // returns boolean flag of whether the image should be marked as fully loaded
+ _updateLevelsForViewport: function(){
var levelsInterval = this._getLevelsInterval();
var lowestLevel = levelsInterval.lowestLevel;
var highestLevel = levelsInterval.highestLevel;
var bestTiles = [];
var haveDrawn = false;
+ var drawArea = this.getDrawArea();
var currentTime = $.now();
+ // reset each tile's beingDrawn flag
+ this._lastDrawn.forEach(tileinfo => {
+ tileinfo.tile.beingDrawn = false;
+ });
+ // clear the list of tiles to draw
+ this._tilesToDraw = [];
+ this._tilesLoading = 0;
+ this.loadingCoverage = {};
+ if(!drawArea){
+ this._needsDraw = false;
+ return this._fullyLoaded;
+ }
+ // make a list of levels to use for the current zoom level
+ var levelList = new Array(highestLevel - lowestLevel + 1);
+ // go from highest to lowest resolution
+ for(let i = 0, level = highestLevel; level >= lowestLevel; level--, i++){
+ levelList[i] = level;
+ }
+ // if a single-tile level is loaded, add that to the end of the list
+ // as a fallback to use during zooming out, until a lower-res tile is
+ // loaded
+ for(let level = highestLevel + 1; level <= this.source.maxLevel; level++){
+ var tile = (
+ this.tilesMatrix[level] &&
+ this.tilesMatrix[level][0] &&
+ this.tilesMatrix[level][0][0]
+ );
+ if(tile && tile.isBottomMost && tile.isRightMost && tile.loaded){
+ levelList.push(level);
+ levelList.hasHigherResolutionFallback = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// Update any level that will be drawn
- for (var level = highestLevel; level >= lowestLevel; level--) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < levelList.length; i++) {
+ let level = levelList[i];
var drawLevel = false;
//Avoid calculations for draw if we have already drawn this
- var currentRenderPixelRatio = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(
+ var currentRenderPixelRatio = this.viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(
).x * this._scaleSpring.current.value;
- if (level === lowestLevel ||
- (!haveDrawn && currentRenderPixelRatio >= this.minPixelRatio)) {
+ if (i === levelList.length - 1 ||
+ (!haveDrawn && currentRenderPixelRatio >= this.minPixelRatio) ) {
drawLevel = true;
haveDrawn = true;
} else if (!haveDrawn) {
@@ -1276,12 +1388,12 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
//Perform calculations for draw if we haven't drawn this
- var targetRenderPixelRatio = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(
+ var targetRenderPixelRatio = this.viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(
).x * this._scaleSpring.current.value;
- var targetZeroRatio = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(
+ var targetZeroRatio = this.viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(
@@ -1297,8 +1409,9 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
optimalRatio - targetRenderPixelRatio
- // Update the level and keep track of 'best' tile to load
- bestTiles = this._updateLevel(
+ // Update the level and keep track of 'best' tiles to load
+ // the bestTiles
+ var result = this._updateLevel(
@@ -1309,6 +1422,21 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
+ bestTiles = result.bestTiles;
+ var tiles = result.updatedTiles.filter(tile => tile.loaded);
+ var makeTileInfoObject = (function(level, levelOpacity, currentTime){
+ return function(tile){
+ return {
+ tile: tile,
+ level: level,
+ levelOpacity: levelOpacity,
+ currentTime: currentTime
+ };
+ };
+ })(level, levelOpacity, currentTime);
+ this._tilesToDraw[level] = tiles.map(makeTileInfoObject);
// Stop the loop if lower-res tiles would all be covered by
// already drawn tiles
if (this._providesCoverage(this.coverage, level)) {
@@ -1316,8 +1444,6 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- // Perform the actual drawing
- this._drawTiles(this.lastDrawn);
// Load the new 'best' n tiles
if (bestTiles && bestTiles.length > 0) {
@@ -1327,51 +1453,114 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
this._needsDraw = true;
- this._setFullyLoaded(false);
+ return false;
} else {
- this._setFullyLoaded(this._tilesLoading === 0);
+ return this._tilesLoading === 0;
- // private
- _getCornerTiles: function(level, topLeftBound, bottomRightBound) {
- var leftX;
- var rightX;
- if (this.wrapHorizontal) {
- leftX = $.positiveModulo(topLeftBound.x, 1);
- rightX = $.positiveModulo(bottomRightBound.x, 1);
- } else {
- leftX = Math.max(0, topLeftBound.x);
- rightX = Math.min(1, bottomRightBound.x);
- }
- var topY;
- var bottomY;
- var aspectRatio = 1 / this.source.aspectRatio;
- if (this.wrapVertical) {
- topY = $.positiveModulo(topLeftBound.y, aspectRatio);
- bottomY = $.positiveModulo(bottomRightBound.y, aspectRatio);
- } else {
- topY = Math.max(0, topLeftBound.y);
- bottomY = Math.min(aspectRatio, bottomRightBound.y);
+ /**
+ * Update all tiles that contribute to the current view
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
+ _updateTilesInViewport: function(tiles) {
+ let currentTime = $.now();
+ let _this = this;
+ this._tilesLoading = 0;
+ this._wasBlending = this._isBlending;
+ this._isBlending = false;
+ this.loadingCoverage = {};
+ let lowestLevel = tiles.length ? tiles[0].level : 0;
+ let drawArea = this.getDrawArea();
+ if(!drawArea){
+ return;
- var topLeftTile = this.source.getTileAtPoint(level, new $.Point(leftX, topY));
- var bottomRightTile = this.source.getTileAtPoint(level, new $.Point(rightX, bottomY));
- var numTiles = this.source.getNumTiles(level);
- if (this.wrapHorizontal) {
- topLeftTile.x += numTiles.x * Math.floor(topLeftBound.x);
- bottomRightTile.x += numTiles.x * Math.floor(bottomRightBound.x);
- }
- if (this.wrapVertical) {
- topLeftTile.y += numTiles.y * Math.floor(topLeftBound.y / aspectRatio);
- bottomRightTile.y += numTiles.y * Math.floor(bottomRightBound.y / aspectRatio);
+ function updateTile(info){
+ let tile = info.tile;
+ if(tile && tile.loaded){
+ let tileIsBlending = _this._blendTile(
+ tile,
+ tile.x,
+ tile.y,
+ info.level,
+ info.levelOpacity,
+ currentTime,
+ lowestLevel
+ );
+ _this._isBlending = _this._isBlending || tileIsBlending;
+ _this._needsDraw = _this._needsDraw || tileIsBlending || this._wasBlending;
+ }
- return {
- topLeft: topLeftTile,
- bottomRight: bottomRightTile,
- };
+ // Update each tile in the list of tiles. As the tiles are updated,
+ // the coverage provided is also updated. If a level provides coverage
+ // as part of this process, discard tiles from lower levels
+ let level = 0;
+ for(let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++){
+ let tile = tiles[i];
+ updateTile(tile);
+ if(this._providesCoverage(this.coverage, tile.level)){
+ level = Math.max(level, tile.level);
+ }
+ }
+ if(level > 0){
+ for( let levelKey in this._tilesToDraw ){
+ if( levelKey < level ){
+ delete this._tilesToDraw[levelKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Updates the opacity of a tile according to the time it has been on screen
+ * to perform a fade-in.
+ * Updates coverage once a tile is fully opaque.
+ * Returns whether the fade-in has completed.
+ * @private
+ *
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
+ * @param {Number} x
+ * @param {Number} y
+ * @param {Number} level
+ * @param {Number} levelOpacity
+ * @param {Number} currentTime
+ * @param {Boolean} lowestLevel
+ * @returns {Boolean} true if blending did not yet finish
+ */
+ _blendTile: function(tile, x, y, level, levelOpacity, currentTime, lowestLevel ){
+ let blendTimeMillis = 1000 * this.blendTime,
+ deltaTime,
+ opacity;
+ if ( !tile.blendStart ) {
+ tile.blendStart = currentTime;
+ }
+ deltaTime = currentTime - tile.blendStart;
+ opacity = blendTimeMillis ? Math.min( 1, deltaTime / ( blendTimeMillis ) ) : 1;
+ // if this tile is at the lowest level being drawn, render at opacity=1
+ if(level === lowestLevel){
+ opacity = 1;
+ deltaTime = blendTimeMillis;
+ }
+ if ( this.alwaysBlend ) {
+ opacity *= levelOpacity;
+ }
+ tile.opacity = opacity;
+ if ( opacity === 1 ) {
+ this._setCoverage( this.coverage, level, x, y, true );
+ this._hasOpaqueTile = true;
+ }
+ // return true if the tile is still blending
+ return deltaTime < blendTimeMillis;
@@ -1384,7 +1573,8 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* @param {Number} levelVisibility
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} drawArea
* @param {Number} currentTime
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} best - The current "best" n tiles to draw.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} best Array of the current best tiles
+ * @returns {Object} Dictionary {bestTiles: OpenSeadragon.Tile - the current "best" tiles to draw, updatedTiles: OpenSeadragon.Tile) - the updated tiles}.
_updateLevel: function(haveDrawn, drawLevel, level, levelOpacity,
levelVisibility, drawArea, currentTime, best) {
@@ -1449,7 +1639,9 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
bottomRightTile.x = Math.min(bottomRightTile.x, numberOfTiles.x - 1);
+ var numTiles = Math.max(0, (bottomRightTile.x - topLeftTile.x) * (bottomRightTile.y - topLeftTile.y));
+ var tiles = new Array(numTiles);
+ var tileIndex = 0;
for (var x = topLeftTile.x; x <= bottomRightTile.x; x++) {
for (var y = topLeftTile.y; y <= bottomRightTile.y; y++) {
@@ -1466,52 +1658,107 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- best = this._updateTile(
+ var result = this._updateTile(
flippedX, y,
- levelOpacity,
+ best = result.bestTiles;
+ tiles[tileIndex] = result.tile;
+ tileIndex += 1;
- return best;
+ return {
+ bestTiles: best,
+ updatedTiles: tiles
+ };
* @private
- * @inner
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
+ * @param {Boolean} overlap
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} viewport
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} viewportCenter
+ * @param {Number} levelVisibility
+ */
+ _positionTile: function( tile, overlap, viewport, viewportCenter, levelVisibility ){
+ var boundsTL = tile.bounds.getTopLeft();
+ boundsTL.x *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
+ boundsTL.y *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
+ boundsTL.x += this._xSpring.current.value;
+ boundsTL.y += this._ySpring.current.value;
+ var boundsSize = tile.bounds.getSize();
+ boundsSize.x *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
+ boundsSize.y *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
+ tile.positionedBounds.x = boundsTL.x;
+ tile.positionedBounds.y = boundsTL.y;
+ tile.positionedBounds.width = boundsSize.x;
+ tile.positionedBounds.height = boundsSize.y;
+ var positionC = viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(boundsTL, true),
+ positionT = viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(boundsTL, false),
+ sizeC = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(boundsSize, true),
+ sizeT = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(boundsSize, false),
+ tileCenter = positionT.plus( sizeT.divide( 2 ) ),
+ tileSquaredDistance = viewportCenter.squaredDistanceTo( tileCenter );
+ if(this.viewer.drawer.minimumOverlapRequired()){
+ if ( !overlap ) {
+ sizeC = sizeC.plus( new $.Point(1, 1));
+ }
+ if (tile.isRightMost && this.wrapHorizontal) {
+ sizeC.x += 0.75; // Otherwise Firefox and Safari show seams
+ }
+ if (tile.isBottomMost && this.wrapVertical) {
+ sizeC.y += 0.75; // Otherwise Firefox and Safari show seams
+ }
+ }
+ tile.position = positionC;
+ tile.size = sizeC;
+ tile.squaredDistance = tileSquaredDistance;
+ tile.visibility = levelVisibility;
+ },
+ /**
* Update a single tile at a particular resolution level.
+ * @private
* @param {Boolean} haveDrawn
* @param {Boolean} drawLevel
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} level
- * @param {Number} levelOpacity
* @param {Number} levelVisibility
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} viewportCenter
* @param {Number} numberOfTiles
* @param {Number} currentTime
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} best - The current "best" tiles to draw.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} best - The current "best" tile to draw.
+ * @returns {Object} Dictionary {bestTiles: OpenSeadragon.Tile[] - the current best tiles, tile: OpenSeadragon.Tile the current tile}
- _updateTile: function( haveDrawn, drawLevel, x, y, level, levelOpacity,
+ _updateTile: function( haveDrawn, drawLevel, x, y, level,
levelVisibility, viewportCenter, numberOfTiles, currentTime, best){
- var tile = this._getTile(
- x, y,
- level,
- currentTime,
- numberOfTiles,
- this._worldWidthCurrent,
- this._worldHeightCurrent
- ),
- drawTile = drawLevel;
+ const tile = this._getTile(
+ x, y,
+ level,
+ currentTime,
+ numberOfTiles
+ );
+ let drawTile = drawLevel;
if( this.viewer ){
@@ -1537,9 +1784,14 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
this._setCoverage(this.loadingCoverage, level, x, y, loadingCoverage);
if ( !tile.exists ) {
- return best;
+ return {
+ bestTiles: best,
+ tile: tile
+ };
+ }
+ if (tile.loaded && tile.opacity === 1){
+ this._setCoverage( this.coverage, level, x, y, true );
if ( haveDrawn && !drawTile ) {
if ( this._isCovered( this.coverage, level, x, y ) ) {
this._setCoverage( this.coverage, level, x, y, true );
@@ -1549,7 +1801,10 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
if ( !drawTile ) {
- return best;
+ return {
+ bestTiles: best,
+ tile: tile
+ };
@@ -1567,29 +1822,62 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- if ( tile.loaded ) {
- var needsDraw = this._blendTile(
- tile,
- x, y,
- level,
- levelOpacity,
- currentTime
- );
- if ( needsDraw ) {
- this._needsDraw = true;
- }
- } else if ( tile.loading ) {
+ if ( tile.loading ) {
// the tile is already in the download queue
} else if (!loadingCoverage) {
best = this._compareTiles( best, tile, this.maxTilesPerFrame );
- return best;
+ return {
+ bestTiles: best,
+ tile: tile
+ };
+ },
+ // private
+ _getCornerTiles: function(level, topLeftBound, bottomRightBound) {
+ var leftX;
+ var rightX;
+ if (this.wrapHorizontal) {
+ leftX = $.positiveModulo(topLeftBound.x, 1);
+ rightX = $.positiveModulo(bottomRightBound.x, 1);
+ } else {
+ leftX = Math.max(0, topLeftBound.x);
+ rightX = Math.min(1, bottomRightBound.x);
+ }
+ var topY;
+ var bottomY;
+ var aspectRatio = 1 / this.source.aspectRatio;
+ if (this.wrapVertical) {
+ topY = $.positiveModulo(topLeftBound.y, aspectRatio);
+ bottomY = $.positiveModulo(bottomRightBound.y, aspectRatio);
+ } else {
+ topY = Math.max(0, topLeftBound.y);
+ bottomY = Math.min(aspectRatio, bottomRightBound.y);
+ }
+ var topLeftTile = this.source.getTileAtPoint(level, new $.Point(leftX, topY));
+ var bottomRightTile = this.source.getTileAtPoint(level, new $.Point(rightX, bottomY));
+ var numTiles = this.source.getNumTiles(level);
+ if (this.wrapHorizontal) {
+ topLeftTile.x += numTiles.x * Math.floor(topLeftBound.x);
+ bottomRightTile.x += numTiles.x * Math.floor(bottomRightBound.x);
+ }
+ if (this.wrapVertical) {
+ topLeftTile.y += numTiles.y * Math.floor(topLeftBound.y / aspectRatio);
+ bottomRightTile.y += numTiles.y * Math.floor(bottomRightBound.y / aspectRatio);
+ }
+ return {
+ topLeft: topLeftTile,
+ bottomRight: bottomRightTile,
+ };
+<<<<<<< HEAD
* @private
* @inner
* Try to find existing cache of the tile
@@ -1630,23 +1918,22 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* @private
* @inner
+>>>>>>> origin
* Obtains a tile at the given location.
+ * @private
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} level
* @param {Number} time
* @param {Number} numTiles
- * @param {Number} worldWidth
- * @param {Number} worldHeight
* @returns {OpenSeadragon.Tile}
_getTile: function(
x, y,
- numTiles,
- worldWidth,
- worldHeight
+ numTiles
) {
var xMod,
@@ -1728,9 +2015,8 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
* Dispatch a job to the ImageLoader to load the Image for a Tile.
+ * @private
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
* @param {Number} time
@@ -1756,9 +2042,8 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
* Callback fired when a Tile's Image finished downloading.
+ * @private
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
* @param {Number} time
* @param {*} data image data
@@ -1802,24 +2087,13 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- var _this = this,
- finish = function() {
- _this._setTileLoaded(tile, data, null, tileRequest, dataType);
- };
+ this._setTileLoaded(tile, data, null, tileRequest, dataType);
- // Check if we're mid-update; this can happen on IE8 because image load events for
- // cached images happen immediately there
- if ( !this._midDraw ) {
- finish();
- } else {
- // Wait until after the update, in case caching unloads any tiles
- window.setTimeout(finish, 1);
- }
+ //TODO aiosa missing timeout might damage the cache system
* @private
- * @inner
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
* @param {*} data image data, the data sent to ImageJob.prototype.finish(), by default an Image object,
* can be null: in that case, cache is assigned to a tile without further processing
@@ -1929,105 +2203,11 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- /**
- * @private
- * @inner
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
- * @param {Boolean} overlap
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} viewport
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} viewportCenter
- * @param {Number} levelVisibility
- */
- _positionTile: function( tile, overlap, viewport, viewportCenter, levelVisibility ){
- var boundsTL = tile.bounds.getTopLeft();
- boundsTL.x *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
- boundsTL.y *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
- boundsTL.x += this._xSpring.current.value;
- boundsTL.y += this._ySpring.current.value;
- var boundsSize = tile.bounds.getSize();
- boundsSize.x *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
- boundsSize.y *= this._scaleSpring.current.value;
- var positionC = viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(boundsTL, true),
- positionT = viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(boundsTL, false),
- sizeC = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(boundsSize, true),
- sizeT = viewport.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate(boundsSize, false),
- tileCenter = positionT.plus( sizeT.divide( 2 ) ),
- tileSquaredDistance = viewportCenter.squaredDistanceTo( tileCenter );
- if ( !overlap ) {
- sizeC = sizeC.plus( new $.Point( 1, 1 ) );
- }
- if (tile.isRightMost && this.wrapHorizontal) {
- sizeC.x += 0.75; // Otherwise Firefox and Safari show seams
- }
- if (tile.isBottomMost && this.wrapVertical) {
- sizeC.y += 0.75; // Otherwise Firefox and Safari show seams
- }
- tile.position = positionC;
- tile.size = sizeC;
- tile.squaredDistance = tileSquaredDistance;
- tile.visibility = levelVisibility;
- },
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Updates the opacity of a tile according to the time it has been on screen
- * to perform a fade-in.
- * Updates coverage once a tile is fully opaque.
- * Returns whether the fade-in has completed.
- *
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
- * @param {Number} x
- * @param {Number} y
- * @param {Number} level
- * @param {Number} levelOpacity
- * @param {Number} currentTime
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
- _blendTile: function( tile, x, y, level, levelOpacity, currentTime ){
- var blendTimeMillis = 1000 * this.blendTime,
- deltaTime,
- opacity;
- if ( !tile.blendStart ) {
- tile.blendStart = currentTime;
- }
- deltaTime = currentTime - tile.blendStart;
- opacity = blendTimeMillis ? Math.min( 1, deltaTime / ( blendTimeMillis ) ) : 1;
- if ( this.alwaysBlend ) {
- opacity *= levelOpacity;
- }
- tile.opacity = opacity;
- this.lastDrawn.push( tile );
- if ( opacity === 1 ) {
- this._setCoverage( this.coverage, level, x, y, true );
- this._hasOpaqueTile = true;
- } else if ( deltaTime < blendTimeMillis ) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * @inner
* Determines the 'best tiles' from the given 'last best' tiles and the
* tile in question.
+ * @private
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} previousBest The best tiles so far.
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile The new tile to consider.
@@ -2047,9 +2227,8 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
* Sorts tiles in an array according to distance and visibility.
+ * @private
* @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} tiles The tiles.
@@ -2070,299 +2249,6 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Draws a TiledImage.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} lastDrawn - An unordered list of Tiles drawn last frame.
- */
- _drawTiles: function( lastDrawn ) {
- if (this.opacity === 0 || (lastDrawn.length === 0 && !this.placeholderFillStyle)) {
- return;
- }
- var tile = lastDrawn[0];
- var useSketch;
- if (tile) {
- useSketch = this.opacity < 1 ||
- (this.compositeOperation && this.compositeOperation !== 'source-over') ||
- (!this._isBottomItem() &&
- (tile.hasTransparency || this.source.hasTransparency(
- undefined, tile.getUrl(), tile.ajaxHeaders, tile.postData))
- );
- }
- var sketchScale;
- var sketchTranslate;
- var zoom = this.viewport.getZoom(true);
- var imageZoom = this.viewportToImageZoom(zoom);
- if (lastDrawn.length > 1 &&
- imageZoom > this.smoothTileEdgesMinZoom &&
- !this.iOSDevice &&
- this.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 && // TODO: support tile edge smoothing with tiled image rotation (viewport rotation is not a problem).
- this._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip() === false && // TODO: support tile edge smoothing with viewport flip (tiled image flip is not a problem).
- $.supportsCanvas && this.viewer.useCanvas) {
- // When zoomed in a lot (>100%) the tile edges are visible.
- // So we have to composite them at ~100% and scale them up together.
- // Note: Disabled on iOS devices per default as it causes a native crash
- useSketch = true;
- sketchScale = tile.getScaleForEdgeSmoothing();
- sketchTranslate = tile.getTranslationForEdgeSmoothing(sketchScale,
- this._drawer.getCanvasSize(false),
- this._drawer.getCanvasSize(true));
- }
- var bounds;
- if (useSketch) {
- if (!sketchScale) {
- // Except when edge smoothing, we only clean the part of the
- // sketch canvas we are going to use for performance reasons.
- bounds = this.viewport.viewportToViewerElementRectangle(
- this.getClippedBounds(true))
- .getIntegerBoundingBox();
- if(this._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ||
- this.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- bounds.x = this._drawer.viewer.container.clientWidth - (bounds.x + bounds.width);
- }
- }
- bounds = bounds.times($.pixelDensityRatio);
- }
- this._drawer._clear(true, bounds);
- }
- // When scaling, we must rotate only when blending the sketch canvas to
- // avoid interpolation
- if (!sketchScale) {
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._offsetForRotation({
- degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true),
- useSketch: useSketch
- });
- }
- if (this.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._offsetForRotation({
- degrees: this.getRotation(true),
- point: this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
- this._getRotationPoint(true), true),
- useSketch: useSketch
- });
- }
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
- this.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
- if(this._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
- this._drawer._flip();
- }
- }
- }
- var usedClip = false;
- if ( this._clip ) {
- this._drawer.saveContext(useSketch);
- var box = this.imageToViewportRectangle(this._clip, true);
- box = box.rotate(-this.getRotation(true), this._getRotationPoint(true));
- var clipRect = this._drawer.viewportToDrawerRectangle(box);
- if (sketchScale) {
- clipRect = clipRect.times(sketchScale);
- }
- if (sketchTranslate) {
- clipRect = clipRect.translate(sketchTranslate);
- }
- this._drawer.setClip(clipRect, useSketch);
- usedClip = true;
- }
- if (this._croppingPolygons) {
- var self = this;
- this._drawer.saveContext(useSketch);
- try {
- var polygons = this._croppingPolygons.map(function (polygon) {
- return polygon.map(function (coord) {
- var point = self
- .imageToViewportCoordinates(coord.x, coord.y, true)
- .rotate(-self.getRotation(true), self._getRotationPoint(true));
- var clipPoint = self._drawer.viewportCoordToDrawerCoord(point);
- if (sketchScale) {
- clipPoint = clipPoint.times(sketchScale);
- }
- if (sketchTranslate) {
- clipPoint = clipPoint.plus(sketchTranslate);
- }
- return clipPoint;
- });
- });
- this._drawer.clipWithPolygons(polygons, useSketch);
- } catch (e) {
- $.console.error(e);
- }
- usedClip = true;
- }
- if ( this.placeholderFillStyle && this._hasOpaqueTile === false ) {
- var placeholderRect = this._drawer.viewportToDrawerRectangle(this.getBounds(true));
- if (sketchScale) {
- placeholderRect = placeholderRect.times(sketchScale);
- }
- if (sketchTranslate) {
- placeholderRect = placeholderRect.translate(sketchTranslate);
- }
- var fillStyle = null;
- if ( typeof this.placeholderFillStyle === "function" ) {
- fillStyle = this.placeholderFillStyle(this, this._drawer.context);
- }
- else {
- fillStyle = this.placeholderFillStyle;
- }
- this._drawer.drawRectangle(placeholderRect, fillStyle, useSketch);
- }
- var subPixelRoundingRule = determineSubPixelRoundingRule(this.subPixelRoundingForTransparency);
- var shouldRoundPositionAndSize = false;
- if (subPixelRoundingRule === $.SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES.ALWAYS) {
- shouldRoundPositionAndSize = true;
- } else if (subPixelRoundingRule === $.SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES.ONLY_AT_REST) {
- var isAnimating = this.viewer && this.viewer.isAnimating();
- shouldRoundPositionAndSize = !isAnimating;
- }
- for (let i = lastDrawn.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- tile = lastDrawn[ i ];
- if (tile.loaded) {
- const cache = tile.getCache();
- if (cache._updateStamp && cache._updateStamp !== $.__updated) {
- console.warn("Tile not updated", cache);
- }
- }
- this._drawer.drawTile( tile, this._drawingHandler, useSketch, sketchScale,
- sketchTranslate, shouldRoundPositionAndSize, this.source );
- tile.beingDrawn = true;
- if( this.viewer ){
- const targetTile = tile;
- /**
- * This event is fired after a tile has been drawn on the viewport. You can
- * use this event to modify the tile data if necessary.
- * This event is _awaiting_, it supports asynchronous functions or functions that return a promise.
- *
- * @event tile-drawn
- * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer
- * @type {object}
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - Which TiledImage is being drawn.
- * @property {OpenSeadragon.Tile} tile
- * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
- */
- this.viewer.raiseEventAwaiting( 'tile-drawn', {
- tiledImage: this,
- tile: targetTile
- }).then(() => {
- const cache = targetTile.getCache(targetTile.cacheKey),
- // TODO: after-merge-aiosa dynamic type declaration from the drawer base class interface
- requiredType = this._drawer.useCanvas ? "context2d" : "image";
- if (!cache) {
- $.console.warn("Tile %s not cached at the end of tile-drawn event: tile will not be drawn - it has no data!", targetTile);
- } else if (cache.type !== requiredType) {
- //initiate conversion as soon as possible if incompatible with the drawer
- cache.transformTo(requiredType);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- if ( usedClip ) {
- this._drawer.restoreContext( useSketch );
- }
- if (!sketchScale) {
- if (this.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._restoreRotationChanges(useSketch);
- }
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._restoreRotationChanges(useSketch);
- }
- }
- if (useSketch) {
- if (sketchScale) {
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._offsetForRotation({
- degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true),
- useSketch: false
- });
- }
- if (this.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._offsetForRotation({
- degrees: this.getRotation(true),
- point: this.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
- this._getRotationPoint(true), true),
- useSketch: false
- });
- }
- }
- this._drawer.blendSketch({
- opacity: this.opacity,
- scale: sketchScale,
- translate: sketchTranslate,
- compositeOperation: this.compositeOperation,
- bounds: bounds
- });
- if (sketchScale) {
- if (this.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._restoreRotationChanges(false);
- }
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
- this._drawer._restoreRotationChanges(false);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!sketchScale) {
- if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
- this.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
- if(this._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
- this._drawer._flip();
- }
- }
- }
- this._drawDebugInfo( lastDrawn );
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Draws special debug information for a TiledImage if in debug mode.
- * @param {OpenSeadragon.Tile[]} lastDrawn - An unordered list of Tiles drawn last frame.
- */
- _drawDebugInfo: function( lastDrawn ) {
- if( this.debugMode ) {
- for ( var i = lastDrawn.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- var tile = lastDrawn[ i ];
- try {
- this._drawer.drawDebugInfo(tile, lastDrawn.length, i, this);
- } catch(e) {
- $.console.error(e);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * @inner
* Returns true if the given tile provides coverage to lower-level tiles of
* lower resolution representing the same content. If neither x nor y is
* given, returns true if the entire visible level provides coverage.
@@ -2370,6 +2256,7 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
* Note that out-of-bounds tiles provide coverage in this sense, since
* there's no content that they would need to cover. Tiles at non-existent
* levels that are within the image bounds, however, do not.
+ * @private
* @param {Object} coverage - A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Boolean.
* @param {Number} level - The resolution level of the tile.
@@ -2410,11 +2297,10 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
* Returns true if the given tile is completely covered by higher-level
* tiles of higher resolution representing the same content. If neither x
* nor y is given, returns true if the entire visible level is covered.
+ * @private
* @param {Object} coverage - A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Boolean.
* @param {Number} level - The resolution level of the tile.
@@ -2436,9 +2322,8 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
* Sets whether the given tile provides coverage or not.
+ * @private
* @param {Object} coverage - A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Boolean.
* @param {Number} level - The resolution level of the tile.
@@ -2463,11 +2348,10 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
* Resets coverage information for the given level. This should be called
* after every draw routine. Note that at the beginning of the next draw
* routine, coverage for every visible tile should be explicitly set.
+ * @private
* @param {Object} coverage - A '3d' dictionary [level][x][y] --> Boolean.
* @param {Number} level - The resolution level of tiles to completely reset.
@@ -2478,71 +2362,5 @@ $.extend($.TiledImage.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadrag
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Defines the value for subpixel rounding to fallback to in case of missing or
- * invalid value.
- */
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Checks whether the input value is an invalid subpixel rounding enum value.
- *
- * @param {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} value - The subpixel rounding enum value to check.
- * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if the input value is none of the expected
- */
-function isSubPixelRoundingRuleUnknown(value) {
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Ensures the returned value is always a valid subpixel rounding enum value,
- * defaulting to {@link SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES.NEVER} if input is missing or invalid.
- *
- * @param {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} value - The subpixel rounding enum value to normalize.
- * @returns {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} Returns a valid subpixel rounding enum value.
- */
-function normalizeSubPixelRoundingRule(value) {
- if (isSubPixelRoundingRuleUnknown(value)) {
- }
- return value;
- * @private
- * @inner
- * Ensures the returned value is always a valid subpixel rounding enum value,
- * defaulting to 'NEVER' if input is missing or invalid.
- *
- * @param {Object} subPixelRoundingRules - A subpixel rounding enum values dictionary [{@link BROWSERS}] --> {@link SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES}.
- * @returns {SUBPIXEL_ROUNDING_OCCURRENCES} Returns the determined subpixel rounding enum value for the
- * current browser.
- */
-function determineSubPixelRoundingRule(subPixelRoundingRules) {
- if (typeof subPixelRoundingRules === 'number') {
- return normalizeSubPixelRoundingRule(subPixelRoundingRules);
- }
- if (!subPixelRoundingRules || !$.Browser) {
- }
- var subPixelRoundingRule = subPixelRoundingRules[$.Browser.vendor];
- if (isSubPixelRoundingRuleUnknown(subPixelRoundingRule)) {
- subPixelRoundingRule = subPixelRoundingRules['*'];
- }
- return normalizeSubPixelRoundingRule(subPixelRoundingRule);
}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/tilesource.js b/src/tilesource.js
index 33124ca4..f6712122 100644
--- a/src/tilesource.js
+++ b/src/tilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - TileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -376,6 +376,7 @@ $.TileSource.prototype = {
point.y >= 0 && point.y <= 1 / this.aspectRatio;
$.console.assert(validPoint, "[TileSource.getTileAtPoint] must be called with a valid point.");
var widthScaled = this.dimensions.x * this.getLevelScale(level);
var pixelX = point.x * widthScaled;
var pixelY = point.y * widthScaled;
@@ -624,6 +625,16 @@ $.TileSource.prototype = {
throw new Error( "Method not implemented." );
+ /**
+ * Shall this source need to free some objects
+ * upon unloading, it must be done here. For example, canvas
+ * size must be set to 0 for safari to free.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} viewer
+ */
+ destroy: function ( viewer ) {
+ //no-op
+ },
* Responsible for retrieving the url which will return an image for the
* region specified by the given x, y, and level components.
diff --git a/src/tilesourcecollection.js b/src/tilesourcecollection.js
index e1483184..29d7ec94 100644
--- a/src/tilesourcecollection.js
+++ b/src/tilesourcecollection.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - TileSourceCollection
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/tmstilesource.js b/src/tmstilesource.js
index cb866f4e..53a8b74a 100644
--- a/src/tmstilesource.js
+++ b/src/tmstilesource.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - TmsTileSource
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/src/viewer.js b/src/viewer.js
index 16e4f093..f1211315 100644
--- a/src/viewer.js
+++ b/src/viewer.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Viewer
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -89,6 +89,21 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
delete options.config;
+ // Move deprecated drawer options from the base options object into a sub-object
+ // This is an array to make it easy to add additional properties to convert to
+ // drawer options later if it makes sense to set at the drawer level rather than
+ // per tiled image (for example, subPixelRoundingForTransparency).
+ let drawerOptionList = [
+ 'useCanvas', // deprecated
+ ];
+ options.drawerOptions = Object.assign({},
+ drawerOptionList.reduce((drawerOptions, option) => {
+ drawerOptions[option] = options[option];
+ delete options[option];
+ return drawerOptions;
+ }, {}),
+ options.drawerOptions);
//Public properties
//Allow the options object to override global defaults
$.extend( true, this, {
@@ -198,6 +213,7 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
$.console.warn("Hash " + this.hash + " has already been used.");
//Private state properties
THIS[ this.hash ] = {
fsBoundsDelta: new $.Point( 1, 1 ),
@@ -434,13 +450,63 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
maxImageCacheCount: this.maxImageCacheCount
- // Create the drawer
- this.drawer = new $.Drawer({
- viewer: this,
- viewport: this.viewport,
- element: this.canvas,
- debugGridColor: this.debugGridColor
- });
+ //Create the drawer based on selected options
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.drawerOptions, 'useCanvas') ){
+ $.console.error('useCanvas is deprecated, use the "drawer" option to indicate preferred drawer(s)');
+ // for backwards compatibility, use HTMLDrawer if useCanvas is defined and is falsey
+ if (!this.drawerOptions.useCanvas){
+ this.drawer = $.HTMLDrawer;
+ }
+ delete this.drawerOptions.useCanvas;
+ }
+ let drawerCandidates = Array.isArray(this.drawer) ? this.drawer : [this.drawer];
+ if (drawerCandidates.length === 0){
+ // if an empty array was passed in, throw a warning and use the defaults
+ // note: if the drawer option is not specified, the defaults will already be set so this won't apply
+ drawerCandidates = [$.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.drawer].flat(); // ensure it is a list
+ $.console.warn('No valid drawers were selected. Using the default value.');
+ }
+ this.drawer = null;
+ for (let i = 0; i < drawerCandidates.length; i++) {
+ let drawerCandidate = drawerCandidates[i];
+ let Drawer = null;
+ //if inherits from a drawer base, use it
+ if (drawerCandidate && drawerCandidate.prototype instanceof $.DrawerBase) {
+ Drawer = drawerCandidate;
+ drawerCandidate = 'custom';
+ } else if (typeof drawerCandidate === "string") {
+ Drawer = $.determineDrawer(drawerCandidate);
+ } else {
+ $.console.warn('Unsupported drawer! Drawer must be an existing string type, or a class that extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase.');
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if the drawer is supported, create it and break the loop
+ if (Drawer && Drawer.isSupported()) {
+ this.drawer = new Drawer({
+ viewer: this,
+ viewport: this.viewport,
+ element: this.canvas,
+ debugGridColor: this.debugGridColor,
+ options: this.drawerOptions[drawerCandidate],
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.drawer){
+ $.console.error('No drawer could be created!');
+ throw('Error with creating the selected drawer(s)');
+ }
+ // Pass the imageSmoothingEnabled option along to the drawer
+ this.drawer.setImageSmoothingEnabled(this.imageSmoothingEnabled);
// Overlay container
this.overlaysContainer = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" );
@@ -486,6 +552,7 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
displayRegionColor: this.navigatorDisplayRegionColor,
crossOriginPolicy: this.crossOriginPolicy,
animationTime: this.animationTime,
+ drawer: this.drawer.getType(),
@@ -512,11 +579,6 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
beginControlsAutoHide( _this );
} );
- // Initial canvas options
- if ( this.imageSmoothingEnabled !== undefined && !this.imageSmoothingEnabled){
- this.drawer.setImageSmoothingEnabled(this.imageSmoothingEnabled);
- }
// Register the viewer
$._viewers.set(this.element, this);
@@ -1056,7 +1118,7 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
* @returns {Boolean}
isFullPage: function () {
- return THIS[ this.hash ].fullPage;
+ return THIS[this.hash] && THIS[ this.hash ].fullPage;
@@ -1103,7 +1165,7 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
return this;
- if ( fullPage ) {
+ if ( fullPage && this.element ) {
this.elementSize = $.getElementSize( this.element );
this.pageScroll = $.getPageScroll();
@@ -2426,7 +2488,6 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
width: this.referenceStripWidth,
tileSources: this.tileSources,
prefixUrl: this.prefixUrl,
- useCanvas: this.useCanvas,
viewer: this
@@ -2575,7 +2636,6 @@ function getTileSourceImplementation( viewer, tileSource, imgOptions, successCal
ajaxHeaders: imgOptions.ajaxHeaders ?
imgOptions.ajaxHeaders : viewer.ajaxHeaders,
splitHashDataForPost: viewer.splitHashDataForPost,
- useCanvas: viewer.useCanvas,
success: function( event ) {
successCallback( event.tileSource );
@@ -2593,9 +2653,6 @@ function getTileSourceImplementation( viewer, tileSource, imgOptions, successCal
if (tileSource.ajaxWithCredentials === undefined) {
tileSource.ajaxWithCredentials = viewer.ajaxWithCredentials;
- if (tileSource.useCanvas === undefined) {
- tileSource.useCanvas = viewer.useCanvas;
- }
if ( $.isFunction( tileSource.getTileUrl ) ) {
//Custom tile source
@@ -3198,10 +3255,11 @@ function onCanvasDragEnd( event ) {
this.raiseEvent('canvas-drag-end', canvasDragEndEventArgs);
- gestureSettings = this.gestureSettingsByDeviceType( event.pointerType );
+ gestureSettings = this.gestureSettingsByDeviceType( event.pointerType );
if (!canvasDragEndEventArgs.preventDefaultAction && this.viewport) {
if ( !THIS[ this.hash ].draggingToZoom &&
+ gestureSettings.dragToPan &&
gestureSettings.flickEnabled &&
event.speed >= gestureSettings.flickMinSpeed) {
var amplitudeX = 0;
@@ -3728,7 +3786,7 @@ function updateOnce( viewer ) {
var viewportChange = viewer.viewport.update();
- var animated = viewer.world.update() || viewportChange;
+ var animated = viewer.world.update(viewportChange) || viewportChange;
if (viewportChange) {
@@ -3818,7 +3876,6 @@ function updateOnce( viewer ) {
function drawWorld( viewer ) {
- viewer.drawer.clear();
@@ -3972,4 +4029,22 @@ function onFlip() {
+ * Find drawer
+ */
+$.determineDrawer = function( id ){
+ for (let property in OpenSeadragon) {
+ const drawer = OpenSeadragon[ property ],
+ proto = drawer.prototype;
+ if( proto &&
+ proto instanceof OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase &&
+ $.isFunction( proto.getType ) &&
+ proto.getType.call( drawer ) === id
+ ){
+ return drawer;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/viewport.js b/src/viewport.js
index 02e173f0..cfa114cb 100644
--- a/src/viewport.js
+++ b/src/viewport.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - Viewport
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ $.Viewport.prototype = {
* Update the zoom, degrees, and center (X and Y) springs.
* @function
- * @returns {Boolean} True if any change has been made, false otherwise.
+ * @returns {Boolean} True if the viewport is still animating, false otherwise.
update: function() {
var _this = this;
@@ -1165,7 +1165,13 @@ $.Viewport.prototype = {
this._oldZoom = this.zoomSpring.current.value;
this._oldDegrees = this.degreesSpring.current.value;
- return changed;
+ var isAnimating = changed ||
+ !this.zoomSpring.isAtTargetValue() ||
+ !this.centerSpringX.isAtTargetValue() ||
+ !this.centerSpringY.isAtTargetValue() ||
+ !this.degreesSpring.isAtTargetValue();
+ return isAnimating;
// private - pass true to use spring, or a number for degrees for immediate rotation
diff --git a/src/webgldrawer.js b/src/webgldrawer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf40266d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webgldrawer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+ * OpenSeadragon - WebGLDrawer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+(function( $ ){
+ const OpenSeadragon = $; // alias for JSDoc
+ /**
+ * @class OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer
+ * @classdesc Default implementation of WebGLDrawer for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}. The WebGLDrawer
+ * loads tile data as textures to the graphics card as soon as it is available (via the tile-ready event),
+ * and unloads the data (via the image-unloaded event). The drawer utilizes a context-dependent two pass drawing pipeline.
+ * For the first pass, tile composition for a given TiledImage is always done using a canvas with a WebGL context.
+ * This allows tiles to be stitched together without seams or artifacts, without requiring a tile source with overlap. If overlap is present,
+ * overlapping pixels are discarded. The second pass copies all pixel data from the WebGL context onto an output canvas
+ * with a Context2d context. This allows applications to have access to pixel data and other functionality provided by
+ * Context2d, regardless of whether the CanvasDrawer or the WebGLDrawer is used. Certain options, including compositeOperation,
+ * clip, croppingPolygons, and debugMode are implemented using Context2d operations; in these scenarios, each TiledImage is
+ * drawn onto the output canvas immediately after the tile composition step (pass 1). Otherwise, for efficiency, all TiledImages
+ * are copied over to the output canvas at once, after all tiles have been composited for all images.
+ * @param {Object} options - Options for this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} options.viewer - The Viewer that owns this Drawer.
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} options.viewport - Reference to Viewer viewport.
+ * @param {Element} options.element - Parent element.
+ * @param {Number} [options.debugGridColor] - See debugGridColor in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options} for details.
+ */
+ OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer = class WebGLDrawer extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase{
+ constructor(options){
+ super(options);
+ /**
+ * The HTML element (canvas) that this drawer uses for drawing
+ * @member {Element} canvas
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer#
+ */
+ /**
+ * The parent element of this Drawer instance, passed in when the Drawer was created.
+ * The parent of {@link OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer#canvas}.
+ * @member {Element} container
+ * @memberof OpenSeadragon.WebGLDrawer#
+ */
+ // private members
+ this._destroyed = false;
+ this._TextureMap = new Map();
+ this._TileMap = new Map();
+ this._gl = null;
+ this._firstPass = null;
+ this._secondPass = null;
+ this._glFrameBuffer = null;
+ this._renderToTexture = null;
+ this._glFramebufferToCanvasTransform = null;
+ this._outputCanvas = null;
+ this._outputContext = null;
+ this._clippingCanvas = null;
+ this._clippingContext = null;
+ this._renderingCanvas = null;
+ // Add listeners for events that require modifying the scene or camera
+ this.viewer.addHandler("tile-ready", ev => this._tileReadyHandler(ev));
+ this.viewer.addHandler("image-unloaded", ev => this._imageUnloadedHandler(ev));
+ // Reject listening for the tile-drawing and tile-drawn events, which this drawer does not fire
+ this.viewer.rejectEventHandler("tile-drawn", "The WebGLDrawer does not raise the tile-drawn event");
+ this.viewer.rejectEventHandler("tile-drawing", "The WebGLDrawer does not raise the tile-drawing event");
+ // this.viewer and this.canvas are part of the public DrawerBase API
+ // and are defined by the parent DrawerBase class. Additional setup is done by
+ // the private _setupCanvases and _setupRenderer functions.
+ this._setupCanvases();
+ this._setupRenderer();
+ this.context = this._outputContext; // API required by tests
+ }
+ // Public API required by all Drawer implementations
+ /**
+ * Clean up the renderer, removing all resources
+ */
+ destroy(){
+ if(this._destroyed){
+ return;
+ }
+ // clear all resources used by the renderer, geometries, textures etc
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ // adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/23606581/1214731
+ var numTextureUnits = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
+ for (let unit = 0; unit < numTextureUnits; ++unit) {
+ gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
+ }
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
+ gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null);
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ let canvases = Array.from(this._TextureMap.keys());
+ canvases.forEach(canvas => {
+ this._cleanupImageData(canvas); // deletes texture, removes from _TextureMap
+ });
+ // Delete all our created resources
+ gl.deleteBuffer(this._secondPass.bufferOutputPosition);
+ gl.deleteFramebuffer(this._glFrameBuffer);
+ // make canvases 1 x 1 px and delete references
+ this._renderingCanvas.width = this._renderingCanvas.height = 1;
+ this._clippingCanvas.width = this._clippingCanvas.height = 1;
+ this._outputCanvas.width = this._outputCanvas.height = 1;
+ this._renderingCanvas = null;
+ this._clippingCanvas = this._clippingContext = null;
+ this._outputCanvas = this._outputContext = null;
+ let ext = gl.getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context');
+ if(ext){
+ ext.loseContext();
+ }
+ // set our webgl context reference to null to enable garbage collection
+ this._gl = null;
+ // set our destroyed flag to true
+ this._destroyed = true;
+ }
+ // Public API required by all Drawer implementations
+ /**
+ *
+ * @returns {Boolean} true
+ */
+ canRotate(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Public API required by all Drawer implementations
+ /**
+ * @returns {Boolean} true if canvas and webgl are supported
+ */
+ static isSupported(){
+ let canvasElement = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
+ let webglContext = $.isFunction( canvasElement.getContext ) &&
+ canvasElement.getContext( 'webgl' );
+ let ext = webglContext.getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context');
+ if(ext){
+ ext.loseContext();
+ }
+ return !!( webglContext );
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @returns 'webgl'
+ */
+ getType(){
+ return 'webgl';
+ }
+ /**
+ * create the HTML element (canvas in this case) that the image will be drawn into
+ * @private
+ * @returns {Element} the canvas to draw into
+ */
+ _createDrawingElement(){
+ let canvas = $.makeNeutralElement("canvas");
+ let viewportSize = this._calculateCanvasSize();
+ canvas.width = viewportSize.x;
+ canvas.height = viewportSize.y;
+ return canvas;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {Array} tiledImages Array of TiledImage objects to draw
+ */
+ draw(tiledImages){
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ let view = {
+ bounds: this.viewport.getBoundsNoRotate(true),
+ center: this.viewport.getCenter(true),
+ rotation: this.viewport.getRotation(true) * Math.PI / 180
+ };
+ let flipMultiplier = this.viewport.flipped ? -1 : 1;
+ // calculate view matrix for viewer
+ let posMatrix = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(-view.center.x, -view.center.y);
+ let scaleMatrix = $.Mat3.makeScaling(2 / view.bounds.width * flipMultiplier, -2 / view.bounds.height);
+ let rotMatrix = $.Mat3.makeRotation(-view.rotation);
+ let viewMatrix = scaleMatrix.multiply(rotMatrix).multiply(posMatrix);
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the back buffer
+ // clear the output canvas
+ this._outputContext.clearRect(0, 0, this._outputCanvas.width, this._outputCanvas.height);
+ let renderingBufferHasImageData = false;
+ //iterate over tiled images and draw each one using a two-pass rendering pipeline if needed
+ tiledImages.forEach( (tiledImage, tiledImageIndex) => {
+ let tilesToDraw = tiledImage.getTilesToDraw();
+ if(tilesToDraw.length === 0 || tiledImage.getOpacity() === 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ let firstTile = tilesToDraw[0];
+ let useContext2dPipeline = ( tiledImage.compositeOperation ||
+ this.viewer.compositeOperation ||
+ tiledImage._clip ||
+ tiledImage._croppingPolygons ||
+ tiledImage.debugMode
+ );
+ let useTwoPassRendering = useContext2dPipeline || (tiledImage.opacity < 1) || firstTile.hasTransparency;
+ // using the context2d pipeline requires a clean rendering (back) buffer to start
+ if(useContext2dPipeline){
+ // if the rendering buffer has image data currently, write it to the output canvas now and clear it
+ if(renderingBufferHasImageData){
+ this._outputContext.drawImage(this._renderingCanvas, 0, 0);
+ }
+ // clear the buffer
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the back buffer
+ }
+ // First rendering pass: compose tiles that make up this tiledImage
+ gl.useProgram(this._firstPass.shaderProgram);
+ // bind to the framebuffer for render-to-texture if using two-pass rendering, otherwise back buffer (null)
+ if(useTwoPassRendering){
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._glFrameBuffer);
+ // clear the buffer to draw a new image
+ gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ } else {
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ // no need to clear, just draw on top of the existing pixels
+ }
+ let overallMatrix = viewMatrix;
+ let imageRotation = tiledImage.getRotation(true);
+ // if needed, handle the tiledImage being rotated
+ if( imageRotation % 360 !== 0){
+ let imageRotationMatrix = $.Mat3.makeRotation(-imageRotation * Math.PI / 180);
+ let imageCenter = tiledImage.getBoundsNoRotate(true).getCenter();
+ let t1 = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(imageCenter.x, imageCenter.y);
+ let t2 = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(-imageCenter.x, -imageCenter.y);
+ // update the view matrix to account for this image's rotation
+ let localMatrix = t1.multiply(imageRotationMatrix).multiply(t2);
+ overallMatrix = viewMatrix.multiply(localMatrix);
+ }
+ let maxTextures = this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
+ if(maxTextures <= 0){
+ // This can apparently happen on some systems if too many WebGL contexts have been created
+ // in which case maxTextures can be null, leading to out of bounds errors with the array.
+ // For example, when viewers were created and not destroyed in the test suite, this error
+ // occured in the TravisCI tests, though it did not happen when testing locally either in
+ // a browser or on the command line via grunt test.
+ throw(new Error(`WegGL error: bad value for gl parameter MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (${maxTextures}). This could happen
+ if too many contexts have been created and not released, or there is another problem with the graphics card.`));
+ }
+ let texturePositionArray = new Float32Array(maxTextures * 12); // 6 vertices (2 triangles) x 2 coordinates per vertex
+ let textureDataArray = new Array(maxTextures);
+ let matrixArray = new Array(maxTextures);
+ let opacityArray = new Array(maxTextures);
+ // iterate over tiles and add data for each one to the buffers
+ for(let tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < tilesToDraw.length; tileIndex++){
+ let tile = tilesToDraw[tileIndex].tile;
+ let indexInDrawArray = tileIndex % maxTextures;
+ let numTilesToDraw = indexInDrawArray + 1;
+ let tileContext = tile.getCanvasContext();
+ let textureInfo = tileContext ? this._TextureMap.get(tileContext.canvas) : null;
+ if(textureInfo){
+ this._getTileData(tile, tiledImage, textureInfo, overallMatrix, indexInDrawArray, texturePositionArray, textureDataArray, matrixArray, opacityArray);
+ } else {
+ // console.log('No tile info', tile);
+ }
+ if( (numTilesToDraw === maxTextures) || (tileIndex === tilesToDraw.length - 1)){
+ // We've filled up the buffers: time to draw this set of tiles
+ // bind each tile's texture to the appropriate gl.TEXTURE#
+ for(let i = 0; i <= numTilesToDraw; i++){
+ gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureDataArray[i]);
+ }
+ // set the buffer data for the texture coordinates to use for each tile
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferTexturePosition);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, texturePositionArray, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
+ // set the transform matrix uniform for each tile
+ matrixArray.forEach( (matrix, index) => {
+ gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this._firstPass.uTransformMatrices[index], false, matrix);
+ });
+ // set the opacity uniform for each tile
+ gl.uniform1fv(this._firstPass.uOpacities, new Float32Array(opacityArray));
+ // bind vertex buffers and (re)set attributes before calling gl.drawArrays()
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferOutputPosition);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._firstPass.aOutputPosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferTexturePosition);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._firstPass.aTexturePosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferIndex);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._firstPass.aIndex, 1, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ // Draw! 6 vertices per tile (2 triangles per rectangle)
+ gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6 * numTilesToDraw );
+ }
+ }
+ if(useTwoPassRendering){
+ // Second rendering pass: Render the tiled image from the framebuffer into the back buffer
+ gl.useProgram(this._secondPass.shaderProgram);
+ // set the rendering target to the back buffer (null)
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ // bind the rendered texture from the first pass to use during this second pass
+ gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._renderToTexture);
+ // set opacity to the value for the current tiledImage
+ this._gl.uniform1f(this._secondPass.uOpacityMultiplier, tiledImage.opacity);
+ // bind buffers and set attributes before calling gl.drawArrays
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._secondPass.bufferTexturePosition);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._secondPass.aTexturePosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._secondPass.bufferOutputPosition);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(this._firstPass.aOutputPosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ // Draw the quad (two triangles)
+ gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
+ }
+ renderingBufferHasImageData = true;
+ if(useContext2dPipeline){
+ // draw from the rendering canvas onto the output canvas, clipping/cropping if needed.
+ this._applyContext2dPipeline(tiledImage, tilesToDraw, tiledImageIndex);
+ renderingBufferHasImageData = false;
+ // clear the buffer
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the back buffer
+ }
+ // after drawing the first TiledImage, fire the tiled-image-drawn event (for testing)
+ if(tiledImageIndex === 0){
+ this._raiseTiledImageDrawnEvent(tiledImage, tilesToDraw.map(info=>info.tile));
+ }
+ });
+ if(renderingBufferHasImageData){
+ this._outputContext.drawImage(this._renderingCanvas, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Public API required by all Drawer implementations
+ /**
+ * Required by DrawerBase, but has no effect on WebGLDrawer.
+ * @param {Boolean} enabled
+ */
+ setImageSmoothingEnabled(enabled){
+ // noop - this property does not impact WebGLDrawer
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draw a rect onto the output canvas for debugging purposes
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rect
+ */
+ drawDebuggingRect(rect){
+ let context = this._outputContext;
+ context.save();
+ context.lineWidth = 2 * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ context.strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor[0];
+ context.fillStyle = this.debugGridColor[0];
+ context.strokeRect(
+ rect.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ rect.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ rect.width * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ rect.height * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _getTextureDataFromTile(tile){
+ return tile.getCanvasContext().canvas;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draw data from the rendering canvas onto the output canvas, with clipping,
+ * cropping and/or debug info as requested.
+ * @private
+ * @param {OpenSeadragon.TiledImage} tiledImage - the tiledImage to draw
+ * @param {Array} tilesToDraw - array of objects containing tiles that were drawn
+ */
+ _applyContext2dPipeline(tiledImage, tilesToDraw, tiledImageIndex){
+ // composite onto the output canvas, clipping if necessary
+ this._outputContext.save();
+ // set composite operation; ignore for first image drawn
+ this._outputContext.globalCompositeOperation = tiledImageIndex === 0 ? null : tiledImage.compositeOperation || this.viewer.compositeOperation;
+ if(tiledImage._croppingPolygons || tiledImage._clip){
+ this._renderToClippingCanvas(tiledImage);
+ this._outputContext.drawImage(this._clippingCanvas, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ this._outputContext.drawImage(this._renderingCanvas, 0, 0);
+ }
+ this._outputContext.restore();
+ if(tiledImage.debugMode){
+ let colorIndex = this.viewer.world.getIndexOfItem(tiledImage) % this.debugGridColor.length;
+ let strokeStyle = this.debugGridColor[colorIndex];
+ let fillStyle = this.debugGridColor[colorIndex];
+ this._drawDebugInfo(tilesToDraw, tiledImage, strokeStyle, fillStyle);
+ }
+ }
+ // private
+ _getTileData(tile, tiledImage, textureInfo, viewMatrix, index, texturePositionArray, textureDataArray, matrixArray, opacityArray){
+ let texture = textureInfo.texture;
+ let textureQuad = textureInfo.position;
+ // set the position of this texture
+ texturePositionArray.set(textureQuad, index * 12);
+ // compute offsets that account for tile overlap; needed for calculating the transform matrix appropriately
+ let overlapFraction = this._calculateOverlapFraction(tile, tiledImage);
+ let xOffset = tile.positionedBounds.width * overlapFraction.x;
+ let yOffset = tile.positionedBounds.height * overlapFraction.y;
+ // x, y, w, h in viewport coords
+ let x = tile.positionedBounds.x + (tile.x === 0 ? 0 : xOffset);
+ let y = tile.positionedBounds.y + (tile.y === 0 ? 0 : yOffset);
+ let right = tile.positionedBounds.x + tile.positionedBounds.width - (tile.isRightMost ? 0 : xOffset);
+ let bottom = tile.positionedBounds.y + tile.positionedBounds.height - (tile.isBottomMost ? 0 : yOffset);
+ let w = right - x;
+ let h = bottom - y;
+ let matrix = new $.Mat3([
+ w, 0, 0,
+ 0, h, 0,
+ x, y, 1,
+ ]);
+ if(tile.flipped){
+ // flip the tile around the center of the unit quad
+ let t1 = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(0.5, 0);
+ let t2 = $.Mat3.makeTranslation(-0.5, 0);
+ // update the view matrix to account for this image's rotation
+ let localMatrix = t1.multiply($.Mat3.makeScaling(-1, 1)).multiply(t2);
+ matrix = matrix.multiply(localMatrix);
+ }
+ let overallMatrix = viewMatrix.multiply(matrix);
+ opacityArray[index] = tile.opacity;
+ textureDataArray[index] = texture;
+ matrixArray[index] = overallMatrix.values;
+ }
+ // private
+ _setupRenderer(){
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ if(!gl){
+ $.console.error('_setupCanvases must be called before _setupRenderer');
+ }
+ this._unitQuad = this._makeQuadVertexBuffer(0, 1, 0, 1); // used a few places; create once and store the result
+ this._makeFirstPassShaderProgram();
+ this._makeSecondPassShaderProgram();
+ // set up the texture to render to in the first pass, and which will be used for rendering the second pass
+ this._renderToTexture = gl.createTexture();
+ gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._renderToTexture);
+ gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, this._renderingCanvas.width, this._renderingCanvas.height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ // set up the framebuffer for render-to-texture
+ this._glFrameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._glFrameBuffer);
+ gl.framebufferTexture2D(
+ gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, // attach texture as COLOR_ATTACHMENT0
+ gl.TEXTURE_2D, // attach a 2D texture
+ this._renderToTexture, // the texture to attach
+ 0
+ );
+ gl.enable(gl.BLEND);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ }
+ //private
+ _makeFirstPassShaderProgram(){
+ let numTextures = this._glNumTextures = this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
+ let makeMatrixUniforms = () => {
+ return [...Array(numTextures).keys()].map(index => `uniform mat3 u_matrix_${index};`).join('\n');
+ };
+ let makeConditionals = () => {
+ return [...Array(numTextures).keys()].map(index => `${index > 0 ? 'else ' : ''}if(int(a_index) == ${index}) { transform_matrix = u_matrix_${index}; }`).join('\n');
+ };
+ const vertexShaderProgram = `
+ attribute vec2 a_output_position;
+ attribute vec2 a_texture_position;
+ attribute float a_index;
+ ${makeMatrixUniforms()} // create a uniform mat3 for each potential tile to draw
+ varying vec2 v_texture_position;
+ varying float v_image_index;
+ void main() {
+ mat3 transform_matrix; // value will be set by the if/elses in makeConditional()
+ ${makeConditionals()}
+ gl_Position = vec4(transform_matrix * vec3(a_output_position, 1), 1);
+ v_texture_position = a_texture_position;
+ v_image_index = a_index;
+ }
+ `;
+ const fragmentShaderProgram = `
+ precision mediump float;
+ // our textures
+ uniform sampler2D u_images[${numTextures}];
+ // our opacities
+ uniform float u_opacities[${numTextures}];
+ // the varyings passed in from the vertex shader.
+ varying vec2 v_texture_position;
+ varying float v_image_index;
+ void main() {
+ // can't index directly with a variable, need to use a loop iterator hack
+ for(int i = 0; i < ${numTextures}; ++i){
+ if(i == int(v_image_index)){
+ gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_images[i], v_texture_position) * u_opacities[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ let program = this.constructor.initShaderProgram(gl, vertexShaderProgram, fragmentShaderProgram);
+ gl.useProgram(program);
+ // get locations of attributes and uniforms, and create buffers for each attribute
+ this._firstPass = {
+ shaderProgram: program,
+ aOutputPosition: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_output_position'),
+ aTexturePosition: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_texture_position'),
+ aIndex: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_index'),
+ uTransformMatrices: [...Array(this._glNumTextures).keys()].map(i=>gl.getUniformLocation(program, `u_matrix_${i}`)),
+ uImages: gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_images'),
+ uOpacities: gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_opacities'),
+ bufferOutputPosition: gl.createBuffer(),
+ bufferTexturePosition: gl.createBuffer(),
+ bufferIndex: gl.createBuffer(),
+ };
+ gl.uniform1iv(this._firstPass.uImages, [...Array(numTextures).keys()]);
+ // provide coordinates for the rectangle in output space, i.e. a unit quad for each one.
+ let outputQuads = new Float32Array(numTextures * 12);
+ for(let i = 0; i < numTextures; ++i){
+ outputQuads.set(Float32Array.from(this._unitQuad), i * 12);
+ }
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferOutputPosition);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, outputQuads, gl.STATIC_DRAW); // bind data statically here, since it's unchanging
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this._firstPass.aOutputPosition);
+ // provide texture coordinates for the rectangle in image (texture) space. Data will be set later.
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferTexturePosition);
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this._firstPass.aTexturePosition);
+ // for each vertex, provide an index into the array of textures/matrices to use for the correct tile
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._firstPass.bufferIndex);
+ let indices = [...Array(this._glNumTextures).keys()].map(i => Array(6).fill(i)).flat(); // repeat each index 6 times, for the 6 vertices per tile (2 triangles)
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(indices), gl.STATIC_DRAW); // bind data statically here, since it's unchanging
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this._firstPass.aIndex);
+ }
+ // private
+ _makeSecondPassShaderProgram(){
+ const vertexShaderProgram = `
+ attribute vec2 a_output_position;
+ attribute vec2 a_texture_position;
+ uniform mat3 u_matrix;
+ varying vec2 v_texture_position;
+ void main() {
+ gl_Position = vec4(u_matrix * vec3(a_output_position, 1), 1);
+ v_texture_position = a_texture_position;
+ }
+ `;
+ const fragmentShaderProgram = `
+ precision mediump float;
+ // our texture
+ uniform sampler2D u_image;
+ // the texCoords passed in from the vertex shader.
+ varying vec2 v_texture_position;
+ // the opacity multiplier for the image
+ uniform float u_opacity_multiplier;
+ void main() {
+ gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_image, v_texture_position);
+ gl_FragColor *= u_opacity_multiplier;
+ }
+ `;
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ let program = this.constructor.initShaderProgram(gl, vertexShaderProgram, fragmentShaderProgram);
+ gl.useProgram(program);
+ // get locations of attributes and uniforms, and create buffers for each attribute
+ this._secondPass = {
+ shaderProgram: program,
+ aOutputPosition: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_output_position'),
+ aTexturePosition: gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_texture_position'),
+ uMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_matrix'),
+ uImage: gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_image'),
+ uOpacityMultiplier: gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_opacity_multiplier'),
+ bufferOutputPosition: gl.createBuffer(),
+ bufferTexturePosition: gl.createBuffer(),
+ };
+ // provide coordinates for the rectangle in output space, i.e. a unit quad for each one.
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._secondPass.bufferOutputPosition);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._unitQuad, gl.STATIC_DRAW); // bind data statically here since it's unchanging
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this._secondPass.aOutputPosition);
+ // provide texture coordinates for the rectangle in image (texture) space.
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._secondPass.bufferTexturePosition);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._unitQuad, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW); // bind data statically here since it's unchanging
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this._secondPass.aTexturePosition);
+ // set the matrix that transforms the framebuffer to clip space
+ let matrix = $.Mat3.makeScaling(2, 2).multiply($.Mat3.makeTranslation(-0.5, -0.5));
+ gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this._secondPass.uMatrix, false, matrix.values);
+ }
+ // private
+ _resizeRenderer(){
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ let w = this._renderingCanvas.width;
+ let h = this._renderingCanvas.height;
+ gl.viewport(0, 0, w, h);
+ //release the old texture
+ gl.deleteTexture(this._renderToTexture);
+ //create a new texture and set it up
+ this._renderToTexture = gl.createTexture();
+ gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._renderToTexture);
+ gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, w, h, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ //bind the frame buffer to the new texture
+ gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._glFrameBuffer);
+ gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._renderToTexture, 0);
+ }
+ // private
+ _setupCanvases(){
+ let _this = this;
+ this._outputCanvas = this.canvas; //output canvas
+ this._outputContext = this._outputCanvas.getContext('2d');
+ this._renderingCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ this._clippingCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ this._clippingContext = this._clippingCanvas.getContext('2d');
+ this._renderingCanvas.width = this._clippingCanvas.width = this._outputCanvas.width;
+ this._renderingCanvas.height = this._clippingCanvas.height = this._outputCanvas.height;
+ this._gl = this._renderingCanvas.getContext('webgl');
+ //make the additional canvas elements mirror size changes to the output canvas
+ this.viewer.addHandler("resize", function(){
+ if(_this._outputCanvas !== _this.viewer.drawer.canvas){
+ _this._outputCanvas.style.width = _this.viewer.drawer.canvas.clientWidth + 'px';
+ _this._outputCanvas.style.height = _this.viewer.drawer.canvas.clientHeight + 'px';
+ }
+ let viewportSize = _this._calculateCanvasSize();
+ if( _this._outputCanvas.width !== viewportSize.x ||
+ _this._outputCanvas.height !== viewportSize.y ) {
+ _this._outputCanvas.width = viewportSize.x;
+ _this._outputCanvas.height = viewportSize.y;
+ }
+ _this._renderingCanvas.style.width = _this._outputCanvas.clientWidth + 'px';
+ _this._renderingCanvas.style.height = _this._outputCanvas.clientHeight + 'px';
+ _this._renderingCanvas.width = _this._clippingCanvas.width = _this._outputCanvas.width;
+ _this._renderingCanvas.height = _this._clippingCanvas.height = _this._outputCanvas.height;
+ // important - update the size of the rendering viewport!
+ _this._resizeRenderer();
+ });
+ }
+ // private
+ _makeQuadVertexBuffer(left, right, top, bottom){
+ return new Float32Array([
+ left, bottom,
+ right, bottom,
+ left, top,
+ left, top,
+ right, bottom,
+ right, top]);
+ }
+ // private
+ _tileReadyHandler(event){
+ let tile = event.tile;
+ let tiledImage = event.tiledImage;
+ let tileContext = tile.getCanvasContext();
+ let canvas = tileContext.canvas;
+ let textureInfo = this._TextureMap.get(canvas);
+ // if this is a new image for us, create a texture
+ if(!textureInfo){
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ // create a gl Texture for this tile and bind the canvas with the image data
+ let texture = gl.createTexture();
+ let position;
+ let overlap = tiledImage.source.tileOverlap;
+ if( overlap > 0){
+ // calculate the normalized position of the rect to actually draw
+ // discarding overlap.
+ let overlapFraction = this._calculateOverlapFraction(tile, tiledImage);
+ let left = tile.x === 0 ? 0 : overlapFraction.x;
+ let top = tile.y === 0 ? 0 : overlapFraction.y;
+ let right = tile.isRightMost ? 1 : 1 - overlapFraction.x;
+ let bottom = tile.isBottomMost ? 1 : 1 - overlapFraction.y;
+ position = this._makeQuadVertexBuffer(left, right, top, bottom);
+ } else {
+ // no overlap: this texture can use the unit quad as its position data
+ position = this._unitQuad;
+ }
+ let textureInfo = {
+ texture: texture,
+ position: position,
+ };
+ // add it to our _TextureMap
+ this._TextureMap.set(canvas, textureInfo);
+ gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0);
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ // Set the parameters so we can render any size image.
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
+ // Upload the image into the texture.
+ this._uploadImageData(tileContext);
+ }
+ }
+ // private
+ _calculateOverlapFraction(tile, tiledImage){
+ let overlap = tiledImage.source.tileOverlap;
+ let nativeWidth = tile.sourceBounds.width; // in pixels
+ let nativeHeight = tile.sourceBounds.height; // in pixels
+ let overlapWidth = (tile.x === 0 ? 0 : overlap) + (tile.isRightMost ? 0 : overlap); // in pixels
+ let overlapHeight = (tile.y === 0 ? 0 : overlap) + (tile.isBottomMost ? 0 : overlap); // in pixels
+ let widthOverlapFraction = overlap / (nativeWidth + overlapWidth); // as a fraction of image including overlap
+ let heightOverlapFraction = overlap / (nativeHeight + overlapHeight); // as a fraction of image including overlap
+ return {
+ x: widthOverlapFraction,
+ y: heightOverlapFraction
+ };
+ }
+ // private
+ _uploadImageData(tileContext){
+ let gl = this._gl;
+ let canvas = tileContext.canvas;
+ try{
+ if(!canvas){
+ throw('Tile context does not have a canvas', tileContext);
+ }
+ // This depends on gl.TEXTURE_2D being bound to the texture
+ // associated with this canvas before calling this function
+ gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, canvas);
+ } catch (e){
+ $.console.error('Error uploading image data to WebGL', e);
+ }
+ }
+ // private
+ _imageUnloadedHandler(event){
+ let canvas = event.context2D.canvas;
+ this._cleanupImageData(canvas);
+ }
+ // private
+ _cleanupImageData(tileCanvas){
+ let textureInfo = this._TextureMap.get(tileCanvas);
+ //remove from the map
+ this._TextureMap.delete(tileCanvas);
+ //release the texture from the GPU
+ if(textureInfo){
+ this._gl.deleteTexture(textureInfo.texture);
+ }
+ }
+ // private
+ _setClip(rect){
+ this._clippingContext.beginPath();
+ this._clippingContext.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
+ this._clippingContext.clip();
+ }
+ // private
+ _renderToClippingCanvas(item){
+ this._clippingContext.clearRect(0, 0, this._clippingCanvas.width, this._clippingCanvas.height);
+ this._clippingContext.save();
+ if(item._clip){
+ var box = item.imageToViewportRectangle(item._clip, true);
+ var rect = this.viewportToDrawerRectangle(box);
+ this._setClip(rect);
+ }
+ if(item._croppingPolygons){
+ let polygons = item._croppingPolygons.map(polygon => {
+ return polygon.map(coord => {
+ let point = item.imageToViewportCoordinates(coord.x, coord.y, true)
+ .rotate(this.viewer.viewport.getRotation(true), this.viewer.viewport.getCenter(true));
+ let clipPoint = this.viewportCoordToDrawerCoord(point);
+ return clipPoint;
+ });
+ });
+ this._clippingContext.beginPath();
+ polygons.forEach(polygon => {
+ polygon.forEach( (coord, i) => {
+ this._clippingContext[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](coord.x, coord.y);
+ });
+ });
+ this._clippingContext.clip();
+ }
+ this._clippingContext.drawImage(this._renderingCanvas, 0, 0);
+ this._clippingContext.restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _offsetForRotation(options) {
+ var point = options.point ?
+ options.point.times($.pixelDensityRatio) :
+ new $.Point(this._outputCanvas.width / 2, this._outputCanvas.height / 2);
+ var context = this._outputContext;
+ context.save();
+ context.translate(point.x, point.y);
+ if(this.viewport.flipped){
+ context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * -options.degrees);
+ context.scale(-1, 1);
+ } else{
+ context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * options.degrees);
+ }
+ context.translate(-point.x, -point.y);
+ }
+ // private
+ _drawDebugInfo( tilesToDraw, tiledImage, stroke, fill ) {
+ for ( var i = tilesToDraw.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ var tile = tilesToDraw[ i ].tile;
+ try {
+ this._drawDebugInfoOnTile(tile, tilesToDraw.length, i, tiledImage, stroke, fill);
+ } catch(e) {
+ $.console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // private
+ _drawDebugInfoOnTile(tile, count, i, tiledImage, stroke, fill) {
+ var context = this._outputContext;
+ context.save();
+ context.lineWidth = 2 * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ context.font = 'small-caps bold ' + (13 * $.pixelDensityRatio) + 'px arial';
+ context.strokeStyle = stroke;
+ context.fillStyle = fill;
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({degrees: this.viewport.getRotation(true)});
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._offsetForRotation({
+ degrees: tiledImage.getRotation(true),
+ point: tiledImage.viewport.pixelFromPointNoRotate(
+ tiledImage._getRotationPoint(true), true)
+ });
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
+ if(tiledImage._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ tiledImage._drawer._flip();
+ }
+ }
+ context.strokeRect(
+ tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ tile.position.y * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ tile.size.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ tile.size.y * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ var tileCenterX = (tile.position.x + (tile.size.x / 2)) * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ var tileCenterY = (tile.position.y + (tile.size.y / 2)) * $.pixelDensityRatio;
+ // Rotate the text the right way around.
+ context.translate( tileCenterX, tileCenterY );
+ context.rotate( Math.PI / 180 * -this.viewport.getRotation(true) );
+ context.translate( -tileCenterX, -tileCenterY );
+ if( tile.x === 0 && tile.y === 0 ){
+ context.fillText(
+ "Zoom: " + this.viewport.getZoom(),
+ tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y - 30) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Pan: " + this.viewport.getBounds().toString(),
+ tile.position.x * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y - 20) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ }
+ context.fillText(
+ "Level: " + tile.level,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 20) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Column: " + tile.x,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 30) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Row: " + tile.y,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 40) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Order: " + i + " of " + count,
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 50) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Size: " + tile.size.toString(),
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 60) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ context.fillText(
+ "Position: " + tile.position.toString(),
+ (tile.position.x + 10) * $.pixelDensityRatio,
+ (tile.position.y + 70) * $.pixelDensityRatio
+ );
+ if (this.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0 ) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges();
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 !== 0) {
+ this._restoreRotationChanges();
+ }
+ if (tiledImage.viewport.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0 &&
+ tiledImage.getRotation(true) % 360 === 0) {
+ if(tiledImage._drawer.viewer.viewport.getFlip()) {
+ tiledImage._drawer._flip();
+ }
+ }
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ // private
+ _restoreRotationChanges() {
+ var context = this._outputContext;
+ context.restore();
+ }
+ // modified from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/Tutorial/Adding_2D_content_to_a_WebGL_context
+ static initShaderProgram(gl, vsSource, fsSource) {
+ function loadShader(gl, type, source) {
+ const shader = gl.createShader(type);
+ // Send the source to the shader object
+ gl.shaderSource(shader, source);
+ // Compile the shader program
+ gl.compileShader(shader);
+ // See if it compiled successfully
+ if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
+ $.console.error(
+ `An error occurred compiling the shaders: ${gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)}`
+ );
+ gl.deleteShader(shader);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return shader;
+ }
+ const vertexShader = loadShader(gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vsSource);
+ const fragmentShader = loadShader(gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fsSource);
+ // Create the shader program
+ const shaderProgram = gl.createProgram();
+ gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);
+ gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);
+ gl.linkProgram(shaderProgram);
+ // If creating the shader program failed, alert
+ if (!gl.getProgramParameter(shaderProgram, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
+ $.console.error(
+ `Unable to initialize the shader program: ${gl.getProgramInfoLog(
+ shaderProgram
+ )}`
+ );
+ return null;
+ }
+ return shaderProgram;
+ }
+ };
+}( OpenSeadragon ));
diff --git a/src/world.js b/src/world.js
index 1d70f019..264e276b 100644
--- a/src/world.js
+++ b/src/world.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* OpenSeadragon - World
* Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 OpenSeadragon contributors
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 OpenSeadragon contributors
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -265,11 +265,14 @@ $.extend( $.World.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadragon.W
* Updates (i.e. animates bounds of) all items.
+ * @function
+ * @param viewportChanged Whether the viewport changed, which indicates that
+ * all TiledImages need to be updated.
- update: function() {
+ update: function(viewportChanged) {
var animated = false;
for ( var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++ ) {
- animated = this._items[i].update() || animated;
+ animated = this._items[i].update(viewportChanged) || animated;
return animated;
@@ -279,11 +282,11 @@ $.extend( $.World.prototype, $.EventSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadragon.W
* Draws all items.
draw: function() {
- for ( var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++ ) {
- this._items[i].draw();
- }
+ this.viewer.drawer.draw(this._items);
this._needsDraw = false;
+ this._items.forEach(function(item){
+ this._needsDraw = item.setDrawn() || this._needsDraw;
+ });
diff --git a/test/demo/basic.html b/test/demo/basic.html
index 6a677420..ae4b96af 100644
--- a/test/demo/basic.html
+++ b/test/demo/basic.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
id: "contentDiv",
prefixUrl: "../../build/openseadragon/images/",
tileSources: "../data/testpattern.dzi",
- showNavigator: true
+ showNavigator: true,
Compare behavior of Context2d and WebGL drawers
Image options (drag and drop to re-order images)
HTMLDrawer: legacy pre-HTML5 drawer that uses <img> elements for tiles
+ HTML-based rendering can be selected in two different ways:
+ // via the 'html' drawer option:
+ let viewer = OpenSeadragon({
+ ...
+ drawer: 'html',
+ ...
+ });
+ // or by passing the HTMLDrawer constructor
+ let viewer = OpenSeadragon({
+ ...
+ drawer:OpenSeadragon.HTMLDrawer,
+ ...
+ });
diff --git a/test/demo/collections/main.js b/test/demo/collections/main.js
index 83563085..ef5d8b60 100644
--- a/test/demo/collections/main.js
+++ b/test/demo/collections/main.js
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
// debugMode: true,
zoomPerScroll: 1.02,
showNavigator: testNavigator,
- useCanvas: true,
// defaultZoomLevel: 2,
// homeFillsViewer: true,
// sequenceMode: true,
@@ -131,8 +130,9 @@
var box = new OpenSeadragon.Rect(margins.left, margins.top,
$('#contentDiv').width() - (margins.left + margins.right),
$('#contentDiv').height() - (margins.top + margins.bottom));
- self.viewer.drawer.debugRect(box);
+ // If drawDebuggingRect is implemented, use it to show the box.
+ // This is not implemented by all drawers however.
+ self.viewer.drawer.drawDebuggingRect(box);
diff --git a/test/demo/drawercomparison.html b/test/demo/drawercomparison.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8ca6e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/demo/drawercomparison.html
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@