mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:13:14 +03:00
addresses #54, dont use openDZI, use open. openDZI now calls open. all the details of tileHost were already handled in DZITileSource.configure. $.createFromDZI is fully deprecated and will throw an error.
This commit is contained in:
@ -315,8 +315,9 @@ function configureFromObject( tileSource, configuration ){
delete configuration.Image;
return {
return $.extend(true, {
width: width, /* width *required */
height: height, /* height *required */
tileSize: tileSize, /* tileSize *required */
@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ function configureFromObject( tileSource, configuration ){
tilesUrl: tilesUrl, /* tilesUrl */
fileFormat: fileFormat, /* fileFormat */
displayRects: displayRects /* displayRects */
}, configuration );
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ $.extend( $.Navigator.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.Viewer.prototype, {
) / source.tileSize;
} else {
this.minPixelRatio = thie.viewer.minPixelRatio;
this.minPixelRatio = this.viewer.minPixelRatio;
return $.Viewer.prototype.open.apply( this, [ source ] );
@ -1392,101 +1392,10 @@ window.OpenSeadragon = window.OpenSeadragon || function( options ){
* @param {String} xmlUrl
* @param {String} xmlString
* @param {Function} callback
* @deprecated
* @deprecated - use Viewer.openTileSource
createFromDZI: function( dzi, callback, tileHost ) {
var async = typeof ( callback ) == "function",
dziUrl = (
dzi.substring(0,1) != '<' &&
dzi.substring(0,1) != '{'
) ? dzi : null,
dziString = dziUrl ? null : dzi,
error = null,
if( tileHost ){
tilesUrl = tileHost + "/_files/";
} else if( dziUrl ) {
urlParts = dziUrl.split( '/' );
filename = urlParts[ urlParts.length - 1 ];
if( filename.match(/_dzi\.js$/) ){
//for jsonp dzi specification, the '_dzi' needs to be removed
//from the filename to be consistent with the spec
filename = filename.replace('_dzi.js', '.js');
lastDot = filename.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( lastDot > -1 ) {
urlParts[ urlParts.length - 1 ] = filename.slice( 0, lastDot );
tilesUrl = urlParts.join( '/' ) + "_files/";
function finish( func, obj ) {
try {
return func( obj, tilesUrl );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( async ) {
return null;
} else {
throw e;
if ( async ) {
if ( dziString ) {
window.setTimeout( function() {
var source = finish( processDZIXml, $.parseXml( xmlString ) );
// call after finish sets error
callback( source, error );
}, 1);
} else {
if( dziUrl.match(/_dzi\.js$/) ){
callbackName = dziUrl.split( '/' ).pop().replace('.js','');
url: dziUrl,
callbackName: callbackName,
callback: function( imageData ){
var source = finish( processDZIJSON, imageData.Image );
callback( source );
} else {
$.makeAjaxRequest( dziUrl, function( xhr ) {
var source = finish( processDZIResponse, xhr );
// call after finish sets error
callback( source, error );
return null;
if ( dziString ) {
return finish(
$.parseXml( dziString )
} else {
return finish(
$.makeAjaxRequest( dziUrl )
throw "OpenSeadragon.createFromDZI is deprecated, use Viewer.openTileSource.";
@ -281,9 +281,7 @@ $.TileSource.prototype = {
callback: callback
} else {
//TODO: struggling a little with TileSource rewrite to make info
// requests work asyncronously. For now I'm opting to make
// all xhr info request syncronous.
// request info via xhr asyncronously.
$.makeAjaxRequest( url, function( xhr ) {
var data = processResponse( xhr );
callback( data );
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
// did we decide this viewer has a sequence of tile sources
"sequenced": false,
"sequence": 0,
"fullPage": false,
"onfullscreenchange": null
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ $.Viewer = function( options ) {
initialTileSource = this.tileSources;
this.openTileSource( initialTileSource );
this.open( initialTileSource );
this.element = this.element || document.getElementById( this.id );
@ -254,29 +255,36 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
* If the string is xml is simply parsed and opened, otherwise the string
* is treated as an URL and an xml document is requested via ajax, parsed
* and then opened in the viewer.
* A deprecated function, renamed to 'open' to match event name and
* match current 'close' method.
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.openDzi
* @param {String} dzi and xml string or the url to a DZI xml document.
* @param {String} dzi xml string or the url to a DZI xml document.
* @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} Chainable.
* @deprecated - use 'open' instead.
openDzi: function ( dzi ) {
var _this = this;
function( source ){
_this.open( source );
return this;
return this.open( dzi );
* A deprecated function, renamed to 'open' to match event name and
* match current 'close' method.
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.openTileSource
* @param {String|Object|Function} See OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.open
* @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} Chainable.
* @deprecated - use 'open' instead.
openTileSource: function ( tileSource ) {
return this.open( tileSource );
* Open a TileSource object into the viewer.
* tileSources is a complex option...
* It can be a string, object, function, or an array of any of these:
@ -291,9 +299,10 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
* named 'getTileUrl', it is treated as a custom TileSource.
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.openTileSource
* @param {String|Object|Function}
* @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} Chainable.
openTileSource: function ( tileSource ) {
open: function ( tileSource ) {
var _this = this,
@ -308,7 +317,7 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
//if its better to use file extension or url pattern, or to
//inspect the resulting info object.
tileSource = new $.TileSource( tileSource, function( readySource ){
_this.open( readySource );
openTileSource( _this, readySource );
} else if ( $.isPlainObject( tileSource ) ){
@ -316,202 +325,24 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
//Custom tile source
customTileSource = new $.TileSource(tileSource);
customTileSource.getTileUrl = tileSource.getTileUrl;
_this.open( customTileSource );
openTileSource( _this, customTileSource );
} else {
//inline configuration
$TileSource = $.TileSource.determineType( _this, tileSource );
options = $TileSource.prototype.configure.apply( _this, [ tileSource ]);
readySource = new $TileSource( options );
_this.open( readySource );
openTileSource( _this, readySource );
} else {
//can assume it's already a tile source implementation
_this.open( tileSource );
openTileSource( _this, tileSource );
}, 1);
return this;
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.open
* @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} Chainable.
open: function( source ) {
var _this = this,
if ( this.source ) {
this.close( );
// to ignore earlier opens
THIS[ this.hash ].lastOpenStartTime = +new Date();
window.setTimeout( function () {
if ( THIS[ _this.hash ].lastOpenStartTime > THIS[ _this.hash ].lastOpenEndTime ) {
THIS[ _this.hash ].setMessage( $.getString( "Messages.Loading" ) );
}, 2000);
THIS[ this.hash ].lastOpenEndTime = +new Date();
this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
THIS[ this.hash ].prevContainerSize = $.getElementSize( this.container );
if( this.collectionMode ){
this.source = new $.TileSourceCollection({
rows: this.collectionRows,
layout: this.collectionLayout,
tileSize: this.collectionTileSize,
tileSources: this.tileSources,
tileMargin: this.collectionTileMargin
this.viewport = this.viewport ? this.viewport : new $.Viewport({
collectionMode: true,
collectionTileSource: this.source,
containerSize: THIS[ this.hash ].prevContainerSize,
contentSize: this.source.dimensions,
springStiffness: this.springStiffness,
animationTime: this.animationTime,
showNavigator: false,
minZoomImageRatio: 1,
maxZoomPixelRatio: 1,
viewer: this //,
//TODO: figure out how to support these in a way that makes sense
//minZoomLevel: this.minZoomLevel,
//maxZoomLevel: this.maxZoomLevel
if( source ){
this.source = source;
this.viewport = this.viewport ? this.viewport : new $.Viewport({
containerSize: THIS[ this.hash ].prevContainerSize,
contentSize: this.source.dimensions,
springStiffness: this.springStiffness,
animationTime: this.animationTime,
minZoomImageRatio: this.minZoomImageRatio,
maxZoomPixelRatio: this.maxZoomPixelRatio,
visibilityRatio: this.visibilityRatio,
wrapHorizontal: this.wrapHorizontal,
wrapVertical: this.wrapVertical,
defaultZoomLevel: this.defaultZoomLevel,
minZoomLevel: this.minZoomLevel,
maxZoomLevel: this.maxZoomLevel,
viewer: this
if( this.preserveVewport ){
this.viewport.resetContentSize( this.source.dimensions );
this.source.overlays = this.source.overlays || [];
this.drawer = new $.Drawer({
source: this.source,
viewport: this.viewport,
element: this.canvas,
overlays: [].concat( this.overlays ).concat( this.source.overlays ),
maxImageCacheCount: this.maxImageCacheCount,
imageLoaderLimit: this.imageLoaderLimit,
minZoomImageRatio: this.minZoomImageRatio,
wrapHorizontal: this.wrapHorizontal,
wrapVertical: this.wrapVertical,
immediateRender: this.immediateRender,
blendTime: this.blendTime,
alwaysBlend: this.alwaysBlend,
minPixelRatio: this.collectionMode ? 0 : this.minPixelRatio,
timeout: this.timeout,
debugMode: this.debugMode,
debugGridColor: this.debugGridColor
//Instantiate a navigator if configured
if ( this.showNavigator && ! this.navigator && !this.collectionMode ){
this.navigator = new $.Navigator({
id: this.navigatorElement,
position: this.navigatorPosition,
sizeRatio: this.navigatorSizeRatio,
height: this.navigatorHeight,
width: this.navigatorWidth,
tileSources: this.tileSources,
tileHost: this.tileHost,
prefixUrl: this.prefixUrl,
overlays: this.overlays,
viewer: this
//Instantiate a referencestrip if configured
if ( this.showReferenceStrip && ! this.referenceStrip ){
this.referenceStrip = new $.ReferenceStrip({
id: this.referenceStripElement,
position: this.referenceStripPosition,
sizeRatio: this.referenceStripSizeRatio,
scroll: this.referenceStripScroll,
height: this.referenceStripHeight,
width: this.referenceStripWidth,
tileSources: this.tileSources,
tileHost: this.tileHost,
prefixUrl: this.prefixUrl,
overlays: this.overlays,
viewer: this
//this.profiler = new $.Profiler();
THIS[ this.hash ].animating = false;
THIS[ this.hash ].forceRedraw = true;
scheduleUpdate( this, updateMulti );
//Assuming you had programatically created a bunch of overlays
//and added them via configuration
for ( i = 0; i < this.overlayControls.length; i++ ) {
overlay = this.overlayControls[ i ];
if ( overlay.point ) {
new $.Point(
} else {
new $.Rect(
VIEWERS[ this.hash ] = this;
if( this.navigator ){
this.navigator.open( source );
this.raiseEvent( 'open', { source: source, viewer: this } );
return this;
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.close
@ -597,7 +428,7 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
* @return {Boolean}
isFullPage: function () {
return this.element.parentNode == document.body;
return THIS[ this.hash ].fullPage;
@ -654,7 +485,7 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
//the bodies elements and replace them when we leave full screen.
this.previousBody = [];
THIS[ this.hash ].prevElementParent = this.element.parentNode;
THIS[ this.hash ].prevNextSibling = this.element.prevNextSibling;
THIS[ this.hash ].prevNextSibling = this.element.nextSibling;
THIS[ this.hash ].prevElementSize = $.getElementSize( this.element );
nodes = body.childNodes.length;
for ( i = 0; i < nodes; i ++ ){
@ -715,6 +546,8 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
) + 'px';
THIS[ this.hash ].fullPage = true;
// mouse will be inside container now
$.delegate( this, onContainerEnter )();
@ -776,6 +609,8 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
this.element.style.height = THIS[ this.hash ].prevElementSize.y + 'px';
this.element.style.width = THIS[ this.hash ].prevElementSize.x + 'px';
THIS[ this.hash ].fullPage = false;
// mouse will likely be outside now
$.delegate( this, onContainerExit )();
@ -1085,7 +920,7 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
this.openTileSource( this.tileSources[ page ] );
this.open( this.tileSources[ page ] );
if( $.isFunction( this.onPageChange ) ){
@ -1102,6 +937,185 @@ $.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype,
* @function
* @private
function openTileSource( viewer, source ) {
var _this = viewer,
if ( _this.source ) {
_this.close( );
// to ignore earlier opens
THIS[ _this.hash ].lastOpenStartTime = +new Date();
window.setTimeout( function () {
if ( THIS[ _this.hash ].lastOpenStartTime > THIS[ _this.hash ].lastOpenEndTime ) {
THIS[ _this.hash ].setMessage( $.getString( "Messages.Loading" ) );
}, 2000);
THIS[ _this.hash ].lastOpenEndTime = +new Date();
_this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
THIS[ _this.hash ].prevContainerSize = $.getElementSize( _this.container );
if( _this.collectionMode ){
_this.source = new $.TileSourceCollection({
rows: _this.collectionRows,
layout: _this.collectionLayout,
tileSize: _this.collectionTileSize,
tileSources: _this.tileSources,
tileMargin: _this.collectionTileMargin
_this.viewport = _this.viewport ? _this.viewport : new $.Viewport({
collectionMode: true,
collectionTileSource: _this.source,
containerSize: THIS[ _this.hash ].prevContainerSize,
contentSize: _this.source.dimensions,
springStiffness: _this.springStiffness,
animationTime: _this.animationTime,
showNavigator: false,
minZoomImageRatio: 1,
maxZoomPixelRatio: 1,
viewer: _this //,
//TODO: figure out how to support these in a way that makes sense
//minZoomLevel: this.minZoomLevel,
//maxZoomLevel: this.maxZoomLevel
if( source ){
_this.source = source;
_this.viewport = _this.viewport ? _this.viewport : new $.Viewport({
containerSize: THIS[ _this.hash ].prevContainerSize,
contentSize: _this.source.dimensions,
springStiffness: _this.springStiffness,
animationTime: _this.animationTime,
minZoomImageRatio: _this.minZoomImageRatio,
maxZoomPixelRatio: _this.maxZoomPixelRatio,
visibilityRatio: _this.visibilityRatio,
wrapHorizontal: _this.wrapHorizontal,
wrapVertical: _this.wrapVertical,
defaultZoomLevel: _this.defaultZoomLevel,
minZoomLevel: _this.minZoomLevel,
maxZoomLevel: _this.maxZoomLevel,
viewer: _this
if( _this.preserveVewport ){
_this.viewport.resetContentSize( _this.source.dimensions );
_this.source.overlays = _this.source.overlays || [];
_this.drawer = new $.Drawer({
source: _this.source,
viewport: _this.viewport,
element: _this.canvas,
overlays: [].concat( _this.overlays ).concat( _this.source.overlays ),
maxImageCacheCount: _this.maxImageCacheCount,
imageLoaderLimit: _this.imageLoaderLimit,
minZoomImageRatio: _this.minZoomImageRatio,
wrapHorizontal: _this.wrapHorizontal,
wrapVertical: _this.wrapVertical,
immediateRender: _this.immediateRender,
blendTime: _this.blendTime,
alwaysBlend: _this.alwaysBlend,
minPixelRatio: _this.collectionMode ? 0 : _this.minPixelRatio,
timeout: _this.timeout,
debugMode: _this.debugMode,
debugGridColor: _this.debugGridColor
//Instantiate a navigator if configured
if ( _this.showNavigator && ! _this.navigator && !_this.collectionMode ){
_this.navigator = new $.Navigator({
id: _this.navigatorElement,
position: _this.navigatorPosition,
sizeRatio: _this.navigatorSizeRatio,
height: _this.navigatorHeight,
width: _this.navigatorWidth,
tileSources: _this.tileSources,
tileHost: _this.tileHost,
prefixUrl: _this.prefixUrl,
overlays: _this.overlays,
viewer: _this
//Instantiate a referencestrip if configured
if ( _this.showReferenceStrip && !_this.referenceStrip ){
_this.referenceStrip = new $.ReferenceStrip({
id: _this.referenceStripElement,
position: _this.referenceStripPosition,
sizeRatio: _this.referenceStripSizeRatio,
scroll: _this.referenceStripScroll,
height: _this.referenceStripHeight,
width: _this.referenceStripWidth,
tileSources: _this.tileSources,
tileHost: _this.tileHost,
prefixUrl: _this.prefixUrl,
overlays: _this.overlays,
viewer: _this
//this.profiler = new $.Profiler();
THIS[ _this.hash ].animating = false;
THIS[ _this.hash ].forceRedraw = true;
scheduleUpdate( _this, updateMulti );
//Assuming you had programatically created a bunch of overlays
//and added them via configuration
for ( i = 0; i < _this.overlayControls.length; i++ ) {
overlay = _this.overlayControls[ i ];
if ( overlay.point ) {
new $.Point(
} else {
new $.Rect(
VIEWERS[ _this.hash ] = _this;
if( _this.navigator ){
_this.navigator.open( source );
_this.raiseEvent( 'open', { source: source, viewer: _this } );
return _this;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user