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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/token.h"
#include "tools/gn/value.h"
class AccessorNode;
class BinaryOpNode;
class BlockCommentNode;
class BlockNode;
class ConditionNode;
class EndNode;
class FunctionCallNode;
class IdentifierNode;
class ListNode;
class LiteralNode;
class Scope;
class UnaryOpNode;
class Comments {
virtual ~Comments();
const std::vector<Token>& before() const { return before_; }
void append_before(Token c) { before_.push_back(c); }
void clear_before() { before_.clear(); }
const std::vector<Token>& suffix() const { return suffix_; }
void append_suffix(Token c) { suffix_.push_back(c); }
// Reverse the order of the suffix comments. When walking the tree in
// post-order we append suffix comments in reverse order, so this fixes them
// up.
void ReverseSuffix();
const std::vector<Token>& after() const { return after_; }
void append_after(Token c) { after_.push_back(c); }
// Whole line comments before the expression.
std::vector<Token> before_;
// End-of-line comments after this expression.
std::vector<Token> suffix_;
// For top-level expressions only, after_ lists whole-line comments
// following the expression.
std::vector<Token> after_;
// ParseNode -------------------------------------------------------------------
// A node in the AST.
class ParseNode {
virtual ~ParseNode();
virtual const AccessorNode* AsAccessor() const;
virtual const BinaryOpNode* AsBinaryOp() const;
virtual const BlockCommentNode* AsBlockComment() const;
virtual const BlockNode* AsBlock() const;
virtual const ConditionNode* AsConditionNode() const;
virtual const EndNode* AsEnd() const;
virtual const FunctionCallNode* AsFunctionCall() const;
virtual const IdentifierNode* AsIdentifier() const;
virtual const ListNode* AsList() const;
virtual const LiteralNode* AsLiteral() const;
virtual const UnaryOpNode* AsUnaryOp() const;
virtual Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const = 0;
virtual LocationRange GetRange() const = 0;
// Returns an error with the given messages and the range set to something
// that indicates this node.
virtual Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const = 0;
// Prints a representation of this node to the given string, indenting
// by the given number of spaces.
virtual void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const = 0;
const Comments* comments() const { return comments_.get(); }
Comments* comments_mutable();
void PrintComments(std::ostream& out, int indent) const;
std::unique_ptr<Comments> comments_;
// AccessorNode ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Access an array or scope element.
// Currently, such values are only read-only. In that you can do:
// a = obj1.a
// b = obj2[0]
// But not
// obj1.a = 5
// obj2[0] = 6
// In the current design where the dot operator is used only for templates, we
// explicitly don't want to allow you to do "invoker.foo = 5", so if we added
// support for accessors to be lvalues, we would also need to add some concept
// of a constant scope. Supporting this would also add a lot of complications
// to the operator= implementation, since some accessors might return values
// in the const root scope that shouldn't be modified. Without a strong
// use-case for this, it seems simpler to just disallow it.
// Additionally, the left-hand-side of the accessor must currently be an
// identifier. So you can't do things like:
// function_call()[1]
// a = b.c.d
// These are easier to implement if we needed them but given the very limited
// use cases for this, it hasn't seemed worth the bother.
class AccessorNode : public ParseNode {
~AccessorNode() override;
const AccessorNode* AsAccessor() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
// Base is the thing on the left of the [] or dot, currently always required
// to be an identifier token.
const Token& base() const { return base_; }
void set_base(const Token& b) { base_ = b; }
// Index is the expression inside the []. Will be null if member is set.
const ParseNode* index() const { return index_.get(); }
void set_index(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> i) { index_ = std::move(i); }
// The member is the identifier on the right hand side of the dot. Will be
// null if the index is set.
const IdentifierNode* member() const { return member_.get(); }
void set_member(std::unique_ptr<IdentifierNode> i) { member_ = std::move(i); }
void SetNewLocation(int line_number);
// Evaluates the index for list accessor operations and range checks it
// against the max length of the list. If the index is OK, sets
// |*computed_index| and returns true. Otherwise sets the |*err| and returns
// false.
bool ComputeAndValidateListIndex(Scope* scope,
size_t max_len,
size_t* computed_index,
Err* err) const;
Value ExecuteArrayAccess(Scope* scope, Err* err) const;
Value ExecuteScopeAccess(Scope* scope, Err* err) const;
Token base_;
// Either index or member will be set according to what type of access this
// is.
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> index_;
std::unique_ptr<IdentifierNode> member_;
// BinaryOpNode ----------------------------------------------------------------
class BinaryOpNode : public ParseNode {
~BinaryOpNode() override;
const BinaryOpNode* AsBinaryOp() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& op() const { return op_; }
void set_op(const Token& t) { op_ = t; }
const ParseNode* left() const { return left_.get(); }
void set_left(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left) { left_ = std::move(left); }
const ParseNode* right() const { return right_.get(); }
void set_right(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> right) {
right_ = std::move(right);
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left_;
Token op_;
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> right_;
// BlockNode -------------------------------------------------------------------
class BlockNode : public ParseNode {
// How Execute manages the scopes and results.
enum ResultMode {
// Creates a new scope for the execution of this block and returns it as
// a Value from Execute().
// Executes in the context of the calling scope (variables set will go
// into the invoking scope) and Execute will return an empty Value.
BlockNode(ResultMode result_mode);
~BlockNode() override;
const BlockNode* AsBlock() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
void set_begin_token(const Token& t) { begin_token_ = t; }
void set_end(std::unique_ptr<EndNode> e) { end_ = std::move(e); }
const EndNode* End() const { return end_.get(); }
ResultMode result_mode() const { return result_mode_; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>>& statements() const {
return statements_;
void append_statement(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> s) {
const ResultMode result_mode_;
// Tokens corresponding to { and }, if any (may be NULL). The end is stored
// in a custom parse node so that it can have comments hung off of it.
Token begin_token_;
std::unique_ptr<EndNode> end_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>> statements_;
// ConditionNode ---------------------------------------------------------------
class ConditionNode : public ParseNode {
~ConditionNode() override;
const ConditionNode* AsConditionNode() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
void set_if_token(const Token& token) { if_token_ = token; }
const ParseNode* condition() const { return condition_.get(); }
void set_condition(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> c) {
condition_ = std::move(c);
const BlockNode* if_true() const { return if_true_.get(); }
void set_if_true(std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> t) { if_true_ = std::move(t); }
// This is either empty, a block (for the else clause), or another
// condition.
const ParseNode* if_false() const { return if_false_.get(); }
void set_if_false(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> f) { if_false_ = std::move(f); }
// Token corresponding to the "if" string.
Token if_token_;
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> condition_; // Always non-null.
std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> if_true_; // Always non-null.
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> if_false_; // May be null.
// FunctionCallNode ------------------------------------------------------------
class FunctionCallNode : public ParseNode {
~FunctionCallNode() override;
const FunctionCallNode* AsFunctionCall() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& function() const { return function_; }
void set_function(Token t) { function_ = t; }
const ListNode* args() const { return args_.get(); }
void set_args(std::unique_ptr<ListNode> a) { args_ = std::move(a); }
const BlockNode* block() const { return block_.get(); }
void set_block(std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> b) { block_ = std::move(b); }
Token function_;
std::unique_ptr<ListNode> args_;
std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> block_; // May be null.
// IdentifierNode --------------------------------------------------------------
class IdentifierNode : public ParseNode {
explicit IdentifierNode(const Token& token);
~IdentifierNode() override;
const IdentifierNode* AsIdentifier() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& value() const { return value_; }
void set_value(const Token& t) { value_ = t; }
void SetNewLocation(int line_number);
Token value_;
// ListNode --------------------------------------------------------------------
class ListNode : public ParseNode {
~ListNode() override;
const ListNode* AsList() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
void set_begin_token(const Token& t) { begin_token_ = t; }
void set_end(std::unique_ptr<EndNode> e) { end_ = std::move(e); }
const EndNode* End() const { return end_.get(); }
void append_item(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> s) {
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const ParseNode>>& contents() const {
return contents_;
void SortAsStringsList();
void SortAsDepsList();
// During formatting, do we want this list to always be multliline? This is
// used to make assignments to deps, sources, etc. always be multiline lists,
// rather than collapsed to a single line when they're one element.
bool prefer_multiline() const { return prefer_multiline_; }
void set_prefer_multiline(bool prefer_multiline) {
prefer_multiline_ = prefer_multiline;
struct SortRange {
size_t begin;
size_t end;
SortRange(size_t begin, size_t end) : begin(begin), end(end) {}
// Only public for testing.
std::vector<SortRange> GetSortRanges() const;
template <typename Comparator>
void SortList(Comparator comparator);
// Tokens corresponding to the [ and ]. The end token is stored in inside an
// custom parse node so that it can have comments hung off of it.
Token begin_token_;
std::unique_ptr<EndNode> end_;
bool prefer_multiline_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const ParseNode>> contents_;
// LiteralNode -----------------------------------------------------------------
class LiteralNode : public ParseNode {
explicit LiteralNode(const Token& token);
~LiteralNode() override;
const LiteralNode* AsLiteral() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& value() const { return value_; }
void set_value(const Token& t) { value_ = t; }
void SetNewLocation(int line_number);
Token value_;
// UnaryOpNode -----------------------------------------------------------------
class UnaryOpNode : public ParseNode {
~UnaryOpNode() override;
const UnaryOpNode* AsUnaryOp() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& op() const { return op_; }
void set_op(const Token& t) { op_ = t; }
const ParseNode* operand() const { return operand_.get(); }
void set_operand(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> operand) {
operand_ = std::move(operand);
Token op_;
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> operand_;
// BlockCommentNode ------------------------------------------------------------
// This node type is only used for standalone comments (that is, those not
// specifically attached to another syntax element. The most common of these
// is a standard header block. This node contains only the last line of such
// a comment block as the anchor, and other lines of the block comment are
// hung off of it as Before comments, similar to other syntax elements.
class BlockCommentNode : public ParseNode {
~BlockCommentNode() override;
const BlockCommentNode* AsBlockComment() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& comment() const { return comment_; }
void set_comment(const Token& t) { comment_ = t; }
Token comment_;
// EndNode ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This node type is used as the end_ object for lists and blocks (rather than
// just the end ']', '}', or ')' token). This is so that during formatting
// traversal there is a node that appears at the end of the block to which
// comments can be attached.
class EndNode : public ParseNode {
explicit EndNode(const Token& token);
~EndNode() override;
const EndNode* AsEnd() const override;
Value Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const override;
LocationRange GetRange() const override;
Err MakeErrorDescribing(
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
const Token& value() const { return value_; }
void set_value(const Token& t) { value_ = t; }
Token value_;