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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/operators.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/token.h"
#include "tools/gn/value.h"
namespace {
const char kSourcesName[] = "sources";
// Helper class used for assignment operations: =, +=, and -= to generalize
// writing to various types of destinations.
class ValueDestination {
bool Init(Scope* exec_scope,
const ParseNode* dest,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
Err* err);
// Returns the value in the destination scope if it already exists, or null
// if it doesn't. This is for validation and does not count as a "use".
// Other nested scopes will be searched.
const Value* GetExistingValue() const;
// Returns an existing version of the output if it can be modified. This will
// not search nested scopes since writes only go into the current scope.
// Returns null if the value does not exist, or is not in the current scope
// (meaning assignments won't go to this value and it's not mutable). This
// is for implementing += and -=.
// If it exists, this will mark the origin of the value to be the passed-in
// node, and the value will be also marked unused (if possible) under the
// assumption that it will be modified in-place.
Value* GetExistingMutableValueIfExists(const ParseNode* origin);
// Returns the sources assignment filter if it exists for the current
// scope and it should be applied to this assignment. Otherwise returns null.
const PatternList* GetAssignmentFilter(const Scope* exec_scope) const;
// Returns a pointer to the value that was set.
Value* SetValue(Value value, const ParseNode* set_node);
// Fills the Err with an undefined value error appropriate for modification
// operators: += and -= (where the source is also the dest).
void MakeUndefinedIdentifierForModifyError(Err* err);
Type type_;
// Valid when type_ == SCOPE.
Scope* scope_;
const Token* name_token_;
// Valid when type_ == LIST.
Value* list_;
size_t index_; // Guaranteed in-range when Init() succeeds.
index_(0) {
bool ValueDestination::Init(Scope* exec_scope,
const ParseNode* dest,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
Err* err) {
// Check for standard variable set.
const IdentifierNode* dest_identifier = dest->AsIdentifier();
if (dest_identifier) {
type_ = SCOPE;
scope_ = exec_scope;
name_token_ = &dest_identifier->value();
return true;
// Check for array and scope accesses. The base (array or scope variable
// name) must always be defined ahead of time.
const AccessorNode* dest_accessor = dest->AsAccessor();
if (!dest_accessor) {
*err = Err(op_node, "Assignment requires a lvalue.",
"This thing on the left is not an identifier or accessor.");
return false;
// Known to be an accessor.
base::StringPiece base_str = dest_accessor->base().value();
Value* base = exec_scope->GetMutableValue(
base_str, Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT, false);
if (!base) {
// Base is either undefined or it's defined but not in the current scope.
// Make a good error message.
if (exec_scope->GetValue(base_str, false)) {
*err = Err(dest_accessor->base(), "Suspicious in-place modification.",
"This variable exists in a containing scope. Normally, writing to it "
"would\nmake a copy of it into the current scope with the modified "
"version. But\nhere you're modifying only an element of a scope or "
"list object. It's unlikely\nyou meant to copy the entire thing just "
"to modify this part of it.\n"
"If you really wanted to do this, do:\n"
" " + base_str.as_string() + " = " + base_str.as_string() + "\n"
"to copy it into the current scope before doing this operation.");
} else {
*err = Err(dest_accessor->base(), "Undefined identifier.");
return false;
if (dest_accessor->index()) {
// List access with an index.
if (!base->VerifyTypeIs(Value::LIST, err)) {
// Errors here will confusingly refer to the variable declaration (since
// that's all Value knows) rather than the list access. So rewrite the
// error location to refer to the base value's location.
*err = Err(dest_accessor->base(), err->message(), err->help_text());
return false;
type_ = LIST;
list_ = base;
return dest_accessor->ComputeAndValidateListIndex(
exec_scope, base->list_value().size(), &index_, err);
// Scope access with a dot.
if (!base->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err)) {
// As the for the list index case above, rewrite the error location.
*err = Err(dest_accessor->base(), err->message(), err->help_text());
return false;
type_ = SCOPE;
scope_ = base->scope_value();
name_token_ = &dest_accessor->member()->value();
return true;
const Value* ValueDestination::GetExistingValue() const {
if (type_ == SCOPE)
return scope_->GetValue(name_token_->value(), true);
else if (type_ == LIST)
return &list_->list_value()[index_];
return nullptr;
Value* ValueDestination::GetExistingMutableValueIfExists(
const ParseNode* origin) {
if (type_ == SCOPE) {
Value* value = scope_->GetMutableValue(
name_token_->value(), Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT, false);
if (value) {
// The value will be written to, reset its tracking information.
if (type_ == LIST)
return &list_->list_value()[index_];
return nullptr;
const PatternList* ValueDestination::GetAssignmentFilter(
const Scope* exec_scope) const {
if (type_ != SCOPE)
return nullptr; // Destination can't be named, so no sources filtering.
if (name_token_->value() != kSourcesName)
return nullptr; // Destination not named "sources".
const PatternList* filter = exec_scope->GetSourcesAssignmentFilter();
if (!filter || filter->is_empty())
return nullptr; // No filter or empty filter, don't need to do anything.
return filter;
Value* ValueDestination::SetValue(Value value, const ParseNode* set_node) {
if (type_ == SCOPE) {
return scope_->SetValue(name_token_->value(), std::move(value), set_node);
} else if (type_ == LIST) {
Value* dest = &list_->list_value()[index_];
*dest = std::move(value);
return dest;
return nullptr;
void ValueDestination::MakeUndefinedIdentifierForModifyError(Err* err) {
// When Init() succeeds, the base of any accessor has already been resolved
// and that list indices are in-range. This means any undefined identifiers
// are for scope accesses.
DCHECK(type_ == SCOPE);
*err = Err(*name_token_, "Undefined identifier.");
// Computes an error message for overwriting a nonempty list/scope with another.
Err MakeOverwriteError(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& old_value) {
std::string type_name;
std::string empty_def;
if (old_value.type() == Value::LIST) {
type_name = "list";
empty_def = "[]";
} else if (old_value.type() == Value::SCOPE) {
type_name = "scope";
empty_def = "{}";
} else {
Err result(op_node->left()->GetRange(),
"Replacing nonempty " + type_name + ".",
"This overwrites a previously-defined nonempty " + type_name +
" with another nonempty " + type_name + ".");
result.AppendSubErr(Err(old_value, "for previous definition",
"Did you mean to append/modify instead? If you really want to overwrite, "
" foo = " + empty_def + "\nbefore reassigning."));
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Err MakeIncompatibleTypeError(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right) {
std::string msg =
std::string("You can't do <") + Value::DescribeType(left.type()) + "> " +
op_node->op().value().as_string() +
" <" + Value::DescribeType(right.type()) + ">.";
if (left.type() == Value::LIST) {
// Append extra hint for list stuff.
msg += "\n\nHint: If you're attempting to add or remove a single item from "
" a list, use \"foo + [ bar ]\".";
return Err(op_node, "Incompatible types for binary operator.", msg);
Value GetValueOrFillError(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const ParseNode* node,
const char* name,
Scope* scope,
Err* err) {
Value value = node->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (value.type() == Value::NONE) {
*err = Err(op_node->op(),
"Operator requires a value.",
"This thing on the " + std::string(name) +
" does not evaluate to a value.");
return Value();
return value;
void RemoveMatchesFromList(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
Value* list,
const Value& to_remove,
Err* err) {
std::vector<Value>& v = list->list_value();
switch (to_remove.type()) {
case Value::BOOLEAN:
case Value::INTEGER: // Filter out the individual int/string.
case Value::STRING: {
bool found_match = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); /* nothing */) {
if (v[i] == to_remove) {
found_match = true;
v.erase(v.begin() + i);
} else {
if (!found_match) {
*err = Err(to_remove.origin()->GetRange(), "Item not found",
"You were trying to remove " + to_remove.ToString(true) +
"\nfrom the list but it wasn't there.");
case Value::LIST: // Filter out each individual thing.
for (const auto& elem : to_remove.list_value()) {
// TODO(brettw) if the nested item is a list, we may want to search
// for the literal list rather than remote the items in it.
RemoveMatchesFromList(op_node, list, elem, err);
if (err->has_error())
// Assignment -----------------------------------------------------------------
// We return a null value from this rather than the result of doing the append.
// See ValuePlusEquals for rationale.
Value ExecuteEquals(Scope* exec_scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
ValueDestination* dest,
Value right,
Err* err) {
const Value* old_value = dest->GetExistingValue();
if (old_value) {
// Check for overwriting nonempty scopes or lists with other nonempty
// scopes or lists. This prevents mistakes that clobber a value rather than
// appending to it. For cases where a user meant to clear a value, allow
// overwriting a nonempty list/scope with an empty one, which can then be
// modified.
if (old_value->type() == Value::LIST && right.type() == Value::LIST &&
!old_value->list_value().empty() && !right.list_value().empty()) {
*err = MakeOverwriteError(op_node, *old_value);
return Value();
} else if (old_value->type() == Value::SCOPE &&
right.type() == Value::SCOPE &&
old_value->scope_value()->HasValues(Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT) &&
right.scope_value()->HasValues(Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT)) {
*err = MakeOverwriteError(op_node, *old_value);
return Value();
Value* written_value = dest->SetValue(std::move(right), op_node->right());
// Optionally apply the assignment filter in-place.
const PatternList* filter = dest->GetAssignmentFilter(exec_scope);
if (filter) {
std::vector<Value>& list_value = written_value->list_value();
auto first_deleted = std::remove_if(
list_value.begin(), list_value.end(),
[filter](const Value& v) {
return filter->MatchesValue(v);
list_value.erase(first_deleted, list_value.end());
return Value();
// Plus/minus ------------------------------------------------------------------
// allow_left_type_conversion indicates if we're allowed to change the type of
// the left value. This is set to true when doing +, and false when doing +=.
Value ExecutePlus(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
Value left,
Value right,
bool allow_left_type_conversion,
Err* err) {
// Left-hand-side integer.
if (left.type() == Value::INTEGER) {
if (right.type() == Value::INTEGER) {
// Int + int -> addition.
return Value(op_node, left.int_value() + right.int_value());
} else if (right.type() == Value::STRING && allow_left_type_conversion) {
// Int + string -> string concat.
return Value(
base::Int64ToString(left.int_value()) + right.string_value());
*err = MakeIncompatibleTypeError(op_node, left, right);
return Value();
// Left-hand-side string.
if (left.type() == Value::STRING) {
if (right.type() == Value::INTEGER) {
// String + int -> string concat.
return Value(op_node,
left.string_value() + base::Int64ToString(right.int_value()));
} else if (right.type() == Value::STRING) {
// String + string -> string concat. Since the left is passed by copy
// we can avoid realloc if there is enough buffer by appending to left
// and assigning.
return left; // FIXME(brettw) des this copy?
*err = MakeIncompatibleTypeError(op_node, left, right);
return Value();
// Left-hand-side list. The only valid thing is to add another list.
if (left.type() == Value::LIST && right.type() == Value::LIST) {
// Since left was passed by copy, avoid realloc by destructively appending
// to it and using that as the result.
for (Value& value : right.list_value())
return left; // FIXME(brettw) does this copy?
*err = MakeIncompatibleTypeError(op_node, left, right);
return Value();
// Left is passed by value because it will be modified in-place and returned
// for the list case.
Value ExecuteMinus(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
Value left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
// Left-hand-side int. The only thing to do is subtract another int.
if (left.type() == Value::INTEGER && right.type() == Value::INTEGER) {
// Int - int -> subtraction.
return Value(op_node, left.int_value() - right.int_value());
// Left-hand-side list. The only thing to do is subtract another list.
if (left.type() == Value::LIST && right.type() == Value::LIST) {
// In-place modify left and return it.
RemoveMatchesFromList(op_node, &left, right, err);
return left;
*err = MakeIncompatibleTypeError(op_node, left, right);
return Value();
// In-place plus/minus ---------------------------------------------------------
void ExecutePlusEquals(Scope* exec_scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
ValueDestination* dest,
Value right,
Err* err) {
// There are several cases. Some things we can convert "foo += bar" to
// "foo = foo + bar". Some cases we can't (the 'sources' variable won't
// get the right filtering on the list). Some cases we don't want to (lists
// and strings will get unnecessary copying so we can to optimize these).
// - Value is already mutable in the current scope:
// 1. List/string append: use it.
// 2. Other types: fall back to "foo = foo + bar"
// - Value is not mutable in the current scope:
// 3. List/string append: copy into current scope and append to that.
// 4. Other types: fall back to "foo = foo + bar"
// The common case is to use += for list and string appends in the local
// scope, so this is written to avoid multiple variable lookups in that case.
Value* mutable_dest = dest->GetExistingMutableValueIfExists(op_node);
if (!mutable_dest) {
const Value* existing_value = dest->GetExistingValue();
if (!existing_value) {
// Undefined left-hand-size for +=.
if (existing_value->type() != Value::STRING &&
existing_value->type() != Value::LIST) {
// Case #4 above.
dest->SetValue(ExecutePlus(op_node, *existing_value,
std::move(right), false, err), op_node);
// Case #3 above, copy to current scope and fall-through to appending.
mutable_dest = dest->SetValue(*existing_value, op_node);
} else if (mutable_dest->type() != Value::STRING &&
mutable_dest->type() != Value::LIST) {
// Case #2 above.
dest->SetValue(ExecutePlus(op_node, *mutable_dest,
std::move(right), false, err), op_node);
} // "else" is case #1 above.
if (mutable_dest->type() == Value::STRING) {
if (right.type() == Value::INTEGER) {
// String + int -> string concat.
} else if (right.type() == Value::STRING) {
// String + string -> string concat.
} else {
*err = MakeIncompatibleTypeError(op_node, *mutable_dest, right);
} else if (mutable_dest->type() == Value::LIST) {
// List concat.
if (right.type() == Value::LIST) {
// Note: don't reserve() the dest vector here since that actually hurts
// the allocation pattern when the build script is doing multiple small
// additions.
const PatternList* filter = dest->GetAssignmentFilter(exec_scope);
if (filter) {
// Filtered list concat.
for (Value& value : right.list_value()) {
if (!filter->MatchesValue(value))
} else {
// Normal list concat. This is a destructive move.
for (Value& value : right.list_value())
} else {
*err = Err(op_node->op(), "Incompatible types to add.",
"To append a single item to a list do \"foo += [ bar ]\".");
void ExecuteMinusEquals(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
ValueDestination* dest,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
// Like the += case, we can convert "foo -= bar" to "foo = foo - bar". Since
// there is no sources filtering, this is always semantically valid. The
// only case we don't do it is for lists in the current scope which is the
// most common case, and also the one that can be optimized the most by
// doing it in-place.
Value* mutable_dest = dest->GetExistingMutableValueIfExists(op_node);
if (!mutable_dest ||
(mutable_dest->type() != Value::LIST || right.type() != Value::LIST)) {
const Value* existing_value = dest->GetExistingValue();
if (!existing_value) {
// Undefined left-hand-size for -=.
dest->SetValue(ExecuteMinus(op_node, *existing_value, right, err), op_node);
// In-place removal of items from "right".
RemoveMatchesFromList(op_node, mutable_dest, right, err);
// Comparison -----------------------------------------------------------------
Value ExecuteEqualsEquals(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
if (left == right)
return Value(op_node, true);
return Value(op_node, false);
Value ExecuteNotEquals(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
// Evaluate in terms of ==.
Value result = ExecuteEqualsEquals(scope, op_node, left, right, err);
result.boolean_value() = !result.boolean_value();
return result;
Value FillNeedsTwoIntegersError(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
*err = Err(op_node, "Comparison requires two integers.",
"This operator can only compare two integers.");
return Value();
Value ExecuteLessEquals(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
if (left.type() != Value::INTEGER || right.type() != Value::INTEGER)
return FillNeedsTwoIntegersError(op_node, left, right, err);
return Value(op_node, left.int_value() <= right.int_value());
Value ExecuteGreaterEquals(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
if (left.type() != Value::INTEGER || right.type() != Value::INTEGER)
return FillNeedsTwoIntegersError(op_node, left, right, err);
return Value(op_node, left.int_value() >= right.int_value());
Value ExecuteGreater(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
if (left.type() != Value::INTEGER || right.type() != Value::INTEGER)
return FillNeedsTwoIntegersError(op_node, left, right, err);
return Value(op_node, left.int_value() > right.int_value());
Value ExecuteLess(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& left,
const Value& right,
Err* err) {
if (left.type() != Value::INTEGER || right.type() != Value::INTEGER)
return FillNeedsTwoIntegersError(op_node, left, right, err);
return Value(op_node, left.int_value() < right.int_value());
// Binary ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Value ExecuteOr(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const ParseNode* left_node,
const ParseNode* right_node,
Err* err) {
Value left = GetValueOrFillError(op_node, left_node, "left", scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (left.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = Err(op_node->left(), "Left side of || operator is not a boolean.",
"Type is \"" + std::string(Value::DescribeType(left.type())) +
"\" instead.");
return Value();
if (left.boolean_value())
return Value(op_node, left.boolean_value());
Value right = GetValueOrFillError(op_node, right_node, "right", scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (right.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = Err(op_node->right(), "Right side of || operator is not a boolean.",
"Type is \"" + std::string(Value::DescribeType(right.type())) +
"\" instead.");
return Value();
return Value(op_node, left.boolean_value() || right.boolean_value());
Value ExecuteAnd(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const ParseNode* left_node,
const ParseNode* right_node,
Err* err) {
Value left = GetValueOrFillError(op_node, left_node, "left", scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (left.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = Err(op_node->left(), "Left side of && operator is not a boolean.",
"Type is \"" + std::string(Value::DescribeType(left.type())) +
"\" instead.");
return Value();
if (!left.boolean_value())
return Value(op_node, left.boolean_value());
Value right = GetValueOrFillError(op_node, right_node, "right", scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (right.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = Err(op_node->right(), "Right side of && operator is not a boolean.",
"Type is \"" + std::string(Value::DescribeType(right.type())) +
"\" instead.");
return Value();
return Value(op_node, left.boolean_value() && right.boolean_value());
} // namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value ExecuteUnaryOperator(Scope* scope,
const UnaryOpNode* op_node,
const Value& expr,
Err* err) {
DCHECK(op_node->op().type() == Token::BANG);
if (expr.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = Err(op_node, "Operand of ! operator is not a boolean.",
"Type is \"" + std::string(Value::DescribeType(expr.type())) +
"\" instead.");
return Value();
// TODO(scottmg): Why no unary minus?
return Value(op_node, !expr.boolean_value());
Value ExecuteBinaryOperator(Scope* scope,
const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
const ParseNode* left,
const ParseNode* right,
Err* err) {
const Token& op = op_node->op();
// First handle the ones that take an lvalue.
if (op.type() == Token::EQUAL ||
op.type() == Token::PLUS_EQUALS ||
op.type() == Token::MINUS_EQUALS) {
// Compute the left side.
ValueDestination dest;
if (!dest.Init(scope, left, op_node, err))
return Value();
// Compute the right side.
Value right_value = right->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (right_value.type() == Value::NONE) {
*err = Err(op, "Operator requires a rvalue.",
"This thing on the right does not evaluate to a value.");
return Value();
// "foo += bar" (same for "-=") is converted to "foo = foo + bar" here, but
// we pass the original value of "foo" by pointer to avoid a copy.
if (op.type() == Token::EQUAL) {
ExecuteEquals(scope, op_node, &dest, std::move(right_value), err);
} else if (op.type() == Token::PLUS_EQUALS) {
ExecutePlusEquals(scope, op_node, &dest, std::move(right_value), err);
} else if (op.type() == Token::MINUS_EQUALS) {
ExecuteMinusEquals(op_node, &dest, right_value, err);
} else {
return Value();
// ||, &&. Passed the node instead of the value so that they can avoid
// evaluating the RHS on early-out.
if (op.type() == Token::BOOLEAN_OR)
return ExecuteOr(scope, op_node, left, right, err);
if (op.type() == Token::BOOLEAN_AND)
return ExecuteAnd(scope, op_node, left, right, err);
// Everything else works on the evaluated left and right values.
Value left_value = GetValueOrFillError(op_node, left, "left", scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
Value right_value = GetValueOrFillError(op_node, right, "right", scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
// +, -.
if (op.type() == Token::MINUS)
return ExecuteMinus(op_node, std::move(left_value), right_value, err);
if (op.type() == Token::PLUS) {
return ExecutePlus(op_node, std::move(left_value), std::move(right_value),
true, err);
// Comparisons.
if (op.type() == Token::EQUAL_EQUAL)
return ExecuteEqualsEquals(scope, op_node, left_value, right_value, err);
if (op.type() == Token::NOT_EQUAL)
return ExecuteNotEquals(scope, op_node, left_value, right_value, err);
if (op.type() == Token::GREATER_EQUAL)
return ExecuteGreaterEquals(scope, op_node, left_value, right_value, err);
if (op.type() == Token::LESS_EQUAL)
return ExecuteLessEquals(scope, op_node, left_value, right_value, err);
if (op.type() == Token::GREATER_THAN)
return ExecuteGreater(scope, op_node, left_value, right_value, err);
if (op.type() == Token::LESS_THAN)
return ExecuteLess(scope, op_node, left_value, right_value, err);
return Value();