2018-02-02 05:49:39 -05:00

193 lines
6 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/tools/quic/quic_packet_reader.h"
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef __APPLE__
// This is a GNU header that is not present in /usr/include on MacOS
#include <features.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
#include "net/tools/quic/platform/impl/quic_socket_utils.h"
#include "net/tools/quic/quic_dispatcher.h"
#include "net/tools/quic/quic_process_packet_interface.h"
#ifndef SO_RXQ_OVFL
#define SO_RXQ_OVFL 40
namespace net {
QuicPacketReader::QuicPacketReader() {
void QuicPacketReader::Initialize() {
// Zero initialize uninitialized memory.
memset(mmsg_hdr_, 0, sizeof(mmsg_hdr_));
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPacketsPerReadMmsgCall; ++i) {
packets_[i].iov.iov_base = packets_[i].buf;
packets_[i].iov.iov_len = kMaxPacketSize;
memset(&packets_[i].raw_address, 0, sizeof(packets_[i].raw_address));
memset(packets_[i].cbuf, 0, sizeof(packets_[i].cbuf));
memset(packets_[i].buf, 0, sizeof(packets_[i].buf));
msghdr* hdr = &mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_hdr;
hdr->msg_name = &packets_[i].raw_address;
hdr->msg_namelen = sizeof(sockaddr_storage);
hdr->msg_iov = &packets_[i].iov;
hdr->msg_iovlen = 1;
hdr->msg_control = packets_[i].cbuf;
hdr->msg_controllen = QuicSocketUtils::kSpaceForCmsg;
QuicPacketReader::~QuicPacketReader() = default;
bool QuicPacketReader::ReadAndDispatchPackets(
int fd,
int port,
const QuicClock& clock,
ProcessPacketInterface* processor,
QuicPacketCount* packets_dropped) {
return ReadAndDispatchManyPackets(fd, port, clock, processor,
return ReadAndDispatchSinglePacket(fd, port, clock, processor,
bool QuicPacketReader::ReadAndDispatchManyPackets(
int fd,
int port,
const QuicClock& clock,
ProcessPacketInterface* processor,
QuicPacketCount* packets_dropped) {
// Re-set the length fields in case recvmmsg has changed them.
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPacketsPerReadMmsgCall; ++i) {
DCHECK_EQ(kMaxPacketSize, packets_[i].iov.iov_len);
msghdr* hdr = &mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_hdr;
hdr->msg_namelen = sizeof(sockaddr_storage);
DCHECK_EQ(1, hdr->msg_iovlen);
hdr->msg_controllen = QuicSocketUtils::kSpaceForCmsg;
int packets_read =
recvmmsg(fd, mmsg_hdr_, kNumPacketsPerReadMmsgCall, 0, nullptr);
if (packets_read <= 0) {
return false; // recvmmsg failed.
QuicWallTime fallback_walltimestamp = QuicWallTime::Zero();
for (int i = 0; i < packets_read; ++i) {
if (mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_len == 0) {
if (mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_hdr.msg_controllen >= QuicSocketUtils::kSpaceForCmsg) {
QUIC_BUG << "Incorrectly set control length: "
<< mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_hdr.msg_controllen << ", expected "
<< QuicSocketUtils::kSpaceForCmsg;
QuicSocketAddress client_address =
QuicIpAddress server_ip;
QuicWallTime packet_walltimestamp = QuicWallTime::Zero();
&mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_hdr, &server_ip, &packet_walltimestamp);
if (!server_ip.IsInitialized()) {
QUIC_BUG << "Unable to get server address.";
// This isn't particularly desirable, but not all platforms support socket
// timestamping.
if (packet_walltimestamp.IsZero()) {
if (fallback_walltimestamp.IsZero()) {
fallback_walltimestamp = clock.WallNow();
packet_walltimestamp = fallback_walltimestamp;
QuicTime timestamp = clock.ConvertWallTimeToQuicTime(packet_walltimestamp);
int ttl = 0;
bool has_ttl =
QuicSocketUtils::GetTtlFromMsghdr(&mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_hdr, &ttl);
QuicReceivedPacket packet(reinterpret_cast<char*>(packets_[i].iov.iov_base),
mmsg_hdr_[i].msg_len, timestamp, false, ttl,
QuicSocketAddress server_address(server_ip, port);
processor->ProcessPacket(server_address, client_address, packet);
if (packets_dropped != nullptr) {
// We may not have read all of the packets available on the socket.
return packets_read == kNumPacketsPerReadMmsgCall;
QUIC_LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported";
return false;
/* static */
bool QuicPacketReader::ReadAndDispatchSinglePacket(
int fd,
int port,
const QuicClock& clock,
ProcessPacketInterface* processor,
QuicPacketCount* packets_dropped) {
char buf[kMaxPacketSize];
QuicSocketAddress client_address;
QuicIpAddress server_ip;
QuicWallTime walltimestamp = QuicWallTime::Zero();
int bytes_read =
QuicSocketUtils::ReadPacket(fd, buf, arraysize(buf), packets_dropped,
&server_ip, &walltimestamp, &client_address);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
return false; // ReadPacket failed.
if (!server_ip.IsInitialized()) {
QUIC_BUG << "Unable to get server address.";
return false;
// This isn't particularly desirable, but not all platforms support socket
// timestamping.
if (walltimestamp.IsZero()) {
walltimestamp = clock.WallNow();
QuicTime timestamp = clock.ConvertWallTimeToQuicTime(walltimestamp);
QuicReceivedPacket packet(buf, bytes_read, timestamp, false);
QuicSocketAddress server_address(server_ip, port);
processor->ProcessPacket(server_address, client_address, packet);
// The socket read was successful, so return true even if packet dispatch
// failed.
return true;
} // namespace net