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// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
#include "base/message_loop/watchable_io_message_pump_posix.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include <deque>
#include <optional>
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
namespace base {
// Use poll() rather than epoll().
// Why? epoll() is supposed to be strictly better. But it has one consequence
// we don't necessarily want: when writing to a AF_UNIX socket, the kernel
// will wake up the waiter with a "sync" wakeup. The concept of a "sync"
// wakeup has various consequences, but on Android it tends to bias the
// scheduler towards a "baton passing" mode, where the current thread yields
// its CPU to the target. This is desirable to lower latency.
// However, when using epoll_wait(), the "sync" flag is dropped from the
// wakeup path. This is not the case with poll(). So let's use it to preserve
// this behavior.
// Caveat: Since both we and the kernel need to walk the list of all fds at
// every call, don't do it when we have too many FDs.
// A MessagePump implementation suitable for I/O message loops on Linux-based
// systems with epoll API support.
class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpEpoll : public MessagePump,
public WatchableIOMessagePumpPosix {
class Interest;
struct InterestParams;
// Object which FD-watching clients must keep alive to continue watching
// their FD. See WatchFileDescriptor() below.
class FdWatchController : public FdWatchControllerInterface {
explicit FdWatchController(const Location& from_here);
FdWatchController(const FdWatchController&) = delete;
FdWatchController& operator=(const FdWatchController&) = delete;
// Implicitly calls StopWatchingFileDescriptor.
~FdWatchController() override;
// FdWatchControllerInterface:
bool StopWatchingFileDescriptor() override;
friend class MessagePumpEpoll;
friend class MessagePumpEpollTest;
void set_watcher(FdWatcher* watcher) { watcher_ = watcher; }
void set_pump(WeakPtr<MessagePumpEpoll> pump) { pump_ = std::move(pump); }
const scoped_refptr<Interest>& interest() const { return interest_; }
// Creates a new Interest described by `params` and adopts it as this
// controller's exclusive interest. Any prior interest is dropped by the
// controller and should be unregistered on the MessagePumpEpoll.
const scoped_refptr<Interest>& AssignInterest(const InterestParams& params);
void ClearInterest();
void OnFdReadable();
void OnFdWritable();
raw_ptr<FdWatcher> watcher_ = nullptr;
// If this pointer is non-null when the FdWatchController is destroyed, the
// pointee is set to true.
raw_ptr<bool> was_destroyed_ = nullptr;
WeakPtr<MessagePumpEpoll> pump_;
scoped_refptr<Interest> interest_;
MessagePumpEpoll(const MessagePumpEpoll&) = delete;
MessagePumpEpoll& operator=(const MessagePumpEpoll&) = delete;
~MessagePumpEpoll() override;
// Initializes features for this class. See `base::features::Init()`.
static void InitializeFeatures();
// Starts watching `fd` for events as prescribed by `mode` (see
// WatchableIOMessagePumpPosix). When an event occurs, `watcher` is notified.
// If `persistent` is false, the watch only persists until a matching event
// is observed, and `watcher` will only see at most one event; otherwise it
// remains active until explicitly cancelled and `watcher` may see multiple
// events over time.
// The watch can be cancelled at any time by destroying the `controller` or
// explicitly calling StopWatchingFileDescriptor() on it.
// IMPORTANT: `fd` MUST remain open as long as controller is alive and not
// stopped. If `fd` is closed while the watch is still active, this will
// result in memory bugs.
bool WatchFileDescriptor(int fd,
bool persistent,
int mode,
FdWatchController* controller,
FdWatcher* watcher);
// MessagePump methods:
void Run(Delegate* delegate) override;
void Quit() override;
void ScheduleWork() override;
void ScheduleDelayedWork(
const Delegate::NextWorkInfo& next_work_info) override;
friend class MessagePumpEpollTest;
// The WatchFileDescriptor API supports multiple FdWatchControllers watching
// the same file descriptor, potentially for different events; but the epoll
// API only supports a single interest list entry per unique file descriptor.
// EpollEventEntry tracks all epoll state relevant to a single file
// descriptor, including references to all active and inactive Interests
// concerned with that descriptor. This is used to derive a single aggregate
// interest entry for the descriptor when manipulating epoll.
struct EpollEventEntry {
explicit EpollEventEntry(int fd);
EpollEventEntry(const EpollEventEntry&) = delete;
EpollEventEntry& operator=(const EpollEventEntry&) = delete;
static EpollEventEntry& FromEpollEvent(epoll_event& e) {
return *static_cast<EpollEventEntry*>(e.data.ptr);
// Returns the combined set of epoll event flags which should be monitored
// by the epoll instance for `fd`. This is based on a combination of the
// parameters of all currently active elements in `interests`. Namely:
// - EPOLLIN is set if any active Interest wants to `read`.
// - EPOLLOUT is set if any active Interest wants to `write`.
// - EPOLLONESHOT is set if all active Interests are one-shot.
uint32_t ComputeActiveEvents() const;
// The file descriptor to which this entry pertains.
const int fd;
// A cached copy of the last known epoll event bits registered for this
// descriptor on the epoll instance.
uint32_t registered_events = 0;
// A collection of all the interests regarding `fd` on this message pump.
// The small amount of inline storage avoids heap allocation in virtually
// all real scenarios, since there's little practical value in having more
// than two controllers (e.g. one reader and one writer) watch the same
// descriptor on the same thread.
absl::InlinedVector<scoped_refptr<Interest>, 2> interests;
// Temporary pointer to an active epoll_event structure which refers to
// this entry. This is set immediately upon returning from epoll_wait() and
// cleared again immediately before dispatching to any registered interests,
// so long as this entry isn't destroyed in the interim.
raw_ptr<epoll_event> active_event = nullptr;
// If the file descriptor is disconnected and no active `interests`, remove
// it from the epoll interest list to avoid unconditionally epoll_wait
// return, and prevent any future update on this `EpollEventEntry`.
bool stopped = false;
struct EpollHistory {
base::debug::StackTrace stack_trace;
std::optional<epoll_event> event;
static constexpr ssize_t kEpollHistoryWindowSize = 5;
std::deque<EpollHistory> epoll_history_;
void PushEpollHistory(std::optional<epoll_event> event) {
EpollHistory info = {.stack_trace = base::debug::StackTrace(),
.event = event};
if (epoll_history_.size() > kEpollHistoryWindowSize) {
// State which lives on the stack within Run(), to support nested run loops.
struct RunState {
explicit RunState(Delegate* delegate) : delegate(delegate) {}
// RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION: Performance reasons (based on analysis of sampling
// profiler data and tab_search:top100:2020).
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION Delegate* const delegate;
// Used to flag that the current Run() invocation should return ASAP.
bool should_quit = false;
void AddEpollEvent(EpollEventEntry& entry);
void UpdateEpollEvent(EpollEventEntry& entry);
void StopEpollEvent(EpollEventEntry& entry);
void UnregisterInterest(const scoped_refptr<Interest>& interest);
bool WaitForEpollEvents(TimeDelta timeout);
bool GetEventsPoll(int epoll_timeout, std::vector<epoll_event>* epoll_events);
void OnEpollEvent(EpollEventEntry& entry, uint32_t events);
void HandleEvent(int fd,
bool can_read,
bool can_write,
FdWatchController* controller);
void HandleWakeUp();
void BeginNativeWorkBatch();
void RecordPeriodicMetrics();
std::vector<struct pollfd>::iterator FindPollEntry(int fd);
void RemovePollEntry(int fd);
// Null if Run() is not currently executing. Otherwise it's a pointer into the
// stack of the innermost nested Run() invocation.
raw_ptr<RunState> run_state_ = nullptr;
// This flag is set when starting to process native work; reset after every
// `DoWork()` call. See crbug.com/1500295.
bool native_work_started_ = false;
// Mapping of all file descriptors currently watched by this message pump.
// std::map was chosen because (1) the number of elements can vary widely,
// (2) we don't do frequent lookups, and (3) values need stable addresses
// across insertion or removal of other elements.
std::map<int, EpollEventEntry> entries_;
// pollfd array passed to poll() when not using epoll.
std::vector<struct pollfd> pollfds_;
// The epoll instance used by this message pump to monitor file descriptors.
ScopedFD epoll_;
// An eventfd object used to wake the pump's thread when scheduling new work.
ScopedFD wake_event_;
// Tracks when we should next record periodic metrics.
base::TimeTicks next_metrics_time_;
// WatchFileDescriptor() must be called from this thread, and so must
// FdWatchController::StopWatchingFileDescriptor().
WeakPtrFactory<MessagePumpEpoll> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace base