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// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/values.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <ostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bit_cast.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/checked_iterators.h"
#include "base/containers/cxx20_erase_vector.h"
#include "base/cxx17_backports.h"
#include "base/cxx20_to_address.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
#include "base/tracing_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h" // no-presubmit-check
namespace base {
namespace {
const char* const kTypeNames[] = {"null", "boolean", "integer", "double",
"string", "binary", "dictionary", "list"};
static_assert(std::size(kTypeNames) ==
static_cast<size_t>(Value::Type::LIST) + 1,
"kTypeNames Has Wrong Size");
// Helper class to enumerate the path components from a StringPiece
// without performing heap allocations. Components are simply separated
// by single dots (e.g. "foo.bar.baz" -> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]).
// Usage example:
// PathSplitter splitter(some_path);
// while (splitter.HasNext()) {
// StringPiece component = splitter.Next();
// ...
// }
class PathSplitter {
explicit PathSplitter(StringPiece path) : path_(path) {}
bool HasNext() const { return pos_ < path_.size(); }
StringPiece Next() {
size_t start = pos_;
size_t pos = path_.find('.', start);
size_t end;
if (pos == path_.npos) {
end = path_.size();
pos_ = end;
} else {
end = pos;
pos_ = pos + 1;
return path_.substr(start, end - start);
StringPiece path_;
size_t pos_ = 0;
std::string DebugStringImpl(ValueView value) {
std::string json;
JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(value, JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &json);
return json;
} // namespace
// A helper used to provide templated functions for cloning to Value, and
// ValueView. This private class is used so the cloning method may have access
// to the special private constructors in Value, created specifically for
// cloning.
class Value::CloningHelper {
// This set of overloads are used to unwrap the reference wrappers, which are
// presented when cloning a ValueView.
template <typename T>
static const T& UnwrapReference(std::reference_wrapper<const T> value) {
return value.get();
template <typename T>
static const T& UnwrapReference(const T& value) {
return value;
// Returns a new Value object using the contents of the |storage| variant.
template <typename Storage>
static Value Clone(const Storage& storage) {
return absl::visit(
[](const auto& member) {
const auto& value = UnwrapReference(member);
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(value)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Value::Dict> ||
std::is_same_v<T, Value::List>) {
return Value(value.Clone());
} else {
return Value(value);
// static
Value Value::FromUniquePtrValue(std::unique_ptr<Value> val) {
return std::move(*val);
// static
std::unique_ptr<Value> Value::ToUniquePtrValue(Value val) {
return std::make_unique<Value>(std::move(val));
// static
const DictionaryValue& Value::AsDictionaryValue(const Value& val) {
return static_cast<const DictionaryValue&>(val);
// static
const ListValue& Value::AsListValue(const Value& val) {
return static_cast<const ListValue&>(val);
Value::Value() noexcept = default;
Value::Value(Value&&) noexcept = default;
Value& Value::operator=(Value&&) noexcept = default;
Value::Value(Type type) {
// Initialize with the default value.
switch (type) {
case Type::NONE:
case Type::BOOLEAN:
case Type::INTEGER:
case Type::DOUBLE:
case Type::STRING:
case Type::BINARY:
case Type::DICTIONARY:
case Type::LIST:
Value::Value(bool value) : data_(value) {}
Value::Value(int value) : data_(value) {}
Value::Value(double value)
: data_(absl::in_place_type_t<DoubleStorage>(), value) {}
Value::Value(StringPiece value) : Value(std::string(value)) {}
Value::Value(StringPiece16 value) : Value(UTF16ToUTF8(value)) {}
Value::Value(const char* value) : Value(std::string(value)) {}
Value::Value(const char16_t* value) : Value(UTF16ToUTF8(value)) {}
Value::Value(std::string&& value) noexcept : data_(std::move(value)) {
Value::Value(const std::vector<char>& value)
: data_(absl::in_place_type_t<BlobStorage>(), value.begin(), value.end()) {}
Value::Value(base::span<const uint8_t> value)
: data_(absl::in_place_type_t<BlobStorage>(), value.size()) {
// This is 100x faster than using the "range" constructor for a 512k blob:
// crbug.com/1343636
ranges::copy(value, absl::get<BlobStorage>(data_).data());
Value::Value(BlobStorage&& value) noexcept : data_(std::move(value)) {}
Value::Value(Dict&& value) noexcept : data_(std::move(value)) {}
Value::Value(List&& value) noexcept : data_(std::move(value)) {}
Value::Value(const LegacyDictStorage& storage)
: data_(absl::in_place_type_t<Dict>()) {
for (const auto& it : storage) {
dict().try_emplace(dict().end(), it.first,
Value::Value(LegacyDictStorage&& storage) noexcept
: data_(absl::in_place_type_t<Dict>()) {
dict() = std::move(storage);
Value::Value(absl::monostate) {}
Value::Value(DoubleStorage storage) : data_(std::move(storage)) {}
Value::DoubleStorage::DoubleStorage(double v) : v_(bit_cast<decltype(v_)>(v)) {
if (!std::isfinite(v)) {
NOTREACHED() << "Non-finite (i.e. NaN or positive/negative infinity) "
<< "values cannot be represented in JSON";
v_ = bit_cast<decltype(v_)>(0.0);
Value Value::Clone() const {
return CloningHelper::Clone(data_);
Value::~Value() = default;
// static
const char* Value::GetTypeName(Value::Type type) {
DCHECK_GE(static_cast<int>(type), 0);
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(type), std::size(kTypeNames));
return kTypeNames[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
absl::optional<bool> Value::GetIfBool() const {
return is_bool() ? absl::make_optional(GetBool()) : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<int> Value::GetIfInt() const {
return is_int() ? absl::make_optional(GetInt()) : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<double> Value::GetIfDouble() const {
return (is_int() || is_double()) ? absl::make_optional(GetDouble())
: absl::nullopt;
const std::string* Value::GetIfString() const {
return absl::get_if<std::string>(&data_);
std::string* Value::GetIfString() {
return absl::get_if<std::string>(&data_);
const Value::BlobStorage* Value::GetIfBlob() const {
return absl::get_if<BlobStorage>(&data_);
const Value::Dict* Value::GetIfDict() const {
return absl::get_if<Dict>(&data_);
Value::Dict* Value::GetIfDict() {
return absl::get_if<Dict>(&data_);
const Value::List* Value::GetIfList() const {
return absl::get_if<List>(&data_);
Value::List* Value::GetIfList() {
return absl::get_if<List>(&data_);
bool Value::GetBool() const {
return absl::get<bool>(data_);
int Value::GetInt() const {
return absl::get<int>(data_);
double Value::GetDouble() const {
if (is_double())
return absl::get<DoubleStorage>(data_);
if (is_int())
return GetInt();
return 0.0;
const std::string& Value::GetString() const {
return absl::get<std::string>(data_);
std::string& Value::GetString() {
return absl::get<std::string>(data_);
const Value::BlobStorage& Value::GetBlob() const {
return absl::get<BlobStorage>(data_);
const Value::Dict& Value::GetDict() const {
return absl::get<Dict>(data_);
Value::Dict& Value::GetDict() {
return absl::get<Dict>(data_);
const Value::List& Value::GetList() const {
return absl::get<List>(data_);
Value::List& Value::GetList() {
return absl::get<List>(data_);
std::string Value::TakeString() && {
return std::move(GetString());
Value::Dict Value::TakeDict() && {
return std::move(GetDict());
Value::List Value::TakeList() && {
return std::move(GetList());
Value::Dict::Dict() = default;
Value::Dict::Dict(Dict&&) noexcept = default;
Value::Dict& Value::Dict::operator=(Dict&&) noexcept = default;
Value::Dict::~Dict() = default;
bool Value::Dict::empty() const {
return storage_.empty();
size_t Value::Dict::size() const {
return storage_.size();
Value::Dict::iterator Value::Dict::begin() {
return iterator(storage_.begin());
Value::Dict::const_iterator Value::Dict::begin() const {
return const_iterator(storage_.begin());
Value::Dict::const_iterator Value::Dict::cbegin() const {
return const_iterator(storage_.cbegin());
Value::Dict::iterator Value::Dict::end() {
return iterator(storage_.end());
Value::Dict::const_iterator Value::Dict::end() const {
return const_iterator(storage_.end());
Value::Dict::const_iterator Value::Dict::cend() const {
return const_iterator(storage_.cend());
bool Value::Dict::contains(base::StringPiece key) const {
return storage_.contains(key);
void Value::Dict::clear() {
return storage_.clear();
Value::Dict::iterator Value::Dict::erase(iterator pos) {
return iterator(storage_.erase(pos.GetUnderlyingIteratorDoNotUse()));
Value::Dict::iterator Value::Dict::erase(const_iterator pos) {
return iterator(storage_.erase(pos.GetUnderlyingIteratorDoNotUse()));
Value::Dict Value::Dict::Clone() const {
return Dict(storage_);
void Value::Dict::Merge(Dict dict) {
for (const auto [key, value] : dict) {
if (Dict* nested_dict = value.GetIfDict()) {
if (Dict* current_dict = FindDict(key)) {
// If `key` is a nested dictionary in this dictionary and the dictionary
// being merged, recursively merge the two dictionaries.
// Otherwise, unconditionally set the value, overwriting any value that may
// already be associated with the key.
Set(key, std::move(value));
const Value* Value::Dict::Find(StringPiece key) const {
auto it = storage_.find(key);
return it != storage_.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr;
Value* Value::Dict::Find(StringPiece key) {
auto it = storage_.find(key);
return it != storage_.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr;
absl::optional<bool> Value::Dict::FindBool(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfBool() : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<int> Value::Dict::FindInt(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfInt() : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<double> Value::Dict::FindDouble(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfDouble() : absl::nullopt;
const std::string* Value::Dict::FindString(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfString() : nullptr;
std::string* Value::Dict::FindString(StringPiece key) {
Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfString() : nullptr;
const Value::BlobStorage* Value::Dict::FindBlob(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfBlob() : nullptr;
const Value::Dict* Value::Dict::FindDict(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfDict() : nullptr;
Value::Dict* Value::Dict::FindDict(StringPiece key) {
Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfDict() : nullptr;
const Value::List* Value::Dict::FindList(StringPiece key) const {
const Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfList() : nullptr;
Value::List* Value::Dict::FindList(StringPiece key) {
Value* v = Find(key);
return v ? v->GetIfList() : nullptr;
Value::Dict* Value::Dict::EnsureDict(StringPiece key) {
Value::Dict* dict = FindDict(key);
if (dict)
return dict;
return &Set(key, base::Value::Dict())->GetDict();
Value::List* Value::Dict::EnsureList(StringPiece key) {
Value::List* list = FindList(key);
if (list)
return list;
return &Set(key, base::Value::List())->GetList();
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, Value&& value) {
auto wrapped_value = std::make_unique<Value>(std::move(value));
auto* raw_value = wrapped_value.get();
storage_.insert_or_assign(key, std::move(wrapped_value));
return raw_value;
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, bool value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, int value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, double value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, StringPiece value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, StringPiece16 value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, const char* value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, const char16_t* value) {
return Set(key, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, std::string&& value) {
return Set(key, Value(std::move(value)));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, BlobStorage&& value) {
return Set(key, Value(std::move(value)));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, Dict&& value) {
return Set(key, Value(std::move(value)));
Value* Value::Dict::Set(StringPiece key, List&& value) {
return Set(key, Value(std::move(value)));
bool Value::Dict::Remove(StringPiece key) {
return storage_.erase(key) > 0;
absl::optional<Value> Value::Dict::Extract(StringPiece key) {
auto it = storage_.find(key);
if (it == storage_.end())
return absl::nullopt;
Value v = std::move(*it->second);
return v;
const Value* Value::Dict::FindByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
const Dict* current_dict = this;
const Value* current_value = nullptr;
PathSplitter splitter(path);
while (true) {
current_value = current_dict->Find(splitter.Next());
if (!splitter.HasNext()) {
return current_value;
if (!current_value) {
return nullptr;
current_dict = current_value->GetIfDict();
if (!current_dict) {
return nullptr;
Value* Value::Dict::FindByDottedPath(StringPiece path) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindByDottedPath(path));
absl::optional<bool> Value::Dict::FindBoolByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfBool() : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<int> Value::Dict::FindIntByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfInt() : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<double> Value::Dict::FindDoubleByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfDouble() : absl::nullopt;
const std::string* Value::Dict::FindStringByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfString() : nullptr;
std::string* Value::Dict::FindStringByDottedPath(StringPiece path) {
Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfString() : nullptr;
const Value::BlobStorage* Value::Dict::FindBlobByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfBlob() : nullptr;
const Value::Dict* Value::Dict::FindDictByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfDict() : nullptr;
Value::Dict* Value::Dict::FindDictByDottedPath(StringPiece path) {
Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfDict() : nullptr;
const Value::List* Value::Dict::FindListByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
const Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfList() : nullptr;
Value::List* Value::Dict::FindListByDottedPath(StringPiece path) {
Value* v = FindByDottedPath(path);
return v ? v->GetIfList() : nullptr;
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, Value&& value) {
Dict* current_dict = this;
Value* current_value = nullptr;
PathSplitter splitter(path);
while (true) {
StringPiece next_key = splitter.Next();
if (!splitter.HasNext()) {
return current_dict->Set(next_key, std::move(value));
// This could be clever to avoid a double-lookup via use of lower_bound(),
// but for now, just implement it the most straightforward way.
current_value = current_dict->Find(next_key);
if (current_value) {
// Unlike the legacy DictionaryValue API, encountering an intermediate
// node that is not a `Value::Type::DICT` is an error.
current_dict = current_value->GetIfDict();
if (!current_dict) {
return nullptr;
} else {
current_dict = ¤t_dict->Set(next_key, Dict())->GetDict();
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, bool value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, int value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, double value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, StringPiece value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, StringPiece16 value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, const char* value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, const char16_t* value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(value));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, std::string&& value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(std::move(value)));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, BlobStorage&& value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(std::move(value)));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, Dict&& value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(std::move(value)));
Value* Value::Dict::SetByDottedPath(StringPiece path, List&& value) {
return SetByDottedPath(path, Value(std::move(value)));
bool Value::Dict::RemoveByDottedPath(StringPiece path) {
return ExtractByDottedPath(path).has_value();
absl::optional<Value> Value::Dict::ExtractByDottedPath(StringPiece path) {
// Use recursion instead of PathSplitter here, as it simplifies code for
// removing dictionaries that become empty if a value matching `path` is
// extracted.
size_t dot_index = path.find('.');
if (dot_index == StringPiece::npos) {
return Extract(path);
// This could be clever to avoid a double-lookup by using storage_ directly,
// but for now, just implement it in the most straightforward way.
StringPiece next_key = path.substr(0, dot_index);
auto* next_dict = FindDict(next_key);
if (!next_dict) {
return absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<Value> extracted =
next_dict->ExtractByDottedPath(path.substr(dot_index + 1));
if (extracted && next_dict->empty()) {
return extracted;
std::string Value::Dict::DebugString() const {
return DebugStringImpl(*this);
void Value::Dict::WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) const {
perfetto::TracedDictionary dict = std::move(context).WriteDictionary();
for (auto kv : *this) {
dict.Add(perfetto::DynamicString(kv.first), kv.second);
const flat_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Value>>& storage) {
for (const auto& [key, value] : storage) {
Set(key, value->Clone());
bool operator==(const Value::Dict& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
auto deref_2nd = [](const auto& p) { return std::tie(p.first, *p.second); };
return ranges::equal(lhs.storage_, rhs.storage_, {}, deref_2nd, deref_2nd);
bool operator!=(const Value::Dict& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool operator<(const Value::Dict& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
auto deref_2nd = [](const auto& p) { return std::tie(p.first, *p.second); };
return ranges::lexicographical_compare(lhs.storage_, rhs.storage_, {},
deref_2nd, deref_2nd);
bool operator>(const Value::Dict& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
return rhs < lhs;
bool operator<=(const Value::Dict& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
return !(rhs < lhs);
bool operator>=(const Value::Dict& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
return !(lhs < rhs);
Value::List::List() = default;
Value::List::List(List&&) noexcept = default;
Value::List& Value::List::operator=(List&&) noexcept = default;
Value::List::~List() = default;
bool Value::List::empty() const {
return storage_.empty();
size_t Value::List::size() const {
return storage_.size();
Value::List::iterator Value::List::begin() {
return iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
Value::List::const_iterator Value::List::begin() const {
return const_iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
Value::List::const_iterator Value::List::cbegin() const {
return const_iterator(base::to_address(storage_.cbegin()),
Value::List::iterator Value::List::end() {
return iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
Value::List::const_iterator Value::List::end() const {
return const_iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
Value::List::const_iterator Value::List::cend() const {
return const_iterator(base::to_address(storage_.cbegin()),
const Value& Value::List::front() const {
return storage_.front();
Value& Value::List::front() {
return storage_.front();
const Value& Value::List::back() const {
return storage_.back();
Value& Value::List::back() {
return storage_.back();
void Value::List::reserve(size_t capacity) {
const Value& Value::List::operator[](size_t index) const {
CHECK_LT(index, storage_.size());
return storage_[index];
Value& Value::List::operator[](size_t index) {
CHECK_LT(index, storage_.size());
return storage_[index];
void Value::List::clear() {
Value::List::iterator Value::List::erase(iterator pos) {
auto next_it = storage_.erase(storage_.begin() + (pos - begin()));
return iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()), base::to_address(next_it),
Value::List::const_iterator Value::List::erase(const_iterator pos) {
auto next_it = storage_.erase(storage_.begin() + (pos - begin()));
return const_iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
Value::List::iterator Value::List::erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
auto next_it = storage_.erase(storage_.begin() + (first - begin()),
storage_.begin() + (last - begin()));
return iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()), base::to_address(next_it),
Value::List::const_iterator Value::List::erase(const_iterator first,
const_iterator last) {
auto next_it = storage_.erase(storage_.begin() + (first - begin()),
storage_.begin() + (last - begin()));
return const_iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
Value::List Value::List::Clone() const {
return List(storage_);
void Value::List::Append(Value&& value) {
void Value::List::Append(bool value) {
void Value::List::Append(int value) {
void Value::List::Append(double value) {
void Value::List::Append(StringPiece value) {
void Value::List::Append(StringPiece16 value) {
void Value::List::Append(const char* value) {
void Value::List::Append(const char16_t* value) {
void Value::List::Append(std::string&& value) {
void Value::List::Append(BlobStorage&& value) {
void Value::List::Append(Dict&& value) {
void Value::List::Append(List&& value) {
Value::List::iterator Value::List::Insert(const_iterator pos, Value&& value) {
auto inserted_it =
storage_.insert(storage_.begin() + (pos - begin()), std::move(value));
return iterator(base::to_address(storage_.begin()),
size_t Value::List::EraseValue(const Value& value) {
return Erase(storage_, value);
std::string Value::List::DebugString() const {
return DebugStringImpl(*this);
void Value::List::WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) const {
perfetto::TracedArray array = std::move(context).WriteArray();
for (const auto& item : *this) {
Value::List::List(const std::vector<Value>& storage) {
for (const auto& value : storage) {
bool operator==(const Value::List& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return lhs.storage_ == rhs.storage_;
bool operator!=(const Value::List& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool operator<(const Value::List& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return lhs.storage_ < rhs.storage_;
bool operator>(const Value::List& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return rhs < lhs;
bool operator<=(const Value::List& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return !(rhs < lhs);
bool operator>=(const Value::List& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return !(lhs < rhs);
Value::ListView Value::GetListDeprecated() {
return list();
Value::ConstListView Value::GetListDeprecated() const {
return list();
void Value::Append(bool value) {
void Value::Append(int value) {
void Value::Append(double value) {
void Value::Append(const char* value) {
void Value::Append(StringPiece value) {
void Value::Append(std::string&& value) {
void Value::Append(StringPiece16 value) {
void Value::Append(Value&& value) {
void Value::ClearList() {
Value* Value::FindKey(StringPiece key) {
return GetDict().Find(key);
const Value* Value::FindKey(StringPiece key) const {
return GetDict().Find(key);
Value* Value::FindKeyOfType(StringPiece key, Type type) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindKeyOfType(key, type));
const Value* Value::FindKeyOfType(StringPiece key, Type type) const {
const Value* result = FindKey(key);
if (!result || result->type() != type)
return nullptr;
return result;
absl::optional<bool> Value::FindBoolKey(StringPiece key) const {
return GetDict().FindBool(key);
absl::optional<int> Value::FindIntKey(StringPiece key) const {
return GetDict().FindInt(key);
absl::optional<double> Value::FindDoubleKey(StringPiece key) const {
return GetDict().FindDouble(key);
const std::string* Value::FindStringKey(StringPiece key) const {
return GetDict().FindString(key);
std::string* Value::FindStringKey(StringPiece key) {
return GetDict().FindString(key);
const Value::BlobStorage* Value::FindBlobKey(StringPiece key) const {
return GetDict().FindBlob(key);
const Value* Value::FindDictKey(StringPiece key) const {
return FindKeyOfType(key, Type::DICTIONARY);
Value* Value::FindDictKey(StringPiece key) {
return FindKeyOfType(key, Type::DICTIONARY);
const Value* Value::FindListKey(StringPiece key) const {
return FindKeyOfType(key, Type::LIST);
Value* Value::FindListKey(StringPiece key) {
return FindKeyOfType(key, Type::LIST);
Value* Value::SetKey(StringPiece key, Value&& value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, std::move(value));
Value* Value::SetBoolKey(StringPiece key, bool value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, value);
Value* Value::SetIntKey(StringPiece key, int value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, value);
Value* Value::SetDoubleKey(StringPiece key, double value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, value);
Value* Value::SetStringKey(StringPiece key, StringPiece value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, value);
Value* Value::SetStringKey(StringPiece key, StringPiece16 value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, value);
Value* Value::SetStringKey(StringPiece key, const char* value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, value);
Value* Value::SetStringKey(StringPiece key, std::string&& value) {
return GetDict().Set(key, std::move(value));
bool Value::RemoveKey(StringPiece key) {
return GetDict().Remove(key);
absl::optional<Value> Value::ExtractKey(StringPiece key) {
return GetDict().Extract(key);
Value* Value::FindPath(StringPiece path) {
return GetDict().FindByDottedPath(path);
const Value* Value::FindPath(StringPiece path) const {
return GetDict().FindByDottedPath(path);
const Value* Value::FindPathOfType(StringPiece path, Type type) const {
const Value* cur = FindPath(path);
if (!cur || cur->type() != type)
return nullptr;
return cur;
absl::optional<bool> Value::FindBoolPath(StringPiece path) const {
return GetDict().FindBoolByDottedPath(path);
absl::optional<int> Value::FindIntPath(StringPiece path) const {
return GetDict().FindIntByDottedPath(path);
absl::optional<double> Value::FindDoublePath(StringPiece path) const {
return GetDict().FindDoubleByDottedPath(path);
const std::string* Value::FindStringPath(StringPiece path) const {
return GetDict().FindStringByDottedPath(path);
std::string* Value::FindStringPath(StringPiece path) {
return GetDict().FindStringByDottedPath(path);
const Value* Value::FindDictPath(StringPiece path) const {
return FindPathOfType(path, Type::DICTIONARY);
Value* Value::FindDictPath(StringPiece path) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindDictPath(path));
const Value* Value::FindListPath(StringPiece path) const {
return FindPathOfType(path, Type::LIST);
Value* Value::FindListPath(StringPiece path) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindListPath(path));
Value* Value::SetPath(StringPiece path, Value&& value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, std::move(value));
Value* Value::SetBoolPath(StringPiece path, bool value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, value);
Value* Value::SetIntPath(StringPiece path, int value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, value);
Value* Value::SetDoublePath(StringPiece path, double value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, value);
Value* Value::SetStringPath(StringPiece path, StringPiece value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, value);
Value* Value::SetStringPath(StringPiece path, std::string&& value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, std::move(value));
Value* Value::SetStringPath(StringPiece path, const char* value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, value);
Value* Value::SetStringPath(StringPiece path, StringPiece16 value) {
return GetDict().SetByDottedPath(path, value);
bool Value::RemovePath(StringPiece path) {
return GetDict().RemoveByDottedPath(path);
Value* Value::FindPath(std::initializer_list<StringPiece> path) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindPath(path));
Value* Value::FindPath(span<const StringPiece> path) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindPath(path));
const Value* Value::FindPath(std::initializer_list<StringPiece> path) const {
DCHECK_GE(path.size(), 2u) << "Use FindKey() for a path of length 1.";
return FindPath(make_span(path.begin(), path.size()));
const Value* Value::FindPath(span<const StringPiece> path) const {
const Value* cur = this;
for (const StringPiece& component : path) {
if (!cur->is_dict() || (cur = cur->FindKey(component)) == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return cur;
Value* Value::FindPathOfType(std::initializer_list<StringPiece> path,
Type type) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindPathOfType(path, type));
Value* Value::FindPathOfType(span<const StringPiece> path, Type type) {
return const_cast<Value*>(std::as_const(*this).FindPathOfType(path, type));
const Value* Value::FindPathOfType(std::initializer_list<StringPiece> path,
Type type) const {
DCHECK_GE(path.size(), 2u) << "Use FindKeyOfType() for a path of length 1.";
return FindPathOfType(make_span(path.begin(), path.size()), type);
const Value* Value::FindPathOfType(span<const StringPiece> path,
Type type) const {
const Value* result = FindPath(path);
if (!result || result->type() != type)
return nullptr;
return result;
Value* Value::SetPath(std::initializer_list<StringPiece> path, Value&& value) {
DCHECK_GE(path.size(), 2u) << "Use SetKey() for a path of length 1.";
return SetPath(make_span(path.begin(), path.size()), std::move(value));
Value* Value::SetPath(span<const StringPiece> path, Value&& value) {
DCHECK(path.begin() != path.end()); // Can't be empty path.
// Walk/construct intermediate dictionaries. The last element requires
// special handling so skip it in this loop.
Value* cur = this;
auto cur_path = path.begin();
for (; (cur_path + 1) < path.end(); ++cur_path) {
if (!cur->is_dict())
return nullptr;
// Use lower_bound to avoid doing the search twice for missing keys.
const StringPiece path_component = *cur_path;
auto found = cur->dict().lower_bound(path_component);
if (found == cur->dict().end() || found->first != path_component) {
// No key found, insert one.
auto inserted = cur->dict().try_emplace(
found, path_component, std::make_unique<Value>(Type::DICTIONARY));
cur = inserted->second.get();
} else {
cur = found->second.get();
// "cur" will now contain the last dictionary to insert or replace into.
if (!cur->is_dict())
return nullptr;
return cur->SetKey(*cur_path, std::move(value));
Value::dict_iterator_proxy Value::DictItems() {
return dict_iterator_proxy(&dict());
Value::const_dict_iterator_proxy Value::DictItems() const {
return const_dict_iterator_proxy(&dict());
size_t Value::DictSize() const {
return GetDict().size();
bool Value::DictEmpty() const {
return GetDict().empty();
void Value::DictClear() {
void Value::MergeDictionary(const Value* dictionary) {
return GetDict().Merge(dictionary->GetDict().Clone());
bool Value::GetAsDictionary(DictionaryValue** out_value) {
if (out_value && is_dict()) {
*out_value = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(this);
return true;
return is_dict();
bool Value::GetAsDictionary(const DictionaryValue** out_value) const {
if (out_value && is_dict()) {
*out_value = static_cast<const DictionaryValue*>(this);
return true;
return is_dict();
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
return lhs.data_ == rhs.data_;
bool operator!=(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool operator<(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
return lhs.data_ < rhs.data_;
bool operator>(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
return rhs < lhs;
bool operator<=(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
return !(rhs < lhs);
bool operator>=(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
return !(lhs < rhs);
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, bool rhs) {
return lhs.is_bool() && lhs.GetBool() == rhs;
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, int rhs) {
return lhs.is_int() && lhs.GetInt() == rhs;
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, double rhs) {
return lhs.is_double() && lhs.GetDouble() == rhs;
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, StringPiece rhs) {
return lhs.is_string() && lhs.GetString() == rhs;
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, const Value::Dict& rhs) {
return lhs.is_dict() && lhs.GetDict() == rhs;
bool operator==(const Value& lhs, const Value::List& rhs) {
return lhs.is_list() && lhs.GetList() == rhs;
size_t Value::EstimateMemoryUsage() const {
switch (type()) {
case Type::STRING:
return base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(GetString());
case Type::BINARY:
return base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(GetBlob());
case Type::DICTIONARY:
return base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(dict());
case Type::LIST:
return base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(list());
return 0;
std::string Value::DebugString() const {
return DebugStringImpl(*this);
void Value::WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) const {
Visit([&](const auto& member) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(member)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, absl::monostate>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, int>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, DoubleStorage>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, std::string>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, BlobStorage>) {
std::move(context).WriteString("<binary data not supported>");
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Dict>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, List>) {
///////////////////// DictAdapterForMigration ////////////////////
const Value::Dict& dict) noexcept
: dict_(dict) {}
const DictionaryValue& dict) noexcept
: dict_(dict.GetDict()) {}
bool DictAdapterForMigration::empty() const {
return dict_->empty();
size_t DictAdapterForMigration::size() const {
return dict_->size();
DictAdapterForMigration::const_iterator DictAdapterForMigration::begin() const {
return dict_->begin();
DictAdapterForMigration::const_iterator DictAdapterForMigration::cbegin()
const {
return dict_->cbegin();
DictAdapterForMigration::const_iterator DictAdapterForMigration::end() const {
return dict_->end();
DictAdapterForMigration::const_iterator DictAdapterForMigration::cend() const {
return dict_->cend();
bool DictAdapterForMigration::contains(base::StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->contains(key);
Value::Dict DictAdapterForMigration::Clone() const {
return dict_->Clone();
const Value* DictAdapterForMigration::Find(StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->Find(key);
absl::optional<bool> DictAdapterForMigration::FindBool(StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindBool(key);
absl::optional<int> DictAdapterForMigration::FindInt(StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindInt(key);
absl::optional<double> DictAdapterForMigration::FindDouble(
StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindDouble(key);
const std::string* DictAdapterForMigration::FindString(StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindString(key);
const Value::BlobStorage* DictAdapterForMigration::FindBlob(
StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindBlob(key);
const Value::Dict* DictAdapterForMigration::FindDict(StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindDict(key);
const Value::List* DictAdapterForMigration::FindList(StringPiece key) const {
return dict_->FindList(key);
const Value* DictAdapterForMigration::FindByDottedPath(StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindByDottedPath(path);
absl::optional<bool> DictAdapterForMigration::FindBoolByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindBoolByDottedPath(path);
absl::optional<int> DictAdapterForMigration::FindIntByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindIntByDottedPath(path);
absl::optional<double> DictAdapterForMigration::FindDoubleByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindDoubleByDottedPath(path);
const std::string* DictAdapterForMigration::FindStringByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindStringByDottedPath(path);
const Value::BlobStorage* DictAdapterForMigration::FindBlobByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindBlobByDottedPath(path);
const Value::Dict* DictAdapterForMigration::FindDictByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindDictByDottedPath(path);
const Value::List* DictAdapterForMigration::FindListByDottedPath(
StringPiece path) const {
return dict_->FindListByDottedPath(path);
std::string DictAdapterForMigration::DebugString() const {
return dict_->DebugString();
void DictAdapterForMigration::WriteIntoTrace(
perfetto::TracedValue context) const {
return dict_->WriteIntoTrace(std::move(context));
const Value::Dict& DictAdapterForMigration::dict_for_test() const {
return *dict_;
///////////////////// DictionaryValue ////////////////////
// static
std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> DictionaryValue::From(
std::unique_ptr<Value> value) {
DictionaryValue* out;
if (value && value->GetAsDictionary(&out)) {
std::ignore = value.release();
return WrapUnique(out);
return nullptr;
DictionaryValue::DictionaryValue() : Value(Type::DICTIONARY) {}
DictionaryValue::DictionaryValue(const LegacyDictStorage& storage)
: Value(storage) {}
DictionaryValue::DictionaryValue(LegacyDictStorage&& storage) noexcept
: Value(std::move(storage)) {}
Value* DictionaryValue::Set(StringPiece path, std::unique_ptr<Value> in_value) {
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not replace with GetDict.SetByDottedPath() yet, because
// the latter fails when over-writing a non-dict intermediate node, while this
// method just replaces it with one. This difference makes some tests actually
// fail (http://crbug.com/949461).
StringPiece current_path(path);
Value* current_dictionary = this;
for (size_t delimiter_position = current_path.find('.');
delimiter_position != StringPiece::npos;
delimiter_position = current_path.find('.')) {
// Assume that we're indexing into a dictionary.
StringPiece key = current_path.substr(0, delimiter_position);
Value* child_dictionary =
current_dictionary->FindKeyOfType(key, Type::DICTIONARY);
if (!child_dictionary) {
child_dictionary =
current_dictionary->SetKey(key, Value(Type::DICTIONARY));
current_dictionary = child_dictionary;
current_path = current_path.substr(delimiter_position + 1);
// NOTE: We can't use |insert_or_assign| here, as only |try_emplace| does
// an explicit conversion from StringPiece to std::string if necessary.
auto result = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(current_dictionary)
.try_emplace(current_path, std::move(in_value));
if (!result.second) {
// in_value is guaranteed to be still intact at this point.
result.first->second = std::move(in_value);
return result.first->second.get();
Value* DictionaryValue::SetBoolean(StringPiece path, bool in_value) {
return Set(path, std::make_unique<Value>(in_value));
Value* DictionaryValue::SetInteger(StringPiece path, int in_value) {
return Set(path, std::make_unique<Value>(in_value));
Value* DictionaryValue::SetString(StringPiece path, StringPiece in_value) {
return Set(path, std::make_unique<Value>(in_value));
Value* DictionaryValue::SetString(StringPiece path,
const std::u16string& in_value) {
return Set(path, std::make_unique<Value>(in_value));
ListValue* DictionaryValue::SetList(StringPiece path,
std::unique_ptr<ListValue> in_value) {
return static_cast<ListValue*>(Set(path, std::move(in_value)));
bool DictionaryValue::Get(StringPiece path, const Value** out_value) const {
const Value* value = FindPath(path);
if (!value)
return false;
if (out_value)
*out_value = value;
return true;
bool DictionaryValue::Get(StringPiece path, Value** out_value) {
return std::as_const(*this).Get(path, const_cast<const Value**>(out_value));
bool DictionaryValue::GetInteger(StringPiece path, int* out_value) const {
const Value* value;
if (!Get(path, &value))
return false;
bool is_int = value->is_int();
if (is_int && out_value)
*out_value = value->GetInt();
return is_int;
bool DictionaryValue::GetString(StringPiece path,
std::string* out_value) const {
const Value* value;
if (!Get(path, &value))
return false;
const bool is_string = value->is_string();
if (is_string && out_value)
*out_value = value->GetString();
return is_string;
bool DictionaryValue::GetDictionary(StringPiece path,
const DictionaryValue** out_value) const {
const Value* value;
bool result = Get(path, &value);
if (!result || !value->is_dict())
return false;
if (out_value)
*out_value = static_cast<const DictionaryValue*>(value);
return true;
bool DictionaryValue::GetDictionary(StringPiece path,
DictionaryValue** out_value) {
return std::as_const(*this).GetDictionary(
path, const_cast<const DictionaryValue**>(out_value));
bool DictionaryValue::GetList(StringPiece path,
const ListValue** out_value) const {
const Value* value;
bool result = Get(path, &value);
if (!result || !value->is_list())
return false;
if (out_value)
*out_value = static_cast<const ListValue*>(value);
return true;
bool DictionaryValue::GetList(StringPiece path, ListValue** out_value) {
return std::as_const(*this).GetList(path,
const_cast<const ListValue**>(out_value));
void DictionaryValue::Swap(DictionaryValue* other) {
///////////////////// ListValue ////////////////////
// static
std::unique_ptr<ListValue> ListValue::From(std::unique_ptr<Value> value) {
if (value && value->is_list())
return WrapUnique(static_cast<ListValue*>(value.release()));
return nullptr;
ListValue::ListValue() : Value(Type::LIST) {}
void ListValue::Append(base::Value::Dict in_dict) {
void ListValue::Append(base::Value::List in_list) {
ValueView::ValueView(const Value& value)
: data_view_(
value.Visit([](const auto& member) { return ViewType(member); })) {}
Value ValueView::ToValue() const {
return Value::CloningHelper::Clone(data_view_);
ValueSerializer::~ValueSerializer() = default;
ValueDeserializer::~ValueDeserializer() = default;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Value& value) {
return out << value.DebugString();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Value::Dict& dict) {
return out << dict.DebugString();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Value::List& list) {
return out << list.DebugString();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Value::Type& type) {
if (static_cast<int>(type) < 0 ||
static_cast<size_t>(type) >= std::size(kTypeNames))
return out << "Invalid Type (index = " << static_cast<int>(type) << ")";
return out << Value::GetTypeName(type);
} // namespace base