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synced 2025-03-28 02:53:57 +03:00
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523 lines
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# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
cast_source_set("browser") {
sources = [
if (chromecast_branding == "public") {
sources += [
public_deps = [
deps = [
# TODO(gfhuang): Eliminate this dependency if ScreenInfoMetricsProvider
# isn't needed. crbug.com/541577
if (is_android) {
sources += [
deps += [
} else {
sources += [
deps += [
if (is_linux) {
sources += [
deps += [
if (use_aura) {
sources += [
if (!is_fuchsia) {
# TODO(crbug.com/753619): Enable crash reporting on Fuchsia.
deps += [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
if (enable_mojo_media) {
deps += [
if (enable_chromecast_extensions) {
sources += [
if (use_aura) {
sources += [
deps += [
configs += [ "//media/audio:platform_config" ]
# Lightweight target for Cast interfaces that wrap //content/public/browser.
# This target should only include interfaces which are required for unit tests.
cast_source_set("public") {
sources = [
# Need to expose this so that internal public_configs are propagated.
public_deps = [
deps = [
# This target generates an "overlay" interface spec, allowing the Cast build to
# declare specific behavior and requirements for the "content_browser" service.
# This is accomplished by generating a JSON file, which is packed into
# cast_shell.pak, and loaded at runtime. This can be used to host additional
# interfaces in "content_browser".
# NOTE: Do not add packaged_services here! packaged_services should instead be
# added to "cast_content_packaged_services_manifest_overlay" below or
# its internal counterpart. Please see that target for more details.
service_manifest("cast_content_browser_manifest_overlay") {
source = "cast_content_browser_manifest_overlay.json"
if (chromecast_branding != "public") {
overlays = [ "//chromecast/internal/shell/browser:cast_content_browser_internal_manifest_overlay" ]
# This target generates an "overlay" interface spec, allowing the Cast build to
# declare specific behavior and requirements for the "content_renderer" service.
# This is accomplished by generating a JSON file, which is packed into
# cast_shell.pak, and loaded at runtime. This can be used to host additional
# interfaces in "content_renderer".
service_manifest("cast_content_renderer_manifest_overlay") {
source = "cast_content_renderer_manifest_overlay.json"
# This target is for packaged services that will run in the main (browser)
# process. To host an embedded service, add the service's manifest target to the
# list of "packaged_services" in this target, like so:
# package_services += [ "//path/to/foo/service:foo_manifest" ]
# You must also register the "foo" service with the content client. See
# CastContentBrowserClient::RegisterInProcessServices() for details.
# NOTE: If your service's manifest is in chromecast/internal, do not add it
# here! Instead, add the service to the internal counterpart, which is
# referenced below.
service_manifest("cast_content_packaged_services_manifest_overlay") {
source = "cast_content_packaged_services_manifest_overlay.json"
packaged_services = [ "//media/mojo/services:media_manifest" ]
if (chromecast_branding != "public") {
overlays = [ "//chromecast/internal/shell/browser:cast_content_packaged_services_internal_manifest_overlay" ]
grit("resources") {
visibility = [
source = "cast_browser_resources.grd"
output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/chromecast/browser"
outputs = [
deps = [
cast_source_set("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
cast_source_set("browsertests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
data = [
cast_source_set("unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
if (enable_chromecast_extensions && use_aura) {
sources += [ "accessibility/touch_exploration_controller_unittest.cc" ]
deps += [
if (is_android) {
generate_jni("jni_headers") {
sources = [
if (is_android_things_non_public) {
sources += [ "android/apk/src/org/chromium/chromecast/shell/CastSysInfoAndroidThings.java" ]
jni_package = "chromecast"