2018-02-02 05:49:39 -05:00

157 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The cache is stored on disk as a collection of block-files, plus an index
// file plus a collection of external files.
// Any data blob bigger than kMaxBlockSize (disk_cache/addr.h) will be stored in
// a separate file named f_xxx where x is a hexadecimal number. Shorter data
// will be stored as a series of blocks on a block-file. In any case, CacheAddr
// represents the address of the data inside the cache.
// The index file is just a simple hash table that maps a particular entry to
// a CacheAddr value. Linking for a given hash bucket is handled internally
// by the cache entry.
// The last element of the cache is the block-file. A block file is a file
// designed to store blocks of data of a given size. For more details see
// disk_cache/disk_format_base.h
// A new cache is initialized with four block files (named data_0 through
// data_3), each one dedicated to store blocks of a given size. The number at
// the end of the file name is the block file number (in decimal).
// There are two "special" types of blocks: an entry and a rankings node. An
// entry keeps track of all the information related to the same cache entry,
// such as the key, hash value, data pointers etc. A rankings node keeps track
// of the information that is updated frequently for a given entry, such as its
// location on the LRU lists, last access time etc.
// The files that store internal information for the cache (blocks and index)
// are at least partially memory mapped. They have a location that is signaled
// every time the internal structures are modified, so it is possible to detect
// (most of the time) when the process dies in the middle of an update.
// In order to prevent dirty data to be used as valid (after a crash), every
// cache entry has a dirty identifier. Each running instance of the cache keeps
// a separate identifier (maintained on the "this_id" header field) that is used
// to mark every entry that is created or modified. When the entry is closed,
// and all the data can be trusted, the dirty flag is cleared from the entry.
// When the cache encounters an entry whose identifier is different than the one
// being currently used, it means that the entry was not properly closed on a
// previous run, so it is discarded.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/blockfile/disk_format_base.h"
namespace disk_cache {
const int kIndexTablesize = 0x10000;
const uint32_t kIndexMagic = 0xC103CAC3;
const uint32_t kCurrentVersion = 0x20000; // Version 2.0.
struct LruData {
int32_t pad1[2];
int32_t filled; // Flag to tell when we filled the cache.
int32_t sizes[5];
CacheAddr heads[5];
CacheAddr tails[5];
CacheAddr transaction; // In-flight operation target.
int32_t operation; // Actual in-flight operation.
int32_t operation_list; // In-flight operation list.
int32_t pad2[7];
// Header for the master index file.
struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexHeader {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t version;
int32_t num_entries; // Number of entries currently stored.
int32_t num_bytes; // Total size of the stored data.
int32_t last_file; // Last external file created.
int32_t this_id; // Id for all entries being changed (dirty flag).
CacheAddr stats; // Storage for usage data.
int32_t table_len; // Actual size of the table (0 == kIndexTablesize).
int32_t crash; // Signals a previous crash.
int32_t experiment; // Id of an ongoing test.
uint64_t create_time; // Creation time for this set of files.
int32_t pad[52];
LruData lru; // Eviction control data.
// The structure of the whole index file.
struct Index {
IndexHeader header;
CacheAddr table[kIndexTablesize]; // Default size. Actual size controlled
// by header.table_len.
// Main structure for an entry on the backing storage. If the key is longer than
// what can be stored on this structure, it will be extended on consecutive
// blocks (adding 256 bytes each time), up to 4 blocks (1024 - 32 - 1 chars).
// After that point, the whole key will be stored as a data block or external
// file.
struct EntryStore {
uint32_t hash; // Full hash of the key.
CacheAddr next; // Next entry with the same hash or bucket.
CacheAddr rankings_node; // Rankings node for this entry.
int32_t reuse_count; // How often is this entry used.
int32_t refetch_count; // How often is this fetched from the net.
int32_t state; // Current state.
uint64_t creation_time;
int32_t key_len;
CacheAddr long_key; // Optional address of a long key.
int32_t data_size[4]; // We can store up to 4 data streams for each
CacheAddr data_addr[4]; // entry.
uint32_t flags; // Any combination of EntryFlags.
int32_t pad[4];
uint32_t self_hash; // The hash of EntryStore up to this point.
char key[256 - 24 * 4]; // null terminated
static_assert(sizeof(EntryStore) == 256, "bad EntryStore");
const int kMaxInternalKeyLength = 4 * sizeof(EntryStore) -
offsetof(EntryStore, key) - 1;
// Possible states for a given entry.
enum EntryState {
ENTRY_EVICTED, // The entry was recently evicted from the cache.
ENTRY_DOOMED // The entry was doomed.
// Flags that can be applied to an entry.
enum EntryFlags {
PARENT_ENTRY = 1, // This entry has children (sparse) entries.
CHILD_ENTRY = 1 << 1 // Child entry that stores sparse data.
#pragma pack(push, 4)
// Rankings information for a given entry.
struct RankingsNode {
uint64_t last_used; // LRU info.
uint64_t last_modified; // LRU info.
CacheAddr next; // LRU list.
CacheAddr prev; // LRU list.
CacheAddr contents; // Address of the EntryStore.
int32_t dirty; // The entry is being modifyied.
uint32_t self_hash; // RankingsNode's hash.
#pragma pack(pop)
static_assert(sizeof(RankingsNode) == 36, "bad RankingsNode");
} // namespace disk_cache