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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/metrics/persistent_sample_map.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/persistent_histogram_allocator.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
namespace base {
typedef HistogramBase::Count Count;
typedef HistogramBase::Sample Sample;
namespace {
// An iterator for going through a PersistentSampleMap. The logic here is
// identical to that of SampleMapIterator but with different data structures.
// Changes here likely need to be duplicated there.
class PersistentSampleMapIterator : public SampleCountIterator {
typedef std::map<HistogramBase::Sample, HistogramBase::Count*>
explicit PersistentSampleMapIterator(const SampleToCountMap& sample_counts);
~PersistentSampleMapIterator() override;
// SampleCountIterator:
bool Done() const override;
void Next() override;
void Get(HistogramBase::Sample* min,
int64_t* max,
HistogramBase::Count* count) const override;
void SkipEmptyBuckets();
SampleToCountMap::const_iterator iter_;
const SampleToCountMap::const_iterator end_;
const SampleToCountMap& sample_counts)
: iter_(sample_counts.begin()),
end_(sample_counts.end()) {
PersistentSampleMapIterator::~PersistentSampleMapIterator() = default;
bool PersistentSampleMapIterator::Done() const {
return iter_ == end_;
void PersistentSampleMapIterator::Next() {
void PersistentSampleMapIterator::Get(Sample* min,
int64_t* max,
Count* count) const {
if (min)
*min = iter_->first;
if (max)
*max = strict_cast<int64_t>(iter_->first) + 1;
if (count)
*count = *iter_->second;
void PersistentSampleMapIterator::SkipEmptyBuckets() {
while (!Done() && *iter_->second == 0) {
// This structure holds an entry for a PersistentSampleMap within a persistent
// memory allocator. The "id" must be unique across all maps held by an
// allocator or they will get attached to the wrong sample map.
struct SampleRecord {
// SHA1(SampleRecord): Increment this if structure changes!
static constexpr uint32_t kPersistentTypeId = 0x8FE6A69F + 1;
// Expected size for 32/64-bit check.
static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize = 16;
uint64_t id; // Unique identifier of owner.
Sample value; // The value for which this record holds a count.
Count count; // The count associated with the above value.
} // namespace
uint64_t id,
PersistentHistogramAllocator* allocator,
Metadata* meta)
: HistogramSamples(id, meta), allocator_(allocator) {}
PersistentSampleMap::~PersistentSampleMap() {
if (records_)
void PersistentSampleMap::Accumulate(Sample value, Count count) {
#if 0 // TODO(bcwhite) Re-enable efficient version after crbug.com/682680.
*GetOrCreateSampleCountStorage(value) += count;
Count* local_count_ptr = GetOrCreateSampleCountStorage(value);
if (count < 0) {
if (*local_count_ptr < -count)
*local_count_ptr += count;
} else {
Sample old_value = *local_count_ptr;
Sample new_value = old_value + count;
*local_count_ptr = new_value;
if ((new_value >= 0) != (old_value >= 0))
RecordNegativeSample(SAMPLES_ACCUMULATE_OVERFLOW, count);
IncreaseSumAndCount(strict_cast<int64_t>(count) * value, count);
Count PersistentSampleMap::GetCount(Sample value) const {
// Have to override "const" to make sure all samples have been loaded before
// being able to know what value to return.
Count* count_pointer =
return count_pointer ? *count_pointer : 0;
Count PersistentSampleMap::TotalCount() const {
// Have to override "const" in order to make sure all samples have been
// loaded before trying to iterate over the map.
const_cast<PersistentSampleMap*>(this)->ImportSamples(-1, true);
Count count = 0;
for (const auto& entry : sample_counts_) {
count += *entry.second;
return count;
std::unique_ptr<SampleCountIterator> PersistentSampleMap::Iterator() const {
// Have to override "const" in order to make sure all samples have been
// loaded before trying to iterate over the map.
const_cast<PersistentSampleMap*>(this)->ImportSamples(-1, true);
return WrapUnique(new PersistentSampleMapIterator(sample_counts_));
// static
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator& iterator,
uint64_t* sample_map_id) {
const SampleRecord* record = iterator.GetNextOfObject<SampleRecord>();
if (!record)
return 0;
*sample_map_id = record->id;
return iterator.GetAsReference(record);
// static
PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator,
uint64_t sample_map_id,
Sample value) {
SampleRecord* record = allocator->New<SampleRecord>();
if (!record) {
NOTREACHED() << "full=" << allocator->IsFull()
<< ", corrupt=" << allocator->IsCorrupt();
return 0;
record->id = sample_map_id;
record->value = value;
record->count = 0;
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref = allocator->GetAsReference(record);
return ref;
bool PersistentSampleMap::AddSubtractImpl(SampleCountIterator* iter,
Operator op) {
Sample min;
int64_t max;
Count count;
for (; !iter->Done(); iter->Next()) {
iter->Get(&min, &max, &count);
if (count == 0)
if (strict_cast<int64_t>(min) + 1 != max)
return false; // SparseHistogram only supports bucket with size 1.
*GetOrCreateSampleCountStorage(min) +=
(op == HistogramSamples::ADD) ? count : -count;
return true;
Count* PersistentSampleMap::GetSampleCountStorage(Sample value) {
// If |value| is already in the map, just return that.
auto it = sample_counts_.find(value);
if (it != sample_counts_.end())
return it->second;
// Import any new samples from persistent memory looking for the value.
return ImportSamples(value, false);
Count* PersistentSampleMap::GetOrCreateSampleCountStorage(Sample value) {
// Get any existing count storage.
Count* count_pointer = GetSampleCountStorage(value);
if (count_pointer)
return count_pointer;
// Create a new record in persistent memory for the value. |records_| will
// have been initialized by the GetSampleCountStorage() call above.
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref = records_->CreateNew(value);
if (!ref) {
// If a new record could not be created then the underlying allocator is
// full or corrupt. Instead, allocate the counter from the heap. This
// sample will not be persistent, will not be shared, and will leak...
// but it's better than crashing.
count_pointer = new Count(0);
sample_counts_[value] = count_pointer;
return count_pointer;
// A race condition between two independent processes (i.e. two independent
// histogram objects sharing the same sample data) could cause two of the
// above records to be created. The allocator, however, forces a strict
// ordering on iterable objects so use the import method to actually add the
// just-created record. This ensures that all PersistentSampleMap objects
// will always use the same record, whichever was first made iterable.
// Thread-safety within a process where multiple threads use the same
// histogram object is delegated to the controlling histogram object which,
// for sparse histograms, is a lock object.
count_pointer = ImportSamples(value, false);
return count_pointer;
PersistentSampleMapRecords* PersistentSampleMap::GetRecords() {
// The |records_| pointer is lazily fetched from the |allocator_| only on
// first use. Sometimes duplicate histograms are created by race conditions
// and if both were to grab the records object, there would be a conflict.
// Use of a histogram, and thus a call to this method, won't occur until
// after the histogram has been de-dup'd.
if (!records_)
records_ = allocator_->UseSampleMapRecords(id(), this);
return records_;
Count* PersistentSampleMap::ImportSamples(Sample until_value,
bool import_everything) {
Count* found_count = nullptr;
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref;
PersistentSampleMapRecords* records = GetRecords();
while ((ref = records->GetNext()) != 0) {
SampleRecord* record = records->GetAsObject<SampleRecord>(ref);
if (!record)
DCHECK_EQ(id(), record->id);
// Check if the record's value is already known.
if (!ContainsKey(sample_counts_, record->value)) {
// No: Add it to map of known values.
sample_counts_[record->value] = &record->count;
} else {
// Yes: Ignore it; it's a duplicate caused by a race condition -- see
// code & comment in GetOrCreateSampleCountStorage() for details.
// Check that nothing ever operated on the duplicate record.
DCHECK_EQ(0, record->count);
// Check if it's the value being searched for and, if so, keep a pointer
// to return later. Stop here unless everything is being imported.
// Because race conditions can cause multiple records for a single value,
// be sure to return the first one found.
if (record->value == until_value) {
if (!found_count)
found_count = &record->count;
if (!import_everything)
return found_count;
} // namespace base