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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module bluetooth.mojom;
import "device/bluetooth/public/mojom/uuid.mojom";
// This interface is being developed to support Web Platform Tests for Web
// Bluetooth.
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nhv_oVDCodd1pEH_jj9k8gF4rPGb_84VYaZ9IG8M_WY
// These interfaces are not intended to be used directly.
// `web-bluetooth-test.js` makes the Fake Bluetooth interface easier to work
// with.
// * Calls are synchronous.
// * IDs are cached.
// If another C++ client intends to use Fake Bluetooth a C++ wrapper similar to
// `web-bluetooth-test.js` should be created.
// When a Bluetooth service is created the `fake_bluetooth.mojom` and
// `bluetooth/test/fake_*` files should be removed and the client facing test
// wrapper `web-bluetooth-test.js` converted to implement the Bluetooth service
// as needed for tests.
// FakeBluetooth and its related interfaces allow clients to control the global
// Bluetooth State as well as simulate Bluetooth events including finding new
// devices, simulating GATT attributes and its descendants, and simulating
// success and error responses.
// Indicates the various states of Central.
enum CentralState {
// Stores the external appearance description of the device.
struct Appearance {
bool has_value;
int8 value;
// Stores the transmission power of a broadcasting device.
struct Power {
bool has_value;
int8 value;
struct ServiceDataMap {
map<string, array<uint8>> service_data;
// Stores the byte data of the advertisement packet sent by a Bluetooth device.
struct ScanRecord {
string? name;
array<UUID>? uuids;
Appearance appearance;
Power tx_power;
map<uint8, array<uint8>>? manufacturer_data;
ServiceDataMap? service_data;
// Stores the advertisement packet information that is sent by a Bluetooth device.
struct ScanResult {
string device_address;
int8 rssi;
ScanRecord scan_record;
// FakeBluetooth allows clients to control the global Bluetooth state.
interface FakeBluetooth {
// Set it to indicate whether the platform supports BLE. For example, Windows
// 7 is a platform that doesn't support Low Energy. On the other hand Windows
// 10 is a platform that does support LE, even if there is no Bluetooth radio
// available.
SetLESupported(bool available) => ();
// Initializes a fake Central with |state| as the initial state.
SimulateCentral(CentralState state) => (FakeCentral fake_central);
// Evaluates whether all responses set by this API have been consumed by this
// central or otherwise. This includes responses set by:
// - SetNextGATTConnectionResponse
// - SetNextGATTDiscoveryResponse
// - SetNextReadCharacteristicResponse
// - SetNextWriteCharacteristicResponse
// - SetNextSubscribeToNotificationsResponse
// - SetNextUnsubscribeFromNotificationsResponse
// - SetNextReadDescriptorResponse
// - SetNextWriteDescriptorResponse
// The callback is called with |consumed| set to true if there are no pending
// responses.
AllResponsesConsumed() => (bool consumed);
// HCI Error Codes from BT 4.2 Vol 2 Part D 1.3 List Of Error Codes.
const uint16 kHCISuccess = 0x0000;
const uint16 kHCIConnectionTimeout = 0x0008;
// GATT Error codes from BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F Error Response.
const uint16 kGATTSuccess = 0x0000;
const uint16 kGATTInvalidHandle = 0x0001;
// Defined in BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part G 3.3.1. Characteristic Properties
struct CharacteristicProperties {
bool broadcast;
bool read;
bool write_without_response;
bool write;
bool notify;
bool indicate;
bool authenticated_signed_writes;
bool extended_properties;
// FakeCentral allows clients to simulate events that a device in the
// Central/Observer role would receive as well as monitor the operations
// performed by the device in the Central/Observer role.
// A "Central" interface would allow its clients to receive advertising events
// and initiate connections to peripherals i.e. operations of two roles
// defined by the Bluetooth Spec: Observer and Central.
// See Bluetooth 4.2 Vol 3 Part C 2.2.2 "Roles when Operating over an
// LE Physical Transport".
interface FakeCentral {
// Simulates a peripheral with |address|, |name| and |known_service_uuids|
// that has already been connected to the system. If the peripheral existed
// already it updates its name and known UUIDs.
// Platforms offer methods to retrieve devices that have already been
// connected to the system or weren't connected through the UA e.g. a user
// connected a peripheral through the system's settings. This method is
// intended to simulate peripherals that those methods would return.
// Even though these devices are already connected to the OS, clients
// need to call the respective connect functions to signal they intend to keep
// the connection alive.
SimulatePreconnectedPeripheral(string address,
string name,
array<UUID> known_service_uuids) => ();
// Simulates an advertisement packet described in |result| being received by the
// central. If the central is currently scanning, the detected device will be
// added to the list of detected devices. Otherwise, the call will DCHECK.
SimulateAdvertisementReceived(ScanResult result) => ();
// Sets the next GATT Connection request response for peripheral with
// |address| to |code|. |code| could be an HCI Error Code from
// BT 4.2 Vol 2 Part D 1.3 List Of Error Codes or a number outside that range
// returned by specific platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT
// failure
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
SetNextGATTConnectionResponse(string address, uint16 code) => (bool success);
// Sets the next GATT Discovery request response for peripheral with
// |address| to |code|. |code| could be an HCI Error Code from
// BT 4.2 Vol 2 Part D 1.3 List Of Error Codes or a number outside that range
// returned by specific platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT
// failure
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
// The following procedures defined at BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part G Section 4.
// "GATT Feature Requirements" are used to discover attributes of the
// GATT Server:
// - Primary Service Discovery
// - Relationship Discovery
// - Characteristic Discovery
// - Characteristic Descriptor Discovery
// This method aims to simulate the response once all of these procedures
// have completed or if there was an error during any of them.
SetNextGATTDiscoveryResponse(string address, uint16 code) => (bool success);
// Simulates a GATT disconnection from the peripheral with |address|.
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the GATT
// disconnection.
SimulateGATTDisconnection(string address) => (bool success);
// Simulates an Indication from the peripheral's GATT `Service Changed`
// Characteristic from BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part G 7.1. This Indication is signaled
// when services, characteristics, or descriptors are changed, added, or
// removed.
// The value for `Service Changed` is a range of attribute handles that have
// changed. However, this testing specification works at an abstracted
// level and does not expose setting attribute handles when adding
// attributes. Consequently, this simulate method should include the full
// range of all the peripheral's attribute handle values.
SimulateGATTServicesChanged(string address) => (bool success);
// Adds a fake GATT Service with |service_uuid| to |peripheral_address|
// peripheral. The service will be found found when discovering the
// peripheral's GATT Attributes. Runs its callback with the fake service's Id.
// Runs its callback with nullopt if it failed to add the fake service.
AddFakeService(string peripheral_address, UUID service_uuid)
=> (string? service_id);
// Removes a fake GATT Services with |service_id| from the fake peripheral
// with |peripheral_address|.
RemoveFakeService(string service_id, string peripheral_address)
=> (bool success);
// Adds a fake GATT Characteristic with |characteristic_uuid| and |properties|
// to the fake service with |service_id| in |peripheral_address| peripheral.
// The characteristic will be found when discovering the peripheral's GATT
// Attributes. Runs its callback with the fake characteristic's Id. Runs its
// callback with nullopt if it failed to add the fake characteristic.
UUID characteristic_uuid,
CharacteristicProperties properties,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (string? characteristic_id);
// Removes a fake GATT Characteristic with |identifier| to the fake service
// with |service_id| in |peripheral_address| peripheral.
string identifier,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Adds a fake GATT Descriptor with |descriptor_uuid| to the fake service with
// |service_id| in |peripheral_address| peripheral. The descriptor will be
// found when discovering the peripheral's GATT Attributes. Runs its callback
// with the fake descriptor's Id. Runs its callback with nullopt if it failed
// to add the fake descriptor.
AddFakeDescriptor(UUID descriptor_uuid,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (string? descriptor_id);
// Removes a fake GATT Descriptor with |descriptor_id| from the fake
// characteristic with |characteristic_id| in |service_id| fake service in
// |peripheral_address| peripheral.
string descriptor_id,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Sets the next read response for characteristic with |characteristics_id|
// in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address| to |code| and |value|.
// |code| could be a GATT Error Response from
// BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F Error Response or a number outside that range
// returned by specific platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT
// failure.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
SetNextReadCharacteristicResponse(uint16 gatt_code, array<uint8>? value,
string characteristic_id, string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Sets the next write response for characteristic with |characteristics_id|
// in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address| to |code|. |code| could be a
// GATT Error Response from BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F Error Response or a
// number outside that range returned by specific platforms e.g. Android
// returns 0x101 to signal a GATT failure.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
// Note that if the client performs a write without response procedure the set
// response will be ignored.
uint16 gatt_code,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Sets the next subscribe to notifications response for characteristic with
// |characteristic_id| in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address| to |code|.
// |code| could be a GATT Error Response from BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F
// Error Response or a number outside that range returned by specific
// platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT failure.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
uint16 gatt_code,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Sets the next unsubscribe from notifications response for characteristic
// with |characteristic_id| in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address| to
// |code|. |code| could be a GATT Error Response from BT 4.2 Vol 3
// Part F Error Response or a number outside that range returned by
// specific platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT failure.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
uint16 gatt_code,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Returns whether or not a client has subscribed to notifications for a
// characteristic with |characteristic_id| in |service_id| in
// |peripheral_address|. If the value can't be retrieved, calls its callback
// with false.
IsNotifying(string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success, bool is_notifying);
// Gets the last successfully written value to the characteristic with
// |characteristics_id| in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address|.
// If the value can't be retrieved calls its callback with false. Calls its
// callback with null value if no value has been written to the
// characteristic.
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success, array<uint8>? value);
// Sets the next read response for descriptor with |descriptor_id| in
// |characteristics_id| in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address| to |code|
// and |value|. |code| could be a GATT Error Response from
// BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F Error Response or a number outside that range
// returned by specific platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT
// failure.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
uint16 gatt_code,
array<uint8>? value,
string descriptor_id,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Sets the next write response for descriptor with |descriptor_id| in
// |characteristic_id| in |service_id| and in |peripheral_address| to |code|.
// |code| could be a GATT Error Response from BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F
// Error Response or a number outside that range returned by specific
// platforms e.g. Android returns 0x101 to signal a GATT failure.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html#GATT_FAILURE
// Calls callback with false if there was any error when simulating the next
// response.
uint16 gatt_code,
string descriptor_id,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success);
// Gets the last successfully written value to the descriptor with
// |descriptor_id| in |characteristic_id| in |service_id| and in
// |peripheral_address|. If the value can't be retrieved, calls its callback
// with false. Calls its callback with null value if no value has been
// written to the descriptor.
string descriptor_id,
string characteristic_id,
string service_id,
string peripheral_address) => (bool success, array<uint8>? value);