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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "tools/gn/action_values.h"
#include "tools/gn/bundle_data.h"
#include "tools/gn/config_values.h"
#include "tools/gn/inherited_libraries.h"
#include "tools/gn/item.h"
#include "tools/gn/label_pattern.h"
#include "tools/gn/label_ptr.h"
#include "tools/gn/lib_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/ordered_set.h"
#include "tools/gn/output_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/toolchain.h"
#include "tools/gn/unique_vector.h"
class DepsIteratorRange;
class Settings;
class Toolchain;
class Target : public Item {
enum OutputType {
enum DepsIterationType {
DEPS_ALL, // Iterates through all public, private, and data deps.
DEPS_LINKED, // Iterates through all non-data dependencies.
typedef std::vector<SourceFile> FileList;
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
Target(const Settings* settings, const Label& label);
~Target() override;
// Returns a string naming the output type.
static const char* GetStringForOutputType(OutputType type);
// Item overrides.
Target* AsTarget() override;
const Target* AsTarget() const override;
bool OnResolved(Err* err) override;
OutputType output_type() const { return output_type_; }
void set_output_type(OutputType t) { output_type_ = t; }
// True for targets that compile source code (all types of libaries and
// executables).
bool IsBinary() const;
// Can be linked into other targets.
bool IsLinkable() const;
// True if the target links dependencies rather than propogated up the graph.
// This is also true of action and copy steps even though they don't link
// dependencies, because they also don't propogate libraries up.
bool IsFinal() const;
// Will be the empty string to use the target label as the output name.
// See GetComputedOutputName().
const std::string& output_name() const { return output_name_; }
void set_output_name(const std::string& name) { output_name_ = name; }
// Returns the output name for this target, which is the output_name if
// specified, or the target label if not.
// Because this depends on the tool for this target, the toolchain must
// have been set before calling.
std::string GetComputedOutputName() const;
bool output_prefix_override() const { return output_prefix_override_; }
void set_output_prefix_override(bool prefix_override) {
output_prefix_override_ = prefix_override;
// Desired output directory for the final output. This will be used for
// the {{output_dir}} substitution in the tool if it is specified. If
// is_null, the tool default will be used.
const SourceDir& output_dir() const { return output_dir_; }
void set_output_dir(const SourceDir& dir) { output_dir_ = dir; }
// The output extension is really a tri-state: unset (output_extension_set
// is false and the string is empty, meaning the default extension should be
// used), the output extension is set but empty (output should have no
// extension) and the output extension is set but nonempty (use the given
// extension).
const std::string& output_extension() const { return output_extension_; }
void set_output_extension(const std::string& extension) {
output_extension_ = extension;
output_extension_set_ = true;
bool output_extension_set() const {
return output_extension_set_;
const FileList& sources() const { return sources_; }
FileList& sources() { return sources_; }
// Set to true when all sources are public. This is the default. In this case
// the public headers list should be empty.
bool all_headers_public() const { return all_headers_public_; }
void set_all_headers_public(bool p) { all_headers_public_ = p; }
// When all_headers_public is false, this is the list of public headers. It
// could be empty which would mean no headers are public.
const FileList& public_headers() const { return public_headers_; }
FileList& public_headers() { return public_headers_; }
// Whether this target's includes should be checked by "gn check".
bool check_includes() const { return check_includes_; }
void set_check_includes(bool ci) { check_includes_ = ci; }
// Whether this static_library target should have code linked in.
bool complete_static_lib() const { return complete_static_lib_; }
void set_complete_static_lib(bool complete) {
complete_static_lib_ = complete;
bool testonly() const { return testonly_; }
void set_testonly(bool value) { testonly_ = value; }
OutputFile write_runtime_deps_output() const {
return write_runtime_deps_output_;
void set_write_runtime_deps_output(const OutputFile& value) {
write_runtime_deps_output_ = value;
// Compile-time extra dependencies.
const FileList& inputs() const { return inputs_; }
FileList& inputs() { return inputs_; }
// Runtime dependencies. These are "file-like things" that can either be
// directories or files. They do not need to exist, these are just passed as
// runtime dependencies to external test systems as necessary.
const std::vector<std::string>& data() const { return data_; }
std::vector<std::string>& data() { return data_; }
// Information about the bundle. Only valid for CREATE_BUNDLE target after
// they have been resolved.
const BundleData& bundle_data() const { return bundle_data_; }
BundleData& bundle_data() { return bundle_data_; }
// Returns true if targets depending on this one should have an order
// dependency.
bool hard_dep() const {
return output_type_ == ACTION ||
output_type_ == ACTION_FOREACH ||
output_type_ == COPY_FILES ||
output_type_ == CREATE_BUNDLE;
// Returns the iterator range which can be used in range-based for loops
// to iterate over multiple types of deps in one loop:
// for (const auto& pair : target->GetDeps(Target::DEPS_ALL)) ...
DepsIteratorRange GetDeps(DepsIterationType type) const;
// Linked private dependencies.
const LabelTargetVector& private_deps() const { return private_deps_; }
LabelTargetVector& private_deps() { return private_deps_; }
// Linked public dependencies.
const LabelTargetVector& public_deps() const { return public_deps_; }
LabelTargetVector& public_deps() { return public_deps_; }
// Non-linked dependencies.
const LabelTargetVector& data_deps() const { return data_deps_; }
LabelTargetVector& data_deps() { return data_deps_; }
// List of configs that this class inherits settings from. Once a target is
// resolved, this will also list all-dependent and public configs.
const UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& configs() const { return configs_; }
UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& configs() { return configs_; }
// List of configs that all dependencies (direct and indirect) of this
// target get. These configs are not added to this target. Note that due
// to the way this is computed, there may be duplicates in this list.
const UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& all_dependent_configs() const {
return all_dependent_configs_;
UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& all_dependent_configs() {
return all_dependent_configs_;
// List of configs that targets depending directly on this one get. These
// configs are also added to this target.
const UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& public_configs() const {
return public_configs_;
UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& public_configs() {
return public_configs_;
// Dependencies that can include files from this target.
const std::set<Label>& allow_circular_includes_from() const {
return allow_circular_includes_from_;
std::set<Label>& allow_circular_includes_from() {
return allow_circular_includes_from_;
const InheritedLibraries& inherited_libraries() const {
return inherited_libraries_;
// This config represents the configuration set directly on this target.
ConfigValues& config_values() { return config_values_; }
const ConfigValues& config_values() const { return config_values_; }
ActionValues& action_values() { return action_values_; }
const ActionValues& action_values() const { return action_values_; }
const OrderedSet<SourceDir>& all_lib_dirs() const { return all_lib_dirs_; }
const OrderedSet<LibFile>& all_libs() const { return all_libs_; }
const std::set<const Target*>& recursive_hard_deps() const {
return recursive_hard_deps_;
std::vector<LabelPattern>& assert_no_deps() {
return assert_no_deps_;
const std::vector<LabelPattern>& assert_no_deps() const {
return assert_no_deps_;
// The toolchain is only known once this target is resolved (all if its
// dependencies are known). They will be null until then. Generally, this can
// only be used during target writing.
const Toolchain* toolchain() const { return toolchain_; }
// Sets the toolchain. The toolchain must include a tool for this target
// or the error will be set and the function will return false. Unusually,
// this function's "err" output is optional since this is commonly used
// frequently by unit tests which become needlessly verbose.
bool SetToolchain(const Toolchain* toolchain, Err* err = nullptr);
// Once this target has been resolved, all outputs from the target will be
// listed here. This will include things listed in the "outputs" for an
// action or a copy step, and the output library or executable file(s) from
// binary targets.
// It will NOT include stamp files and object files.
const std::vector<OutputFile>& computed_outputs() const {
return computed_outputs_;
// Returns outputs from this target. The link output file is the one that
// other targets link to when they depend on this target. This will only be
// valid for libraries and will be empty for all other target types.
// The dependency output file is the file that should be used to express
// a dependency on this one. It could be the same as the link output file
// (this will be the case for static libraries). For shared libraries it
// could be the same or different than the link output file, depending on the
// system. For actions this will be the stamp file.
// These are only known once the target is resolved and will be empty before
// that. This is a cache of the files to prevent every target that depends on
// a given library from recomputing the same pattern.
const OutputFile& link_output_file() const {
return link_output_file_;
const OutputFile& dependency_output_file() const {
return dependency_output_file_;
// The subset of computed_outputs that are considered runtime outputs.
const std::vector<OutputFile>& runtime_outputs() const {
return runtime_outputs_;
// Computes the set of output files resulting from compiling the given source
// file. If the file can be compiled and the tool exists, fills the outputs
// in and writes the tool type to computed_tool_type. If the file is not
// compilable, returns false.
// The function can succeed with a "NONE" tool type for object files which
// are just passed to the output. The output will always be overwritten, not
// appended to.
bool GetOutputFilesForSource(const SourceFile& source,
Toolchain::ToolType* computed_tool_type,
std::vector<OutputFile>* outputs) const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(Target, ResolvePrecompiledHeaders);
// Pulls necessary information from dependencies to this one when all
// dependencies have been resolved.
void PullDependentTargetConfigs();
void PullDependentTargetLibsFrom(const Target* dep, bool is_public);
void PullDependentTargetLibs();
void PullRecursiveHardDeps();
void PullRecursiveBundleData();
// Fills the link and dependency output files when a target is resolved.
void FillOutputFiles();
// Checks precompiled headers from configs and makes sure the resulting
// values are in config_values_.
bool ResolvePrecompiledHeaders(Err* err);
// Validates the given thing when a target is resolved.
bool CheckVisibility(Err* err) const;
bool CheckTestonly(Err* err) const;
bool CheckAssertNoDeps(Err* err) const;
void CheckSourcesGenerated() const;
void CheckSourceGenerated(const SourceFile& source) const;
OutputType output_type_;
std::string output_name_;
bool output_prefix_override_;
SourceDir output_dir_;
std::string output_extension_;
bool output_extension_set_;
FileList sources_;
bool all_headers_public_;
FileList public_headers_;
bool check_includes_;
bool complete_static_lib_;
bool testonly_;
FileList inputs_;
std::vector<std::string> data_;
BundleData bundle_data_;
OutputFile write_runtime_deps_output_;
LabelTargetVector private_deps_;
LabelTargetVector public_deps_;
LabelTargetVector data_deps_;
// See getters for more info.
UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair> configs_;
UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair> all_dependent_configs_;
UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair> public_configs_;
std::set<Label> allow_circular_includes_from_;
// Static libraries, shared libraries, and source sets from transitive deps
// that need to be linked.
InheritedLibraries inherited_libraries_;
// These libs and dirs are inherited from statically linked deps and all
// configs applying to this target.
OrderedSet<SourceDir> all_lib_dirs_;
OrderedSet<LibFile> all_libs_;
// All hard deps from this target and all dependencies. Filled in when this
// target is marked resolved. This will not include the current target.
std::set<const Target*> recursive_hard_deps_;
std::vector<LabelPattern> assert_no_deps_;
// Used for all binary targets. The precompiled header values in this struct
// will be resolved to the ones to use for this target, if precompiled
// headers are used.
ConfigValues config_values_;
// Used for action[_foreach] targets.
ActionValues action_values_;
// Toolchain used by this target. Null until target is resolved.
const Toolchain* toolchain_;
// Output files. Empty until the target is resolved.
std::vector<OutputFile> computed_outputs_;
OutputFile link_output_file_;
OutputFile dependency_output_file_;
std::vector<OutputFile> runtime_outputs_;
extern const char kExecution_Help[];
#endif // TOOLS_GN_TARGET_H_