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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/string_utils.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cctype>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/input_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/parser.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/token.h"
#include "tools/gn/tokenizer.h"
#include "tools/gn/value.h"
namespace {
// Constructs an Err indicating a range inside a string. We assume that the
// token has quotes around it that are not counted by the offset.
Err ErrInsideStringToken(const Token& token, size_t offset, size_t size,
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string()) {
// The "+1" is skipping over the " at the beginning of the token.
int int_offset = static_cast<int>(offset);
Location begin_loc(token.location().file(),
token.location().column_number() + int_offset + 1,
token.location().byte() + int_offset + 1);
Location end_loc(
token.location().column_number() + int_offset + 1 +
token.location().byte() + int_offset + 1 + static_cast<int>(size));
return Err(LocationRange(begin_loc, end_loc), msg, help);
// Notes about expression interpolation. This is based loosly on Dart but is
// slightly less flexible. In Dart, seeing the ${ in a string is something
// the toplevel parser knows about, and it will recurse into the block
// treating it as a first-class {...} block. So even things like this work:
// "hello ${"foo}"*2+"bar"}" => "hello foo}foo}bar"
// (you can see it did not get confused by the nested strings or the nested "}"
// inside the block).
// This is cool but complicates the parser for almost no benefit for this
// non-general-purpose programming language. The main reason expressions are
// supported here at all are to support "${scope.variable}" and "${list[0]}",
// neither of which have any of these edge-cases.
// In this simplified approach, we search for the terminating '}' and execute
// the result. This means we can't support any expressions with embedded '}'
// or '"'. To keep people from getting confusing about what's supported and
// what's not, only identifier and accessor expressions are allowed (neither
// of these run into any of these edge-cases).
bool AppendInterpolatedExpression(Scope* scope,
const Token& token,
const char* input,
size_t begin_offset,
size_t end_offset,
std::string* output,
Err* err) {
SourceFile empty_source_file; // Prevent most vexing parse.
InputFile input_file(empty_source_file);
std::string(&input[begin_offset], end_offset - begin_offset));
// Tokenize.
std::vector<Token> tokens = Tokenizer::Tokenize(&input_file, err);
if (err->has_error()) {
// The error will point into our temporary buffer, rewrite it to refer
// to the original token. This will make the location information less
// precise, but generally there won't be complicated things in string
// interpolations.
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(token, begin_offset, end_offset - begin_offset,
err->message(), err->help_text());
return false;
// Parse.
std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> node = Parser::ParseExpression(tokens, err);
if (err->has_error()) {
// Rewrite error as above.
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(token, begin_offset, end_offset - begin_offset,
err->message(), err->help_text());
return false;
if (!(node->AsIdentifier() || node->AsAccessor())) {
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(token, begin_offset, end_offset - begin_offset,
"Invalid string interpolation.",
"The thing inside the ${} must be an identifier ${foo},\n"
"a scope access ${foo.bar}, or a list access ${foo[0]}.");
return false;
// Evaluate.
Value result = node->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error()) {
// Rewrite error as above.
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(token, begin_offset, end_offset - begin_offset,
err->message(), err->help_text());
return false;
return true;
bool AppendInterpolatedIdentifier(Scope* scope,
const Token& token,
const char* input,
size_t begin_offset,
size_t end_offset,
std::string* output,
Err* err) {
base::StringPiece identifier(&input[begin_offset],
end_offset - begin_offset);
const Value* value = scope->GetValue(identifier, true);
if (!value) {
// We assume the input points inside the token.
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(
token, identifier.data() - token.value().data() - 1, identifier.size(),
"Undefined identifier in string expansion.",
std::string("\"") + identifier + "\" is not currently in scope.");
return false;
return true;
// Handles string interpolations: $identifier and ${expression}
// |*i| is the index into |input| after the $. This will be updated to point to
// the last character consumed on success. The token is the original string
// to blame on failure.
// On failure, returns false and sets the error. On success, appends the
// result of the interpolation to |*output|.
bool AppendStringInterpolation(Scope* scope,
const Token& token,
const char* input, size_t size,
size_t* i,
std::string* output,
Err* err) {
size_t dollars_index = *i - 1;
if (input[*i] == '{') {
// Bracketed expression.
size_t begin_offset = *i;
// Find the closing } and check for non-identifier chars. Don't need to
// bother checking for the more-restricted first character of an identifier
// since the {} unambiguously denotes the range, and identifiers with
// invalid names just won't be found later.
bool has_non_ident_chars = false;
while (*i < size && input[*i] != '}') {
has_non_ident_chars |= Tokenizer::IsIdentifierContinuingChar(input[*i]);
if (*i == size) {
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(token, dollars_index, *i - dollars_index,
"Unterminated ${...");
return false;
// In the common case, the thing inside the {} will actually be a
// simple identifier. Avoid all the complicated parsing of accessors
// in this case.
if (!has_non_ident_chars) {
return AppendInterpolatedIdentifier(scope, token, input, begin_offset,
*i, output, err);
return AppendInterpolatedExpression(scope, token, input, begin_offset, *i,
output, err);
// Simple identifier.
// The first char of an identifier is more restricted.
if (!Tokenizer::IsIdentifierFirstChar(input[*i])) {
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(
token, dollars_index, *i - dollars_index + 1,
"$ not followed by an identifier char.",
"It you want a literal $ use \"\\$\".");
return false;
size_t begin_offset = *i;
// Find the first non-identifier char following the string.
while (*i < size && Tokenizer::IsIdentifierContinuingChar(input[*i]))
size_t end_offset = *i;
(*i)--; // Back up to mark the last character consumed.
return AppendInterpolatedIdentifier(scope, token, input, begin_offset,
end_offset, output, err);
// Handles a hex literal: $0xFF
// |*i| is the index into |input| after the $. This will be updated to point to
// the last character consumed on success. The token is the original string
// to blame on failure.
// On failure, returns false and sets the error. On success, appends the
// char with the given hex value to |*output|.
bool AppendHexByte(Scope* scope,
const Token& token,
const char* input, size_t size,
size_t* i,
std::string* output,
Err* err) {
size_t dollars_index = *i - 1;
// "$0" is already known to exist.
if (*i + 3 >= size || input[*i + 1] != 'x' || !std::isxdigit(input[*i + 2]) ||
!std::isxdigit(input[*i + 3])) {
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(
token, dollars_index, *i - dollars_index + 1,
"Invalid hex character. Hex values must look like 0xFF.");
return false;
int value = 0;
if (!base::HexStringToInt(base::StringPiece(&input[*i + 2], 2), &value)) {
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(token, dollars_index, *i - dollars_index + 1,
"Could not convert hex value.");
return false;
*i += 3;
return true;
} // namespace
bool ExpandStringLiteral(Scope* scope,
const Token& literal,
Value* result,
Err* err) {
DCHECK(literal.type() == Token::STRING);
DCHECK(literal.value().size() > 1); // Should include quotes.
DCHECK(result->type() == Value::STRING); // Should be already set.
// The token includes the surrounding quotes, so strip those off.
const char* input = &literal.value().data()[1];
size_t size = literal.value().size() - 2;
std::string& output = result->string_value();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (input[i] == '\\') {
if (i < size - 1) {
switch (input[i + 1]) {
case '\\':
case '"':
case '$':
output.push_back(input[i + 1]);
default: // Everything else has no meaning: pass the literal.
} else if (input[i] == '$') {
if (i == size) {
*err = ErrInsideStringToken(literal, i - 1, 1, "$ at end of string.",
"I was expecting an identifier, 0xFF, or {...} after the $.");
return false;
if (input[i] == '0') {
if (!AppendHexByte(scope, literal, input, size, &i, &output, err))
return false;
} else if (!AppendStringInterpolation(scope, literal, input, size, &i,
&output, err))
return false;
} else {
return true;
size_t EditDistance(const base::StringPiece& s1,
const base::StringPiece& s2,
size_t max_edit_distance) {
// The algorithm implemented below is the "classic"
// dynamic-programming algorithm for computing the Levenshtein
// distance, which is described here:
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
// Although the algorithm is typically described using an m x n
// array, only one row plus one element are used at a time, so this
// implementation just keeps one vector for the row. To update one entry,
// only the entries to the left, top, and top-left are needed. The left
// entry is in row[x-1], the top entry is what's in row[x] from the last
// iteration, and the top-left entry is stored in previous.
size_t m = s1.size();
size_t n = s2.size();
std::vector<size_t> row(n + 1);
for (size_t i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
row[i] = i;
for (size_t y = 1; y <= m; ++y) {
row[0] = y;
size_t best_this_row = row[0];
size_t previous = y - 1;
for (size_t x = 1; x <= n; ++x) {
size_t old_row = row[x];
row[x] = std::min(previous + (s1[y - 1] == s2[x - 1] ? 0u : 1u),
std::min(row[x - 1], row[x]) + 1u);
previous = old_row;
best_this_row = std::min(best_this_row, row[x]);
if (max_edit_distance && best_this_row > max_edit_distance)
return max_edit_distance + 1;
return row[n];
base::StringPiece SpellcheckString(
const base::StringPiece& text,
const std::vector<base::StringPiece>& words) {
const size_t kMaxValidEditDistance = 3u;
size_t min_distance = kMaxValidEditDistance + 1u;
base::StringPiece result;
for (base::StringPiece word : words) {
size_t distance = EditDistance(word, text, kMaxValidEditDistance);
if (distance < min_distance) {
min_distance = distance;
result = word;
return result;