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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// =============================================================================
// In general, you should not be adding stuff to this file.
// - If your thing is only used in one place, just put it in a reasonable
// location in or near that one place. It's nice you want people to be able
// to re-use your function, but realistically, if it hasn't been necessary
// before after so many years of development, it's probably not going to be
// used in other places in the future unless you know of them now.
// - If your thing is used by multiple callers and is UI-related, it should
// probably be in app/win/ instead. Try to put it in the most specific file
// possible (avoiding the *_util files when practical).
// =============================================================================
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
struct IPropertyStore;
struct _tagpropertykey;
typedef _tagpropertykey PROPERTYKEY;
// This is the same as NONCLIENTMETRICS except that the
// unused member |iPaddedBorderWidth| has been removed.
UINT cbSize;
int iBorderWidth;
int iScrollWidth;
int iScrollHeight;
int iCaptionWidth;
int iCaptionHeight;
LOGFONTW lfCaptionFont;
int iSmCaptionWidth;
int iSmCaptionHeight;
LOGFONTW lfSmCaptionFont;
int iMenuWidth;
int iMenuHeight;
LOGFONTW lfMenuFont;
LOGFONTW lfStatusFont;
LOGFONTW lfMessageFont;
namespace base {
namespace win {
inline uint32_t HandleToUint32(HANDLE h) {
// Cast through uintptr_t and then unsigned int to make the truncation to
// 32 bits explicit. Handles are size of-pointer but are always 32-bit values.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384203(VS.85).aspx says:
// 64-bit versions of Windows use 32-bit handles for interoperability.
return static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(h));
inline HANDLE Uint32ToHandle(uint32_t h) {
return reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(
BASE_EXPORT void GetNonClientMetrics(NONCLIENTMETRICS_XP* metrics);
// Returns the string representing the current user sid.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetUserSidString(std::wstring* user_sid);
// Returns false if user account control (UAC) has been disabled with the
// EnableLUA registry flag. Returns true if user account control is enabled.
// NOTE: The EnableLUA registry flag, which is ignored on Windows XP
// machines, might still exist and be set to 0 (UAC disabled), in which case
// this function will return false. You should therefore check this flag only
// if the OS is Vista or later.
BASE_EXPORT bool UserAccountControlIsEnabled();
// Sets the boolean value for a given key in given IPropertyStore.
BASE_EXPORT bool SetBooleanValueForPropertyStore(
IPropertyStore* property_store,
const PROPERTYKEY& property_key,
bool property_bool_value);
// Sets the string value for a given key in given IPropertyStore.
BASE_EXPORT bool SetStringValueForPropertyStore(
IPropertyStore* property_store,
const PROPERTYKEY& property_key,
const wchar_t* property_string_value);
// Sets the CLSID value for a given key in a given IPropertyStore.
BASE_EXPORT bool SetClsidForPropertyStore(IPropertyStore* property_store,
const PROPERTYKEY& property_key,
const CLSID& property_clsid_value);
// Sets the application id in given IPropertyStore. The function is intended
// for tagging application/chromium shortcut, browser window and jump list for
// Win7.
BASE_EXPORT bool SetAppIdForPropertyStore(IPropertyStore* property_store,
const wchar_t* app_id);
// Adds the specified |command| using the specified |name| to the AutoRun key.
// |root_key| could be HKCU or HKLM or the root of any user hive.
BASE_EXPORT bool AddCommandToAutoRun(HKEY root_key, const string16& name,
const string16& command);
// Removes the command specified by |name| from the AutoRun key. |root_key|
// could be HKCU or HKLM or the root of any user hive.
BASE_EXPORT bool RemoveCommandFromAutoRun(HKEY root_key, const string16& name);
// Reads the command specified by |name| from the AutoRun key. |root_key|
// could be HKCU or HKLM or the root of any user hive. Used for unit-tests.
BASE_EXPORT bool ReadCommandFromAutoRun(HKEY root_key,
const string16& name,
string16* command);
// Sets whether to crash the process during exit. This is inspected by DLLMain
// and used to intercept unexpected terminations of the process (via calls to
// exit(), abort(), _exit(), ExitProcess()) and convert them into crashes.
// Note that not all mechanisms for terminating the process are covered by
// this. In particular, TerminateProcess() is not caught.
BASE_EXPORT void SetShouldCrashOnProcessDetach(bool crash);
BASE_EXPORT bool ShouldCrashOnProcessDetach();
// Adjusts the abort behavior so that crash reports can be generated when the
// process is aborted.
BASE_EXPORT void SetAbortBehaviorForCrashReporting();
// Checks whether the supplied |hwnd| is in Windows 10 tablet mode. Will return
// false on versions below 10.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsWindows10TabletMode(HWND hwnd);
// A tablet is a device that is touch enabled and also is being used
// "like a tablet". This is used by the following:-
// 1. Metrics:- To gain insight into how users use Chrome.
// 2. Physical keyboard presence :- If a device is in tablet mode, it means
// that there is no physical keyboard attached.
// 3. To set the right interactions media queries,
// see https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-4/#mf-interaction
// This function optionally sets the |reason| parameter to determine as to why
// or why not a device was deemed to be a tablet.
// Returns true if the device is in tablet mode.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsTabletDevice(std::string* reason, HWND hwnd);
// A slate is a touch device that may have a keyboard attached. This function
// returns true if a keyboard is attached and optionally will set the |reason|
// parameter to the detection method that was used to detect the keyboard.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsKeyboardPresentOnSlate(std::string* reason, HWND hwnd);
// Get the size of a struct up to and including the specified member.
// This is necessary to set compatible struct sizes for different versions
// of certain Windows APIs (e.g. SystemParametersInfo).
#define SIZEOF_STRUCT_WITH_SPECIFIED_LAST_MEMBER(struct_name, member) \
offsetof(struct_name, member) + \
(sizeof static_cast<struct_name*>(NULL)->member)
// Returns true if the machine is enrolled to a domain.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsEnrolledToDomain();
// Returns true if the machine is being managed by an MDM system.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement();
// Returns true if the current machine is considered enterprise managed in some
// fashion. A machine is considered managed if it is either domain enrolled
// or registered with an MDM.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsEnterpriseManaged();
// Used by tests to mock any wanted state. Call with |state| set to true to
// simulate being in a domain and false otherwise.
BASE_EXPORT void SetDomainStateForTesting(bool state);
// Returns true if the current process can make USER32 or GDI32 calls such as
// CreateWindow and CreateDC. Windows 8 and above allow the kernel component
// of these calls to be disabled which can cause undefined behaviour such as
// crashes. This function can be used to guard areas of code using these calls
// and provide a fallback path if necessary.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsUser32AndGdi32Available();
// Takes a snapshot of the modules loaded in the |process|. The returned
// HMODULEs are not add-ref'd, so they should not be closed and may be
// invalidated at any time (should a module be unloaded). |process| requires
BASE_EXPORT bool GetLoadedModulesSnapshot(HANDLE process,
std::vector<HMODULE>* snapshot);
// Adds or removes the MICROSOFT_TABLETPENSERVICE_PROPERTY property with the
// disable pen flick gestures for the given HWND.
BASE_EXPORT void EnableFlicks(HWND hwnd);
BASE_EXPORT void DisableFlicks(HWND hwnd);
// Returns true if the process is per monitor DPI aware.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsProcessPerMonitorDpiAware();
// Enable high-DPI support for the current process.
BASE_EXPORT void EnableHighDPISupport();
} // namespace win
} // namespace base
#endif // BASE_WIN_WIN_UTIL_H_