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// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/cert/internal/revocation_checker.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_net_fetcher.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/common_cert_errors.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/ocsp.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/parsed_certificate.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/trust_store.h"
#include "net/cert/ocsp_verify_result.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
void MarkCertificateRevoked(CertErrors* errors) {
// TODO(eroman): Add a parameter to the error indicating which mechanism
// caused the revocation (i.e. CRLSet, OCSP, stapled OCSP, etc).
// Checks the revocation status of |cert| according to |policy|. If the checks
// failed, returns false and adds errors to |cert_errors|.
// TODO(eroman): Make the verification time an input.
bool CheckCertRevocation(const ParsedCertificate* cert,
const ParsedCertificate* issuer_cert,
const RevocationPolicy& policy,
base::StringPiece stapled_ocsp_response,
CertNetFetcher* net_fetcher,
CertErrors* cert_errors) {
// Check using stapled OCSP, if available.
if (!stapled_ocsp_response.empty() && issuer_cert) {
// TODO(eroman): CheckOCSP() re-parses the certificates, perhaps just pass
// ParsedCertificate into it.
OCSPVerifyResult::ResponseStatus response_details;
OCSPRevocationStatus ocsp_status =
CheckOCSP(stapled_ocsp_response, cert->der_cert().AsStringPiece(),
issuer_cert->der_cert().AsStringPiece(), base::Time::Now(),
// TODO(eroman): Save the stapled OCSP response to cache.
switch (ocsp_status) {
case OCSPRevocationStatus::REVOKED:
return false;
case OCSPRevocationStatus::GOOD:
return true;
case OCSPRevocationStatus::UNKNOWN:
// TODO(eroman): If the OCSP response was invalid, should we keep
// looking or fail?
// TODO(eroman): Check CRL.
if (!policy.check_revocation) {
// TODO(eroman): Should still check CRL/OCSP caches.
return true;
bool found_revocation_info = false;
bool failed_network_fetch = false;
// Check OCSP.
if (cert->has_authority_info_access()) {
// Try each of the OCSP URIs
for (const auto& ocsp_uri : cert->ocsp_uris()) {
// Only consider http:// URLs (https:// could create a circular
// dependency).
GURL parsed_ocsp_url(ocsp_uri);
if (!parsed_ocsp_url.is_valid() ||
!parsed_ocsp_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme)) {
found_revocation_info = true;
if (!policy.networking_allowed)
if (!net_fetcher) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot fetch OCSP as didn't specify a |net_fetcher|";
// TODO(eroman): Duplication of work if there are multiple URLs to try.
// TODO(eroman): Are there cases where we would need to POST instead?
GURL get_url = CreateOCSPGetURL(cert, issuer_cert, ocsp_uri);
if (!get_url.is_valid()) {
// A failure here could mean an unexpected failure from BoringSSL, or a
// problem concatenating the URL.
// Fetch it over network.
// TODO(eroman): Issue POST instead of GET if request is larger than 255
// bytes?
// TODO(eroman): Improve interplay with HTTP cache.
// TODO(eroman): Bound the maximum time allowed spent doing network
// requests.
std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcher::Request> net_ocsp_request =
net_fetcher->FetchOcsp(get_url, CertNetFetcher::DEFAULT,
Error net_error;
std::vector<uint8_t> ocsp_response_bytes;
net_ocsp_request->WaitForResult(&net_error, &ocsp_response_bytes);
if (net_error != OK) {
failed_network_fetch = true;
OCSPVerifyResult::ResponseStatus response_details;
OCSPRevocationStatus ocsp_status = CheckOCSP(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ocsp_response_bytes.data()),
issuer_cert->der_cert().AsStringPiece(), base::Time::Now(),
switch (ocsp_status) {
case OCSPRevocationStatus::REVOKED:
return false;
case OCSPRevocationStatus::GOOD:
return true;
case OCSPRevocationStatus::UNKNOWN:
// Reaching here means that revocation checking was inconclusive. Determine
// whether failure to complete revocation checking constitutes an error.
if (!found_revocation_info) {
if (policy.allow_missing_info) {
// If the certificate lacked any (recognized) revocation mechanisms, and
// the policy permits it, consider revocation checking a success.
return true;
} else {
// If the certificate lacked any (recognized) revocation mechanisms, and
// the policy forbids it, fail revocation checking.
return false;
// In soft-fail mode permit failures due to network errors.
// TODO(eroman): Add a warning to |cert_errors| indicating the failure.
if (failed_network_fetch && policy.allow_network_failure)
return true;
// Otherwise the policy doesn't allow revocation checking to fail.
return false;
} // namespace
// The default values specify a strict revocation checking mode, in case users
// fail to fully set the parameters.
: check_revocation(true),
allow_network_failure(false) {}
void CheckCertChainRevocation(const ParsedCertificateList& certs,
const CertificateTrust& last_cert_trust,
const RevocationPolicy& policy,
base::StringPiece stapled_leaf_ocsp_response,
CertNetFetcher* net_fetcher,
CertPathErrors* errors) {
// Check each certificate for revocation using OCSP/CRL. Checks proceed
// from the root certificate towards the leaf certificate. Revocation errors
// are added to |errors|.
for (size_t reverse_i = 0; reverse_i < certs.size(); ++reverse_i) {
size_t i = certs.size() - reverse_i - 1;
const ParsedCertificate* cert = certs[i].get();
const ParsedCertificate* issuer_cert =
i + 1 < certs.size() ? certs[i + 1].get() : nullptr;
// Trust anchors bypass OCSP/CRL revocation checks. (The only way to revoke
// trust anchors is via CRLSet or the built-in SPKI blacklist).
if (reverse_i == 0 && last_cert_trust.IsTrustAnchor())
// TODO(eroman): Plumb stapled OCSP for non-leaf certificates from TLS?
base::StringPiece stapled_ocsp =
(i == 0) ? stapled_leaf_ocsp_response : base::StringPiece();
// Check whether this certificate's revocation status complies with the
// policy.
bool cert_ok =
CheckCertRevocation(cert, issuer_cert, policy, stapled_ocsp,
net_fetcher, errors->GetErrorsForCert(i));
if (!cert_ok) {
// If any certificate in the chain fails revocation checks, the chain is
// revoked and no need to check revocation status for the remaining
// certificates.
CRLSet::Result CheckChainRevocationUsingCRLSet(
const CRLSet* crl_set,
const ParsedCertificateList& certs,
CertPathErrors* errors) {
// Iterate from the root certificate towards the leaf (the root certificate is
// also checked for revocation by CRLSet).
std::string issuer_spki_hash;
for (size_t reverse_i = 0; reverse_i < certs.size(); ++reverse_i) {
size_t i = certs.size() - reverse_i - 1;
const ParsedCertificate* cert = certs[i].get();
// True if |cert| is the root of the chain.
const bool is_root = reverse_i == 0;
// True if |cert| is the leaf certificate of the chain.
const bool is_target = i == 0;
// Check for revocation using the certificate's SPKI.
std::string spki_hash =
CRLSet::Result result = crl_set->CheckSPKI(spki_hash);
// Check for revocation using the certificate's serial number and issuer's
// SPKI.
if (result != CRLSet::REVOKED && !is_root) {
result = crl_set->CheckSerial(cert->tbs().serial_number.AsStringPiece(),
// Prepare for the next iteration.
issuer_spki_hash = std::move(spki_hash);
switch (result) {
return CRLSet::Result::REVOKED;
// If the status is unknown, advance to the subordinate certificate.
case CRLSet::GOOD:
if (is_target && !crl_set->IsExpired()) {
// If the target is covered by the CRLSet and known good, consider
// the entire chain to be valid (even though the revocation status
// of the intermediates may have been UNKNOWN).
// Only the leaf certificate is considered for coverage because some
// intermediates have CRLs with no revocations (after filtering) and
// those CRLs are pruned from the CRLSet at generation time.
return CRLSet::Result::GOOD;
// If no certificate was revoked, and the target was not known good, then
// the revocation status is still unknown.
return CRLSet::Result::UNKNOWN;
} // namespace net