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synced 2025-03-25 01:23:56 +03:00
577 lines
19 KiB
577 lines
19 KiB
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# `7MM"""Mq. `7MM
# MM `MM. MM
# MM ,M9 .gP"Ya ,6"Yb. ,M""bMM `7MMpMMMb.pMMMb. .gP"Ya
# MMmmdM9 ,M' Yb 8) MM ,AP MM MM MM MM ,M' Yb
# MM YM. 8M"""""" ,pm9MM 8MI MM MM MM MM 8M""""""
# MM `Mb.YM. , 8M MM `Mb MM MM MM MM YM. ,
# .JMML. .JMM.`Mbmmd' `Moo9^Yo.`Wbmd"MML..JMML JMML JMML.`Mbmmd'
# Please keep this file in sync with remoting/remoting_webapp_files.gypi .
# JSCompiler externs.
remoting_webapp_js_externs_files = [ "externs/qunit.js" ]
# Jscompile proto files.
# These provide type information for jscompile.
remoting_webapp_js_proto_files = [
# Webapp browsertest JavaScript files.
# Browser test files.
remoting_webapp_browsertest_js_files = [
# Browser test files.
remoting_webapp_browsertest_js_mock_files = [
remoting_webapp_browsertest_js_proto_files = [
] + remoting_webapp_js_proto_files
remoting_webapp_browsertest_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_browsertest_js_files +
remoting_webapp_browsertest_main_html_extra_files =
remoting_webapp_browsertest_all_js_files +
[ "//third_party/sinonjs/src/sinon.js" ]
# Webapp unittest JavaScript files.
# These product files are excluded from our JavaScript unittest
remoting_webapp_unittests_exclude_js_files = [
# background.js is where the onLoad handler is defined, which
# makes it the entry point of the background page.
# The unit test cases for the webapp
remoting_webapp_unittests_js_files = [
remoting_webapp_unittests_js_mock_files = [
# Prototypes for objects that are not mocked.
remoting_webapp_unittests_js_proto_files = [
remoting_webapp_unittests_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_unittests_js_files +
remoting_webapp_unittests_js_mock_files + [ "unittests/qunit_callbacks.js" ]
# All the files needed to run the unittests.
remoting_webapp_unittests_all_files =
[ "crd/html/menu_button.css" ] + remoting_webapp_unittests_all_js_files
remoting_webapp_unittests_template_main = "crd/html/template_unittests.html"
# Shared webapp JavaScript file groups.
# Auth (Google account) JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_auth_google_files = [
# Client JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_client_files = [
# Remoting core JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_core_files = [
# Host JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_host_files = [
# Logging and stats JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_logging_files = [
# Remoting signaling files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_signaling_files = [
# UI JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_ui_files = [
# DesktopRemoting webapp JavaScript file groups.
# Auth (apps v1) JavaScript files.
# These files aren"t included directly from main.html. They are
# referenced from the manifest.json file (appsv1 only).
remoting_webapp_js_auth_v1_files = [
"crd/js/cs_third_party_auth_trampoline.js", # client to host
"crd/js/cs_oauth2_trampoline.js", # Google account
# Auth (client to host) JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_auth_client2host_files = [
# Client JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_client_files = [
# Gnubby authentication JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_gnubby_auth_files = [ "crd/js/gnubby_auth_handler.js" ]
# Files for controlling the local machine as a host.
# Includes both it2me and me2me files.
remoting_webapp_js_host_control_files = [
# Files for controlling the local it2me host.
# Included by public_session.html.
remoting_webapp_js_it2me_host_control_files = [
# Files for displaying (in the client) info about available hosts.
remoting_webapp_js_host_display_files = [
# Must come after host_list_api.js because of an issue with
# JSCompiler. If an implementation of an interface occurs in a
# file processed before the interface itself, the @override tag
# doesn't always work correctly.
# The CRD-specific JavaScript files required by main.html.
remoting_webapp_crd_js_ui_files = [
# DesktopRemoting main.html generation files.
remoting_webapp_template_main = "crd/html/template_main.html"
# The shared JavaScript files required by main.html.
remoting_webapp_shared_main_html_js_files =
# Include the core files first as it is required by the other files.
# Otherwise, Jscompile will complain.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_core_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_auth_google_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_client_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_host_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_logging_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_ui_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_signaling_files +
remoting_webapp_js_auth_client2host_files +
remoting_webapp_js_client_files + remoting_webapp_js_gnubby_auth_files +
remoting_webapp_js_host_control_files +
# Uncomment this line to include browser test files in the web app
# to expedite debugging or local development.
#+ remoting_webapp_browsertest_all_js_files
remoting_webapp_unittest_html_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_shared_main_html_js_files + remoting_webapp_crd_js_ui_files
# The CRD-specific JavaScript files required by main.html.
remoting_webapp_crd_main_html_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_shared_main_html_js_files +
remoting_webapp_crd_js_ui_files + [ "crd/js/crd_main.js" ]
# These template files are used to construct main.html.
remoting_webapp_template_files = [
# DesktopRemoting public_session.html generation files.
remoting_webapp_template_public_session =
# The shared JavaScript files required by public_session.html.
remoting_webapp_public_session_html_all_js_files =
# Include the core files first as it is required by the other files.
# Otherwise, Jscompile will complain.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_core_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_auth_google_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_client_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_host_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_logging_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_ui_files +
remoting_webapp_shared_js_signaling_files +
remoting_webapp_js_it2me_host_control_files +
# These template files are used to construct public_session.html.
remoting_webapp_public_session_template_files = [ "crd/html/dialog_host.html" ]
# DesktopRemoting background.html generation files.
remoting_webapp_template_background = "crd/html/template_background.html"
# These JS files are specific to the background page and are not part of
# the main JS files.
remoting_webapp_background_html_js_files = [
# All the JavaScript files required by background.html.
remoting_webapp_background_html_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_background_html_all_js_files += [
# DesktopRemoting wcs_sandbox.html generation files.
remoting_webapp_template_wcs_sandbox = "base/html/template_wcs_sandbox.html"
# These JS files are specific to the WCS sandbox page and are not part of
# the main JS files.
remoting_webapp_wcs_sandbox_html_js_files = [
# All the JavaScript files required by wcs_sandbox.html.
remoting_webapp_wcs_sandbox_html_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_wcs_sandbox_html_all_js_files += [
# DesktopRemoting message_window.html generation files.
remoting_webapp_template_message_window =
# These JS files are specific to the message window page and are not part of
# the main JS files.
remoting_webapp_message_window_html_js_files = [ "base/js/message_window.js" ]
# All the JavaScript files required by message_window.html.
remoting_webapp_message_window_html_all_js_files =
remoting_webapp_message_window_html_js_files + [ "base/js/base.js" ]
# All the JavaScript files required by credits.html
remoting_webapp_credits_html_all_js_files = [ "base/js/credits_js.js" ]
# DesktopRemoting webapp JS and resource files.
# All the JavaScript files that are shared by webapps.
remoting_webapp_shared_js_files = remoting_webapp_shared_main_html_js_files +
remoting_webapp_background_html_js_files +
remoting_webapp_credits_html_all_js_files +
remoting_webapp_message_window_html_js_files +
remoting_webapp_wcs_sandbox_html_js_files +
# JS files referenced in manifest.json.
# All the JavaScript files required by DesktopRemoting.
remoting_webapp_crd_js_files =
remoting_webapp_shared_js_files + remoting_webapp_crd_main_html_all_js_files
remoting_webapp_info_files = [
# All the resource files required by DesktopRemoting.
remoting_webapp_resource_files = [
remoting_webapp_crd_files =
remoting_webapp_info_files + remoting_webapp_crd_js_files +
remoting_webapp_resource_files +
# Files that contain localizable strings.
desktop_remoting_webapp_localizable_files =
] + remoting_webapp_template_files + remoting_webapp_crd_js_files
webapp_js_files = remoting_webapp_unittest_html_all_js_files +
remoting_webapp_wcs_sandbox_html_js_files +