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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// // found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_spdy_stream.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_string_piece.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_framer.h"
#include "net/tools/quic/quic_http_response_cache.h"
#include "net/tools/quic/quic_spdy_server_stream_base.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
class QuicSimpleServerStreamPeer;
} // namespace test
// All this does right now is aggregate data, and on fin, send an HTTP
// response.
class QuicSimpleServerStream : public QuicSpdyServerStreamBase {
QuicSimpleServerStream(QuicStreamId id,
QuicSpdySession* session,
QuicHttpResponseCache* response_cache);
~QuicSimpleServerStream() override;
// QuicSpdyStream
void OnInitialHeadersComplete(bool fin,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list) override;
void OnTrailingHeadersComplete(bool fin,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list) override;
// QuicStream implementation called by the sequencer when there is
// data (or a FIN) to be read.
void OnDataAvailable() override;
// Make this stream start from as if it just finished parsing an incoming
// request whose headers are equivalent to |push_request_headers|.
// Doing so will trigger this toy stream to fetch response and send it back.
virtual void PushResponse(SpdyHeaderBlock push_request_headers);
// The response body of error responses.
static const char* const kErrorResponseBody;
static const char* const kNotFoundResponseBody;
// Sends a basic 200 response using SendHeaders for the headers and WriteData
// for the body.
virtual void SendResponse();
// Sends a basic 500 response using SendHeaders for the headers and WriteData
// for the body.
virtual void SendErrorResponse();
// Sends a basic 404 response using SendHeaders for the headers and WriteData
// for the body.
void SendNotFoundResponse();
void SendHeadersAndBody(SpdyHeaderBlock response_headers,
QuicStringPiece body);
void SendHeadersAndBodyAndTrailers(SpdyHeaderBlock response_headers,
QuicStringPiece body,
SpdyHeaderBlock response_trailers);
SpdyHeaderBlock* request_headers() { return &request_headers_; }
const std::string& body() { return body_; }
friend class test::QuicSimpleServerStreamPeer;
// The parsed headers received from the client.
SpdyHeaderBlock request_headers_;
int64_t content_length_;
std::string body_;
QuicHttpResponseCache* response_cache_; // Not owned.
} // namespace net