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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module bluetooth.mojom;
import "device/bluetooth/public/interfaces/device.mojom";
// Possible errors sent as a response by Adapter.ConnectToDevice on a Device
// connection request.
enum ConnectResult {
struct AdapterInfo {
string address;
string name;
bool initialized;
bool present;
bool powered;
bool discoverable;
bool discovering;
interface DiscoverySession {
// Returns true if the session is active, false otherwise. If false, the
// adapter might still be discovering as there might still be other active
// sessions; this just means that this instance no longer has a say in
// whether or not discovery should continue. In this case, a new
// DiscoverySession should be started to make sure that device discovery
// continues.
IsActive() => (bool active);
// Requests this discovery session instance to stop. If this instance is
// active, the session will stop. After a successful invocation, the
// adapter may or may not stop device discovery, depending on whether or not
// other active discovery sessions are present. Users are highly encouraged
// to call this method to end a discovery session, instead of relying on
// disconnecting the message pipe, so that they can respond to the result.
// Returns true on success. Returns false if this session is inactive or an
// error occurs while stopping the session.
Stop() => (bool success);
interface Adapter {
// Creates a GATT connection to the device with |address| and returns a
// Device if the connection was succesful. The GATT connection is tied to the
// the lifetime of the Device message pipe.
ConnectToDevice(string address) => (ConnectResult result, Device? device);
// Retrieves the list of the devices known by the adapter including Connected
// Devices, GATT Connected Devices, Paired Devices and Devices discovered
// during a classic or low-energy scan.
GetDevices() => (array<DeviceInfo> devices);
// Gets basic information about the adapter.
GetInfo() => (AdapterInfo info);
// Sets the client that listens for the adapter's events.
SetClient(AdapterClient client);
// Requests the adapter to start a new discovery session. Returns null if
// session not created successfully.
StartDiscoverySession() => (DiscoverySession? session);
interface AdapterClient {
// Called when the presence of the adapter changes.
PresentChanged(bool present);
// Called when the radio power state of the adapter changes.
PoweredChanged(bool powered);
// Called when the discoverability state of the adapter changes.
DiscoverableChanged(bool discoverable);
// Called when the discovering state of the adapter changes.
DiscoveringChanged(bool discovering);
// Called the first time a device is discovered.
DeviceAdded(DeviceInfo device);
// Called when one of the following properties of a device changes:
// Address, appearance, Bluetooth class, Inquiry RSSI, Inquiry TX Power,
// Service UUIDs, Connectionable state, Connection state, Pairing state,
// Trustable state.
// Generally called for each advertisement packet recevied, but this is not
// guaranteed on ChromeOS or Linux. Because the RSSI is always changing,
// it's very likely this will be called for each advertising packet.
DeviceChanged(DeviceInfo device);
// Called after the device hasn't been seen for 3 minutes.
DeviceRemoved(DeviceInfo device);
interface AdapterFactory {
// Gets an Adapter interface. Returns null if Bluetooth is not supported.
GetAdapter() => (Adapter? adapter);