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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "crypto/ec_private_key.h"
#include "crypto/ec_signature_creator.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/proxy_delegate.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_verifier.h"
#include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_handler_factory.h"
#include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_server_properties_impl.h"
#include "net/http/transport_security_state.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_server.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
#include "net/spdy/chromium/spdy_session.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_protocol.h"
#include "net/spdy/platform/api/spdy_string.h"
#include "net/spdy/platform/api/spdy_string_piece.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service_defaults.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_storage.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class CTVerifier;
class CTPolicyEnforcer;
class HostPortPair;
class NetLogWithSource;
class SpdySessionKey;
class SpdySessionPool;
class SpdyStream;
class SpdyStreamRequest;
// Default upload data used by both, mock objects and framer when creating
// data frames.
const char kDefaultUrl[] = "https://www.example.org/";
const char kUploadData[] = "hello!";
const int kUploadDataSize = arraysize(kUploadData)-1;
// While HTTP/2 protocol defines default SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE_FOR_TEST
// to be unlimited, BufferedSpdyFramer constructor requires a value.
const uint32_t kMaxHeaderListSizeForTest = 1024;
// Chop a SpdySerializedFrame into an array of MockWrites.
// |frame| is the frame to chop.
// |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
std::unique_ptr<MockWrite[]> ChopWriteFrame(const SpdySerializedFrame& frame,
int num_chunks);
// Adds headers and values to a map.
// |extra_headers| is an array of { name, value } pairs, arranged as strings
// where the even entries are the header names, and the odd entries are the
// header values.
// |headers| gets filled in from |extra_headers|.
void AppendToHeaderBlock(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count,
SpdyHeaderBlock* headers);
// Create an async MockWrite from the given SpdySerializedFrame.
MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const SpdySerializedFrame& req);
// Create an async MockWrite from the given SpdySerializedFrame and sequence
// number.
MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const SpdySerializedFrame& req, int seq);
MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const SpdySerializedFrame& req, int seq, IoMode mode);
// Create a MockRead from the given SpdySerializedFrame.
MockRead CreateMockRead(const SpdySerializedFrame& resp);
// Create a MockRead from the given SpdySerializedFrame and sequence number.
MockRead CreateMockRead(const SpdySerializedFrame& resp, int seq);
MockRead CreateMockRead(const SpdySerializedFrame& resp, int seq, IoMode mode);
// Combines the given vector of SpdySerializedFrame into a single frame.
SpdySerializedFrame CombineFrames(
std::vector<const SpdySerializedFrame*> frames);
// Returns the SpdyPriority embedded in the given frame. Returns true
// and fills in |priority| on success.
bool GetSpdyPriority(const SpdySerializedFrame& frame, SpdyPriority* priority);
// Tries to create a stream in |session| synchronously. Returns NULL
// on failure.
base::WeakPtr<SpdyStream> CreateStreamSynchronously(
SpdyStreamType type,
const base::WeakPtr<SpdySession>& session,
const GURL& url,
RequestPriority priority,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log);
// Helper class used by some tests to release a stream as soon as it's
// created.
class StreamReleaserCallback : public TestCompletionCallbackBase {
~StreamReleaserCallback() override;
// Returns a callback that releases |request|'s stream.
CompletionCallback MakeCallback(SpdyStreamRequest* request);
void OnComplete(SpdyStreamRequest* request, int result);
// This struct holds information used to construct spdy control and data frames.
struct SpdyHeaderInfo {
SpdyFrameType kind;
SpdyStreamId id;
SpdyStreamId assoc_id;
SpdyPriority priority;
int weight;
SpdyControlFlags control_flags;
SpdyErrorCode error_code;
const char* data;
uint32_t data_length;
SpdyDataFlags data_flags;
// An ECSignatureCreator that returns deterministic signatures.
class MockECSignatureCreator : public crypto::ECSignatureCreator {
explicit MockECSignatureCreator(crypto::ECPrivateKey* key);
// crypto::ECSignatureCreator
bool Sign(const uint8_t* data,
int data_len,
std::vector<uint8_t>* signature) override;
bool DecodeSignature(const std::vector<uint8_t>& signature,
std::vector<uint8_t>* out_raw_sig) override;
crypto::ECPrivateKey* key_;
// An ECSignatureCreatorFactory creates MockECSignatureCreator.
class MockECSignatureCreatorFactory : public crypto::ECSignatureCreatorFactory {
~MockECSignatureCreatorFactory() override;
// crypto::ECSignatureCreatorFactory
std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECSignatureCreator> Create(
crypto::ECPrivateKey* key) override;
// Helper to manage the lifetimes of the dependencies for a
// HttpNetworkTransaction.
struct SpdySessionDependencies {
// Default set of dependencies -- "null" proxy service.
// Custom proxy service dependency.
explicit SpdySessionDependencies(std::unique_ptr<ProxyService> proxy_service);
static std::unique_ptr<HttpNetworkSession> SpdyCreateSession(
SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps);
// Variant that ignores session_deps->socket_factory, and uses the passed in
// |factory| instead.
static std::unique_ptr<HttpNetworkSession> SpdyCreateSessionWithSocketFactory(
SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps,
ClientSocketFactory* factory);
static HttpNetworkSession::Params CreateSessionParams(
SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps);
static HttpNetworkSession::Context CreateSessionContext(
SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps);
// NOTE: host_resolver must be ordered before http_auth_handler_factory.
std::unique_ptr<MockHostResolverBase> host_resolver;
std::unique_ptr<CertVerifier> cert_verifier;
std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService> channel_id_service;
std::unique_ptr<TransportSecurityState> transport_security_state;
std::unique_ptr<CTVerifier> cert_transparency_verifier;
std::unique_ptr<CTPolicyEnforcer> ct_policy_enforcer;
std::unique_ptr<ProxyService> proxy_service;
scoped_refptr<SSLConfigService> ssl_config_service;
std::unique_ptr<MockClientSocketFactory> socket_factory;
std::unique_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory;
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerPropertiesImpl> http_server_properties;
bool enable_ip_pooling;
bool enable_ping;
bool enable_user_alternate_protocol_ports;
bool enable_quic;
bool enable_server_push_cancellation;
size_t session_max_recv_window_size;
SettingsMap http2_settings;
SpdySession::TimeFunc time_func;
std::unique_ptr<ProxyDelegate> proxy_delegate;
bool enable_http2_alternative_service;
NetLog* net_log;
bool http_09_on_non_default_ports_enabled;
class SpdyURLRequestContext : public URLRequestContext {
~SpdyURLRequestContext() override;
MockClientSocketFactory& socket_factory() { return socket_factory_; }
MockClientSocketFactory socket_factory_;
URLRequestContextStorage storage_;
// Equivalent to pool->GetIfExists(spdy_session_key, NetLogWithSource()) !=
// NULL.
bool HasSpdySession(SpdySessionPool* pool, const SpdySessionKey& key);
// Creates a SPDY session for the given key and puts it in the SPDY
// session pool in |http_session|. A SPDY session for |key| must not
// already exist.
base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> CreateSpdySession(HttpNetworkSession* http_session,
const SpdySessionKey& key,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log);
// Like CreateSpdySession(), but does not fail if there is already an IP
// pooled session for |key|.
base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> CreateSpdySessionWithIpBasedPoolingDisabled(
HttpNetworkSession* http_session,
const SpdySessionKey& key,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log);
// Creates an insecure SPDY session for the given key and puts it in
// |pool|. The returned session will neither receive nor send any
// data. A SPDY session for |key| must not already exist.
base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> CreateFakeSpdySession(SpdySessionPool* pool,
const SpdySessionKey& key);
// Tries to create an insecure SPDY session for the given key but
// expects the attempt to fail with the given error. The session will
// neither receive nor send any data. A SPDY session for |key| must
// not already exist. The session will be created but close in the
// next event loop iteration.
base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> TryCreateFakeSpdySessionExpectingFailure(
SpdySessionPool* pool,
const SpdySessionKey& key,
Error expected_status);
class SpdySessionPoolPeer {
explicit SpdySessionPoolPeer(SpdySessionPool* pool);
void RemoveAliases(const SpdySessionKey& key);
void SetEnableSendingInitialData(bool enabled);
SpdySessionPool* const pool_;
class SpdyTestUtil {
// Add the appropriate headers to put |url| into |block|.
void AddUrlToHeaderBlock(SpdyStringPiece url, SpdyHeaderBlock* headers) const;
static SpdyHeaderBlock ConstructGetHeaderBlock(SpdyStringPiece url);
static SpdyHeaderBlock ConstructGetHeaderBlockForProxy(SpdyStringPiece url);
static SpdyHeaderBlock ConstructHeadHeaderBlock(SpdyStringPiece url,
int64_t content_length);
static SpdyHeaderBlock ConstructPostHeaderBlock(SpdyStringPiece url,
int64_t content_length);
static SpdyHeaderBlock ConstructPutHeaderBlock(SpdyStringPiece url,
int64_t content_length);
// Construct an expected SPDY reply string from the given headers.
SpdyString ConstructSpdyReplyString(const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers) const;
// Construct an expected SPDY SETTINGS frame.
// |settings| are the settings to set.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdySettings(const SettingsMap& settings);
// Constructs an expected SPDY SETTINGS acknowledgement frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdySettingsAck();
// Construct a SPDY PING frame.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPing(uint32_t ping_id, bool is_ack);
// Construct a SPDY GOAWAY frame with last_good_stream_id = 0.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyGoAway();
// Construct a SPDY GOAWAY frame with the specified last_good_stream_id.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyGoAway(SpdyStreamId last_good_stream_id);
// Construct a SPDY GOAWAY frame with the specified last_good_stream_id,
// status, and description. Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes
// ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyGoAway(SpdyStreamId last_good_stream_id,
SpdyErrorCode error_code,
const SpdyString& desc);
// Construct a SPDY WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyWindowUpdate(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
uint32_t delta_window_size);
// Construct a SPDY RST_STREAM frame.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyRstStream(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyErrorCode error_code);
// Construct a PRIORITY frame. The weight is derived from |request_priority|.
// Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPriority(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyStreamId parent_stream_id,
RequestPriority request_priority,
bool exclusive);
// Constructs a standard SPDY GET HEADERS frame for |url| with header
// compression.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyGet(const char* const url,
SpdyStreamId stream_id,
RequestPriority request_priority);
// Constructs a standard SPDY GET HEADERS frame with header compression.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls. If |direct| is false, the
// the full url will be used instead of simply the path.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyGet(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count,
int stream_id,
RequestPriority request_priority,
bool direct);
// Constructs a SPDY HEADERS frame for a CONNECT request.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyConnect(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count,
int stream_id,
RequestPriority priority,
const HostPortPair& host_port_pair);
// Constructs a SPDY PUSH_PROMISE frame.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPush(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count,
int stream_id,
int associated_stream_id,
const char* url);
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPush(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count,
int stream_id,
int associated_stream_id,
const char* url,
const char* status,
const char* location);
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructInitialSpdyPushFrame(SpdyHeaderBlock headers,
int stream_id,
int associated_stream_id);
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPushHeaders(
int stream_id,
const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count);
// Constructs a HEADERS frame with the request header compression context with
// END_STREAM flag set to |fin|.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyResponseHeaders(int stream_id,
SpdyHeaderBlock headers,
bool fin);
// Construct a HEADERS frame carrying exactly the given headers and priority.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyHeaders(int stream_id,
SpdyHeaderBlock headers,
RequestPriority priority,
bool fin);
// Construct a reply HEADERS frame carrying exactly the given headers and the
// default priority.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyReply(int stream_id,
SpdyHeaderBlock headers);
// Constructs a standard SPDY HEADERS frame to match the SPDY GET.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyGetReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count,
int stream_id);
// Constructs a standard SPDY HEADERS frame with an Internal Server
// Error status code.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyReplyError(int stream_id);
// Constructs a standard SPDY HEADERS frame with the specified status code.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyReplyError(
const char* const status,
const char* const* const extra_headers,
int extra_header_count,
int stream_id);
// Constructs a standard SPDY POST HEADERS frame.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPost(const char* url,
SpdyStreamId stream_id,
int64_t content_length,
RequestPriority priority,
const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count);
// Constructs a chunked transfer SPDY POST HEADERS frame.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructChunkedSpdyPost(
const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count);
// Constructs a standard SPDY HEADERS frame to match the SPDY POST.
// |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
// will vary the most between calls.
// Returns a SpdySerializedFrame.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyPostReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
int extra_header_count);
// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the contents "hello!"
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyDataFrame(int stream_id, bool fin);
// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the given content.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyDataFrame(int stream_id,
const char* data,
uint32_t len,
bool fin);
// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the given content and padding.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructSpdyDataFrame(int stream_id,
const char* data,
uint32_t len,
bool fin,
int padding_length);
// Wraps |frame| in the payload of a data frame in stream |stream_id|.
SpdySerializedFrame ConstructWrappedSpdyFrame(
const SpdySerializedFrame& frame,
int stream_id);
// Serialize a SpdyFrameIR with |headerless_spdy_framer_|.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeFrame(const SpdyFrameIR& frame_ir);
// Called when necessary (when it will affect stream dependency specification
// when setting dependencies based on priorioties) to notify the utility
// class of stream destruction.
void UpdateWithStreamDestruction(int stream_id);
void set_default_url(const GURL& url) { default_url_ = url; }
// |content_length| may be NULL, in which case the content-length
// header will be omitted.
static SpdyHeaderBlock ConstructHeaderBlock(SpdyStringPiece method,
SpdyStringPiece url,
int64_t* content_length);
// Multiple SpdyFramers are required to keep track of header compression
// state.
// Use to serialize frames (request or response) without headers.
SpdyFramer headerless_spdy_framer_;
// Use to serialize request frames with headers.
SpdyFramer request_spdy_framer_;
// Use to serialize response frames with headers.
SpdyFramer response_spdy_framer_;
GURL default_url_;
// Track a FIFO list of the stream_id of all created requests by priority.
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> priority_to_stream_id_list_;
} // namespace net