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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/spdy/chromium/http2_priority_dependencies.h"
#include "net/spdy/platform/api/spdy_estimate_memory_usage.h"
namespace net {
Http2PriorityDependencies::Http2PriorityDependencies() {}
Http2PriorityDependencies::~Http2PriorityDependencies() {}
void Http2PriorityDependencies::OnStreamCreation(
SpdyStreamId id,
SpdyPriority priority,
SpdyStreamId* dependent_stream_id,
bool* exclusive) {
DCHECK(entry_by_stream_id_.find(id) == entry_by_stream_id_.end());
*dependent_stream_id = 0ul;
*exclusive = true;
// Dependent on the lowest-priority stream that has a priority >= |priority|.
IdList::iterator parent;
if (PriorityLowerBound(priority, &parent)) {
*dependent_stream_id = parent->first;
id_priority_lists_[priority].push_back(std::make_pair(id, priority));
IdList::iterator it = id_priority_lists_[priority].end();
entry_by_stream_id_[id] = it;
bool Http2PriorityDependencies::PriorityLowerBound(SpdyPriority priority,
IdList::iterator* bound) {
for (int i = priority; i >= kV3HighestPriority; --i) {
if (!id_priority_lists_[i].empty()) {
*bound = id_priority_lists_[i].end();
return true;
return false;
bool Http2PriorityDependencies::ParentOfStream(SpdyStreamId id,
IdList::iterator* parent) {
EntryMap::iterator entry = entry_by_stream_id_.find(id);
DCHECK(entry != entry_by_stream_id_.end());
SpdyPriority priority = entry->second->second;
IdList::iterator curr = entry->second;
if (curr != id_priority_lists_[priority].begin()) {
*parent = curr;
return true;
// |id| is at the head of its priority list, so its parent is the last
// entry of the next-highest priority band.
if (priority == kV3HighestPriority) {
return false;
return PriorityLowerBound(priority - 1, parent);
bool Http2PriorityDependencies::ChildOfStream(SpdyStreamId id,
IdList::iterator* child) {
EntryMap::iterator entry = entry_by_stream_id_.find(id);
DCHECK(entry != entry_by_stream_id_.end());
SpdyPriority priority = entry->second->second;
*child = entry->second;
if (*child != id_priority_lists_[priority].end()) {
return true;
// |id| is at the end of its priority list, so its child is the stream
// at the front of the next-lowest priority band.
for (int i = priority + 1; i <= kV3LowestPriority; ++i) {
if (!id_priority_lists_[i].empty()) {
*child = id_priority_lists_[i].begin();
return true;
return false;
Http2PriorityDependencies::OnStreamUpdate(SpdyStreamId id,
SpdyPriority new_priority) {
std::vector<DependencyUpdate> result;
EntryMap::iterator curr_entry = entry_by_stream_id_.find(id);
SpdyPriority old_priority = curr_entry->second->second;
if (old_priority == new_priority) {
return result;
IdList::iterator old_parent;
bool old_has_parent = ParentOfStream(id, &old_parent);
IdList::iterator new_parent;
bool new_has_parent = PriorityLowerBound(new_priority, &new_parent);
// If we move |id| from MEDIUM to LOW, where HIGH = {other_id}, MEDIUM = {id},
// and LOW = {}, then PriorityLowerBound(new_priority) is |id|. In this corner
// case, |id| does not change parents.
if (new_has_parent && new_parent->first == id) {
new_has_parent = old_has_parent;
new_parent = old_parent;
// If the parent has changed, we generate dependency updates.
if ((old_has_parent != new_has_parent) ||
(old_has_parent && old_parent->first != new_parent->first)) {
// If |id| has a child, then that child moves to be dependent on
// |old_parent|.
IdList::iterator old_child;
if (ChildOfStream(id, &old_child)) {
if (old_has_parent) {
result.push_back({old_child->first, old_parent->first, true});
} else {
result.push_back({old_child->first, 0, true});
// |id| moves to be dependent on |new_parent|.
if (new_has_parent) {
result.push_back({id, new_parent->first, true});
} else {
result.push_back({id, 0, true});
// Move to the new priority.
EntryMap::iterator old = entry_by_stream_id_.find(id);
id_priority_lists_[new_priority].push_back(std::make_pair(id, new_priority));
IdList::iterator it = id_priority_lists_[new_priority].end();
entry_by_stream_id_[id] = it;
return result;
void Http2PriorityDependencies::OnStreamDestruction(SpdyStreamId id) {
EntryMap::iterator emit = entry_by_stream_id_.find(id);
DCHECK(emit != entry_by_stream_id_.end());
IdList::iterator it = emit->second;
size_t Http2PriorityDependencies::EstimateMemoryUsage() const {
return SpdyEstimateMemoryUsage(id_priority_lists_);
// TODO(xunjieli): https://crbug.com/690015. Include |entry_by_stream_id_|
// when memory_usage_estimator.h supports std::list::iterator.
} // namespace net