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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_bandwidth.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_server_id.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_versions.h"
#include "net/socket/next_proto.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_framer.h" // TODO(willchan): Reconsider this.
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_protocol.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace net {
class IPAddress;
struct SSLConfig;
enum AlternateProtocolUsage {
// Alternate Protocol was used without racing a normal connection.
// Alternate Protocol was used by winning a race with a normal connection.
// Alternate Protocol was not used by losing a race with a normal connection.
// Alternate Protocol was not used because no Alternate-Protocol information
// was available when the request was issued, but an Alternate-Protocol header
// was present in the response.
// Alternate Protocol was not used because it was marked broken.
// Maximum value for the enum.
// Log a histogram to reflect |usage|.
NET_EXPORT void HistogramAlternateProtocolUsage(AlternateProtocolUsage usage,
bool proxy_server_used);
enum BrokenAlternateProtocolLocation {
// Log a histogram to reflect |location|.
NET_EXPORT void HistogramBrokenAlternateProtocolLocation(
BrokenAlternateProtocolLocation location);
NET_EXPORT bool IsAlternateProtocolValid(NextProto protocol);
// (protocol, host, port) triple as defined in
// https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-httpbis-alt-svc-06.html
struct NET_EXPORT AlternativeService {
AlternativeService() : protocol(kProtoUnknown), host(), port(0) {}
AlternativeService(NextProto protocol, const std::string& host, uint16_t port)
: protocol(protocol), host(host), port(port) {}
AlternativeService(NextProto protocol, const HostPortPair& host_port_pair)
: protocol(protocol),
port(host_port_pair.port()) {}
AlternativeService(const AlternativeService& alternative_service) = default;
AlternativeService& operator=(const AlternativeService& alternative_service) =
HostPortPair host_port_pair() const { return HostPortPair(host, port); }
bool operator==(const AlternativeService& other) const {
return protocol == other.protocol && host == other.host &&
port == other.port;
bool operator!=(const AlternativeService& other) const {
return !this->operator==(other);
bool operator<(const AlternativeService& other) const {
return std::tie(protocol, host, port) <
std::tie(other.protocol, other.host, other.port);
// Output format: "protocol host:port", e.g. "h2 www.google.com:1234".
std::string ToString() const;
NextProto protocol;
std::string host;
uint16_t port;
NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const AlternativeService& alternative_service);
struct AlternativeServiceHash {
size_t operator()(const net::AlternativeService& entry) const {
return entry.protocol ^ std::hash<std::string>()(entry.host) ^ entry.port;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE AlternativeServiceInfo {
static AlternativeServiceInfo CreateHttp2AlternativeServiceInfo(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service,
base::Time expiration);
static AlternativeServiceInfo CreateQuicAlternativeServiceInfo(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service,
base::Time expiration,
const QuicTransportVersionVector& advertised_versions);
const AlternativeServiceInfo& alternative_service_info);
AlternativeServiceInfo& operator=(
const AlternativeServiceInfo& alternative_service_info);
bool operator==(const AlternativeServiceInfo& other) const {
return alternative_service_ == other.alternative_service() &&
expiration_ == other.expiration() &&
advertised_versions_ == other.advertised_versions();
bool operator!=(const AlternativeServiceInfo& other) const {
return !this->operator==(other);
std::string ToString() const;
void set_alternative_service(const AlternativeService& alternative_service) {
alternative_service_ = alternative_service;
void set_protocol(const NextProto& protocol) {
alternative_service_.protocol = protocol;
void set_host(const std::string& host) { alternative_service_.host = host; }
void set_port(uint16_t port) { alternative_service_.port = port; }
void set_expiration(const base::Time& expiration) {
expiration_ = expiration;
void set_advertised_versions(
const QuicTransportVersionVector& advertised_versions) {
if (alternative_service_.protocol != kProtoQUIC)
advertised_versions_ = advertised_versions;
std::sort(advertised_versions_.begin(), advertised_versions_.end());
const AlternativeService& alternative_service() const {
return alternative_service_;
NextProto protocol() const { return alternative_service_.protocol; }
HostPortPair host_port_pair() const {
return alternative_service_.host_port_pair();
base::Time expiration() const { return expiration_; }
const QuicTransportVersionVector& advertised_versions() const {
return advertised_versions_;
AlternativeServiceInfo(const AlternativeService& alternative_service,
base::Time expiration,
const QuicTransportVersionVector& advertised_versions);
AlternativeService alternative_service_;
base::Time expiration_;
// Lists all the QUIC versions that are advertised by the server and supported
// by Chrome. If empty, defaults to versions used by the current instance of
// the netstack.
// This list MUST be sorted in ascending order.
QuicTransportVersionVector advertised_versions_;
struct NET_EXPORT SupportsQuic {
SupportsQuic() : used_quic(false) {}
SupportsQuic(bool used_quic, const std::string& address)
: used_quic(used_quic),
address(address) {}
bool Equals(const SupportsQuic& other) const {
return used_quic == other.used_quic && address == other.address;
bool used_quic;
std::string address;
struct NET_EXPORT ServerNetworkStats {
ServerNetworkStats() : bandwidth_estimate(QuicBandwidth::Zero()) {}
bool operator==(const ServerNetworkStats& other) const {
return srtt == other.srtt && bandwidth_estimate == other.bandwidth_estimate;
bool operator!=(const ServerNetworkStats& other) const {
return !this->operator==(other);
base::TimeDelta srtt;
QuicBandwidth bandwidth_estimate;
typedef std::vector<AlternativeService> AlternativeServiceVector;
typedef std::vector<AlternativeServiceInfo> AlternativeServiceInfoVector;
// Stores broken alternative services and when their brokenness expires.
typedef std::list<std::pair<AlternativeService, base::TimeTicks>>
// Store at most 300 MRU SupportsSpdyServerHostPortPairs in memory and disk.
const int kMaxSupportsSpdyServerEntries = 300;
// Store at most 200 MRU AlternateProtocolHostPortPairs in memory and disk.
const int kMaxAlternateProtocolEntries = 200;
// Store at most 200 MRU ServerNetworkStats in memory and disk.
const int kMaxServerNetworkStatsEntries = 200;
// Store at most 200 MRU RecentlyBrokenAlternativeServices in memory and disk.
const int kMaxRecentlyBrokenAlternativeServiceEntries = 200;
// Store at most 5 MRU QUIC servers by default. This is mainly used by cronet.
const int kDefaultMaxQuicServerEntries = 5;
// Stores flattened representation of servers (scheme, host, port) and whether
// or not they support SPDY.
class SpdyServersMap : public base::MRUCache<std::string, bool> {
: base::MRUCache<std::string, bool>(kMaxSupportsSpdyServerEntries) {}
class AlternativeServiceMap
: public base::MRUCache<url::SchemeHostPort, AlternativeServiceInfoVector> {
: base::MRUCache<url::SchemeHostPort, AlternativeServiceInfoVector>(
kMaxAlternateProtocolEntries) {}
class ServerNetworkStatsMap
: public base::MRUCache<url::SchemeHostPort, ServerNetworkStats> {
: base::MRUCache<url::SchemeHostPort, ServerNetworkStats>(
kMaxServerNetworkStatsEntries) {}
// Stores how many times an alternative service has been marked broken.
class RecentlyBrokenAlternativeServices
: public base::MRUCache<AlternativeService, int> {
: base::MRUCache<AlternativeService, int>(
kMaxRecentlyBrokenAlternativeServiceEntries) {}
// Max number of quic servers to store is not hardcoded and can be set.
// Because of this, QuicServerInfoMap will not be a subclass of MRUCache.
typedef base::MRUCache<QuicServerId, std::string> QuicServerInfoMap;
extern const char kAlternativeServiceHeader[];
// The interface for setting/retrieving the HTTP server properties.
// Currently, this class manages servers':
// * HTTP/2 support;
// * Alternative Service support;
// * QUIC data (like ServerNetworkStats and QuicServerInfo).
// Embedders must ensure that HttpServerProperites is completely initialized
// before the first request is issued.
class NET_EXPORT HttpServerProperties {
HttpServerProperties() {}
virtual ~HttpServerProperties() {}
// Deletes all data.
virtual void Clear() = 0;
// Returns true if |server| supports a network protocol which honors
// request prioritization.
// Note that this also implies that the server supports request
// multiplexing, since priorities imply a relationship between
// multiple requests.
virtual bool SupportsRequestPriority(const url::SchemeHostPort& server) = 0;
// Returns the value set by SetSupportsSpdy(). If not set, returns false.
virtual bool GetSupportsSpdy(const url::SchemeHostPort& server) = 0;
// Add |server| into the persistent store. Should only be called from IO
// thread.
virtual void SetSupportsSpdy(const url::SchemeHostPort& server,
bool support_spdy) = 0;
// Returns true if |server| has required HTTP/1.1 via HTTP/2 error code.
virtual bool RequiresHTTP11(const HostPortPair& server) = 0;
// Require HTTP/1.1 on subsequent connections. Not persisted.
virtual void SetHTTP11Required(const HostPortPair& server) = 0;
// Modify SSLConfig to force HTTP/1.1.
static void ForceHTTP11(SSLConfig* ssl_config);
// Modify SSLConfig to force HTTP/1.1 if necessary.
virtual void MaybeForceHTTP11(const HostPortPair& server,
SSLConfig* ssl_config) = 0;
// Return all alternative services for |origin|, including broken ones.
// Returned alternative services never have empty hostnames.
virtual AlternativeServiceInfoVector GetAlternativeServiceInfos(
const url::SchemeHostPort& origin) = 0;
// Set a single HTTP/2 alternative service for |origin|. Previous
// alternative services for |origin| are discarded.
// |alternative_service.host| may be empty.
// Return true if |alternative_service_map_| has changed significantly enough
// that it should be persisted to disk.
virtual bool SetHttp2AlternativeService(
const url::SchemeHostPort& origin,
const AlternativeService& alternative_service,
base::Time expiration) = 0;
// Set a single QUIC alternative service for |origin|. Previous alternative
// services for |origin| are discarded.
// |alternative_service.host| may be empty.
// Return true if |alternative_service_map_| has changed significantly enough
// that it should be persisted to disk.
virtual bool SetQuicAlternativeService(
const url::SchemeHostPort& origin,
const AlternativeService& alternative_service,
base::Time expiration,
const QuicTransportVersionVector& advertised_versions) = 0;
// Set alternative services for |origin|. Previous alternative services for
// |origin| are discarded.
// Hostnames in |alternative_service_info_vector| may be empty.
// |alternative_service_info_vector| may be empty.
// Return true if |alternative_service_map_| has changed significantly enough
// that it should be persisted to disk.
virtual bool SetAlternativeServices(
const url::SchemeHostPort& origin,
const AlternativeServiceInfoVector& alternative_service_info_vector) = 0;
// Marks |alternative_service| as broken.
// |alternative_service.host| must not be empty.
virtual void MarkAlternativeServiceBroken(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service) = 0;
// Marks |alternative_service| as recently broken.
// |alternative_service.host| must not be empty.
virtual void MarkAlternativeServiceRecentlyBroken(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service) = 0;
// Returns true iff |alternative_service| is currently broken.
// |alternative_service.host| must not be empty.
virtual bool IsAlternativeServiceBroken(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service) const = 0;
// Returns true iff |alternative_service| was recently broken.
// |alternative_service.host| must not be empty.
virtual bool WasAlternativeServiceRecentlyBroken(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service) = 0;
// Confirms that |alternative_service| is working.
// |alternative_service.host| must not be empty.
virtual void ConfirmAlternativeService(
const AlternativeService& alternative_service) = 0;
// Returns all alternative service mappings.
// Returned alternative services may have empty hostnames.
virtual const AlternativeServiceMap& alternative_service_map() const = 0;
// Returns all alternative service mappings as human readable strings.
// Empty alternative service hostnames will be printed as such.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> GetAlternativeServiceInfoAsValue()
const = 0;
virtual bool GetSupportsQuic(IPAddress* last_address) const = 0;
virtual void SetSupportsQuic(bool used_quic,
const IPAddress& last_address) = 0;
// Sets |stats| for |server|.
virtual void SetServerNetworkStats(const url::SchemeHostPort& server,
ServerNetworkStats stats) = 0;
// Clears any stats for |server|.
virtual void ClearServerNetworkStats(const url::SchemeHostPort& server) = 0;
// Returns any stats for |server| or nullptr if there are none.
virtual const ServerNetworkStats* GetServerNetworkStats(
const url::SchemeHostPort& server) = 0;
virtual const ServerNetworkStatsMap& server_network_stats_map() const = 0;
// Save QuicServerInfo (in std::string form) for the given |server_id|.
// Returns true if the value has changed otherwise it returns false.
virtual bool SetQuicServerInfo(const QuicServerId& server_id,
const std::string& server_info) = 0;
// Get QuicServerInfo (in std::string form) for the given |server_id|.
virtual const std::string* GetQuicServerInfo(
const QuicServerId& server_id) = 0;
// Returns all persistent QuicServerInfo objects.
virtual const QuicServerInfoMap& quic_server_info_map() const = 0;
// Returns the number of server configs (QuicServerInfo objects) persisted.
virtual size_t max_server_configs_stored_in_properties() const = 0;
// Sets the number of server configs (QuicServerInfo objects) to be persisted.
virtual void SetMaxServerConfigsStoredInProperties(
size_t max_server_configs_stored_in_properties) = 0;
// Returns whether HttpServerProperties is initialized.
virtual bool IsInitialized() const = 0;
} // namespace net