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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media_router.mojom;
import "chrome/common/media_router/mojo/media_controller.mojom";
import "chrome/common/media_router/mojo/media_status.mojom";
import "media/mojo/interfaces/mirror_service_remoting.mojom";
import "mojo/common/time.mojom";
import "net/interfaces/ip_address.mojom";
import "net/interfaces/ip_endpoint.mojom";
import "url/mojo/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojo/url.mojom";
enum SinkIconType {
// Represents an output sink to which media can be routed.
struct MediaSink {
// The sink identifier, e.g. "rs71w7mFzYLFlabir_qO4NHl6SUc."
string sink_id;
// The human-readable name, e.g. "Janet's Chromecast".
string name;
// Optional description of the sink.
// DEPRECATED. This is currently used in the Media Router UX to relay a
// Hangouts meeting name. It should not be used for other purposes.
// TODO(crbug.com/786208): Remove this at a future date when Hangouts names
// are no longer required.
string? description;
// Optional domain of the sink if this sink is associated with an identity.
string? domain;
// The type of icon to show in the UI for this media sink.
SinkIconType icon_type;
// This is currently only set by MediaRouter in OnSinksDiscovered().
MediaSinkExtraData? extra_data;
union MediaSinkExtraData {
DialMediaSink dial_media_sink;
CastMediaSink cast_media_sink;
struct DialMediaSink {
net.interfaces.IPAddress ip_address;
// Model name of the sink, if it represents a physical device.
string model_name;
// Used for DIAL launch
url.mojom.Url app_url;
struct CastMediaSink {
net.interfaces.IPEndPoint ip_endpoint;
// Model name of the sink, if it represents a physical device.
string model_name;
// A bit vector representing capabilities of the sink. Meaning of capacity
// value for each bit:
// NONE: 0,
// VIDEO_OUT: 1 << 0,
// VIDEO_IN: 1 << 1,
// AUDIO_OUT: 1 << 2,
// AUDIO_IN: 1 << 3,
// DEV_MODE: 1 << 4,
uint8 capabilities;
// ID of Cast channel opened by Media Router. The ID is defined by the
// chrome.cast.channel API.
int32 cast_channel_id;
enum RouteControllerType {
// Should be kept in sync with media_route.h.
struct MediaRoute {
// The ID of this media route, e.g. "r_PR1O_blkC9dsKp-tb1ti8qurOo".
string media_route_id;
// The ID of the presentation that this route is associated with.
string presentation_id;
// The ID of the media source being sent through this media route.
// May be missing if route is not local.
string? media_source;
// The ID of sink that is rendering the media content.
string media_sink_id;
// Human readable description of the casting activity. Examples:
// "Mirroring tab (www.example.com)", "Casting media", "Casting YouTube"
// TODO(crbug.com/786208): Localize this properly by passing it in a way that
// permits use of template strings and placeholders.
string description;
// Specifies that the route is requested locally.
bool is_local;
// An optional path to an HTML page bundled bundled with the media router
// component extension. When set, the route can have custom route detail as
// well as its own route controls within an extensionview in the Media Router
// dialog.
string? custom_controller_path;
// Whether the provider for this route supports the Media Route Controller.
bool supports_media_route_controller;
// The type of route controller that can be created for this route. See
// media_controller.mojom for details.
// TODO(crbug.com/684642): Remove supports_media_route_controller in favor
// of controller_type.
RouteControllerType controller_type;
// Set to true if this route should be displayed for |media_sink_id| in UI.
bool for_display;
// Set to true if this route was created by an incognito profile.
bool is_incognito;
// Set to true if this route corresponds to a local presentation.
bool is_local_presentation;
// Notifications or an actionable events to be shown to the user.
// When is_blocking is true, media router UI shows issue only:
// Title
// Message
// default_action_button secondary_action_button
// When is_blocking is false, media router UI uses banner:
// Title default_action_link secondary_action_link
// above receiver list if route_id is not provided; otherwise it is
// above route detail and controls.
struct Issue {
enum Severity {
enum ActionType {
// If set, the ID of the route to which this issue pertains.
// If not set (default), then this is a global issue.
string? route_id;
Severity severity;
// When true, the issue must be presented to the user and resolved
// before other actions are allowed.
bool is_blocking;
// Short description about the issue.
string title;
// Message about issue detail or how to handle issue.
// Messages should be suitable for end users to decide which actions to take.
string? message;
ActionType default_action;
array<ActionType> secondary_actions;
// The ID of the help page to be opened if users select learn_more.
int32 help_page_id;
struct RouteMessage {
enum Type {
// The type of this message.
Type type;
// Used when the |type| is TEXT.
string? message;
// Used when the |type| is BINARY.
array<uint8>? data;
struct SinkSearchCriteria {
// Input to the search method which each Media Route Provider may interpret
// differently.
string input;
// The user's current hosted domain.
string domain;
// Keep in sync with:
// - RouteRequestResult::ResultCode in route_request_result.h
// - MediaRouteProviderResult enum in tools/metrics/histograms.xml.
// - mr.RouteRequestResultCode in route_request_error.js
// - RouteRequestResultCodeFromMojo in media_router_type_converters.cc
enum RouteRequestResultCode {
// New values must be added here.
// Used to pass feature configuration data from the Browser to Media Route
// Provider.
struct MediaRouteProviderConfig {
// If the MRP should enable DIAL discovery.
bool enable_dial_discovery;
// If the MRP should enable Cast discovery.
bool enable_cast_discovery;
// Modeled after the MediaRouter interface defined in
// chrome/browser/media/router/media_router.h
// MediaRouteProvider is responsible for discovering MediaSinks, and managing
// MediaRoutes associated with them. It notifies its observers (i.e.
// MediaRouter) when there are changes related to sinks or routes.
interface MediaRouteProvider {
// Each MediaRouteProvider is associated with a unique ID.
enum Id {
// Creates a media route from |media_source| to the sink given by |sink_id|.
// The presentation ID of the route created will be |presentation_id|, but it
// may be overridden by a provider implementation. The presentation ID will
// be used by the presentation API to refer to the created route.
// |origin| and |tab_id| may be passed in for enforcing same-origin and/or
// same-tab scopes. Use -1 as |tab_id| in cases where the request is not
// made on behalf of a tab.
// If |timeout| is positive, it will be used in place of the default timeout
// defined by Media Route Provider Manager.
// If |incognito| is true, the request was made by an incognito profile.
// If the operation was successful, |route| will be defined and
// |error_text| will be null.
// If the operation failed, |route| will be null and |error_text|
// will be set.
// |result| will be set to OK if successful, or an error code if an error
// occurred.
CreateRoute(string media_source,
string sink_id,
string original_presentation_id,
url.mojom.Origin origin,
int32 tab_id,
mojo.common.mojom.TimeDelta timeout,
bool incognito) =>
(MediaRoute? route,
string? error_text,
RouteRequestResultCode result_code);
// Requests a connection to an established route for |media_source| given
// by |presentation_id|.
// |origin| and |tab_id| are used for validating same-origin/tab scopes;
// see CreateRoute for additional documentation.
// If |timeout| is positive, it will be used in place of the default timeout
// defined by Media Route Provider Manager.
// If the route request was created by an incognito profile,
// |incognito| must be true.
// If the operation was successful, |route| will be defined and
// |error_text| will be null.
// If the operation failed, |route| will be null and |error_text|
// will be set.
// |result| will be set to OK if successful, or an error code if an error
// occurred.
JoinRoute(string media_source,
string presentation_id,
url.mojom.Origin origin,
int32 tab_id,
mojo.common.mojom.TimeDelta timeout,
bool incognito) =>
(MediaRoute? route,
string? error_text,
RouteRequestResultCode result_code);
// Creates a new route for |media_source| that connects to the established
// route given by |route_id|.
// The presentation ID of the new route will be |presentation_id|, but it may
// be overridden by a provider implementation. The presentation ID will be
// used by the presentation API to refer to the created route.
// |origin| and |tab_id| are used for validating same-origin/tab scopes; see
// CreateRoute for additional documentation.
// If |timeout| is positive, it will be used in place of the default timeout
// defined by Media Route Provider Manager; see CreateRoute for additional
// documentation.
// If the route request was created by an incognito profile,
// |incognito| must be true.
// If the operation was successful, |route| will be defined and
// |error_text| will be null. If the operation failed, |route| will be null
// and |error_text| will be set.
// |result| will be set to OK if successful, or an error code if an error
// occurred.
ConnectRouteByRouteId(string media_source,
string route_id,
string presentation_id,
url.mojom.Origin origin,
int32 tab_id,
mojo.common.mojom.TimeDelta timeout,
bool incognito) =>
(MediaRoute? route,
string? error_text,
RouteRequestResultCode result_code);
// Terminates the route specified by |route_id|. If the route was terminated
// successfully, |result_code| is set to OK and |error_text| is null.
// Otherwise, |result_code| is an error code and |error_text| describes the
// error.
TerminateRoute(string route_id) =>
(string? error_text, RouteRequestResultCode result_code);
// Sends |message| via the media route |media_route_id|.
// If the operation was successful, |sent| is true; otherwise it is false.
SendRouteMessage(string media_route_id, string message) => (bool sent);
// Sends |data| via the media route |media_route_id|.
// If the operation was successful, |sent| is true; otherwise it is false.
SendRouteBinaryMessage(string media_route_id, array<uint8> data)
=> (bool sent);
// Starts querying for sinks capable of displaying |media_source|.
StartObservingMediaSinks(string media_source);
// Stops querying sinks for |media_source|.
StopObservingMediaSinks(string media_source);
// Starts reporting the state of active media routes via
// OnRoutesUpdated() in the context of the |media_source|. The
// |media_source| represents the application interested in the media
// routes (usually the web page from which the content originates).
// If no |media_source| is given, this should be considered an
// observer that is not associated with a media source, and thus
// cannot connect to a remote route without showing a source. The
// |media_source| should be considered when returning joinable routes in the
// OnRoutesUpdated() call. If an empty |media_source| is given, there is no
// context in which a joinable route makes sense and therefore, there should
// not be any joinable routes returned in OnRoutesUpdated().
// Querying will continue until StopObservingMediaRoutes() is called with
// the same |media_source| (even if it's an empty string).
StartObservingMediaRoutes(string media_source);
// Stops querying the state of all media routes in the context of
// the |media_source|. StartObservingMediaRoutes() has
// to be called with the same |media_source| for this to have any effect even
// if it's empty. Thus, StartObservingMediaRoutes(media_source) must be
// matched with StopObservingMediaRoutes(media_source).
// Calling StopObservingMediaRoutes() without a media_source will stop
// any media routes queries associated with emtpy strings (queries
// that being with StartObservingMediaRoutes()).
StopObservingMediaRoutes(string media_source);
// Starts listening for messages from the media sink for the route given by
// |route_id|.
// |MediaRouter::OnRouteMessagesReceived| will be invoked when a batch of
// messages arrives, or when there is an error.
// |StopListeningForRouteMessages| will stop the Media Router from receiving
// further messages for |route_id|.
StartListeningForRouteMessages(string route_id);
// Called when there are no more listeners for messages for |route_id|.
StopListeningForRouteMessages(string route_id);
// Indicates that a PresentationConnection that was connected to route
// |route_id| has been closed (via .close(), garbage collection or
// navigation).
DetachRoute(string route_id);
// Enables mDNS discovery. No-op if mDNS discovery is already enabled.
// Calling this will trigger a firewall prompt on Windows if there is not
// already a firewall rule for mDNS.
// Updates media sinks capable of displaying |media_source|.
UpdateMediaSinks(string media_source);
// Indicates that the Media Router is interested in finding a sink that
// matches |search_criteria| and is compatible with the source urn
// |media_source|. |search_criteria| should contain an exact copy of the user
// input. The user's current domain is also used to search. The domain is the
// hosted domain of the user's signed-in identity, or empty if the user has no
// domain or is not signed in.
SearchSinks(string sink_id,
string media_source,
SinkSearchCriteria search_criteria) =>
(string sink_id);
// Called when the list of MediaSinks discovered by Media Router has been
// updated. The sinks are supplied to the MediaRouteProvider so that they can
// be used for other operations, such as route creation.
ProvideSinks(string provider_name, array<MediaSink> sinks);
// Creates a controller for the media route with given |route_id| and binds it
// to |media_controller| for receiving media commands. This method returns
// false if such a media route doesn't exist, a controller already exists
// for it, or there was an error while creating a controller. This method must
// close |media_controller| in case of such a failure. |media_controller|
// becomes invalid when the media route is terminated. The created controller
// is destroyed when |media_controller| becomes invalid, after which this
// method can be called again with the same |route_id|. This method also sets
// |observer| to be notified whenever there is a change in the status of the
// media route.
// TODO(takumif): Consider returning an enum instead of a bool to distinguish
// between error conditions for metrics/debugging.
CreateMediaRouteController(string route_id,
MediaController& media_controller,
MediaStatusObserver observer) =>
(bool success);
// Interface for a service which observes MediaRouteProviders for state changes
// across media sources, sinks, and issues.
interface MediaRouter {
// Represents overall media sink availability states.
// UNAVAILABLE - No sinks are available.
// PER_SOURCE - Sinks are available, but are only compatible with specific
// media sources.
// AVAILABLE - A sink is available regardless of source.
enum SinkAvailability {
// Keep in sync with content/public/common/presentation_info.h.
enum PresentationConnectionState {
// Keep in sync with content/public/common/presentation_info.h.
enum PresentationConnectionCloseReason {
// Registers a MediaRouteProvider with the MediaRouter.
// Returns a string that uniquely identifies the Media Router browser
// process.
RegisterMediaRouteProvider(MediaRouteProvider.Id provider_id,
MediaRouteProvider media_router_provider) =>
(string instance_id, MediaRouteProviderConfig config);
// Called when a MediaRouteProvider receives a new list of |sinks|
// compatible with |media_source|. The result is only valid for |origins|. If
// |origins| is empty, the result is valid for any origin.
OnSinksReceived(MediaRouteProvider.Id provider_id,
string media_source,
array<MediaSink> sinks,
array<url.mojom.Origin> origins);
// Called when issues are reported for media routes.
OnIssue(Issue issue);
// Called when list of routes for a MediaRouteProvider has been updated in the
// context of the calling |media_source|. The array |joinable_route_ids|
// should contain route IDs of joinable routes found in the |routes| array.
OnRoutesUpdated(MediaRouteProvider.Id provider_id,
array<MediaRoute> routes,
string media_source,
array<string> joinable_route_ids);
// Called when the availability of media sinks for a MediaRouteProvider has
// been updated.
OnSinkAvailabilityUpdated(MediaRouteProvider.Id provider_id,
SinkAvailability availability);
// Called when the state of presentation connected to route |route_id| has
// changed to |state|.
string route_id, PresentationConnectionState state);
// Called when the presentation connected to route |route_id| has closed.
string route_id, PresentationConnectionCloseReason reason,
string message);
// Called when the a batch of messages arrives from the media sink for the
// route given by |route_id|.
// |StartListeningForRouteMessages| must be called first in order to receive
// messages.
// |route_id|: ID of route of the messages.
// |messages|: A non-empty list of messages received.
OnRouteMessagesReceived(string route_id,
array<RouteMessage> messages);
// Called when a MediaRemoter for a tab with |tab_id| is started. |remoter|
// can be used to access the MediaRemoter to control a media remoting session
// and send RPC messages to the remote device. |remoting_source| is bound to
// receive the updates/messages from MediaRemoter.
OnMediaRemoterCreated(int32 tab_id, media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter remoter,
media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSource& remoting_source);