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# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a static library corresponding to the output of schema compiler tools
# over a set of extensions API schemas (IDL or JSON format.) The library target
# has implicit hard dependencies on all schema files listed by the invoker and
# is itself a hard dependency.
# Invocations of this template may use the following variables:
# sources [required] A list of schema files to be compiled.
# root_namespace [required]
# A Python string substituion pattern used to generate the C++
# namespace for each API. Use %(namespace)s to replace with the API
# namespace, like "toplevel::%(namespace)s_api".
# schema_include_rules [optional]
# A list of paths to include when searching for referenced objects,
# with the namespace separated by a :.
# Example:
# [ '/foo/bar:Foo::Bar::%(namespace)s' ]
# schemas [optional, default = false]
# Boolean indicating if the schema files should be generated.
# bundle [optional, default = false]
# Boolean indicating if the schema bundle files should be generated.
# bundle_registration [optional, default = false]
# Boolean indicating if the API registration bundle files should be generated.
# bundle_name [required if bundle or bundle_registrations]:
# A string to prepend to generated bundle class names, so that multiple
# bundle rules can be used without conflicting. Only used with one of
# the cpp-bundle generators.
# impl_dir [required if bundle_registration = true, otherwise unused]
# The path containing C++ implementations of API functions. This path is
# used as the root path when looking for {schema}/{schema}_api.h headers
# when generating API registration bundles. Such headers, if found, are
# automatically included by the generated code.
# uncompiled_sources [optional, only used when bundle = true or
# bundle_registration = true]
# A list of schema files which should not be compiled, but which should still
# be processed for API bundle generation.
# uncompiled_bundle_schema_sources [optional, only used when bundle = true]
# A list of schema files which should not be compiled nor registered, but
# should still be processed for the schema generation.
# configs [optional]
# Extra configs to apply to the compile step.
# deps [optional]
# If any deps are specified they will be inherited by the static library
# target.
# generate_static_library [optional, defaults to false]
# Produces a static library instead of a source_set.
# The generated library target also inherits the visibility and output_name
# of its invoker.
template("json_schema_api") {
"\"sources\" must be defined for the $target_name template.")
"\"root_namespace\" must be defined for the $target_name template.")
schemas = defined(invoker.schemas) && invoker.schemas
bundle = defined(invoker.bundle) && invoker.bundle
bundle_registration =
defined(invoker.bundle_registration) && invoker.bundle_registration
schema_include_rules = ""
if (defined(invoker.schema_include_rules)) {
schema_include_rules = invoker.schema_include_rules
# Keep a copy of the target_name here since it will be trampled
# in nested targets.
target_visibility = [ ":$target_name" ]
generated_config_name = target_name + "_generated_config"
config(generated_config_name) {
include_dirs = [ root_gen_dir ]
visibility = target_visibility
root_namespace = invoker.root_namespace
compiler_root = "//tools/json_schema_compiler"
compiler_script = "$compiler_root/compiler.py"
compiler_sources = [
if (schemas) {
schema_generator_name = target_name + "_schema_generator"
action_foreach(schema_generator_name) {
script = compiler_script
sources = invoker.sources
inputs = compiler_sources
outputs = [
args = [
"--root=" + rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
"--destdir=" + rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.visibility)) {
# If visibility is restricted, add our own target to it.
visibility = invoker.visibility + target_visibility
if (bundle) {
"\"bundle_name\" must be defined for bundles")
uncompiled_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.uncompiled_sources)) {
uncompiled_sources = invoker.uncompiled_sources
uncompiled_bundle_schema_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.uncompiled_bundle_schema_sources)) {
uncompiled_bundle_schema_sources =
bundle_generator_schema_name = target_name + "_bundle_generator_schema"
action(bundle_generator_schema_name) {
script = compiler_script
inputs = compiler_sources + invoker.sources + uncompiled_sources +
outputs = [
args = [
"--root=" + rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
"--destdir=" + rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
"--bundle-name=" + invoker.bundle_name,
] + rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir) +
rebase_path(uncompiled_sources, root_build_dir) +
rebase_path(uncompiled_bundle_schema_sources, root_build_dir)
if (bundle_registration) {
"\"bundle_name\" must be defined for bundle registrations")
uncompiled_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.uncompiled_sources)) {
uncompiled_sources = invoker.uncompiled_sources
"\"impl_dir\" must be defined for the $target_name template.")
# Child directory inside the generated file tree.
gen_child_dir = rebase_path(invoker.impl_dir, "//")
bundle_generator_registration_name =
target_name + "_bundle_generator_registration"
action(bundle_generator_registration_name) {
script = compiler_script
inputs = compiler_sources + invoker.sources + uncompiled_sources
outputs = [
args = [
"--root=" + rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
"--destdir=" + rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
"--bundle-name=" + invoker.bundle_name,
] + rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir) +
rebase_path(uncompiled_sources, root_build_dir)
# Compute the contents of the library/source set.
lib_sources = invoker.sources
lib_deps = []
lib_public_deps = []
lib_extra_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
lib_extra_configs += invoker.configs
if (schemas) {
lib_sources += get_target_outputs(":$schema_generator_name")
lib_public_deps += [ ":$schema_generator_name" ]
lib_deps += [ "//tools/json_schema_compiler:generated_api_util" ]
lib_extra_configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ]
if (bundle) {
lib_sources += get_target_outputs(":$bundle_generator_schema_name")
lib_deps += [ ":$bundle_generator_schema_name" ]
if (bundle_registration) {
lib_sources += get_target_outputs(":$bundle_generator_registration_name")
lib_deps += [ ":$bundle_generator_registration_name" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
lib_deps += invoker.deps
static_library(target_name) {
sources = lib_sources
deps = lib_deps
public_deps = lib_public_deps
configs += lib_extra_configs
public_configs = [ ":$generated_config_name" ]
if (defined(invoker.visibility)) {
visibility = invoker.visibility
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_name = invoker.output_name