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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "net/quic/core/quic_connection.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_simple_buffer_allocator.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_containers.h"
#include "net/quic/test_tools/simulator/actor.h"
#include "net/quic/test_tools/simulator/alarm_factory.h"
namespace net {
namespace simulator {
// Simulator is responsible for scheduling actors in the simulation and
// providing basic utility interfaces (clock, alarms, RNG and others).
class Simulator : public QuicConnectionHelperInterface {
~Simulator() override;
// Register an actor with the simulator. Returns a handle which the actor can
// use to schedule and unschedule itself.
void AddActor(Actor* actor);
// Schedule the specified actor. This method will ensure that |actor| is
// called at |new_time| at latest. If Schedule() is called multiple times
// before the Actor is called, Act() is called exactly once, at the earliest
// time requested, and the Actor has to reschedule itself manually for the
// subsequent times if they are still necessary.
void Schedule(Actor* actor, QuicTime new_time);
// Remove the specified actor from the schedule.
void Unschedule(Actor* actor);
// Begin QuicConnectionHelperInterface implementation.
const QuicClock* GetClock() const override;
QuicRandom* GetRandomGenerator() override;
QuicBufferAllocator* GetStreamSendBufferAllocator() override;
// End QuicConnectionHelperInterface implementation.
QuicAlarmFactory* GetAlarmFactory();
inline void set_random_generator(QuicRandom* random) {
random_generator_ = random;
inline bool enable_random_delays() const { return enable_random_delays_; }
inline void set_enable_random_delays(bool enable_random_delays) {
enable_random_delays_ = enable_random_delays;
// Run the simulation until either no actors are scheduled or
// |termination_predicate| returns true. Returns true if terminated due to
// predicate, and false otherwise.
template <class TerminationPredicate>
bool RunUntil(TerminationPredicate termination_predicate);
// Same as RunUntil, except this function also accepts a |deadline|, and will
// return false if the deadline is exceeded.
template <class TerminationPredicate>
bool RunUntilOrTimeout(TerminationPredicate termination_predicate,
QuicTime::Delta deadline);
// Runs the simulation for exactly the specified |time_span|.
void RunFor(QuicTime::Delta time_span);
class Clock : public QuicClock {
// Do not start at zero as certain code can treat zero as an invalid
// timestamp.
const QuicTime kStartTime =
QuicTime::Zero() + QuicTime::Delta::FromMicroseconds(1);
QuicTime ApproximateNow() const override;
QuicTime Now() const override;
QuicWallTime WallNow() const override;
QuicTime now_;
// The delegate used for RunFor().
class RunForDelegate : public QuicAlarm::Delegate {
explicit RunForDelegate(bool* run_for_should_stop);
void OnAlarm() override;
// Pointer to |run_for_should_stop_| in the parent simulator.
bool* run_for_should_stop_;
// Finds the next scheduled actor, advances time to the schedule time and
// notifies the actor.
void HandleNextScheduledActor();
Clock clock_;
QuicRandom* random_generator_;
SimpleBufferAllocator buffer_allocator_;
AlarmFactory alarm_factory_;
// Alarm for RunFor() method.
std::unique_ptr<QuicAlarm> run_for_alarm_;
// Flag used to stop simulations ran via RunFor().
bool run_for_should_stop_;
// Indicates whether the simulator should add random delays on the links in
// order to avoid synchronization issues.
bool enable_random_delays_;
// Schedule of when the actors will be executed via an Act() call. The
// schedule is subject to the following invariants:
// - An actor cannot be scheduled for a later time than it's currently in the
// schedule.
// - An actor is removed from schedule either immediately before Act() is
// called or by explicitly calling Unschedule().
// - Each Actor appears in the map at most once.
std::multimap<QuicTime, Actor*> schedule_;
// For each actor, maintain the time it is scheduled at. The value for
// unscheduled actors is QuicTime::Infinite().
QuicUnorderedMap<Actor*, QuicTime> scheduled_times_;
QuicUnorderedSet<std::string> actor_names_;
template <class TerminationPredicate>
bool Simulator::RunUntil(TerminationPredicate termination_predicate) {
bool predicate_value = false;
while (true) {
predicate_value = termination_predicate();
if (predicate_value || schedule_.empty()) {
return predicate_value;
template <class TerminationPredicate>
bool Simulator::RunUntilOrTimeout(TerminationPredicate termination_predicate,
QuicTime::Delta timeout) {
QuicTime end_time = clock_.Now() + timeout;
bool return_value = RunUntil([end_time, &termination_predicate, this]() {
return termination_predicate() || clock_.Now() >= end_time;
if (clock_.Now() >= end_time) {
return false;
return return_value;
} // namespace simulator
} // namespace net