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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// OneShotTimer and RepeatingTimer provide a simple timer API. As the names
// suggest, OneShotTimer calls you back once after a time delay expires.
// RepeatingTimer on the other hand calls you back periodically with the
// prescribed time interval.
// OneShotTimer and RepeatingTimer both cancel the timer when they go out of
// scope, which makes it easy to ensure that you do not get called when your
// object has gone out of scope. Just instantiate a OneShotTimer or
// RepeatingTimer as a member variable of the class for which you wish to
// receive timer events.
// Sample RepeatingTimer usage:
// class MyClass {
// public:
// void StartDoingStuff() {
// timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1),
// this, &MyClass::DoStuff);
// }
// void StopDoingStuff() {
// timer_.Stop();
// }
// private:
// void DoStuff() {
// // This method is called every second to do stuff.
// ...
// }
// base::RepeatingTimer timer_;
// };
// Both OneShotTimer and RepeatingTimer also support a Reset method, which
// allows you to easily defer the timer event until the timer delay passes once
// again. So, in the above example, if 0.5 seconds have already passed,
// calling Reset on |timer_| would postpone DoStuff by another 1 second. In
// other words, Reset is shorthand for calling Stop and then Start again with
// the same arguments.
// These APIs are not thread safe. All methods must be called from the same
// sequence (not necessarily the construction sequence), except for the
// destructor and SetTaskRunner().
// - The destructor may be called from any sequence when the timer is not
// running and there is no scheduled task active, i.e. when Start() has never
// been called or after AbandonAndStop() has been called.
// - SetTaskRunner() may be called from any sequence when the timer is not
// running, i.e. when Start() has never been called or Stop() has been called
// since the last Start().
// By default, the scheduled tasks will be run on the same sequence that the
// Timer was *started on*, but this can be changed *prior* to Start() via
// SetTaskRunner().
// IMPORTANT: If you change timer code, make sure that all tests (including
// disabled ones) from timer_unittests.cc pass locally. Some are disabled
// because they're flaky on the buildbot, but when you run them locally you
// should be able to tell the difference.
#include <memory>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker_impl.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
class BaseTimerTaskInternal;
class TickClock;
// TODO(gab): Removing this fwd-decl causes IWYU failures in other headers,
// remove it in a follow- up CL.
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
// This class wraps TaskRunner::PostDelayedTask to manage delayed and repeating
// tasks. See meta comment above for thread-safety requirements.
class BASE_EXPORT Timer {
// Construct a timer in repeating or one-shot mode. Start must be called later
// to set task info. |retain_user_task| determines whether the user_task is
// retained or reset when it runs or stops. If |tick_clock| is provided, it is
// used instead of TimeTicks::Now() to get TimeTicks when scheduling tasks.
Timer(bool retain_user_task, bool is_repeating);
Timer(bool retain_user_task, bool is_repeating, TickClock* tick_clock);
// Construct a timer with retained task info. If |tick_clock| is provided, it
// is used instead of TimeTicks::Now() to get TimeTicks when scheduling tasks.
Timer(const Location& posted_from,
TimeDelta delay,
const base::Closure& user_task,
bool is_repeating);
Timer(const Location& posted_from,
TimeDelta delay,
const base::Closure& user_task,
bool is_repeating,
TickClock* tick_clock);
virtual ~Timer();
// Returns true if the timer is running (i.e., not stopped).
virtual bool IsRunning() const;
// Returns the current delay for this timer.
virtual TimeDelta GetCurrentDelay() const;
// Set the task runner on which the task should be scheduled. This method can
// only be called before any tasks have been scheduled. If |task_runner| runs
// tasks on a different sequence than the sequence owning this Timer,
// |user_task_| will be posted to it when the Timer fires (note that this
// means |user_task_| can run after ~Timer() and should support that).
void SetTaskRunner(scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
// Start the timer to run at the given |delay| from now. If the timer is
// already running, it will be replaced to call the given |user_task|.
virtual void Start(const Location& posted_from,
TimeDelta delay,
const base::Closure& user_task);
// Call this method to stop and cancel the timer. It is a no-op if the timer
// is not running.
virtual void Stop();
// Stop running task (if any) and abandon scheduled task (if any).
void AbandonAndStop() {
// No more member accesses here: |this| could be deleted at this point.
// Call this method to reset the timer delay. The |user_task_| must be set. If
// the timer is not running, this will start it by posting a task.
virtual void Reset();
const base::Closure& user_task() const { return user_task_; }
const TimeTicks& desired_run_time() const { return desired_run_time_; }
// Returns the current tick count.
TimeTicks Now() const;
void set_user_task(const Closure& task) { user_task_ = task; }
void set_desired_run_time(TimeTicks desired) { desired_run_time_ = desired; }
void set_is_running(bool running) { is_running_ = running; }
const Location& posted_from() const { return posted_from_; }
bool retain_user_task() const { return retain_user_task_; }
bool is_repeating() const { return is_repeating_; }
bool is_running() const { return is_running_; }
friend class BaseTimerTaskInternal;
// Allocates a new |scheduled_task_| and posts it on the current sequence with
// the given |delay|. |scheduled_task_| must be null. |scheduled_run_time_|
// and |desired_run_time_| are reset to Now() + delay.
void PostNewScheduledTask(TimeDelta delay);
// Returns the task runner on which the task should be scheduled. If the
// corresponding |task_runner_| field is null, the task runner for the current
// sequence is returned.
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner();
// Disable |scheduled_task_| and abandon it so that it no longer refers back
// to this object.
void AbandonScheduledTask();
// Called by BaseTimerTaskInternal when the delayed task fires.
void RunScheduledTask();
// When non-null, the |scheduled_task_| was posted to call RunScheduledTask()
// at |scheduled_run_time_|.
BaseTimerTaskInternal* scheduled_task_;
// The task runner on which the task should be scheduled. If it is null, the
// task runner for the current sequence will be used.
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Location in user code.
Location posted_from_;
// Delay requested by user.
TimeDelta delay_;
// |user_task_| is what the user wants to be run at |desired_run_time_|.
base::Closure user_task_;
// The time at which |scheduled_task_| is expected to fire. This time can be a
// "zero" TimeTicks if the task must be run immediately.
TimeTicks scheduled_run_time_;
// The desired run time of |user_task_|. The user may update this at any time,
// even if their previous request has not run yet. If |desired_run_time_| is
// greater than |scheduled_run_time_|, a continuation task will be posted to
// wait for the remaining time. This allows us to reuse the pending task so as
// not to flood the delayed queues with orphaned tasks when the user code
// excessively Stops and Starts the timer. This time can be a "zero" TimeTicks
// if the task must be run immediately.
TimeTicks desired_run_time_;
// Timer isn't thread-safe and must only be used on its origin sequence
// (sequence on which it was started). Once fully Stop()'ed it may be
// destroyed or restarted on another sequence.
SequenceChecker origin_sequence_checker_;
// Repeating timers automatically post the task again before calling the task
// callback.
const bool is_repeating_;
// If true, hold on to the |user_task_| closure object for reuse.
const bool retain_user_task_;
// The tick clock used to calculate the run time for scheduled tasks.
TickClock* const tick_clock_;
// If true, |user_task_| is scheduled to run sometime in the future.
bool is_running_;
// This class is an implementation detail of OneShotTimer and RepeatingTimer.
// Please do not use this class directly.
class BaseTimerMethodPointer : public Timer {
// This is here to work around the fact that Timer::Start is "hidden" by the
// Start definition below, rather than being overloaded.
// TODO(tim): We should remove uses of BaseTimerMethodPointer::Start below
// and convert callers to use the base::Closure version in Timer::Start,
// see bug 148832.
using Timer::Start;
enum RepeatMode { ONE_SHOT, REPEATING };
BaseTimerMethodPointer(RepeatMode mode, TickClock* tick_clock)
: Timer(mode == REPEATING, mode == REPEATING, tick_clock) {}
// Start the timer to run at the given |delay| from now. If the timer is
// already running, it will be replaced to call a task formed from
// |reviewer->*method|.
template <class Receiver>
void Start(const Location& posted_from,
TimeDelta delay,
Receiver* receiver,
void (Receiver::*method)()) {
Timer::Start(posted_from, delay,
base::Bind(method, base::Unretained(receiver)));
// A simple, one-shot timer. See usage notes at the top of the file.
class OneShotTimer : public BaseTimerMethodPointer {
OneShotTimer() : OneShotTimer(nullptr) {}
explicit OneShotTimer(TickClock* tick_clock)
: BaseTimerMethodPointer(ONE_SHOT, tick_clock) {}
// A simple, repeating timer. See usage notes at the top of the file.
class RepeatingTimer : public BaseTimerMethodPointer {
RepeatingTimer() : RepeatingTimer(nullptr) {}
explicit RepeatingTimer(TickClock* tick_clock)
: BaseTimerMethodPointer(REPEATING, tick_clock) {}
// A Delay timer is like The Button from Lost. Once started, you have to keep
// calling Reset otherwise it will call the given method on the sequence it was
// initially Reset() from.
// Once created, it is inactive until Reset is called. Once |delay| seconds have
// passed since the last call to Reset, the callback is made. Once the callback
// has been made, it's inactive until Reset is called again.
// If destroyed, the timeout is canceled and will not occur even if already
// inflight.
class DelayTimer : protected Timer {
template <class Receiver>
DelayTimer(const Location& posted_from,
TimeDelta delay,
Receiver* receiver,
void (Receiver::*method)())
: DelayTimer(posted_from, delay, receiver, method, nullptr) {}
template <class Receiver>
DelayTimer(const Location& posted_from,
TimeDelta delay,
Receiver* receiver,
void (Receiver::*method)(),
TickClock* tick_clock)
: Timer(posted_from,
base::Bind(method, base::Unretained(receiver)),
tick_clock) {}
using Timer::Reset;
} // namespace base