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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 15
module arc.mojom;
import "bitmap.mojom";
import "gfx.mojom";
// These values must be matched with the NOTIFICATION_EVENT_* constants in
// com.android.server.ArcNotificationListenerService.
enum ArcNotificationEvent {
// Five buttons at maximum (message_center::kNotificationMaximumItems = 5).
// expand/collapse the bundled notification
[MinVersion=10] TOGGLE_EXPANSION = 7,
// These values must be matched with the NOTIFICATION_TYPE_* constants in
// com.android.server.ArcNotificationListenerService.
enum ArcNotificationType {
BASIC = 0,
IMAGE = 1,
LIST = 3,
// These values are corresponding to the priorities of Android notification.
enum ArcNotificationPriority {
MIN = -2, // same value as Notification.PRIORITY_MIN
LOW = -1, // same value as Notification.PRIORITY_LOW
DEFAULT = 0, // same value as Notification.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
HIGH = 1, // same value as Notification.PRIORITY_HIGH
MAX = 2, // same value as Notification.PRIORITY_MAX
struct ArcNotificationButton {
// Title
string label;
[Extensible, MinVersion=10]
enum ArcNotificationExpandState {
[Extensible, MinVersion=12]
enum ArcNotificationRemoteInputState {
// These values represent what shows in an ARC custom notification.
[Extensible, MinVersion=11]
enum ArcNotificationShownContents {
// The normal notification contents are shown.
// The notification settings view is shown.
struct ArcNotificationData {
// Identifier of notification
string key;
// Type of notification
ArcNotificationType type;
// Body message of notification
string message;
// Title of notification
string title;
// Mimetype of |icon_data|
string icon_mimetype;
// Binary data of the icon
array<uint8> icon_data;
// Priority of notification
ArcNotificationPriority priority;
// Timestamp related to the notification
int64 time;
// The current value of progress, must be [0, progress_max].
int32 progress_current;
// The maximum value of progress.
int32 progress_max;
// Action buttons
array<ArcNotificationButton> buttons;
// Flag if the notification has FLAG_NO_CLEAR.
bool no_clear;
// Flag if the notification has FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT.
bool ongoing_event;
// Subtexts for list notifications.
array<string>? texts;
// Image for image notifications.
ArcBitmap? big_picture;
// Flag if a notification is a custom notification backed by a notification
// surface. Note the flag is only used on creation. Change of the flag
// on notification update is ignored.
bool use_custom_notification;
ArcBitmap? small_icon;
// A snapshot image to show before the notification window is created.
ArcBitmap? snapshot_image;
float snapshot_image_scale;
// Accessibility text
string? accessible_name;
// Flag if the notification is expandable
ArcNotificationExpandState expand_state;
// Flag for what shows in a notification.
ArcNotificationShownContents shown_contents;
ArcNotificationRemoteInputState remote_input_state;
// Indicates a rect for which Android wants to handle swipe events for by
// itself. The coordinates in this Rect are in Android pixels and represent
// a sub-rectangle of the notification, with the origin being the top left
// of the notification.
Rect? swipe_input_rect;
struct ArcToastData {
// Unique identifier
string id;
// Toast text.
string? text;
// Toast duration in milliseconds. If -1, the toast will be displayed until
// the dismiss button is clicked.
int32 duration;
// Toast dismiss button label, if set. Otherwise, default label is used for
// the dismiss button.
string? dismiss_text;
// Next Method ID: 6
interface NotificationsHost {
// Tells the Chrome that a notification is posted (created or updated) on
// Android. If you know that the notification exists, please consider to use
// OnNotificationUpdate instead.
// |notification_data| is the data of notification (id, texts, icon and ...).
OnNotificationPosted@0(ArcNotificationData notification_data);
// Notifies that a notification is removed on Android.
// |key| is the identifier of the notification.
OnNotificationRemoved@1(string key);
// Shows a toast, or queues it if another toast is visible.
OnToastPosted@2(ArcToastData data);
// Hides the visible toast immediately, or cancels the scheduled one.
OnToastCancelled@3(ArcToastData data);
// Notifies that an existing notiication is updated on Android.
OnNotificationUpdated@5(ArcNotificationData notification_data);
// Next Method ID: 6
// TODO(lhchavez): Migrate all request/response messages to Mojo.
interface NotificationsInstance {
// DEPRECATED: Please use Init@5 instead.
InitDeprecated@0(NotificationsHost host_ptr);
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=14] Init@5(NotificationsHost host_ptr) => ();
// Sends an event from Chrome notification UI to Android.
// |event| is a type of occured event.
SendNotificationEventToAndroid@1(string key, ArcNotificationEvent event);
// Requests to Android side to create the notification window.
// |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
// side.
CreateNotificationWindow@2(string key);
// Requests to Android side to close the notification window.
// |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
// side.
CloseNotificationWindow@3(string key);
// Requests to Android side to open notification settings.
// |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
// side.
OpenNotificationSettings@4(string key);