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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 9
module arc.mojom;
enum NetworkResult {
enum GetNetworksRequestType {
enum ConnectionStateType {
struct VisibleNetworkDetails {
int32 frequency;
int32 signal_strength;
string bssid;
struct ConfiguredNetworkDetails {
string? passphrase;
bool autoconnect;
union NetworkDetails {
VisibleNetworkDetails visible;
ConfiguredNetworkDetails configured;
enum IPAddressType {
struct IPConfiguration {
string gateway;
string ip_address;
array<string> name_servers;
int32 routing_prefix;
IPAddressType type;
string web_proxy_auto_discovery_url;
enum SecurityType {
struct WiFi {
string bssid;
int32 frequency;
string hex_ssid;
bool hidden_ssid;
SecurityType security;
int32 signal_strength;
enum NetworkType {
struct NetworkConfiguration {
// These correspond to ONC properties returned by
// chrome.networkingPrivate.getProperties().
// See components/onc/docs/onc_spec.html
ConnectionStateType connection_state;
string guid;
array<IPConfiguration>? ip_configs;
string? mac_address;
NetworkType type;
WiFi? wifi;
struct WifiConfiguration {
// These correspond to ONC properties returned by
// chrome.networkingPrivate.getNetworks() and createNetwork().
// See components/onc/docs/onc_spec.html
// SSID encoded as a series of hex bytes, e.g. "61626364"
// This allows for handling SSIDs which are not valid UTF-8 strings.
[MinVersion=2] string? hexssid@6;
[MinVersion=1] string? guid@5;
string security@4;
// Fields specific to either visible or configured networks.
[MinVersion=2] NetworkDetails? details@7;
// Deprecated. These will be removed when both sides support NetworkDetails.
int32 frequency@1;
int32 signal_strength@2;
string bssid@3;
// Deprecated. |hexssid| will be used, going forward.
string ssid@0;
struct NetworkData {
NetworkResult status;
array<WifiConfiguration> networks;
struct GetNetworksResponseType {
NetworkResult status;
array<NetworkConfiguration> networks;
struct AndroidVpnConfiguration {
// The canonical name of the VPN app (e.g. "com.android.myvpn").
string app_name@0;
// The human-readable name of the VPN app (e.g. "OpenVPN").
string app_label@1;
// The name of the VPN session, as set by the app using setSession().
// The app does not need to call setSession() so this may be empty.
string session_name@2;
// True if Chrome browser traffic should be sent through the VPN.
bool tunnel_chrome_traffic@3;
// The next hop for IPv4 traffic originating on the host. Currently this
// will be set to arc0's IP address.
string ipv4_gateway@4;
// A list of IPv4 and IPv6 ranges to route through the VPN. e.g.
// [""] or ["", ""].
array<string> split_include@5;
// A list of IPv4 and IPv6 ranges to exclude from the VPN. If specified,
// all traffic that does not fall into these ranges will use the VPN.
array<string> split_exclude@6;
// A list of DNS servers.
array<string> nameservers@7;
// A list of search domains for DNS resolution.
array<string> domains@8;
// Next Method ID: 13
interface NetHost {
// Sends a request to get enabled / disabled status of WiFi.
GetWifiEnabledState@1() => (bool is_enabled);
// Sends a request to start scan of WiFi APs.
[MinVersion=1] StartScan@2();
// Sends a request to get configured or visible WiFi networks based on the
// request type.
[MinVersion=2] GetNetworksDeprecated@3(GetNetworksRequestType type) => (NetworkData data);
// Sends a request to enable or disable WiFi. The |result| is true when the
// the state has been successfully set or WiFi is already in the desired
// state. It is false if WiFi manipulation is prohibited due to a policy or
// its current state.
[MinVersion=3] SetWifiEnabledState@4(bool is_enabled) => (bool result);
// Creates a new network and returns the GUID. If an error occurs,
// |guid| will be an empty string.
[MinVersion=4] CreateNetwork@5(WifiConfiguration cfg) => (string guid);
// Deletes an existing network.
[MinVersion=4] ForgetNetwork@6(string guid) => (NetworkResult status);
// Initiates a network connection. If called when connected to a different
// network, it will drop the current connection first.
[MinVersion=4] StartConnect@7(string guid) => (NetworkResult status);
// Disconnects from network |guid|.
[MinVersion=4] StartDisconnect@8(string guid) => (NetworkResult status);
// Retrieve details (IP, SSID, etc.) about the current network connection.
[MinVersion=5] GetDefaultNetwork@9() => (
NetworkConfiguration? logical_default,
NetworkConfiguration? physical_default);
// Sends a request to get configured or visible WiFi networks based on the
// request type.
[MinVersion=6] GetNetworks@10(GetNetworksRequestType type) =>
(GetNetworksResponseType response);
// Inform Chrome OS that a VPN has connected.
[MinVersion=7] AndroidVpnConnected@11(AndroidVpnConfiguration cfg);
// Inform Chrome OS that a VPN is disconnected, reconnecting, or reconnected.
[MinVersion=7] AndroidVpnStateChanged@12(ConnectionStateType state);
// Next Method ID: 7
interface NetInstance {
// DEPRECATED: Please use Init@6 instead.
InitDeprecated@0(NetHost host_ptr);
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=8] Init@6(NetHost host_ptr) => ();
// Notifies the instance of a WiFI AP scan being completed.
[MinVersion=1] ScanCompleted@1();
[MinVersion=2] DefaultNetworkChanged@2(
NetworkConfiguration? logical_default,
NetworkConfiguration? physical_default);
[MinVersion=3] WifiEnabledStateChanged@3(bool is_enabled);
// Ask Android to disconnect the VPN, per user request.
[MinVersion=7] DisconnectAndroidVpn@4();
// Ask Android to pop up a VPN configuration dialog, per user request.
[MinVersion=7] ConfigureAndroidVpn@5();