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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ui.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/cursor/cursor.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/screen_provider_observer.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_manager_constants.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_tree_constants.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/compositor_frame_sink.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/frame_sink_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/surface_info.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojo/ui_base_types.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojo/event.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojo/event_constants.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/image/mojo/image.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojo/transform.mojom";
import "ui/platform_window/mojo/text_input_state.mojom";
// Windows are identified by a uint64. The upper 32 bits are the id assigned to
// the client by the Window Service, and the lower 32 an id assigned by the
// client. Windows created by the client supply a client id of 0, which the
// Window Service maps appropriately. For clients that see Windows created by
// another client, the upper 32 bits are set to identify the other client.
// The root window is identified with a connection id of 0, and value of 1.
// Most functions to the WindowTree take a change_id parameter. When
// WindowTree completes processing of a function WindowTree calls
// WindowTreeClient::OnChangeCompleted() with the change_id supplied by the
// client and the result of the function. This allows the client to track
// whether the call succeeded or not. Calls are done via the client interface
// rather than a callback to ensure ordering. The server does not interpret the
// change id in anyway, it is up to the client to assign a value and use it.
// Generally the change id is an ever increasing integer.
// Event processing happens in the following order:
// . The event is sent to the accelerator registered for the PRE_TARGET. If
// the client consumes the event, matching pointer watchers are notified and
// processing stops. If the client does not consume the event processing
// continues.
// . Target window (lookup of the target window depends upon the event type) and
// matching pointer watchers are notified at the same time. The target is only
// notified once, even if it has a matching pointer watcher registered. If the
// target consumes the event, processing stops.
// . Accelerator registered for POST_TARGET. No response is expected from the
// client for the POST_TARGET and processing of the next continues
// immediately.
interface WindowTree {
// Creates a new window with the specified id. It is up to the client to
// ensure the id is unique to the connection (the id need not be globally
// unique). Additionally the connection id (embedded in |window_id|) must
// match that of the connection.
// Errors:
// ERROR_CODE_VALUE_IN_USE: a window already exists with the specified id.
// ERROR_CODE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT: The connection part of |window_id| does not
// match the connection id of the client.
NewWindow(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
map<string, array<uint8>>? properties);
// Requests the WindowManager to create a new top level window. On success
// OnTopLevelCreated() is called with the WindowData for the new window. On
// failure OnChangeCompleted() is called.
// TODO(sky): this likely needs context, maybe in |properties|.
NewTopLevelWindow(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
map<string, array<uint8>> properties);
// Deletes a window. This does not recurse. No hierarchy change notifications
// are sent as a result of this. Only the connection that created the window
// can delete it. DeleteWindow() may also be used to remove a window as an
// embed root from the client. When DeleteWindow() is used to remove an embed
// root, the client no longer has access to the embed root. The embedder of
// the root is notified of the change via OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected().
DeleteWindow(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id);
// Requests input event capture for the given |window_id|. Capture is only
// allowed if the window is processing an event. When a window gains capture,
// current input events are canceled. The given window will receive all
// subsequent input until an alternate window is set via SetCapture, or
// ReleaseCapture is called for |window_id|. OnCaptureChanged() is called to
// notify of capture changing (as long as the client did not initiate the
// change).
SetCapture(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id);
// Releases input event capture for the given |window_id|. This does nothing
// if |window_id| does not currently have capture.
ReleaseCapture(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id);
// Starts the pointer watcher that monitors pointer events (up/down events if
// |wants_moves| is false, up/down and move if |wants_moves| is true), even if
// they are not targeted at a window in this tree. For pointer events that
// would normally be sent to the requesting client (if the event target is
// this window tree) OnWindowInputEvent() is called, all other matching
// pointer events (if the target is another tree) result in
// OnPointerEventObserved(). There is only ever one pointer watcher active at
// a given time. The client should prefer |want_moves| to be false, as there's
// a system-wide performance/battery penalty for listening to moves.
// See class description for details on event delivery.
StartPointerWatcher(bool want_moves);
// Stops the pointer watcher for all events.
// Sets the specified bounds of the specified window. The window will paint
// the frame in the provided |local_frame_id|, if any.
SetWindowBounds(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
gfx.mojom.Rect bounds,
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id);
SetWindowTransform(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
gfx.mojom.Transform transform);
// Sets the client area of the specified window. The client area is specified
// by way of insets. Everything outside of the insets, and not in
// |additional_client_areas| is considered non-client area.
// TODO(sky): convert additional_client_areas to a path.
SetClientArea(uint64 window_id,
gfx.mojom.Insets insets,
array<gfx.mojom.Rect>? additional_client_areas);
// Mouse events outside a hit test mask do not hit the window. The |mask| is
// in window local coordinates. Pass null to clear the mask.
// TODO(jamescook): Convert |mask| to a path. http://crbug.com/613210
SetHitTestMask(uint64 window_id, gfx.mojom.Rect? mask);
// Called by clients that want to accept drag and drops. Windows default to
// this being disabled; a window must actively opt-in to receiving OnDrag*()
// calls.
SetCanAcceptDrops(uint64 window_id, bool accepts_drops);
// Sets the visibility of the specified window to |visible|. Connections are
// allowed to change the visibility of any window they have created, as well
// as any of their roots.
SetWindowVisibility(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id, bool visible);
// Sets an individual named property. Setting an individual property to null
// deletes the property.
SetWindowProperty(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
string name,
array<uint8>? value);
// Sets the opacity of the specified window to |opacity|.
SetWindowOpacity(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id, float opacity);
// Attaches a CompositorFrameSink to a particular window.
uint64 window_id,
viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSink& compositor_frame_sink,
viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSinkClient client);
// Reparents a window.
// This fails for any of the following reasons:
// . |parent| or |child| does not identify a valid window.
// . |child| is an ancestor of |parent|.
// . |child| is already a child of |parent|.
// This may result in a connection getting OnWindowDeleted(). See
// RemoveWindowFromParent for details.
AddWindow(uint32 change_id, uint64 parent, uint64 child);
// Removes a window from its current parent. This fails if the window is not
// valid or the window already has no parent.
// Removing a window from a parent may result in OnWindowDeleted() being sent
// to other connections. For example, connection A has windows 1 and 2, with 2
// a child of 1. Connection B has a root 1. If 2 is removed from 1 then B gets
// OnWindowDeleted(). This is done as window 2 is effectively no longer
// visible to connection B.
RemoveWindowFromParent(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id);
// Ties the lifetime of |transient_window_id| to the lifetime of |window_id|.
// This also places |transient_window_id| on top of |window_id|.
// This fails for any of the following reasons:
// . |window_id| or |transient_window_id| does not identify a valid window.
// . |transient_window_id| is an ancestor of |window_id|.
// . |transient_window_id| is modal to system.
AddTransientWindow(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
uint64 transient_window_id);
// Decouples the lifetime of |transient_window_id| from its transient parent.
// This does not change transient window's position in the window hierarchy.
RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(uint32 change_id, uint64 transient_window_id);
// Changes modality type of |window_id|. This releases capture if necessary.
// This fails for any of the following reasons:
// . |window_id| does not identify a valid window.
// . Client does not have a valid user id (i.e., it is an embedded app).
SetModalType(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id, ModalType type);
// Sets the modal parent of a CHILD_MODAL window. This is the modal parent of
// the window, which is not necessarily the same as the parent of the window.
SetChildModalParent(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
uint64 parent_window_id);
// Reorders a window in its parent, relative to |relative_window_id| according
// to |direction|. Only the connection that created the window's parent can
// reorder its children.
ReorderWindow(uint32 change_id,
uint64 window_id,
uint64 relative_window_id,
OrderDirection direction);
// Returns the windows comprising the tree starting at |window_id|.
// |window_id| is the first result in the return value, unless |window_id| is
// invalid, in which case an empty vector is returned. The windows are visited
// using a depth first search (pre-order).
GetWindowTree(uint64 window_id) => (array<WindowData> windows);
// A connection may grant access to another connection by way of Embed().
// Embed() results in the supplied WindowTreeClient being configured with a
// root window of |window_id|. The supplied WindowTreeClient may create child
// windows and do other various tree operations (including Embed()), but does
// not see nor have access to any of the windows above the embed point.
// The caller must have created |window_id|. If not the request fails and the
// response is false.
// The embedder can dictate the behaviour of the embedded client by setting
// the appropriate embed flags (e.g. kEmbedFlagEmbedderInterceptsEvents).
// When a connection embeds a WindowTreeClient the originating connection no
// longer has privileges to access or see any of the children of the window.
// If the window had existing children the children are removed. The
// WindowManager gets to see the whole tree.
// A window may only have one embedding in it at a time. Subsequent calls to
// Embed() for the same window result in the currently embedded
// WindowTreeClient being removed. The embedded app is told this by way of
// OnUnembed(), which is followed by OnWindowDeleted() (as the connection no
// longer has access to the window).
// The embedder can detect when the embedded app disconnects by way of
// OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected().
// The callback returns whether the embedding was successful.
Embed(uint64 window_id, WindowTreeClient client, uint32 embed_flags)
=> (bool success);
// Schedules a future call to Embed() using the returned token. This is used
// when two clients need to work together to complete an embedding without
// passing the WindowTreeClient between the two. This ensures a client isn't
// able to spoof another client (say by directly passing events to the
// client).
// For example, client A embeds client B in a window. Client A wants client B
// to embed a WindowTreeClient in a window created by client B. This can be
// accomplished by client A calling ScheduleEmbed() and then passing the
// token returned from ScheduleEmbed() to client B (using a separate pipe) so
// that client B may call EmbedUsingToken().
ScheduleEmbed(WindowTreeClient client)
=> (mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token);
// Creates an UnguessableToken for use in a future call, by another client, to
// EmbedUsingToken().
// The following example shows how to use this api. Client A wants client B
// to embed it in a window created by client B.
// 1. Client A calls ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient() to get a token.
// 2. Client A passes the token to client B. This communication is done using
// an additional channel, outside of WindowTree/WindowTreeClient.
// 3. Client B calls EmbedUsingToken().
// 4. Client A receives OnEmbedFromToken() with the token from step 1.
// |window_id| is the id used for the window once EmbedUsingToken() is called.
// More specifically, when OnEmbedFromToken() is called |window_id| is the id
// of the window identified in the WindowData.
ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient(uint32 window_id) => (
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token);
// Pair with ScheduleEmbed() or ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient() to complete
// an embedding, see them for details.
EmbedUsingToken(uint64 window_id,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token,
uint32 embed_flags)
=> (bool success);
// Sets focus to the specified window, use 0 to clear focus. For a window to
// get focus the following has to happen: the window is drawn, the window has
// been marked as focusable (see SetCanFocus()) and the window is in a
// container the WindowManager has identified as allowing activation
// (see WindowManagerClient::AddActivationParent()).
SetFocus(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id);
// Marks the specified window as being able to receive focus.
SetCanFocus(uint64 window_id, bool can_focus);
// Sets the cursor when the pointer is inside |window_id|.
SetCursor(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id, CursorData cursor);
// Set text input state for the given window.
SetWindowTextInputState(uint64 window_id, TextInputState state);
// Set the input method editor UI (software keyboard, etc) visibility.
// If state is non-null, the specified window's text input state is updated.
// Otherwise the existing state is used.
SetImeVisibility(uint64 window_id, bool visible, TextInputState? state);
// Sets the EventTargetingPolicy. See EventTargetingPolicy for details.
SetEventTargetingPolicy(uint64 window_id, EventTargetingPolicy policy);
// See documentation for WindowTreeClient::OnWindowInputEvent().
OnWindowInputEventAck(uint32 event_id, EventResult result);
// If the current focus is (or is a child of) |window_id|, requests that the
// window manager change the focus to the next activatable window.
DeactivateWindow(uint64 window_id);
// Stacks the window |above_id| above |below_id|. These two windows must
// share the same parent. This function is intended for use with top-levels
// only. For non-top-levels, use ReorderWindow().
// TODO(sky): unify this and ReorderWindow(). https://crbug.com/850133.
StackAbove(uint32 change_id, uint64 above_id, uint64 below_id);
// Stacks the window above all sibling windows.
StackAtTop(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id);
// Tells the window manager to perform |string_action| for |window_id|.
PerformWmAction(uint64 window_id, string action);
// Returns a shared memory segment that contains two 16-bit ints packed into a
// single Atomic32, which represent the current location of the mouse cursor
// where the location is (x << 16) | y.
GetCursorLocationMemory() => (handle<shared_buffer> cursor_buffer);
// Tells the window manager to start moving the window. OnChangeCompleted is
// called on whether the move was canceled. Because there's a delay between
// when a client sends this message and when the window manager starts acting
// on it, pass the cursor location at the start of the move.
PerformWindowMove(uint32 change_id, uint64 window_id, MoveLoopSource source,
gfx.mojom.Point cursor);
// Tells the window manager to cancel any in progress window move started with
// StartWindowMove() and to revert the window bounds to how they were.
CancelWindowMove(uint64 window_id);
// Called by the client to start a drag operation. |source_window_id| is the
// source window, |screen_location| is what the source thinks their location
// of the pointer which started the drag is, |drag_data| is the entire set of
// mime to raw data mapping. |drag_image| and |drag_image_offset| describe
// an image to hold behind the cursor which represents the data on the
// clipboard. We send this during the start of the drag because most views
// clients will try to read all this data on first entry.
PerformDragDrop(uint32 change_id,
uint64 source_window_id,
gfx.mojom.Point screen_location,
map<string, array<uint8>> drag_data,
gfx.mojom.ImageSkia? drag_image,
gfx.mojom.Vector2d drag_image_offset,
uint32 drag_operation,
PointerKind source);
// Called by the client to cancel any in progress drag drop operation. This
// will result in a change completed for the underlying change.
CancelDragDrop(uint64 window_id);
// Called by the client to start a session of observing the topmost window
// under the cursor or touch point. Once called, OnTopmostWindowChanged() is
// called on the client whenever the topmost window changes. |source|
// specifies what type of located events should be observed (mouse or touch),
// and |window_id| specifies the initial target of the located event.
ObserveTopmostWindow(MoveLoopSource source, uint64 window_id);
// Called by the client to request stopping the ongoing session of observing
// the topmost window under the cursor.
// Changes to windows are not sent to the connection that originated the
// change. For example, if connection 1 changes the bounds of a window by
// calling SetWindowBounds(), connection 1 does not receive
// OnWindowBoundsChanged().
interface WindowTreeClient {
// Invoked when the client application has been embedded at |root|.
// See Embed() on WindowTree for more details. |tree| will be a handle back to
// the window manager service, unless the connection is to the root connection
// in which case it will be null. |parent_drawn| is true if roots parent is
// drawn, see OnParentDrawnStateChanged() for details. |display_id| identifies
// the display this root window is on. If the embedded window has a size,
// |local_surface_id| identifies the ID to use to submit CompositorFrames.
OnEmbed(WindowData root,
WindowTree? tree,
int64 display_id,
uint64 focused_window,
bool parent_drawn,
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id);
// See description in ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient() for details on this.
// Supplied arguments match that of OnEmbed().
OnEmbedFromToken(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token,
WindowData root,
int64 display_id,
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id);
// Invoked when the application embedded at |window| is disconnected. In other
// words the embedded app closes the connection to the server. This is called
// on the connection that created |window| as well as any ancestors that have
// the embed root policy.
OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected(uint64 window);
// Sent when another connection is embedded in the Window this connection was
// previously embedded in. See Embed() for more information.
OnUnembed(uint64 window);
// Sent when capture changes. This is not sent if the client initiated the
// change.
OnCaptureChanged(uint64 new_capture, uint64 old_capture);
// This is called on the client that initiated a call to Embed(), and informs
// the owner (embedder) of the new FrameSinkId of the window (embedding
// results in changing the FrameSinkId).
OnFrameSinkIdAllocated(uint64 window, viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id);
// Called in response to NewTopLevelWindow() successfully completing.
// |parent_drawn| is true if the parent of the window is drawn, see
// OnDrawnStateChanged() for details. |display_id| identifies the display this
// window is on. If the top level window has a size, |local_surface_id|
// identifies the ID to use to submit CompositorFrames.
OnTopLevelCreated(uint32 change_id,
WindowData data,
int64 display_id,
bool parent_drawn,
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id);
// Invoked when a window's bounds have changed. Only the client embedded in
// |window| gets a non_empty |local_surface_id|.
OnWindowBoundsChanged(uint64 window,
gfx.mojom.Rect old_bounds,
gfx.mojom.Rect new_bounds,
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id);
OnWindowTransformChanged(uint64 window,
gfx.mojom.Transform old_transform,
gfx.mojom.Transform new_transform);
OnTransientWindowAdded(uint64 window_id,
uint64 transient_window_id);
OnTransientWindowRemoved(uint64 window_id,
uint64 transient_window_id);
// Invoked when a change is done to the hierarchy. A value of 0 is used to
// identify a null window. For example, if the old_parent is NULL, 0 is
// supplied.
// If |window| was not visible to this client, but is visible now because
// |new_parent| is visible to this client, then |windows| contains details
// about |window|, and all its descendants. |windows| includes any windows
// the client may already know about, but did not know the parent because
// the parent was previously not visible to this client.
// This is not sent for hierarchy changes of windows not known to this client
// or not attached to the tree.
OnWindowHierarchyChanged(uint64 window,
uint64 old_parent,
uint64 new_parent,
array<WindowData> windows);
// Invoked when the order of windows within a parent changes.
OnWindowReordered(uint64 window_id,
uint64 relative_window_id,
OrderDirection direction);
// Invoked when a window is deleted.
OnWindowDeleted(uint64 window);
// Invoked when the visibility of the specified window changes.
OnWindowVisibilityChanged(uint64 window, bool visible);
// Invoked when the opacity of the specified window has changed.
OnWindowOpacityChanged(uint64 window, float old_opacity, float new_opacity);
// Invoked when the drawn state of |window|'s parent changes. The drawn state
// is determined by the visibility of a Window and the Windows ancestors. A
// Window is drawn if all ancestors are visible, not drawn if any ancestor is
// hidden.
// The initial drawn state is communicated by way of OnTopLevelCreated() or
// OnEmbed().
// This function is only called for root Windows as the drawn state of all
// other windows can be determined from their parent.
OnWindowParentDrawnStateChanged(uint64 window, bool drawn);
// Invoked when a window property is changed. If this change is a removal,
// |new_data| is null.
OnWindowSharedPropertyChanged(uint64 window,
string name,
array<uint8>? new_data);
// Invoked when an event is targeted at the specified window. The client must
// call WindowTree::OnWindowInputEventAck() with the same |event_id| to notify
// that the event has been processed, and with an EventResult value to notify
// if the event was consumed. |matches_pointer_watcher| is true if the client
// has called StartPointerWatcher() and the event matches the type of events
// specified by StartPointerWatcher(). The client will not receive farther
// events until the event is ack'ed, regardless of the value of
// |matches_pointer_watcher|.
OnWindowInputEvent(uint32 event_id,
uint64 window,
int64 display_id,
ui.mojom.Event event,
bool matches_pointer_watcher);
// Called when a pointer event that would not normally be targeted at this
// client is encountered and the client called StartPointerWatcher(). See
// StartPointerWatcher() for details. |window_id| is the window id of the
// event target, or 0 if the window is not known to this client. The
// client should not acknowledge these events.
OnPointerEventObserved(ui.mojom.Event event,
uint64 window_id,
int64 display_id);
// Called in two distinct cases: when a window known to the connection gains
// focus, or when focus moves from a window known to the connection to a
// window not known to the connection. In the later case |focused_window_id|
// is 0. As with other functions this is only called if the client did not
// initiate the change.
OnWindowFocused(uint64 focused_window_id);
OnWindowCursorChanged(uint64 window_id, CursorData cursor);
// Invoked when a client window submits a new surface ID. The surface ID and
// associated information is propagated to the parent connection. The parent
// compositor can take ownership of this surface ID and embed it along with
// frame_size and device_scale_factor in a layer.
// TODO(fsamuel): Surface IDs should be passed to parents directly instead of
// going through the window server. http://crbug.com/655231
OnWindowSurfaceChanged(uint64 window_id,
viz.mojom.SurfaceInfo surface_info);
// Called when the mouse cursor enters a window on this connection for the
// first time, providing a list of available mime types. We want to send this
// set of data only one time, so this isn't part of OnDragEnter(), which
// occurs every time the mouse enters a window.
OnDragDropStart(map<string, array<uint8>> drag_data);
// Called when the mouse cursor enters a window that has opted into
// accepting drags through SetAcceptsDrags(), providing a list
// of available mime types. Returns a bitmask of the supported
// operations. |screen_position| is in screen coordinates.
OnDragEnter(uint64 window,
uint32 key_state,
gfx.mojom.Point screen_position,
uint32 effect_bitmask) => (uint32 supported_op_bitmask);
// Called when the pointer moves over the window after the initial
// DragEnter. Returns a bitmask of the supported operations at this
// location. |screen_position| is in screen coordinates.
OnDragOver(uint64 window,
uint32 key_state,
gfx.mojom.Point screen_position,
uint32 effect_bitmask) => (uint32 supported_op_bitmask);
// Called when the pointer leaves a window or if the drop is
// canceled.
OnDragLeave(uint64 window);
// Called when the drop occurs on a window. Returns the action
// taken. |screen_position| is in screen coordinates.
OnCompleteDrop(uint64 window,
uint32 key_state,
gfx.mojom.Point screen_position,
uint32 effect_bitmask) => (uint32 action_taken);
// Called on the client that requested PerformDragDrop() to return which drag
// action was completed. This is called instead of OnChangeCompleted().
OnPerformDragDropCompleted(uint32 change_id,
bool success,
uint32 action_taken);
// Called after OnCompleteDrop completes for every connection which received
// an OnDragDropStart() message. This signals that a client can forget the
// |drag_data| passed in via the first message.
// Called when the topmost window under the cursor/touch changes. The client
// receives at most two IDs for the topmost windows. The first one is for the
// topmost window. The second one is optionally for the second topmost window
// if the first one happens to be the current event target. The second one
// will be used by the client when they want to ignore the event target.
// Each ID can be 0 when the window is not hosted by the client.
OnTopmostWindowChanged(array<uint64> topmost_ids);
// A change initiated from the client has completed. See description of
// change ids for details.
OnChangeCompleted(uint32 change_id, bool success);
// The WindowManager is requesting the specified window to close. If the
// client allows the change it should delete the window.
RequestClose(uint64 window_id);
// Requests the ScreenProviderObserver from the client. See
// ScreenProviderObserver for details.
GetScreenProviderObserver(associated ScreenProviderObserver& observer);
// Mus provides this interface as a way for clients to connect and obtain a
// WindowTree handle with a supplied WindowTreeClient handle. The
// WindowTreeClient has no roots, use NewTopLevelWindow() to create one.
interface WindowTreeFactory {
CreateWindowTree(WindowTree& tree_request, WindowTreeClient client);