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1315 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_framer.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <ios>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <new>
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/hpack/hpack_constants.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_bitmasks.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_bug_tracker.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_frame_builder.h"
#include "net/spdy/core/spdy_frame_reader.h"
#include "net/spdy/platform/api/spdy_estimate_memory_usage.h"
#include "net/spdy/platform/api/spdy_ptr_util.h"
#include "net/spdy/platform/api/spdy_string_utils.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// Pack parent stream ID and exclusive flag into the format used by HTTP/2
// headers and priority frames.
uint32_t PackStreamDependencyValues(bool exclusive,
SpdyStreamId parent_stream_id) {
// Make sure the highest-order bit in the parent stream id is zeroed out.
uint32_t parent = parent_stream_id & 0x7fffffff;
// Set the one-bit exclusivity flag.
uint32_t e_bit = exclusive ? 0x80000000 : 0;
return parent | e_bit;
// Used to indicate no flags in a HTTP2 flags field.
const uint8_t kNoFlags = 0;
// Wire size of pad length field.
const size_t kPadLengthFieldSize = 1;
// The size of one parameter in SETTINGS frame.
const size_t kOneSettingParameterSize = 6;
size_t GetUncompressedSerializedLength(const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers) {
const size_t num_name_value_pairs_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
const size_t length_of_name_size = num_name_value_pairs_size;
const size_t length_of_value_size = num_name_value_pairs_size;
size_t total_length = num_name_value_pairs_size;
for (const auto& header : headers) {
// We add space for the length of the name and the length of the value as
// well as the length of the name and the length of the value.
total_length += length_of_name_size + header.first.size() +
length_of_value_size + header.second.size();
return total_length;
// Serializes the flags octet for a given SpdyHeadersIR.
uint8_t SerializeHeaderFrameFlags(const SpdyHeadersIR& header_ir,
const bool end_headers) {
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (header_ir.fin()) {
if (end_headers) {
if (header_ir.padded()) {
if (header_ir.has_priority()) {
return flags;
// Serializes the flags octet for a given SpdyPushPromiseIR.
uint8_t SerializePushPromiseFrameFlags(const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise_ir,
const bool end_headers) {
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (push_promise_ir.padded()) {
if (end_headers) {
return flags;
// Serializes a HEADERS frame from the given SpdyHeadersIR and encoded header
// block. Does not need or use the SpdyHeaderBlock inside SpdyHeadersIR.
// Return false if the serialization fails. |encoding| should not be empty.
bool SerializeHeadersGivenEncoding(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers,
const SpdyString& encoding,
const bool end_headers,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
const size_t frame_size =
GetHeaderFrameSizeSansBlock(headers) + encoding.size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(frame_size, output);
bool ret = builder.BeginNewFrame(
SpdyFrameType::HEADERS, SerializeHeaderFrameFlags(headers, end_headers),
headers.stream_id(), frame_size - kFrameHeaderSize);
DCHECK_EQ(kFrameHeaderSize, builder.length());
if (ret && headers.padded()) {
ret &= builder.WriteUInt8(headers.padding_payload_len());
if (ret && headers.has_priority()) {
int weight = ClampHttp2Weight(headers.weight());
ret &= builder.WriteUInt32(PackStreamDependencyValues(
headers.exclusive(), headers.parent_stream_id()));
// Per RFC 7540 section 6.3, serialized weight value is actual value - 1.
ret &= builder.WriteUInt8(weight - 1);
if (ret) {
ret &= builder.WriteBytes(encoding.data(), encoding.size());
if (ret && headers.padding_payload_len() > 0) {
SpdyString padding(headers.padding_payload_len(), 0);
ret &= builder.WriteBytes(padding.data(), padding.length());
if (!ret) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to build HEADERS. Not enough space in output";
return ret;
// Serializes a PUSH_PROMISE frame from the given SpdyPushPromiseIR and
// encoded header block. Does not need or use the SpdyHeaderBlock inside
// SpdyPushPromiseIR.
bool SerializePushPromiseGivenEncoding(const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise,
const SpdyString& encoding,
const bool end_headers,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
const size_t frame_size =
GetPushPromiseFrameSizeSansBlock(push_promise) + encoding.size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(frame_size, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(
SerializePushPromiseFrameFlags(push_promise, end_headers),
push_promise.stream_id(), frame_size - kFrameHeaderSize);
if (push_promise.padded()) {
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt8(push_promise.padding_payload_len());
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt32(push_promise.promised_stream_id()) &&
builder.WriteBytes(encoding.data(), encoding.size());
if (ok && push_promise.padding_payload_len() > 0) {
SpdyString padding(push_promise.padding_payload_len(), 0);
ok = builder.WriteBytes(padding.data(), padding.length());
DLOG_IF(ERROR, !ok) << "Failed to write PUSH_PROMISE encoding, not enough "
<< "space in output";
return ok;
bool WritePayloadWithContinuation(SpdyFrameBuilder* builder,
const SpdyString& hpack_encoding,
SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyFrameType type,
int padding_payload_len) {
uint8_t end_flag = 0;
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (type == SpdyFrameType::HEADERS) {
} else if (type == SpdyFrameType::PUSH_PROMISE) {
} else {
DLOG(FATAL) << "CONTINUATION frames cannot be used with frame type "
<< FrameTypeToString(type);
// Write all the padding payload and as much of the data payload as possible
// into the initial frame.
size_t bytes_remaining = 0;
bytes_remaining = hpack_encoding.size() -
SpdyFramer::kMaxControlFrameSendSize -
builder->length() - padding_payload_len);
bool ret = builder->WriteBytes(&hpack_encoding[0],
hpack_encoding.size() - bytes_remaining);
if (padding_payload_len > 0) {
SpdyString padding = SpdyString(padding_payload_len, 0);
ret &= builder->WriteBytes(padding.data(), padding.length());
// Tack on CONTINUATION frames for the overflow.
while (bytes_remaining > 0 && ret) {
size_t bytes_to_write =
std::min(bytes_remaining, SpdyFramer::kMaxControlFrameSendSize -
// Write CONTINUATION frame prefix.
if (bytes_remaining == bytes_to_write) {
flags |= end_flag;
ret &= builder->BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::CONTINUATION, flags, stream_id,
// Write payload fragment.
ret &= builder->WriteBytes(
&hpack_encoding[hpack_encoding.size() - bytes_remaining],
bytes_remaining -= bytes_to_write;
return ret;
void SerializeDataBuilderHelper(const SpdyDataIR& data_ir,
uint8_t* flags,
int* num_padding_fields,
size_t* size_with_padding) {
if (data_ir.fin()) {
*flags = DATA_FLAG_FIN;
if (data_ir.padded()) {
*flags = *flags | DATA_FLAG_PADDED;
*size_with_padding = *num_padding_fields + data_ir.data_len() +
data_ir.padding_payload_len() + kDataFrameMinimumSize;
void SerializeDataFrameHeaderWithPaddingLengthFieldBuilderHelper(
const SpdyDataIR& data_ir,
uint8_t* flags,
size_t* frame_size,
size_t* num_padding_fields) {
*flags = DATA_FLAG_NONE;
if (data_ir.fin()) {
*flags = DATA_FLAG_FIN;
*frame_size = kDataFrameMinimumSize;
if (data_ir.padded()) {
*flags = *flags | DATA_FLAG_PADDED;
*frame_size = *frame_size + *num_padding_fields;
void SerializeSettingsBuilderHelper(const SpdySettingsIR& settings,
uint8_t* flags,
const SettingsMap* values,
size_t* size) {
if (settings.is_ack()) {
*flags = *flags | SETTINGS_FLAG_ACK;
*size =
kSettingsFrameMinimumSize + (values->size() * kOneSettingParameterSize);
void SerializeAltSvcBuilderHelper(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc_ir,
SpdyString* value,
size_t* size) {
*size = kGetAltSvcFrameMinimumSize;
*size = *size + altsvc_ir.origin().length();
*value = SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::SerializeHeaderFieldValue(
*size = *size + value->length();
} // namespace
// Even though the length field is 24 bits, we keep this 16 kB
// limit on control frame size for legacy reasons and to
// mitigate DOS attacks.
const size_t SpdyFramer::kMaxControlFrameSendSize =
kHttp2DefaultFramePayloadLimit - 1;
SpdyFramer::SpdyFramer(CompressionOption option)
: debug_visitor_(nullptr), compression_option_(option) {
static_assert(kMaxControlFrameSendSize <= kHttp2DefaultFrameSizeLimit,
"Our send limit should be at most our receive limit.");
SpdyFramer::~SpdyFramer() {}
void SpdyFramer::set_debug_visitor(
SpdyFramerDebugVisitorInterface* debug_visitor) {
debug_visitor_ = debug_visitor;
SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::SpdyFrameIterator(SpdyFramer* framer)
: framer_(framer), is_first_frame_(true), has_next_frame_(true) {}
SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::~SpdyFrameIterator() {}
size_t SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::NextFrame(ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
const SpdyFrameIR& frame_ir = GetIR();
if (!has_next_frame_) {
SPDY_BUG << "SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::NextFrame called without "
<< "a next frame.";
return false;
const size_t size_without_block =
is_first_frame_ ? GetFrameSizeSansBlock() : kContinuationFrameMinimumSize;
auto encoding = SpdyMakeUnique<SpdyString>();
encoder_->Next(kMaxControlFrameSendSize - size_without_block, encoding.get());
has_next_frame_ = encoder_->HasNext();
if (framer_->debug_visitor_ != nullptr) {
const auto& header_block_frame_ir =
static_cast<const SpdyFrameWithHeaderBlockIR&>(frame_ir);
const size_t header_list_size =
is_first_frame_ ? frame_ir.frame_type() : SpdyFrameType::CONTINUATION,
header_list_size, size_without_block + encoding->size());
const size_t free_bytes_before = output->BytesFree();
bool ok = false;
if (is_first_frame_) {
is_first_frame_ = false;
ok = SerializeGivenEncoding(*encoding, output);
} else {
SpdyContinuationIR continuation_ir(frame_ir.stream_id());
ok = framer_->SerializeContinuation(continuation_ir, output);
return ok ? free_bytes_before - output->BytesFree() : 0;
bool SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::HasNextFrame() const {
return has_next_frame_;
SpdyFramer* framer,
std::unique_ptr<const SpdyHeadersIR> headers_ir)
: SpdyFrameIterator(framer), headers_ir_(std::move(headers_ir)) {
SpdyFramer::SpdyHeaderFrameIterator::~SpdyHeaderFrameIterator() {}
const SpdyFrameIR& SpdyFramer::SpdyHeaderFrameIterator::GetIR() const {
return *(headers_ir_.get());
size_t SpdyFramer::SpdyHeaderFrameIterator::GetFrameSizeSansBlock() const {
return GetHeaderFrameSizeSansBlock(*headers_ir_);
bool SpdyFramer::SpdyHeaderFrameIterator::SerializeGivenEncoding(
const SpdyString& encoding,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
return SerializeHeadersGivenEncoding(*headers_ir_, encoding,
!has_next_frame(), output);
SpdyFramer* framer,
std::unique_ptr<const SpdyPushPromiseIR> push_promise_ir)
: SpdyFrameIterator(framer), push_promise_ir_(std::move(push_promise_ir)) {
SpdyFramer::SpdyPushPromiseFrameIterator::~SpdyPushPromiseFrameIterator() {}
const SpdyFrameIR& SpdyFramer::SpdyPushPromiseFrameIterator::GetIR() const {
return *(push_promise_ir_.get());
size_t SpdyFramer::SpdyPushPromiseFrameIterator::GetFrameSizeSansBlock() const {
return GetPushPromiseFrameSizeSansBlock(*push_promise_ir_);
bool SpdyFramer::SpdyPushPromiseFrameIterator::SerializeGivenEncoding(
const SpdyString& encoding,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
return SerializePushPromiseGivenEncoding(*push_promise_ir_, encoding,
!has_next_frame(), output);
SpdyFramer* framer,
std::unique_ptr<const SpdyFrameIR> frame_ir)
: framer_(framer), frame_ir_(std::move(frame_ir)) {}
SpdyFramer::SpdyControlFrameIterator::~SpdyControlFrameIterator() {}
size_t SpdyFramer::SpdyControlFrameIterator::NextFrame(
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
size_t size_written = framer_->SerializeFrame(*frame_ir_, output);
has_next_frame_ = false;
return size_written;
bool SpdyFramer::SpdyControlFrameIterator::HasNextFrame() const {
return has_next_frame_;
const SpdyFrameIR& SpdyFramer::SpdyControlFrameIterator::GetIR() const {
return *(frame_ir_.get());
// TODO(yasong): remove all the static_casts.
std::unique_ptr<SpdyFrameSequence> SpdyFramer::CreateIterator(
SpdyFramer* framer,
std::unique_ptr<const SpdyFrameIR> frame_ir) {
switch (frame_ir->frame_type()) {
case SpdyFrameType::HEADERS: {
return SpdyMakeUnique<SpdyHeaderFrameIterator>(
framer, SpdyWrapUnique(
static_cast<const SpdyHeadersIR*>(frame_ir.release())));
case SpdyFrameType::PUSH_PROMISE: {
return SpdyMakeUnique<SpdyPushPromiseFrameIterator>(
framer, SpdyWrapUnique(static_cast<const SpdyPushPromiseIR*>(
case SpdyFrameType::DATA: {
DVLOG(1) << "Serialize a stream end DATA frame for VTL";
default: {
return SpdyMakeUnique<SpdyControlFrameIterator>(framer,
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeData(const SpdyDataIR& data_ir) {
uint8_t flags = DATA_FLAG_NONE;
int num_padding_fields = 0;
size_t size_with_padding = 0;
SerializeDataBuilderHelper(data_ir, &flags, &num_padding_fields,
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size_with_padding);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::DATA, flags, data_ir.stream_id());
if (data_ir.padded()) {
builder.WriteUInt8(data_ir.padding_payload_len() & 0xff);
builder.WriteBytes(data_ir.data(), data_ir.data_len());
if (data_ir.padding_payload_len() > 0) {
SpdyString padding(data_ir.padding_payload_len(), 0);
builder.WriteBytes(padding.data(), padding.length());
DCHECK_EQ(size_with_padding, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeDataFrameHeaderWithPaddingLengthField(
const SpdyDataIR& data_ir) {
uint8_t flags = DATA_FLAG_NONE;
size_t frame_size = 0;
size_t num_padding_fields = 0;
data_ir, &flags, &frame_size, &num_padding_fields);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(frame_size);
SpdyFrameType::DATA, flags, data_ir.stream_id(),
num_padding_fields + data_ir.data_len() + data_ir.padding_payload_len());
if (data_ir.padded()) {
builder.WriteUInt8(data_ir.padding_payload_len() & 0xff);
DCHECK_EQ(frame_size, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeRstStream(
const SpdyRstStreamIR& rst_stream) const {
size_t expected_length = kRstStreamFrameSize;
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(expected_length);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::RST_STREAM, 0, rst_stream.stream_id());
DCHECK_EQ(expected_length, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeSettings(
const SpdySettingsIR& settings) const {
uint8_t flags = 0;
// Size, in bytes, of this SETTINGS frame.
size_t size = 0;
const SettingsMap* values = &(settings.values());
SerializeSettingsBuilderHelper(settings, &flags, values, &size);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::SETTINGS, flags, 0);
// If this is an ACK, payload should be empty.
if (settings.is_ack()) {
return builder.take();
DCHECK_EQ(kSettingsFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
for (SettingsMap::const_iterator it = values->begin(); it != values->end();
++it) {
int setting_id = it->first;
DCHECK_GE(setting_id, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(size, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializePing(const SpdyPingIR& ping) const {
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(kPingFrameSize);
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (ping.is_ack()) {
flags |= PING_FLAG_ACK;
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::PING, flags, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(kPingFrameSize, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeGoAway(
const SpdyGoAwayIR& goaway) const {
// Compute the output buffer size, take opaque data into account.
size_t expected_length = kGoawayFrameMinimumSize;
expected_length += goaway.description().size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(expected_length);
// Serialize the GOAWAY frame.
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::GOAWAY, 0, 0);
// GOAWAY frames specify the last good stream id.
// GOAWAY frames also specify the error code.
// GOAWAY frames may also specify opaque data.
if (!goaway.description().empty()) {
DCHECK_EQ(expected_length, builder.length());
return builder.take();
void SpdyFramer::SerializeHeadersBuilderHelper(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers,
uint8_t* flags,
size_t* size,
SpdyString* hpack_encoding,
int* weight,
size_t* length_field) {
if (headers.fin()) {
*flags = *flags | CONTROL_FLAG_FIN;
// This will get overwritten if we overflow into a CONTINUATION frame.
*flags = *flags | HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS;
if (headers.has_priority()) {
*flags = *flags | HEADERS_FLAG_PRIORITY;
if (headers.padded()) {
*flags = *flags | HEADERS_FLAG_PADDED;
*size = kHeadersFrameMinimumSize;
if (headers.padded()) {
*size = *size + kPadLengthFieldSize;
*size = *size + headers.padding_payload_len();
if (headers.has_priority()) {
*weight = ClampHttp2Weight(headers.weight());
*size = *size + 5;
GetHpackEncoder()->EncodeHeaderSet(headers.header_block(), hpack_encoding);
*size = *size + hpack_encoding->size();
if (*size > kMaxControlFrameSendSize) {
*size = *size + GetNumberRequiredContinuationFrames(*size) *
*flags = *flags & ~HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS;
// Compute frame length field.
if (headers.padded()) {
*length_field = *length_field + kPadLengthFieldSize;
if (headers.has_priority()) {
*length_field = *length_field + 4; // Dependency field.
*length_field = *length_field + 1; // Weight field.
*length_field = *length_field + headers.padding_payload_len();
*length_field = *length_field + hpack_encoding->size();
// If the HEADERS frame with payload would exceed the max frame size, then
// WritePayloadWithContinuation() will serialize CONTINUATION frames as
// necessary.
*length_field =
std::min(*length_field, kMaxControlFrameSendSize - kFrameHeaderSize);
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeHeaders(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers) {
uint8_t flags = 0;
// The size of this frame, including padding (if there is any) and
// variable-length header block.
size_t size = 0;
SpdyString hpack_encoding;
int weight = 0;
size_t length_field = 0;
SerializeHeadersBuilderHelper(headers, &flags, &size, &hpack_encoding,
&weight, &length_field);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::HEADERS, flags, headers.stream_id(),
DCHECK_EQ(kHeadersFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
int padding_payload_len = 0;
if (headers.padded()) {
padding_payload_len = headers.padding_payload_len();
if (headers.has_priority()) {
// Per RFC 7540 section 6.3, serialized weight value is actual value - 1.
builder.WriteUInt8(weight - 1);
WritePayloadWithContinuation(&builder, hpack_encoding, headers.stream_id(),
SpdyFrameType::HEADERS, padding_payload_len);
if (debug_visitor_) {
const size_t header_list_size =
header_list_size, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeWindowUpdate(
const SpdyWindowUpdateIR& window_update) {
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(kWindowUpdateFrameSize);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE, kNoFlags,
DCHECK_EQ(kWindowUpdateFrameSize, builder.length());
return builder.take();
void SpdyFramer::SerializePushPromiseBuilderHelper(
const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise,
uint8_t* flags,
SpdyString* hpack_encoding,
size_t* size) {
*flags = 0;
// This will get overwritten if we overflow into a CONTINUATION frame.
// The size of this frame, including variable-length name-value block.
*size = kPushPromiseFrameMinimumSize;
if (push_promise.padded()) {
*flags = *flags | PUSH_PROMISE_FLAG_PADDED;
*size = *size + kPadLengthFieldSize;
*size = *size + push_promise.padding_payload_len();
*size = *size + hpack_encoding->size();
if (*size > kMaxControlFrameSendSize) {
*size = *size + GetNumberRequiredContinuationFrames(*size) *
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializePushPromise(
const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise) {
uint8_t flags = 0;
size_t size = 0;
SpdyString hpack_encoding;
SerializePushPromiseBuilderHelper(push_promise, &flags, &hpack_encoding,
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size);
size_t length = std::min(size, kMaxControlFrameSendSize) - kFrameHeaderSize;
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::PUSH_PROMISE, flags,
push_promise.stream_id(), length);
int padding_payload_len = 0;
if (push_promise.padded()) {
DCHECK_EQ(kPushPromiseFrameMinimumSize + kPadLengthFieldSize,
padding_payload_len = push_promise.padding_payload_len();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(kPushPromiseFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
&builder, hpack_encoding, push_promise.stream_id(),
SpdyFrameType::PUSH_PROMISE, padding_payload_len);
if (debug_visitor_) {
const size_t header_list_size =
header_list_size, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeContinuation(
const SpdyContinuationIR& continuation) const {
const SpdyString& encoding = continuation.encoding();
size_t frame_size = kContinuationFrameMinimumSize + encoding.size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(frame_size);
uint8_t flags = continuation.end_headers() ? HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS : 0;
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::CONTINUATION, flags,
DCHECK_EQ(kFrameHeaderSize, builder.length());
builder.WriteBytes(encoding.data(), encoding.size());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeAltSvc(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc_ir) {
SpdyString value;
size_t size = 0;
SerializeAltSvcBuilderHelper(altsvc_ir, &value, &size);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::ALTSVC, kNoFlags, altsvc_ir.stream_id());
builder.WriteBytes(altsvc_ir.origin().data(), altsvc_ir.origin().length());
builder.WriteBytes(value.data(), value.length());
DCHECK_LT(kGetAltSvcFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializePriority(
const SpdyPriorityIR& priority) const {
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(kPriorityFrameSize);
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::PRIORITY, kNoFlags,
// Per RFC 7540 section 6.3, serialized weight value is actual value - 1.
builder.WriteUInt8(priority.weight() - 1);
DCHECK_EQ(kPriorityFrameSize, builder.length());
return builder.take();
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeUnknown(
const SpdyUnknownIR& unknown) const {
const size_t total_size = kFrameHeaderSize + unknown.payload().size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(total_size);
builder.BeginNewUncheckedFrame(unknown.type(), unknown.flags(),
unknown.stream_id(), unknown.length());
builder.WriteBytes(unknown.payload().data(), unknown.payload().size());
return builder.take();
namespace {
class FrameSerializationVisitor : public SpdyFrameVisitor {
explicit FrameSerializationVisitor(SpdyFramer* framer)
: framer_(framer), frame_() {}
~FrameSerializationVisitor() override {}
SpdySerializedFrame ReleaseSerializedFrame() { return std::move(frame_); }
void VisitData(const SpdyDataIR& data) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeData(data);
void VisitRstStream(const SpdyRstStreamIR& rst_stream) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeRstStream(rst_stream);
void VisitSettings(const SpdySettingsIR& settings) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeSettings(settings);
void VisitPing(const SpdyPingIR& ping) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializePing(ping);
void VisitGoAway(const SpdyGoAwayIR& goaway) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeGoAway(goaway);
void VisitHeaders(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeHeaders(headers);
void VisitWindowUpdate(const SpdyWindowUpdateIR& window_update) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeWindowUpdate(window_update);
void VisitPushPromise(const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializePushPromise(push_promise);
void VisitContinuation(const SpdyContinuationIR& continuation) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeContinuation(continuation);
void VisitAltSvc(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeAltSvc(altsvc);
void VisitPriority(const SpdyPriorityIR& priority) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializePriority(priority);
void VisitUnknown(const SpdyUnknownIR& unknown) override {
frame_ = framer_->SerializeUnknown(unknown);
SpdyFramer* framer_;
SpdySerializedFrame frame_;
// TODO(diannahu): Use also in frame serialization.
class FlagsSerializationVisitor : public SpdyFrameVisitor {
void VisitData(const SpdyDataIR& data) override {
flags_ = DATA_FLAG_NONE;
if (data.fin()) {
flags_ |= DATA_FLAG_FIN;
if (data.padded()) {
void VisitRstStream(const SpdyRstStreamIR& rst_stream) override {
flags_ = kNoFlags;
void VisitSettings(const SpdySettingsIR& settings) override {
flags_ = kNoFlags;
if (settings.is_ack()) {
void VisitPing(const SpdyPingIR& ping) override {
flags_ = kNoFlags;
if (ping.is_ack()) {
flags_ |= PING_FLAG_ACK;
void VisitGoAway(const SpdyGoAwayIR& goaway) override { flags_ = kNoFlags; }
// TODO(diannahu): The END_HEADERS flag is incorrect for HEADERS that require
void VisitHeaders(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers) override {
if (headers.fin()) {
if (headers.padded()) {
if (headers.has_priority()) {
void VisitWindowUpdate(const SpdyWindowUpdateIR& window_update) override {
flags_ = kNoFlags;
// TODO(diannahu): The END_PUSH_PROMISE flag is incorrect for PUSH_PROMISEs
// that require CONTINUATION frames.
void VisitPushPromise(const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise) override {
if (push_promise.padded()) {
// TODO(diannahu): The END_HEADERS flag is incorrect for CONTINUATIONs that
// require CONTINUATION frames.
void VisitContinuation(const SpdyContinuationIR& continuation) override {
void VisitAltSvc(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc) override { flags_ = kNoFlags; }
void VisitPriority(const SpdyPriorityIR& priority) override {
flags_ = kNoFlags;
uint8_t flags() const { return flags_; }
uint8_t flags_ = kNoFlags;
} // namespace
SpdySerializedFrame SpdyFramer::SerializeFrame(const SpdyFrameIR& frame) {
FrameSerializationVisitor visitor(this);
return visitor.ReleaseSerializedFrame();
uint8_t SpdyFramer::GetSerializedFlags(const SpdyFrameIR& frame) {
FlagsSerializationVisitor visitor;
return visitor.flags();
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeData(const SpdyDataIR& data_ir,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
uint8_t flags = DATA_FLAG_NONE;
int num_padding_fields = 0;
size_t size_with_padding = 0;
SerializeDataBuilderHelper(data_ir, &flags, &num_padding_fields,
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size_with_padding, output);
bool ok =
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::DATA, flags, data_ir.stream_id());
if (data_ir.padded()) {
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt8(data_ir.padding_payload_len() & 0xff);
ok = ok && builder.WriteBytes(data_ir.data(), data_ir.data_len());
if (data_ir.padding_payload_len() > 0) {
SpdyString padding;
padding = SpdyString(data_ir.padding_payload_len(), 0);
ok = ok && builder.WriteBytes(padding.data(), padding.length());
DCHECK_EQ(size_with_padding, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeDataFrameHeaderWithPaddingLengthField(
const SpdyDataIR& data_ir,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
uint8_t flags = DATA_FLAG_NONE;
size_t frame_size = 0;
size_t num_padding_fields = 0;
data_ir, &flags, &frame_size, &num_padding_fields);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(frame_size, output);
bool ok = true;
ok = ok &&
builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::DATA, flags, data_ir.stream_id(),
num_padding_fields + data_ir.data_len() +
if (data_ir.padded()) {
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt8(data_ir.padding_payload_len() & 0xff);
DCHECK_EQ(frame_size, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeRstStream(const SpdyRstStreamIR& rst_stream,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
size_t expected_length = kRstStreamFrameSize;
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(expected_length, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::RST_STREAM, 0,
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt32(rst_stream.error_code());
DCHECK_EQ(expected_length, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeSettings(const SpdySettingsIR& settings,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
uint8_t flags = 0;
// Size, in bytes, of this SETTINGS frame.
size_t size = 0;
const SettingsMap* values = &(settings.values());
SerializeSettingsBuilderHelper(settings, &flags, values, &size);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::SETTINGS, flags, 0);
// If this is an ACK, payload should be empty.
if (settings.is_ack()) {
return ok;
DCHECK_EQ(kSettingsFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
for (SettingsMap::const_iterator it = values->begin(); it != values->end();
++it) {
int setting_id = it->first;
DCHECK_GE(setting_id, 0);
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt16(static_cast<uint16_t>(setting_id)) &&
DCHECK_EQ(size, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializePing(const SpdyPingIR& ping,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(kPingFrameSize, output);
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (ping.is_ack()) {
flags |= PING_FLAG_ACK;
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::PING, flags, 0);
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt64(ping.id());
DCHECK_EQ(kPingFrameSize, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeGoAway(const SpdyGoAwayIR& goaway,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
// Compute the output buffer size, take opaque data into account.
size_t expected_length = kGoawayFrameMinimumSize;
expected_length += goaway.description().size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(expected_length, output);
// Serialize the GOAWAY frame.
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::GOAWAY, 0, 0);
// GOAWAY frames specify the last good stream id.
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt32(goaway.last_good_stream_id()) &&
// GOAWAY frames also specify the error status code.
// GOAWAY frames may also specify opaque data.
if (!goaway.description().empty()) {
ok = ok && builder.WriteBytes(goaway.description().data(),
DCHECK_EQ(expected_length, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeHeaders(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
uint8_t flags = 0;
// The size of this frame, including padding (if there is any) and
// variable-length header block.
size_t size = 0;
SpdyString hpack_encoding;
int weight = 0;
size_t length_field = 0;
SerializeHeadersBuilderHelper(headers, &flags, &size, &hpack_encoding,
&weight, &length_field);
bool ok = true;
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size, output);
ok = ok && builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::HEADERS, flags,
headers.stream_id(), length_field);
DCHECK_EQ(kHeadersFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
int padding_payload_len = 0;
if (headers.padded()) {
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt8(headers.padding_payload_len());
padding_payload_len = headers.padding_payload_len();
if (headers.has_priority()) {
ok = ok &&
headers.exclusive(), headers.parent_stream_id())) &&
// Per RFC 7540 section 6.3, serialized weight value is weight - 1.
builder.WriteUInt8(weight - 1);
ok = ok && WritePayloadWithContinuation(
&builder, hpack_encoding, headers.stream_id(),
SpdyFrameType::HEADERS, padding_payload_len);
if (debug_visitor_) {
const size_t header_list_size =
header_list_size, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeWindowUpdate(const SpdyWindowUpdateIR& window_update,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(kWindowUpdateFrameSize, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE, kNoFlags,
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt32(window_update.delta());
DCHECK_EQ(kWindowUpdateFrameSize, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializePushPromise(const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
uint8_t flags = 0;
size_t size = 0;
SpdyString hpack_encoding;
SerializePushPromiseBuilderHelper(push_promise, &flags, &hpack_encoding,
bool ok = true;
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size, output);
size_t length = std::min(size, kMaxControlFrameSendSize) - kFrameHeaderSize;
ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::PUSH_PROMISE, flags,
push_promise.stream_id(), length);
int padding_payload_len = 0;
if (push_promise.padded()) {
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt8(push_promise.padding_payload_len()) &&
DCHECK_EQ(kPushPromiseFrameMinimumSize + kPadLengthFieldSize,
padding_payload_len = push_promise.padding_payload_len();
} else {
ok = ok && builder.WriteUInt32(push_promise.promised_stream_id());
DCHECK_EQ(kPushPromiseFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
ok = ok && WritePayloadWithContinuation(
&builder, hpack_encoding, push_promise.stream_id(),
SpdyFrameType::PUSH_PROMISE, padding_payload_len);
if (debug_visitor_) {
const size_t header_list_size =
header_list_size, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeContinuation(const SpdyContinuationIR& continuation,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
const SpdyString& encoding = continuation.encoding();
size_t frame_size = kContinuationFrameMinimumSize + encoding.size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(frame_size, output);
uint8_t flags = continuation.end_headers() ? HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS : 0;
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::CONTINUATION, flags,
frame_size - kFrameHeaderSize);
DCHECK_EQ(kFrameHeaderSize, builder.length());
ok = ok && builder.WriteBytes(encoding.data(), encoding.size());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeAltSvc(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc_ir,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
SpdyString value;
size_t size = 0;
SerializeAltSvcBuilderHelper(altsvc_ir, &value, &size);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(size, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::ALTSVC, kNoFlags,
altsvc_ir.stream_id()) &&
builder.WriteUInt16(altsvc_ir.origin().length()) &&
altsvc_ir.origin().length()) &&
builder.WriteBytes(value.data(), value.length());
DCHECK_LT(kGetAltSvcFrameMinimumSize, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializePriority(const SpdyPriorityIR& priority,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(kPriorityFrameSize, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewFrame(SpdyFrameType::PRIORITY, kNoFlags,
ok = ok &&
priority.exclusive(), priority.parent_stream_id())) &&
// Per RFC 7540 section 6.3, serialized weight value is actual value - 1.
builder.WriteUInt8(priority.weight() - 1);
DCHECK_EQ(kPriorityFrameSize, builder.length());
return ok;
bool SpdyFramer::SerializeUnknown(const SpdyUnknownIR& unknown,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) const {
const size_t total_size = kFrameHeaderSize + unknown.payload().size();
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(total_size, output);
bool ok = builder.BeginNewUncheckedFrame(
unknown.type(), unknown.flags(), unknown.stream_id(), unknown.length());
ok = ok &&
builder.WriteBytes(unknown.payload().data(), unknown.payload().size());
return ok;
namespace {
class FrameSerializationVisitorWithOutput : public SpdyFrameVisitor {
explicit FrameSerializationVisitorWithOutput(SpdyFramer* framer,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output)
: framer_(framer), output_(output), result_(false) {}
~FrameSerializationVisitorWithOutput() override {}
size_t Result() { return result_; }
void VisitData(const SpdyDataIR& data) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeData(data, output_);
void VisitRstStream(const SpdyRstStreamIR& rst_stream) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeRstStream(rst_stream, output_);
void VisitSettings(const SpdySettingsIR& settings) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeSettings(settings, output_);
void VisitPing(const SpdyPingIR& ping) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializePing(ping, output_);
void VisitGoAway(const SpdyGoAwayIR& goaway) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeGoAway(goaway, output_);
void VisitHeaders(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeHeaders(headers, output_);
void VisitWindowUpdate(const SpdyWindowUpdateIR& window_update) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeWindowUpdate(window_update, output_);
void VisitPushPromise(const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializePushPromise(push_promise, output_);
void VisitContinuation(const SpdyContinuationIR& continuation) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeContinuation(continuation, output_);
void VisitAltSvc(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeAltSvc(altsvc, output_);
void VisitPriority(const SpdyPriorityIR& priority) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializePriority(priority, output_);
void VisitUnknown(const SpdyUnknownIR& unknown) override {
result_ = framer_->SerializeUnknown(unknown, output_);
SpdyFramer* framer_;
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output_;
bool result_;
} // namespace
size_t SpdyFramer::SerializeFrame(const SpdyFrameIR& frame,
ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
FrameSerializationVisitorWithOutput visitor(this, output);
size_t free_bytes_before = output->BytesFree();
return visitor.Result() ? free_bytes_before - output->BytesFree() : 0;
size_t SpdyFramer::GetNumberRequiredContinuationFrames(size_t size) {
DCHECK_GT(size, SpdyFramer::kMaxControlFrameSendSize);
size_t overflow = size - SpdyFramer::kMaxControlFrameSendSize;
int payload_size =
SpdyFramer::kMaxControlFrameSendSize - kContinuationFrameMinimumSize;
// This is ceiling(overflow/payload_size) using integer arithmetics.
return (overflow - 1) / payload_size + 1;
HpackEncoder* SpdyFramer::GetHpackEncoder() {
if (hpack_encoder_.get() == nullptr) {
hpack_encoder_ = SpdyMakeUnique<HpackEncoder>(ObtainHpackHuffmanTable());
if (!compression_enabled()) {
return hpack_encoder_.get();
void SpdyFramer::UpdateHeaderEncoderTableSize(uint32_t value) {
size_t SpdyFramer::header_encoder_table_size() const {
if (hpack_encoder_ == nullptr) {
return kDefaultHeaderTableSizeSetting;
} else {
return hpack_encoder_->CurrentHeaderTableSizeSetting();
void SpdyFramer::SetEncoderHeaderTableDebugVisitor(
std::unique_ptr<HpackHeaderTable::DebugVisitorInterface> visitor) {
size_t SpdyFramer::EstimateMemoryUsage() const {
return SpdyEstimateMemoryUsage(hpack_encoder_);
} // namespace net