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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace trace_event {
struct MemoryDumpProviderInfo;
// Detects temporally local memory peaks. Peak detection is based on
// continuously querying memory usage using MemoryDumpprovider(s) that support
// fast polling (e.g., ProcessMetricsDumpProvider which under the hoods reads
// /proc/PID/statm on Linux) and using a combination of:
// - An static threshold (currently 1% of total system memory).
// - Sliding window stddev analysis.
// Design doc: https://goo.gl/0kOU4A .
// This class is NOT thread-safe, the caller has to ensure linearization of
// the calls to the public methods. In any case, the public methods do NOT have
// to be called from the |task_runner| on which the polling tasks run.
class BASE_EXPORT MemoryPeakDetector {
using OnPeakDetectedCallback = RepeatingClosure;
using DumpProvidersList = std::vector<scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpProviderInfo>>;
using GetDumpProvidersFunction = RepeatingCallback<void(DumpProvidersList*)>;
enum State {
NOT_INITIALIZED = 0, // Before Setup()
DISABLED, // Before Start() or after Stop().
ENABLED, // After Start() but no dump_providers_ are available.
RUNNING // After Start(). The PollMemoryAndDetectPeak() task is scheduled.
// Peak detector configuration, passed to Start().
struct BASE_EXPORT Config {
Config(uint32_t polling_interval_ms,
uint32_t min_time_between_peaks_ms,
bool enable_verbose_poll_tracing);
// The rate at which memory will be polled. Polls will happen on the task
// runner passed to Setup().
uint32_t polling_interval_ms;
// Two consecutive peak detection callbacks will happen at least
// |min_time_between_peaks_ms| apart from each other.
uint32_t min_time_between_peaks_ms;
// When enabled causes a TRACE_COUNTER event to be injected in the trace
// for each poll (if tracing is enabled).
bool enable_verbose_poll_tracing;
static MemoryPeakDetector* GetInstance();
// Configures the peak detector, binding the polling tasks on the given
// thread. Setup() can be called several times, provided that: (1) Stop()
// is called; (2a) the previous task_runner is flushed or (2b) the task_runner
// remains the same.
// GetDumpProvidersFunction: is the function that will be invoked to get
// an updated list of polling-capable dump providers. This is really just
// MemoryDumpManager::GetDumpProvidersForPolling, but this extra level of
// indirection allows easier testing.
// SequencedTaskRunner: the task runner where PollMemoryAndDetectPeak() will
// be periodically called.
// OnPeakDetectedCallback: a callback that will be invoked on the
// given task runner when a memory peak is detected.
void Setup(const GetDumpProvidersFunction&,
const scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner>&,
const OnPeakDetectedCallback&);
// Releases the |task_runner_| and the bound callbacks.
void TearDown();
// This posts a task onto the passed task runner which refreshes the list of
// dump providers via the GetDumpProvidersFunction. If at least one dump
// provider is available, this starts immediately polling on the task runner.
// If not, the detector remains in the ENABLED state and will start polling
// automatically (i.e. without requiring another call to Start()) on the
// next call to NotifyMemoryDumpProvidersChanged().
void Start(Config);
// Stops the polling on the task runner (if was active at all). This doesn't
// wait for the task runner to drain pending tasks, so it is possible that
// a polling will happen concurrently (or in the immediate future) with the
// Stop() call. It is responsibility of the caller to drain or synchronize
// with the task runner.
void Stop();
// If Start()-ed, prevents that a peak callback is triggered before the next
// |min_time_between_peaks_ms|. No-op if the peak detector is not enabled.
void Throttle();
// Used by MemoryDumpManager to notify that the list of polling-capable dump
// providers has changed. The peak detector will reload the list on the next
// polling task. This function can be called before Setup(), in which
// case will be just a no-op.
void NotifyMemoryDumpProvidersChanged();
void SetStaticThresholdForTesting(uint64_t static_threshold_bytes);
friend class MemoryPeakDetectorTest;
static constexpr uint32_t kSlidingWindowNumSamples = 50;
// All these methods are always called on the |task_runner_|.
void StartInternal(Config);
void StopInternal();
void TearDownInternal();
void ReloadDumpProvidersAndStartPollingIfNeeded();
void PollMemoryAndDetectPeak(uint32_t expected_generation);
bool DetectPeakUsingSlidingWindowStddev(uint64_t last_sample_bytes);
void ResetPollHistory(bool keep_last_sample = false);
// It is safe to call these testing methods only on the |task_runner_|.
State state_for_testing() const { return state_; }
uint32_t poll_tasks_count_for_testing() const {
return poll_tasks_count_for_testing_;
// The task runner where all the internal calls are posted onto. This field
// must be NOT be accessed by the tasks posted on the |task_runner_| because
// there might still be outstanding tasks on the |task_runner_| while this
// refptr is reset. This can only be safely accessed by the public methods
// above, which the client of this class is supposed to call sequentially.
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// After the Setup() call, the fields below, must be accessed only from
// the |task_runner_|.
// Bound function to get an updated list of polling-capable dump providers.
GetDumpProvidersFunction get_dump_providers_function_;
// The callback to invoke when peaks are detected.
OnPeakDetectedCallback on_peak_detected_callback_;
// List of polling-aware dump providers to invoke upon each poll.
DumpProvidersList dump_providers_;
// The generation is incremented every time the |state_| is changed and causes
// PollMemoryAndDetectPeak() to early out if the posted task doesn't match the
// most recent |generation_|. This allows to drop on the floor outstanding
// PostDelayedTask that refer to an old sequence that was later Stop()-ed or
// disabled because of NotifyMemoryDumpProvidersChanged().
uint32_t generation_;
State state_;
// Config passed to Start(), only valid when |state_| = {ENABLED, RUNNING}.
Config config_;
uint64_t static_threshold_bytes_;
uint32_t skip_polls_;
uint64_t last_dump_memory_total_;
uint64_t samples_bytes_[kSlidingWindowNumSamples];
uint32_t samples_index_;
uint32_t poll_tasks_count_for_testing_;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base