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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_coordinator_client.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_monitor.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "net/base/host_mapping_rules.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_cache.h"
#include "net/http/http_stream_factory.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_stream_factory.h"
#include "net/socket/next_proto.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_session_pool.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_client_auth_cache.h"
#include "net/third_party/spdy/core/spdy_protocol.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace trace_event {
class ProcessMemoryDump;
namespace net {
class CTPolicyEnforcer;
class CertVerifier;
class ChannelIDService;
class ClientSocketFactory;
class ClientSocketPoolManager;
class CTVerifier;
class HostResolver;
class HttpAuthHandlerFactory;
class HttpNetworkSessionPeer;
class HttpProxyClientSocketPool;
class HttpResponseBodyDrainer;
class HttpServerProperties;
class NetLog;
class NetworkQualityProvider;
class ProxyDelegate;
class ProxyResolutionService;
} // namespace net
namespace quic {
class QuicClock;
} // namespace quic
namespace net {
class QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory;
class SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory;
class SOCKSClientSocketPool;
class SSLClientSocketPool;
class SSLConfigService;
class TransportClientSocketPool;
class TransportSecurityState;
class WebSocketEndpointLockManager;
// Specifies the maximum HPACK dynamic table size the server is allowed to set.
const uint32_t kSpdyMaxHeaderTableSize = 64 * 1024;
// Specifies the maximum concurrent streams server could send (via push).
const uint32_t kSpdyMaxConcurrentPushedStreams = 1000;
// This class holds session objects used by HttpNetworkTransaction objects.
class NET_EXPORT HttpNetworkSession : public base::MemoryCoordinatorClient {
// Self-contained structure with all the simple configuration options
// supported by the HttpNetworkSession.
struct NET_EXPORT Params {
Params(const Params& other);
enum class TcpFastOpenMode {
// If true, TCP fast open will be used for all HTTPS connections.
// TCP fast open will be used for all HTTP/HTTPS connections.
// TODO(mmenke): With 0-RTT session resumption, does this option make
// sense?
bool enable_server_push_cancellation;
HostMappingRules host_mapping_rules;
bool ignore_certificate_errors;
uint16_t testing_fixed_http_port;
uint16_t testing_fixed_https_port;
TcpFastOpenMode tcp_fast_open_mode;
bool enable_user_alternate_protocol_ports;
// Use SPDY ping frames to test for connection health after idle.
bool enable_spdy_ping_based_connection_checking;
bool enable_http2;
size_t spdy_session_max_recv_window_size;
// HTTP/2 connection settings.
// Unknown settings will still be sent to the server.
spdy::SettingsMap http2_settings;
// Source of time for SPDY connections.
SpdySessionPool::TimeFunc time_func;
// Whether to enable HTTP/2 Alt-Svc entries.
bool enable_http2_alternative_service;
// Whether to enable Websocket over HTTP/2.
bool enable_websocket_over_http2;
// Enables QUIC support.
bool enable_quic;
// QUIC runtime configuration options.
// Versions of QUIC which may be used.
quic::QuicTransportVersionVector quic_supported_versions;
// User agent description to send in the QUIC handshake.
std::string quic_user_agent_id;
// Limit on the size of QUIC packets.
size_t quic_max_packet_length;
// Maximum number of server configs that are to be stored in
// HttpServerProperties, instead of the disk cache.
size_t quic_max_server_configs_stored_in_properties;
// QUIC will be used for all connections in this set.
std::set<HostPortPair> origins_to_force_quic_on;
// Set of QUIC tags to send in the handshake's connection options.
quic::QuicTagVector quic_connection_options;
// Set of QUIC tags to send in the handshake's connection options that only
// affect the client.
quic::QuicTagVector quic_client_connection_options;
// Enables experimental optimization for receiving data in UDPSocket.
bool quic_enable_socket_recv_optimization;
// Active QUIC experiments
// Marks a QUIC server broken when a connection blackholes after the
// handshake is confirmed.
bool mark_quic_broken_when_network_blackholes;
// Retry requests which fail with QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR, and mark QUIC
// broken if the retry succeeds.
bool retry_without_alt_svc_on_quic_errors;
// If true, alt-svc headers advertising QUIC in IETF format will be
// supported.
bool support_ietf_format_quic_altsvc;
// If true, all QUIC sessions are closed when any local IP address changes.
bool quic_close_sessions_on_ip_change;
// If true, all QUIC sessions are marked as goaway when any local IP address
// changes.
bool quic_goaway_sessions_on_ip_change;
// Specifies QUIC idle connection state lifetime.
int quic_idle_connection_timeout_seconds;
// Specifies the reduced ping timeout subsequent connections should use when
// a connection was timed out with open streams.
int quic_reduced_ping_timeout_seconds;
// Maximum time the session can be alive before crypto handshake is
// finished.
int quic_max_time_before_crypto_handshake_seconds;
// Maximum idle time before the crypto handshake has completed.
int quic_max_idle_time_before_crypto_handshake_seconds;
// If true, connection migration v2 will be used to migrate existing
// sessions to network when the platform indicates that the default network
// is changing.
bool quic_migrate_sessions_on_network_change_v2;
// If true, connection migration v2 may be used to migrate active QUIC
// sessions to alternative network if current network connectivity is poor.
bool quic_migrate_sessions_early_v2;
// If true, the quic session may mark itself as GOAWAY on path degrading.
bool quic_go_away_on_path_degrading;
// Maximum time the session could be on the non-default network before
// migrates back to default network. Defaults to
// kMaxTimeOnNonDefaultNetwork.
base::TimeDelta quic_max_time_on_non_default_network;
// Maximum number of migrations to the non-default network on write error
// per network for each session.
int quic_max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_write_error;
// Maximum number of migrations to the non-default network on path
// degrading per network for each session.
int quic_max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_path_degrading;
// If true, allows migration of QUIC connections to a server-specified
// alternate server address.
bool quic_allow_server_migration;
// If true, allows QUIC to use alternative services with a different
// hostname from the origin.
bool quic_allow_remote_alt_svc;
// If true, bidirectional streams over QUIC will be disabled.
bool quic_disable_bidirectional_streams;
// If true, enable force HOL blocking. For measurement purposes.
bool quic_force_hol_blocking;
// If true, race cert verification with host resolution.
bool quic_race_cert_verification;
// If true, estimate the initial RTT for QUIC connections based on network.
bool quic_estimate_initial_rtt;
// If true, client headers will include HTTP/2 stream dependency info
// derived from the request priority.
bool quic_headers_include_h2_stream_dependency;
// If non-empty, QUIC will only be spoken to hosts in this list.
base::flat_set<std::string> quic_host_whitelist;
// Enable support for Token Binding.
bool enable_token_binding;
// Enable Channel ID. Channel ID is being deprecated.
bool enable_channel_id;
// Enable HTTP/0.9 for HTTP/HTTPS on ports other than the default one for
// each protocol.
bool http_09_on_non_default_ports_enabled;
// If true, idle sockets won't be closed when memory pressure happens.
bool disable_idle_sockets_close_on_memory_pressure;
// Structure with pointers to the dependencies of the HttpNetworkSession.
// These objects must all outlive the HttpNetworkSession.
struct NET_EXPORT Context {
Context(const Context& other);
ClientSocketFactory* client_socket_factory;
HostResolver* host_resolver;
CertVerifier* cert_verifier;
ChannelIDService* channel_id_service;
TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state;
CTVerifier* cert_transparency_verifier;
CTPolicyEnforcer* ct_policy_enforcer;
ProxyResolutionService* proxy_resolution_service;
SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service;
HttpAuthHandlerFactory* http_auth_handler_factory;
HttpServerProperties* http_server_properties;
NetLog* net_log;
SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory* socket_performance_watcher_factory;
NetworkQualityProvider* network_quality_provider;
// Source of time for QUIC connections.
quic::QuicClock* quic_clock;
// Source of entropy for QUIC connections.
quic::QuicRandom* quic_random;
// Optional factory to use for creating QuicCryptoClientStreams.
QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory* quic_crypto_client_stream_factory;
ProxyDelegate* proxy_delegate;
enum SocketPoolType {
HttpNetworkSession(const Params& params, const Context& context);
~HttpNetworkSession() override;
HttpAuthCache* http_auth_cache() { return &http_auth_cache_; }
SSLClientAuthCache* ssl_client_auth_cache() {
return &ssl_client_auth_cache_;
void AddResponseDrainer(std::unique_ptr<HttpResponseBodyDrainer> drainer);
// Removes the drainer from the session. Does not dispose of it.
void RemoveResponseDrainer(HttpResponseBodyDrainer* drainer);
TransportClientSocketPool* GetTransportSocketPool(SocketPoolType pool_type);
SSLClientSocketPool* GetSSLSocketPool(SocketPoolType pool_type);
SOCKSClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForSOCKSProxy(
SocketPoolType pool_type,
const HostPortPair& socks_proxy);
HttpProxyClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForHTTPProxy(
SocketPoolType pool_type,
const HostPortPair& http_proxy);
SSLClientSocketPool* GetSocketPoolForSSLWithProxy(
SocketPoolType pool_type,
const HostPortPair& proxy_server);
CertVerifier* cert_verifier() { return cert_verifier_; }
ProxyResolutionService* proxy_resolution_service() {
return proxy_resolution_service_;
SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service() { return ssl_config_service_; }
WebSocketEndpointLockManager* websocket_endpoint_lock_manager() {
return websocket_endpoint_lock_manager_.get();
SpdySessionPool* spdy_session_pool() { return &spdy_session_pool_; }
QuicStreamFactory* quic_stream_factory() { return &quic_stream_factory_; }
HttpAuthHandlerFactory* http_auth_handler_factory() {
return http_auth_handler_factory_;
HttpServerProperties* http_server_properties() {
return http_server_properties_;
HttpStreamFactory* http_stream_factory() {
return http_stream_factory_.get();
NetLog* net_log() {
return net_log_;
// Creates a Value summary of the state of the socket pools.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> SocketPoolInfoToValue() const;
// Creates a Value summary of the state of the SPDY sessions.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> SpdySessionPoolInfoToValue() const;
// Creates a Value summary of the state of the QUIC sessions and
// configuration.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> QuicInfoToValue() const;
void CloseAllConnections();
void CloseIdleConnections();
// Returns the original Params used to construct this session.
const Params& params() const { return params_; }
// Returns the original Context used to construct this session.
const Context& context() const { return context_; }
bool IsProtocolEnabled(NextProto protocol) const;
void SetServerPushDelegate(std::unique_ptr<ServerPushDelegate> push_delegate);
// Populates |*alpn_protos| with protocols to be used with ALPN.
void GetAlpnProtos(NextProtoVector* alpn_protos) const;
// Populates |server_config| and |proxy_config| based on this session and
// |request|.
void GetSSLConfig(const HttpRequestInfo& request,
SSLConfig* server_config,
SSLConfig* proxy_config) const;
// Dumps memory allocation stats. |parent_dump_absolute_name| is the name
// used by the parent MemoryAllocatorDump in the memory dump hierarchy.
void DumpMemoryStats(base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd,
const std::string& parent_absolute_name) const;
// Evaluates if QUIC is enabled for new streams.
bool IsQuicEnabled() const;
// Disable QUIC for new streams.
void DisableQuic();
friend class HttpNetworkSessionPeer;
ClientSocketPoolManager* GetSocketPoolManager(SocketPoolType pool_type);
// Flush sockets on low memory notifications callback.
void OnMemoryPressure(
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);
// base::MemoryCoordinatorClient implementation:
void OnPurgeMemory() override;
NetLog* const net_log_;
HttpServerProperties* const http_server_properties_;
CertVerifier* const cert_verifier_;
HttpAuthHandlerFactory* const http_auth_handler_factory_;
ProxyResolutionService* const proxy_resolution_service_;
SSLConfigService* const ssl_config_service_;
HttpAuthCache http_auth_cache_;
SSLClientAuthCache ssl_client_auth_cache_;
std::unique_ptr<ClientSocketPoolManager> normal_socket_pool_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<ClientSocketPoolManager> websocket_socket_pool_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<ServerPushDelegate> push_delegate_;
QuicStreamFactory quic_stream_factory_;
SpdySessionPool spdy_session_pool_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpStreamFactory> http_stream_factory_;
std::map<HttpResponseBodyDrainer*, std::unique_ptr<HttpResponseBodyDrainer>>
NextProtoVector next_protos_;
Params params_;
Context context_;
std::unique_ptr<base::MemoryPressureListener> memory_pressure_listener_;
} // namespace net