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synced 2025-03-28 11:03:58 +03:00
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397 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/cert/crl_set.h"
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/base/trace_constants.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/mem.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// CRLSet format:
// uint16le header_len
// byte[header_len] header_bytes
// repeated {
// byte[32] parent_spki_sha256
// uint32le num_serials
// [num_serials] {
// uint8_t serial_length;
// byte[serial_length] serial;
// }
// header_bytes consists of a JSON dictionary with the following keys:
// Version (int): currently 0
// ContentType (string): "CRLSet" or "CRLSetDelta" (magic value)
// DeltaFrom (int32_t): if this is a delta update (see below), then this
// contains the sequence number of the base CRLSet.
// Sequence (int32_t): the monotonic sequence number of this CRL set.
// ReadHeader reads the header (including length prefix) from |data| and
// updates |data| to remove the header on return. Caller takes ownership of the
// returned pointer.
base::DictionaryValue* ReadHeader(base::StringPiece* data) {
uint16_t header_len;
if (data->size() < sizeof(header_len))
return nullptr;
// Assumes little-endian.
memcpy(&header_len, data->data(), sizeof(header_len));
if (data->size() < header_len)
return nullptr;
const base::StringPiece header_bytes(data->data(), header_len);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> header =
base::JSONReader::Read(header_bytes, base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
if (header.get() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if (!header->is_dict())
return nullptr;
return static_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(header.release());
// kCurrentFileVersion is the version of the CRLSet file format that we
// currently implement.
static const int kCurrentFileVersion = 0;
bool ReadCRL(base::StringPiece* data,
std::string* out_parent_spki_hash,
std::vector<std::string>* out_serials) {
if (data->size() < crypto::kSHA256Length)
return false;
out_parent_spki_hash->assign(data->data(), crypto::kSHA256Length);
uint32_t num_serials;
if (data->size() < sizeof(num_serials))
return false;
// Assumes little endian.
memcpy(&num_serials, data->data(), sizeof(num_serials));
if (num_serials > 32 * 1024 * 1024) // Sanity check.
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_serials; ++i) {
if (data->size() < sizeof(uint8_t))
return false;
uint8_t serial_length = data->data()[0];
if (data->size() < serial_length)
return false;
out_serials->back().assign(data->data(), serial_length);
return true;
// CopyHashListFromHeader parses a list of base64-encoded, SHA-256 hashes from
// the given |key| in |header_dict| and sets |*out| to the decoded values. It's
// not an error if |key| is not found in |header_dict|.
bool CopyHashListFromHeader(base::DictionaryValue* header_dict,
const char* key,
std::vector<std::string>* out) {
base::ListValue* list = nullptr;
if (!header_dict->GetList(key, &list)) {
// Hash lists are optional so it's not an error if not present.
return true;
std::string sha256_base64;
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetSize(); ++i) {
if (!list->GetString(i, &sha256_base64))
return false;
if (!base::Base64Decode(sha256_base64, &out->back())) {
return false;
return true;
// CopyHashToHashesMapFromHeader parse a map from base64-encoded, SHA-256
// hashes to lists of the same, from the given |key| in |header_dict|. It
// copies the map data into |out| (after base64-decoding).
bool CopyHashToHashesMapFromHeader(
base::DictionaryValue* header_dict,
const char* key,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>* out) {
base::Value* const dict =
header_dict->FindKeyOfType(key, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
if (dict == nullptr) {
// Maps are optional so it's not an error if not present.
return true;
for (const auto& i : dict->DictItems()) {
if (!i.second.is_list()) {
return false;
std::vector<std::string> allowed_spkis;
for (const auto& j : i.second.GetList()) {
if (!j.is_string() ||
!base::Base64Decode(j.GetString(), &allowed_spkis.back())) {
return false;
std::string subject_hash;
if (!base::Base64Decode(i.first, &subject_hash)) {
return false;
(*out)[subject_hash] = allowed_spkis;
return true;
} // namespace
: sequence_(0),
not_after_(0) {
CRLSet::~CRLSet() = default;
// static
bool CRLSet::Parse(base::StringPiece data, scoped_refptr<CRLSet>* out_crl_set) {
TRACE_EVENT0(kNetTracingCategory, "CRLSet::Parse");
// Other parts of Chrome assume that we're little endian, so we don't lose
// anything by doing this.
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER)
// Linux check
static_assert(__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN, "assumes little endian");
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
// Mac check
#error assumes little endian
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> header_dict(ReadHeader(&data));
if (!header_dict.get())
return false;
std::string contents;
if (!header_dict->GetString("ContentType", &contents))
return false;
if (contents != "CRLSet")
return false;
int version;
if (!header_dict->GetInteger("Version", &version) ||
version != kCurrentFileVersion) {
return false;
int sequence;
if (!header_dict->GetInteger("Sequence", &sequence))
return false;
double not_after;
if (!header_dict->GetDouble("NotAfter", ¬_after)) {
// NotAfter is optional for now.
not_after = 0;
if (not_after < 0)
return false;
scoped_refptr<CRLSet> crl_set(new CRLSet());
crl_set->sequence_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(sequence);
crl_set->not_after_ = static_cast<uint64_t>(not_after);
crl_set->crls_.reserve(64); // Value observed experimentally.
for (size_t crl_index = 0; !data.empty(); crl_index++) {
std::string spki_hash;
std::vector<std::string> blocked_serials;
if (!ReadCRL(&data, &spki_hash, &blocked_serials)) {
return false;
crl_set->crls_[std::move(spki_hash)] = std::move(blocked_serials);
if (!CopyHashListFromHeader(header_dict.get(), "BlockedSPKIs",
&crl_set->blocked_spkis_) ||
!CopyHashToHashesMapFromHeader(header_dict.get(), "LimitedSubjects",
&crl_set->limited_subjects_)) {
return false;
*out_crl_set = std::move(crl_set);
return true;
CRLSet::Result CRLSet::CheckSPKI(const base::StringPiece& spki_hash) const {
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = blocked_spkis_.begin();
i != blocked_spkis_.end(); ++i) {
if (spki_hash.size() == i->size() &&
memcmp(spki_hash.data(), i->data(), i->size()) == 0) {
return REVOKED;
return GOOD;
CRLSet::Result CRLSet::CheckSubject(const base::StringPiece& encoded_subject,
const base::StringPiece& spki_hash) const {
const std::string digest(crypto::SHA256HashString(encoded_subject));
const auto i = limited_subjects_.find(digest);
if (i == limited_subjects_.end()) {
return GOOD;
for (const auto& j : i->second) {
if (spki_hash == j) {
return GOOD;
return REVOKED;
CRLSet::Result CRLSet::CheckSerial(
const base::StringPiece& serial_number,
const base::StringPiece& issuer_spki_hash) const {
base::StringPiece serial(serial_number);
if (!serial.empty() && (serial[0] & 0x80) != 0) {
// This serial number is negative but the process which generates CRL sets
// will reject any certificates with negative serial numbers as invalid.
return UNKNOWN;
// Remove any leading zero bytes.
while (serial.size() > 1 && serial[0] == 0x00)
auto it = crls_.find(issuer_spki_hash.as_string());
if (it == crls_.end())
return UNKNOWN;
for (const auto& issuer_serial : it->second) {
if (issuer_serial == serial)
return REVOKED;
return GOOD;
bool CRLSet::IsExpired() const {
if (not_after_ == 0)
return false;
uint64_t now = base::Time::Now().ToTimeT();
return now > not_after_;
uint32_t CRLSet::sequence() const {
return sequence_;
const CRLSet::CRLList& CRLSet::CrlsForTesting() const {
return crls_;
// static
scoped_refptr<CRLSet> CRLSet::EmptyCRLSetForTesting() {
return ForTesting(false, nullptr, "", "", {});
scoped_refptr<CRLSet> CRLSet::ExpiredCRLSetForTesting() {
return ForTesting(true, nullptr, "", "", {});
// static
scoped_refptr<CRLSet> CRLSet::ForTesting(
bool is_expired,
const SHA256HashValue* issuer_spki,
const std::string& serial_number,
const std::string common_name,
const std::vector<std::string> acceptable_spki_hashes_for_cn) {
std::string subject_hash;
if (!common_name.empty()) {
CBB cbb, top_level, set, inner_seq, oid, cn;
uint8_t* x501_data;
size_t x501_len;
static const uint8_t kCommonNameOID[] = {0x55, 0x04, 0x03}; //
if (!CBB_init(&cbb, 32) ||
!CBB_add_asn1(&cbb, &top_level, CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE) ||
!CBB_add_asn1(&top_level, &set, CBS_ASN1_SET) ||
!CBB_add_asn1(&set, &inner_seq, CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE) ||
!CBB_add_asn1(&inner_seq, &oid, CBS_ASN1_OBJECT) ||
!CBB_add_bytes(&oid, kCommonNameOID, sizeof(kCommonNameOID)) ||
!CBB_add_asn1(&inner_seq, &cn, CBS_ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING) ||
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(common_name.data()),
common_name.size()) ||
!CBB_finish(&cbb, &x501_data, &x501_len)) {
return nullptr;
base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<char*>(x501_data), x501_len)));
scoped_refptr<CRLSet> crl_set(new CRLSet);
if (is_expired)
crl_set->not_after_ = 1;
if (issuer_spki) {
const std::string spki(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(issuer_spki->data),
std::vector<std::string> serials;
if (!serial_number.empty())
crl_set->crls_.emplace(std::move(spki), std::move(serials));
if (!subject_hash.empty())
crl_set->limited_subjects_[subject_hash] = acceptable_spki_hashes_for_cn;
return crl_set;
} // namespace net