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// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "net/interfaces/address_list.mojom";
import "net/interfaces/ip_endpoint.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cookie_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ct_log_info.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/mutable_network_traffic_annotation_tag.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_config.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_config_with_annotation.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ssl_config.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/tcp_socket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/udp_socket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/websocket.mojom";
import "services/proxy_resolver/public/mojom/proxy_resolver.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/restricted_cookie_manager.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Parameters for constructing a network context.
struct NetworkContextParams {
// Name used by memory tools to identify the context.
string? context_name;
// The user agent string.
string user_agent;
// String to send as the Accept-Language header. This can be changed later
// by calling SetAcceptLanguage on the NetworkContext. If empty, the header
// will not be added.
string accept_language;
// Whether Brotli content-encoding should be enabled for HTTPS responses.
bool enable_brotli = true;
// QUIC user agent.
string quic_user_agent_id;
// Handles PAC script execution. If not populated, will attempt to use
// platform implementation to execute PAC scripts, if available (Only
// available on Windows and Mac).
proxy_resolver.mojom.ProxyResolverFactory? proxy_resolver_factory;
// Points to the cookie file. An in-memory cookie store is used if it's empty.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? cookie_path;
// If the cookie file is given, this controls whether previously written
// session cookies are restored. Otherwise it should be false.
bool restore_old_session_cookies = false;
// If the cookie file is given, this controls whether to persist session
// cookies. Otherwise it should be false.
bool persist_session_cookies = false;
// Points to the channel ID file. If a cookie file is specified, this must be
// specifed as well. Otherwise an in-memory store is used.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? channel_id_path;
// True if an HTTP cache should be used.
bool http_cache_enabled = true;
// Maximum size of the HTTP cache. 0 means to use the default size.
// Ignored if the cache is disabled.
int32 http_cache_max_size = 0;
// Points to the HTTP cache directory. Ignored if the cache is disabled.
// If null and the cache is enabled, an in-memory database is used.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? http_cache_path;
// The file to store cached server properties (Like HTTP2 and QUIC support).
// This information is used as a performance optimization in connection
// logic. If null, an in-memory cache will be used instead.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? http_server_properties_path;
// The directory in which to store cached transport security properties (like
// HSTS). The file itself will be called "TransportSecurity". If null, or the
// file can't be opened, an in-memory store will be used instead.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? transport_security_persister_path;
// Enabled protocols. Note that these apply to all fetches, including those
// used to fetch PAC scripts.
// True if data URLs should be supported.
bool enable_data_url_support = false;
// True if file URLs should be supported.
// Must be false if built without file support.
bool enable_file_url_support = false;
// True if ftp URLs should be supported.
// Must be false if built without FTP support.
bool enable_ftp_url_support = false;
// True if the "Certificate Transparency in Chrome" policy (see
// https://github.com/chromium/ct-policy/blob/master/ct_policy.md) should
// be enforced for certificates and connections.
// See //net/docs/certificate-transparency.md before setting this flag to
// true.
bool enforce_chrome_ct_policy = false;
// Enables HTTP/0.9 on ports other than 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
bool http_09_on_non_default_ports_enabled = false;
// SSL configuration. |intial_proxy_config| is the initial SSL configuration
// to use. If nullptr, uses the default configuration. Updated SSL
// configurations can be passed in via |ssl_config_client_request|.
SSLConfig? initial_ssl_config;
SSLConfigClient&? ssl_config_client_request;
// Proxy configuration. If |intial_proxy_config| is set, it's the initial
// proxy configuration. Updated proxy configuration can be passed in via
// |proxy_config_client_request|. If |initial_proxy_config| is not set,
// proxy lookups will be deferred until a configuration is received via
// |proxy_config_client_request|.
// If both are null, the NetworkContext will not use a proxy.
ProxyConfigWithAnnotation? initial_proxy_config;
ProxyConfigClient&? proxy_config_client_request;
// If |proxy_config_client_request| is non-null, this is called during
// periods of network activity, and can be used as a signal for polling-based
// logic to determine the proxy config.
// TODO(mmenke): Can the consumer piggy back on other network events through
// other channels (navigation, issuing requests, etc)? Or can
// ProxyConfigServices be modified not to need this notification?
ProxyConfigPollerClient? proxy_config_poller_client;
// When PAC quick checking is enabled, DNS lookups for PAC script's host are
// timed out aggressively. This prevents hanging all network request on DNS
// lookups that are slow or are blockholed, at the cost of making it more
// likely that the network service erroneously fails to fetch a PAC file.
bool pac_quick_check_enabled = true;
// When enabled, exposes full URLs to PAC scripts. This setting will be
// removed in the future.
// See https://crbug.com/619087
bool dangerously_allow_pac_access_to_secure_urls = false;
// Only used on OS_CHROMEOS platform.
bool allow_gssapi_library_load = false;
// The GSSAPI library name.
// Only used on (OS_POSIX && !OS_ANDROID) platform.
string gssapi_library_name;
// Enables reporting certain SSL errors, such as HTTP Public Key Pinning, to
// servers, so they can discover misconfigurations.
bool enable_certificate_reporting = false;
// The Certificate Transparency logs that are known to the client. SCTs from
// these logs will be extracted and verified; other SCTs will be treated as
// unrecognized.
array<CTLogInfo> ct_logs;
struct NetworkConditions {
// If set, the offline state is simulated and other fields are ignored.
bool offline;
// Channel round-trip latency, i.e. minimum time between request sent and
// response received.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta latency;
// Maximal aggregated download throughput (bytes/sec). 0 disables download throttling.
double download_throughput;
// Maximal aggregated upload throughput (bytes/sec). 0 disables upload throttling.
double upload_throughput;
// Used in some clearing methods of URL-keyed data to specify the resources to
// keep/delete.
struct ClearDataFilter {
Type type;
// A list of registrable domains (e.g. google.com), internal hostnames
// (e.g. localhost), or IP addresses (e.g. Other domains, such as
// third and lower level domains (e.g. www.google.com) are not accepted.
// Formally, it must hold that GetDomainAndRegistry(|domain|, _) is |domain|
// itself or an empty string.
array<string> domains;
// List of URL origins.
array<url.mojom.Origin> origins;
// Represents the accumulated network usage for a consumer.
struct NetworkUsage {
// |process_id| is 0 for the browser process, otherwise it's the child process
// ID.
uint32 process_id;
// The ID of the IPC route for the consumer, which identifies the RenderFrame
// or like-thing.
uint32 routing_id;
// Raw bytes received from the network since the start/restart of the service.
int64 total_bytes_received;
// Raw bytes sent to the network since the start/restart of the service.
int64 total_bytes_sent;
// Manages export of ongoing NetLog events to a file.
// Both Start and Stop must succeed, in that order, for the export to
// be complete and have a well-formed file. You may call Start again after
// Stop's callback has been invoked, but doing things like calling Start twice
// without intervening successful stops will result in an error.
interface NetLogExporter {
enum CaptureMode {
// Log all events, but do not include the actual transferred bytes, and
// remove cookies and HTTP credentials and HTTP/2 GOAWAY frame debug data.
// Log all events, but do not include the actual transferred bytes as
// parameters for bytes sent/received events.
// Log everything possible, even if it is slow and memory expensive.
// Includes logging of transferred bytes.
const uint64 kUnlimitedFileSize = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
// Starts logging to |destination|, including definitions of |extra_constants|
// in the log in addition to the standard constants required by the log.
// Contents in |destination| might not be complete until Stop() is called
// successfully.
// If |max_file_size| is kUnlimitedFileSize log size will not be limited.
// Returns network error code.
mojo_base.mojom.File destination,
mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue extra_constants,
CaptureMode capture_mode,
uint64 max_file_size) => (int32 net_error);
// Finalizes the log file. If |polled_values| is provided, it will be
// included alongside net configuration info inside the 'polledData' field
// of the log object.
// Returns network error code; if successful this will occur only after
// the file has been fully written.
Stop(mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue polled_values) => (int32 net_error);
const uint32 kBrowserProcessId = 0;
const uint32 kInvalidProcessId = 0xffffffff;
struct URLLoaderFactoryParams {
// Process requesting the URLLoaderFactory.
// Set to kBrowserProcessId to indicate the brower process.
uint32 process_id = kInvalidProcessId;
// Cross-origin read blocking (CORB) configuration.
// TODO(lukasza): https://crbug.com/792546: Actually use the settings below.
bool is_corb_enabled = true;
string corb_excluded_initiator_scheme;
// Represents a distinct context for making network requests, with its own
// storage (e.g. cookies and cache).
interface NetworkContext {
// Creates a new URLLoaderFactory with the given |params|.
CreateURLLoaderFactory(URLLoaderFactory& url_loader_factory,
URLLoaderFactoryParams params);
// Gets the CookieManager associated with this network context.
GetCookieManager(CookieManager& cookie_manager);
// TODO(crbug.com/729800): Switch from {process,frame}_id to the network
// service's representation of security principals.
RestrictedCookieManager& restricted_cookie_manager,
int32 render_process_id, int32 render_frame_id);
// Clears network objects with implicit URL history information. Data related
// to events that happened prior to |start_time| may be retained. Only applies
// to network objects without more specific methods (Channel ID, Cookies,
// and the cache have, or will have, their own clearing APIs). This currently
// only covers server properties and transport security state.
// The callback will be invoked once the data has been deleted.
ClearNetworkingHistorySince(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time) => ();
// Clears content from the HTTP cache. A specific range of time can be
// specified with |start_time| and |end_time|. This supports unbounded deletes
// in either direction by using null Time values for either argument.
ClearHttpCache(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time,
ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();
// Clears channel IDs. A specific range of time can be specified with
// |start_time| and |end_time|. This supports unbounded deletes in either
// direction by using null Time values for either argument.
// If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only IDs matching the
// filter. Filtering by origins is not supported. If |filter| is non-null,
// |filter.origins| must be empty.
ClearChannelIds(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time,
ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();
// Clears all entries from the HTTP Auth cache that were added since
// |start_time|. Supports unbounded delete using null Time value.
ClearHttpAuthCache(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time) => ();
// Clears all report entries from the reporting cache. Should not be called if
// the ENABLE_REPORTING build flag is false.
// If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
// filter.
ClearReportingCacheReports(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();
// Clears all client entries from the reporting cache. Should not be called if
// the ENABLE_REPORTING build flag is false.
// If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
// filter.
ClearReportingCacheClients(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();
// Clears policy entries from the NetworkErrorLoggingService. Should not be
// called if the ENABLE_REPORTING build flag is false.
// If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
// filter.
ClearNetworkErrorLogging(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();
// Configures network conditions for the specified throttling profile.
// The throttling will be applied only to requests that have
// X-DevTools-Emulate-Network-Conditions-Client-Id: <profile_id>
// header with matching <profile_id>.
// Passing null NetworkConditions disables the throttling.
// TODO(caseq): get rid of header, make profile_id part of ResourceRequest.
SetNetworkConditions(string profile_id, NetworkConditions? conditions);
// Updates the Accept-Language header to be used for requests.
SetAcceptLanguage(string new_accept_language);
// Updates the CT policy to be used for requests. Only applies if the
// NetworkContextParams set enforce_chrome_ct_policy to true.
// TODO(rsleevi): Remove this once Chrome-specific policies are moved out
// of the network service.
SetCTPolicy(array<string> required_hosts,
array<string> excluded_hosts,
array<string> excluded_spkis,
array<string> excluded_legacy_spkis);
// Creates a UDP socket. Caller can supply a |receiver| interface pointer
// to listen for incoming datagrams. A null |receiver| is acceptable if caller
// is not interested in incoming data.
// Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
// when NetworkContext goes away.
CreateUDPSocket(UDPSocket& request, UDPSocketReceiver? receiver);
// Creates a TCP server socket that listens on |local_addr|. The socket
// created can only be used for the purpose specified in |traffic_annotation|,
// and cannot be re-used for other purposes. Caller must specify an address
// family in |local_addr| to be either IPv4 or IPv6. If port in |local_addr|
// is 0, the OS will pick an available port. If address bytes are 0, the OS
// will pick a local address of the specified address family. |backlog| will
// be passed to the OS to set the size of accept queue.
// On success, the resulting local address will be written to |local_addr_out|
// and |result| is net::OK. On failure, |result| is a network error code.
// Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
// when NetworkContext goes away.
CreateTCPServerSocket(net.interfaces.IPEndPoint local_addr,
uint32 backlog,
MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
TCPServerSocket& socket)
=> (int32 result, net.interfaces.IPEndPoint? local_addr_out);
// Creates a TCP socket connected to |remote_addr|. |observer| if non-null
// will be used to listen for any network connection error on the newly
// established connection. The socket created can only be used for the purpose
// specified in |traffic_annotation|, and cannot be re-used for other
// purposes. |local_addr| should be set to null unless the caller wants to
// bind the socket to a specific address and port. On success, |result| is
// net::OK. Caller is to use |send_stream| to send data and |receive_stream|
// to receive data over the connection. On failure, |result| is a network
// error code.
// Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
// when NetworkContext goes away.
net.interfaces.IPEndPoint? local_addr,
net.interfaces.AddressList remote_addr_list,
MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
TCPConnectedSocket& socket,
SocketObserver? observer)
=> (int32 result,
handle<data_pipe_consumer>? receive_stream,
handle<data_pipe_producer>? send_stream);
// Creates a WebSocket connection.
CreateWebSocket(WebSocket& request,
int32 process_id,
int32 render_frame_id,
url.mojom.Origin origin);
// Create a NetLogExporter, which helps export NetLog to an existing file.
// Note that the log is generally global, including all NetworkContexts
// managed by the same NetworkService. The particular NetworkContext this is
// called on will determine which NetworkContext gets its information and
// configuration summary written out at the end of the log.
CreateNetLogExporter(NetLogExporter& exporter);
// Enables/Disables blocking of third-party cookies.
BlockThirdPartyCookies(bool block);
// Adds explicitly-specified data as if it was processed from an
// HSTS header.
AddHSTSForTesting(string host,
mojo_base.mojom.Time expiry,
bool include_subdomains) => ();
// Will force the transaction to fail with the given error code.
SetFailingHttpTransactionForTesting(int32 rv) => ();