mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 10:33:57 +03:00
233 lines
16 KiB
233 lines
16 KiB
Showing 43 symbols (43 unique) with total pss: 77769551 bytes
Histogram of symbols based on PSS:
{0}: 6 [8,16): 3 [64,128): 2 [65536,131072): 1 [33554432,67108864): 2
[2,4): 2 [16,32): 9 [128,256): 1 [524288,1048576): 2
[4,8): 5 [32,64): 7 [256,512): 1 [1048576,2097152): 2
.text=34.2mb .rodata=5.65mb .data.rel.ro=1.02mb .data=99.4kb .bss=512kb .other=32.4mb total=74.2mb
Number of unique paths: 9
Section Legend: t=.text, r=.rodata, R=.data.rel.ro, d=.data, b=.bss, o=.other
Index | Running Total | Section@Address | PSS | Path
0) 4 (0.0%) *@Group 4 google::protobuf::internal::pLinuxKernelCmpxchg (count=1)
1) 8 (0.0%) *@Group 4 google::protobuf::internal::pLinuxKernelMemoryBarrier (count=1)
2) 160 (0.0%) *@Group 152 base::android::kBaseRegisteredMethods (count=1)
3) 164 (0.0%) *@Group 4 base::android::g_renderer_histogram_code (count=1)
4) 168 (0.0%) *@Group 4 base::android::g_library_version_number (count=1)
5) 1166900 (1.5%) *@Group 1166732 ** symbol gap 0 (end of section) (count=2)
6) 1166956 (1.5%) *@Group 56 ChromeMainDelegateAndroid [vtable] (count=1)
7) 1166980 (1.5%) *@Group 24 mojo::MessageReceiver [vtable] (count=1)
8) 1166992 (1.5%) *@Group 12 kMethodsAnimationFrameTimeHistogram (count=1)
9) 1167048 (1.5%) *@Group 56 ChromeMainDelegate [vtable] (count=1)
10) 1167072 (1.5%) *@Group 24 chrome::mojom::FieldTrialRecorder [vtable] (count=1)
11) 1956976 (2.5%) *@Group 789904 chrome::mojom::FieldTrialRecorderProxy [vtable] (count=1)
12) 1957008 (2.5%) *@Group 32 .Lswitch.table.45 (count=1)
13) 1957016 (2.5%) *@Group 8 kSystemClassPrefixes (count=1)
14) 35941187 (46.2%) *@Group 33984171 Overhead: ELF file (count=1)
15) 35941208 (46.2%) *@Group 21 string literal (count=3)
16) 35941251 (46.2%) *@Group 43 ** merge strings (count=1)
17) 37906596 (48.7%) *@Group 1965345 ** merge constants (count=1)
18) 77023471 (99.0%) *@Group 39116875 ** symbol gaps (count=2)
19) 77023479 (99.0%) *@Group 8 (count=1)
20) 77023523 (99.0%) *@Group 44 Name (count=1)
21) 77023555 (99.0%) *@Group 32 chrome::mojom::FilePatcher::Name_ (count=1)
22) 77699595 (99.9%) *@Group 676040 kAnimationFrameTimeHistogramClassPath (count=1)
23) 77699599 (99.9%) *@Group 4 blink::CSSValueKeywordsHash::findValueImpl::value_word_list (count=1)
24) 77699615 (99.9%) *@Group 16 _GLOBAL__sub_I_page_allocator.cc (count=1)
25) 77699671 (99.9%) *@Group 56 _GLOBAL__sub_I_bbr_sender.cc (count=1)
26) 77699699 (99.9%) *@Group 28 _GLOBAL__sub_I_pacing_sender.cc (count=1)
27) 77699769 (99.9%) *@Group 70 extFromUUseMapping (count=2)
28) 77700217 (99.9%) *@Group 448 ucnv_extMatchFromU (count=1)
29) 77700245 (99.9%) *@Group 28 _GLOBAL__sub_I_SkDeviceProfile.cpp (count=1)
30) 77769369 (100.0%) *@Group 69124 foo_bar (count=1)
31) 77769393 (100.0%) *@Group 24 BazAlias (count=1)
32) 77769423 (100.0%) *@Group 30 blink::ContiguousContainerBase::shrinkToFit (count=3)
33) 77769426 (100.0%) *@Group 3 BarAlias (count=1)
34) 77769429 (100.0%) *@Group 3 FooAlias (count=1)
35) 77769457 (100.0%) *@Group 28 blink::ContiguousContainerBase::ContiguousContainerBase (count=1)
36) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 94 blink::PaintChunker::releasePaintChunks (count=1)
37) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_131072 (count=1)
38) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_131072_fixed (count=1)
39) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_65536 (count=1)
40) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 g_chrome_content_browser_client (count=1)
41) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 SaveHistogram::atomic_histogram_pointer (count=1)
42) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 g_AnimationFrameTimeHistogram_clazz (count=1)
Showing 35 symbols (35 unique) with total pss: 77769551 bytes
Histogram of symbols based on PSS:
{0}: 6 [8,16): 4 [32,64): 6 [128,256): 2 [65536,131072): 1 [1048576,2097152): 2
[2,4): 2 [16,32): 6 [64,128): 1 [256,512): 1 [524288,1048576): 2 [33554432,67108864): 2
.text=34.2mb .rodata=5.65mb .data.rel.ro=1.02mb .data=99.4kb .bss=512kb .other=32.4mb total=74.2mb
Number of unique paths: 9
Section Legend: t=.text, r=.rodata, R=.data.rel.ro, d=.data, b=.bss, o=.other
Index | Running Total | Section@Address | PSS | Path
0) 8 (0.0%) *@Group 8 google (count=2)
1) 168 (0.0%) *@Group 160 base (count=3)
2) 1166900 (1.5%) *@Group 1166732 ** symbol gap 0 (end of section) (count=2)
3) 1166956 (1.5%) *@Group 56 ChromeMainDelegateAndroid [vtable] (count=1)
4) 1166980 (1.5%) *@Group 24 mojo (count=1)
5) 1166992 (1.5%) *@Group 12 kMethodsAnimationFrameTimeHistogram (count=1)
6) 1167048 (1.5%) *@Group 56 ChromeMainDelegate [vtable] (count=1)
7) 1957008 (2.5%) *@Group 789960 chrome (count=3)
8) 1957040 (2.5%) *@Group 32 .Lswitch.table.45 (count=1)
9) 1957048 (2.5%) *@Group 8 kSystemClassPrefixes (count=1)
10) 35941219 (46.2%) *@Group 33984171 Overhead: ELF file (count=1)
11) 35941240 (46.2%) *@Group 21 string literal (count=3)
12) 35941283 (46.2%) *@Group 43 ** merge strings (count=1)
13) 37906628 (48.7%) *@Group 1965345 ** merge constants (count=1)
14) 77023503 (99.0%) *@Group 39116875 ** symbol gaps (count=2)
15) 77023511 (99.0%) *@Group 8 (count=1)
16) 77023555 (99.0%) *@Group 44 Name (count=1)
17) 77699595 (99.9%) *@Group 676040 kAnimationFrameTimeHistogramClassPath (count=1)
18) 77699751 (99.9%) *@Group 156 blink (count=6)
19) 77699767 (99.9%) *@Group 16 _GLOBAL__sub_I_page_allocator.cc (count=1)
20) 77699823 (99.9%) *@Group 56 _GLOBAL__sub_I_bbr_sender.cc (count=1)
21) 77699851 (99.9%) *@Group 28 _GLOBAL__sub_I_pacing_sender.cc (count=1)
22) 77699921 (99.9%) *@Group 70 extFromUUseMapping (count=2)
23) 77700369 (99.9%) *@Group 448 ucnv_extMatchFromU (count=1)
24) 77700397 (99.9%) *@Group 28 _GLOBAL__sub_I_SkDeviceProfile.cpp (count=1)
25) 77769521 (100.0%) *@Group 69124 foo_bar (count=1)
26) 77769545 (100.0%) *@Group 24 BazAlias (count=1)
27) 77769548 (100.0%) *@Group 3 BarAlias (count=1)
28) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 3 FooAlias (count=1)
29) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_131072 (count=1)
30) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_131072_fixed (count=1)
31) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_65536 (count=1)
32) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 g_chrome_content_browser_client (count=1)
33) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 SaveHistogram (count=1)
34) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 g_AnimationFrameTimeHistogram_clazz (count=1)
Showing 38 symbols (38 unique) with total pss: 77769551 bytes
Histogram of symbols based on PSS:
{0}: 6 [8,16): 4 [64,128): 2 [65536,131072): 1 [33554432,67108864): 2
[2,4): 2 [16,32): 6 [128,256): 1 [524288,1048576): 2
[4,8): 1 [32,64): 8 [256,512): 1 [1048576,2097152): 2
.text=34.2mb .rodata=5.65mb .data.rel.ro=1.02mb .data=99.4kb .bss=512kb .other=32.4mb total=74.2mb
Number of unique paths: 9
Section Legend: t=.text, r=.rodata, R=.data.rel.ro, d=.data, b=.bss, o=.other
Index | Running Total | Section@Address | PSS | Path
0) 8 (0.0%) *@Group 8 google::protobuf::internal (count=2)
1) 168 (0.0%) *@Group 160 base::android (count=3)
2) 1166900 (1.5%) *@Group 1166732 ** symbol gap 0 (end of section) (count=2)
3) 1166956 (1.5%) *@Group 56 ChromeMainDelegateAndroid [vtable] (count=1)
4) 1166980 (1.5%) *@Group 24 mojo (count=1)
5) 1166992 (1.5%) *@Group 12 kMethodsAnimationFrameTimeHistogram (count=1)
6) 1167048 (1.5%) *@Group 56 ChromeMainDelegate [vtable] (count=1)
7) 1956976 (2.5%) *@Group 789928 chrome::mojom (count=2)
8) 1957008 (2.5%) *@Group 32 .Lswitch.table.45 (count=1)
9) 1957016 (2.5%) *@Group 8 kSystemClassPrefixes (count=1)
10) 35941187 (46.2%) *@Group 33984171 Overhead: ELF file (count=1)
11) 35941208 (46.2%) *@Group 21 string literal (count=3)
12) 35941251 (46.2%) *@Group 43 ** merge strings (count=1)
13) 37906596 (48.7%) *@Group 1965345 ** merge constants (count=1)
14) 77023471 (99.0%) *@Group 39116875 ** symbol gaps (count=2)
15) 77023479 (99.0%) *@Group 8 (count=1)
16) 77023523 (99.0%) *@Group 44 Name (count=1)
17) 77023555 (99.0%) *@Group 32 chrome::mojom::FilePatcher (count=1)
18) 77699595 (99.9%) *@Group 676040 kAnimationFrameTimeHistogramClassPath (count=1)
19) 77699599 (99.9%) *@Group 4 blink::CSSValueKeywordsHash::findValueImpl (count=1)
20) 77699615 (99.9%) *@Group 16 _GLOBAL__sub_I_page_allocator.cc (count=1)
21) 77699671 (99.9%) *@Group 56 _GLOBAL__sub_I_bbr_sender.cc (count=1)
22) 77699699 (99.9%) *@Group 28 _GLOBAL__sub_I_pacing_sender.cc (count=1)
23) 77699769 (99.9%) *@Group 70 extFromUUseMapping (count=2)
24) 77700217 (99.9%) *@Group 448 ucnv_extMatchFromU (count=1)
25) 77700245 (99.9%) *@Group 28 _GLOBAL__sub_I_SkDeviceProfile.cpp (count=1)
26) 77769369 (100.0%) *@Group 69124 foo_bar (count=1)
27) 77769393 (100.0%) *@Group 24 BazAlias (count=1)
28) 77769451 (100.0%) *@Group 58 blink::ContiguousContainerBase (count=4)
29) 77769454 (100.0%) *@Group 3 BarAlias (count=1)
30) 77769457 (100.0%) *@Group 3 FooAlias (count=1)
31) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 94 blink::PaintChunker (count=1)
32) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_131072 (count=1)
33) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_131072_fixed (count=1)
34) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 ff_cos_65536 (count=1)
35) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 g_chrome_content_browser_client (count=1)
36) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 SaveHistogram (count=1)
37) 77769551 (100.0%) *@Group 0 g_AnimationFrameTimeHistogram_clazz (count=1)
GroupedByName(depth=1, min_count=2)
Showing 35 symbols (34 unique) with total pss: 77769551 bytes
Histogram of symbols based on PSS:
[2,4): 2 [16,32): 7 [128,256): 3 [131072,262144): 2 [1048576,2097152): 2
[4,8): 1 [32,64): 6 [256,512): 1 [262144,524288): 1 [33554432,67108864): 2
[8,16): 4 [64,128): 1 [65536,131072): 1 [524288,1048576): 2
.text=34.2mb .rodata=5.65mb .data.rel.ro=1.02mb .data=99.4kb .bss=512kb .other=32.4mb total=74.2mb
Number of unique paths: 9
Section Legend: t=.text, r=.rodata, R=.data.rel.ro, d=.data, b=.bss, o=.other
Index | Running Total | Section@Address | PSS | Path
0) 8 (0.0%) *@Group 8 {no path}
google (count=2)
1) 168 (0.0%) *@Group 160 third_party/container/container.c
base (count=3)
2) 1166900 (1.5%) *@Group 1166732 {no path}
** symbol gap 0 (end of section) (count=2)
3) 1166956 (1.5%) R@0x2cd8500 56 third_party/paint.cc
ChromeMainDelegateAndroid [vtable]
4) 1166980 (1.5%) R@0x2cd8538 24 base/page_allocator.cc
mojo::MessageReceiver [vtable]
5) 1166992 (1.5%) R@0x2cd8550 12 base/page_allocator.cc
6) 1167048 (1.5%) R@0x2c176f0 56 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
ChromeMainDelegate [vtable]
7) 1957008 (2.5%) *@Group 789960 {no path}
chrome (count=3)
8) 1957040 (2.5%) R@0x2cd84e0 32 third_party/gvr-android-sdk/libgvr_shim_static_arm.a/libcontroller_api_impl.a_controller_api_impl.o
9) 1957048 (2.5%) R@0x2cd84f0 8 third_party/gvr-android-sdk/libgvr_shim_static_arm.a/libport_android_jni.a_jni_utils.o
10) 35941219 (46.2%) o@0x0 33984171 {no path}
Overhead: ELF file
11) 35941240 (46.2%) *@Group 21 {no path}
string literal (count=3)
12) 35941283 (46.2%) r@0x266e630 43 {no path}
** merge strings
13) 37906628 (48.7%) r@0x284d600 1965345 {no path}
** merge constants
14) 77023503 (99.0%) *@Group 39116875 {no path}
** symbol gaps (count=2)
15) 77023511 (99.0%) r@0x284e364 8 base/page_allocator.cc
16) 77023555 (99.0%) r@0x284e370 44 base/page_allocator.cc
17) 77699595 (99.9%) r@0x28f3450 676040 third_party/paint.cc
18) 77699751 (99.9%) *@Group 156 {no path}
blink (count=6)
19) 77699767 (99.9%) t@0x28d900 16 base/page_allocator.cc
20) 77699823 (99.9%) t@0x28d910 56 base/page_allocator.cc
21) 77699851 (99.9%) t@0x28d948 28 base/page_allocator.cc
22) 77699921 (99.9%) *@Group 70 base/page_allocator.cc
extFromUUseMapping (count=2)
23) 77700369 (99.9%) t@0x28f000 448 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
24) 77700397 (99.9%) t@0x28f1c8 28 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
25) 77769521 (100.0%) t@0x28f1e0 69124 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
26) 77769545 (100.0%) t@0x2a0000 24 (size=48) $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
BazAlias (num_aliases=2)
27) 77769548 (100.0%) t@0x2a0010 3 (size=12) third_party/fft_float.cc
BarAlias (num_aliases=4)
28) 77769551 (100.0%) t@0x2a0010 3 (size=12) third_party/fft_float.cc
FooAlias (num_aliases=4)
29) 77769551 (100.0%) b@0x0 262144 third_party/fft_float.cc
30) 77769551 (100.0%) b@0x0 131072 third_party/fft_fixed.cc
31) 77769551 (100.0%) b@0x0 131072 third_party/fft_float.cc
32) 77769551 (100.0%) b@0x2dffda0 28 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
33) 77769551 (100.0%) b@0x2dffe80 200 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
34) 77769551 (100.0%) b@0x2dffe84 4 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c