# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # App different than the regular content subcomponents (see comments in # //content/BUILD.gn) because it has to support the browser/child process split # (the "both" target include both browser and child process files and is used # for testing). # # In non-component mode, browser, child, and both all follow the same structure: # foo -> # //content/public/app:child (group) -> # //content/public/app:child_sources (source set) -> # //content/app:child (source set) # In component mode, content is linked as one big turd so there is only one # app target containing sources ("both") and the other ones forward to it: # foo -> # //content/public/app:child (group; "browser" and "both" ones look the same) # //content (shared library) -> # //content/public/app:both_sources (source set) import("//build/config/chrome_build.gni") import("//build/config/ui.gni") import("//services/service_manager/public/service_manifest.gni") import("//tools/v8_context_snapshot/v8_context_snapshot.gni") import("//ui/base/ui_features.gni") public_app_shared_sources = [ "content_jni_onload.h", "content_main.h", "content_main_delegate.cc", "content_main_delegate.h", "content_main_runner.h", "sandbox_helper_win.h", ] public_app_shared_deps = [ "//base", "//base:i18n", "//content:export", "//content/public/common:common_sources", "//services/service_manager/background:lib", "//services/service_manager/embedder", "//services/service_manager/public/cpp", ] if (enable_mus) { public_app_shared_deps += [ "//ui/aura" ] } if (is_component_build) { source_set("both_sources") { # Only the main content shared library can pull this in. visibility = [ "//content:content" ] sources = public_app_shared_sources configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ] deps = public_app_shared_deps + [ "//content/app:both", "//content/public/browser:browser_sources", "//content/public/gpu:gpu_sources", "//content/public/renderer:renderer_sources", "//content/public/utility:utility_sources", ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ # This target is a pair with the non-public version. They always go # together and include headers from each other. "//content/app:both", ] } # These all just forward to content, which in turn depends on "both_sources". group("browser") { public_deps = [ "//content", ] } group("child") { public_deps = [ "//content", ] } group("both") { public_deps = [ "//content", ] } } else { # content_main_delegate.cc conditionally includes content_browser_client.h # from //content/public/browser when it's not the child build. However, # the header checker doesn't know this doesn't apply and throws an error. # So all of these targets set check_includes = false. # # TODO(brettw) either teach the header checker to understand simple # ifdefs or split the file apart so we can enable header checking here. # Furthermore, since this file exists in more than one target, they all # have to opt-out of header checking (a file is checked once for all # targets using a source file). source_set("both") { check_includes = false # See comment above. sources = public_app_shared_sources configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ] deps = public_app_shared_deps + [ "//content/app:both", "//content/public/browser", "//content/public/common", "//content/public/gpu:gpu_sources", "//content/public/renderer:renderer_sources", "//content/public/utility:utility_sources", ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ # This target is a pair with the non-public version. They always go # together and include headers from each other. "//content/app:both", ] } if (is_multi_dll_chrome) { source_set("browser") { check_includes = false # See comment above. sources = public_app_shared_sources defines = [ "CHROME_MULTIPLE_DLL_BROWSER" ] configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ] deps = public_app_shared_deps + [ "//content/app:browser", "//content/public/browser", "//content/public/common", ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ # This target is a pair with the non-public version. They always go # together and include headers from each other. "//content/app:browser", ] } source_set("child") { check_includes = false # See comment above. sources = public_app_shared_sources defines = [ "CHROME_MULTIPLE_DLL_CHILD" ] configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ] deps = public_app_shared_deps + [ "//content/app:child", "//content/public/common", ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ # This target is a pair with the non-public version. They always go # together and include headers from each other. "//content/app:child", ] } } else { # When the multi-DLL build is disabled, there is only one type of the # "app" target, and "browser" and "child" are the same as "both". group("browser") { deps = [ ":both", ] } group("child") { deps = [ ":both", ] } } } service_manifest("packaged_services_manifest") { name = "content_packaged_services" source = "mojo/content_packaged_services_manifest.json" packaged_services = [ "//components/services/heap_profiling:manifest", "//media/mojo/services:cdm_manifest", "//media/mojo/services:media_manifest", "//services/audio:manifest", "//services/data_decoder:manifest", "//services/device:manifest", "//services/metrics:manifest", "//services/network:manifest", "//services/resource_coordinator:manifest", "//services/shape_detection:manifest", "//services/tracing:manifest", "//services/video_capture:manifest", "//services/viz:manifest", ] if (is_linux) { packaged_services += [ "//components/services/font:manifest" ] } } service_manifest("browser_manifest") { name = "content_browser" source = "mojo/content_browser_manifest.json" packaged_services = [ "//services/content:manifest", "//services/file:manifest", ] } service_manifest("gpu_manifest") { name = "content_gpu" source = "mojo/content_gpu_manifest.json" } service_manifest("plugin_manifest") { name = "content_plugin" source = "mojo/content_plugin_manifest.json" } service_manifest("snapshot_manifest") { if (use_v8_context_snapshot) { source = "mojo/context_snapshot_manifest.json" } else { source = "mojo/snapshot_blob_manifest.json" } } service_manifest("renderer_manifest") { name = "content_renderer" source = "mojo/content_renderer_manifest.json" overlays = [ ":snapshot_manifest" ] } service_manifest("utility_manifest") { name = "content_utility" source = "mojo/content_utility_manifest.json" overlays = [ ":snapshot_manifest" ] }