// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/cert/cert_verify_proc_ios.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "crypto/sha2.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/cert/asn1_util.h" #include "net/cert/cert_verify_result.h" #include "net/cert/known_roots.h" #include "net/cert/test_root_certs.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" #include "net/cert/x509_util_ios.h" #include "net/cert/x509_util_ios_and_mac.h" using base::ScopedCFTypeRef; namespace net { namespace { int NetErrorFromOSStatus(OSStatus status) { switch (status) { case noErr: return OK; case errSecNotAvailable: return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; case errSecAuthFailed: return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; default: return ERR_FAILED; } } // Creates a series of SecPolicyRefs to be added to a SecTrustRef used to // validate a certificate for an SSL server. |hostname| contains the name of // the SSL server that the certificate should be verified against. If // successful, returns noErr, and stores the resultant array of SecPolicyRefs // in |policies|. OSStatus CreateTrustPolicies(ScopedCFTypeRef* policies) { ScopedCFTypeRef local_policies( CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)); if (!local_policies) return errSecAllocate; SecPolicyRef ssl_policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509(); CFArrayAppendValue(local_policies, ssl_policy); CFRelease(ssl_policy); ssl_policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, nullptr); CFArrayAppendValue(local_policies, ssl_policy); CFRelease(ssl_policy); policies->reset(local_policies.release()); return noErr; } // Builds and evaluates a SecTrustRef for the certificate chain contained // in |cert_array|, using the verification policies in |trust_policies|. On // success, returns OK, and updates |trust_ref| and |trust_result|. On failure, // no output parameters are modified. // // Note: An OK return does not mean that |cert_array| is trusted, merely that // verification was performed successfully. int BuildAndEvaluateSecTrustRef(CFArrayRef cert_array, CFArrayRef trust_policies, ScopedCFTypeRef* trust_ref, ScopedCFTypeRef* verified_chain, SecTrustResultType* trust_result) { SecTrustRef tmp_trust = nullptr; OSStatus status = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(cert_array, trust_policies, &tmp_trust); if (status) return NetErrorFromOSStatus(status); ScopedCFTypeRef scoped_tmp_trust(tmp_trust); if (TestRootCerts::HasInstance()) { status = TestRootCerts::GetInstance()->FixupSecTrustRef(tmp_trust); if (status) return NetErrorFromOSStatus(status); } SecTrustResultType tmp_trust_result; status = SecTrustEvaluate(tmp_trust, &tmp_trust_result); if (status) return NetErrorFromOSStatus(status); ScopedCFTypeRef tmp_verified_chain( CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)); const CFIndex chain_length = SecTrustGetCertificateCount(tmp_trust); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < chain_length; ++i) { SecCertificateRef chain_cert = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(tmp_trust, i); CFArrayAppendValue(tmp_verified_chain, chain_cert); } trust_ref->swap(scoped_tmp_trust); *trust_result = tmp_trust_result; verified_chain->reset(tmp_verified_chain.release()); return OK; } void GetCertChainInfo(CFArrayRef cert_chain, CertVerifyResult* verify_result) { DCHECK_LT(0, CFArrayGetCount(cert_chain)); SecCertificateRef verified_cert = nullptr; std::vector verified_chain; for (CFIndex i = 0, count = CFArrayGetCount(cert_chain); i < count; ++i) { SecCertificateRef chain_cert = reinterpret_cast( const_cast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cert_chain, i))); if (i == 0) { verified_cert = chain_cert; } else { verified_chain.push_back(chain_cert); } base::ScopedCFTypeRef der_data( SecCertificateCopyData(chain_cert)); if (!der_data) { verify_result->cert_status |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID; return; } base::StringPiece spki_bytes; if (!asn1::ExtractSPKIFromDERCert( base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(CFDataGetBytePtr(der_data)), CFDataGetLength(der_data)), &spki_bytes)) { verify_result->cert_status |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID; return; } HashValue sha256(HASH_VALUE_SHA256); CC_SHA256(spki_bytes.data(), spki_bytes.size(), sha256.data()); verify_result->public_key_hashes.push_back(sha256); // Ignore the signature algorithm for the trust anchor. if ((verify_result->cert_status & CERT_STATUS_AUTHORITY_INVALID) == 0 && i == count - 1) { continue; } } if (!verified_cert) { NOTREACHED(); verify_result->cert_status |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID; return; } scoped_refptr verified_cert_with_chain = x509_util::CreateX509CertificateFromSecCertificate(verified_cert, verified_chain); if (verified_cert_with_chain) verify_result->verified_cert = std::move(verified_cert_with_chain); else verify_result->cert_status |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID; } } // namespace CertVerifyProcIOS::CertVerifyProcIOS() {} // The iOS APIs don't expose an API-stable set of reasons for certificate // validation failures. However, internally, the reason is tracked, and it's // converted to user-facing localized strings. // // In the absence of a consistent API, convert the English strings to their // localized counterpart, and then compare that with the error properties. If // they're equal, it's a strong sign that this was the cause for the error. // While this will break if/when iOS changes the contents of these strings, // it's sufficient enough for now. // // TODO(rsleevi): https://crbug.com/601915 - Use a less brittle solution when // possible. // static CertStatus CertVerifyProcIOS::GetCertFailureStatusFromTrust(SecTrustRef trust) { CertStatus reason = 0; base::ScopedCFTypeRef properties(SecTrustCopyProperties(trust)); if (!properties) return CERT_STATUS_INVALID; const CFIndex properties_length = CFArrayGetCount(properties); if (properties_length == 0) return CERT_STATUS_INVALID; CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.apple.Security")); CFStringRef date_string = CFSTR("One or more certificates have expired or are not valid yet."); ScopedCFTypeRef date_error(CFBundleCopyLocalizedString( bundle, date_string, date_string, CFSTR("SecCertificate"))); CFStringRef trust_string = CFSTR("Root certificate is not trusted."); ScopedCFTypeRef trust_error(CFBundleCopyLocalizedString( bundle, trust_string, trust_string, CFSTR("SecCertificate"))); CFStringRef weak_string = CFSTR("One or more certificates is using a weak key size."); ScopedCFTypeRef weak_error(CFBundleCopyLocalizedString( bundle, weak_string, weak_string, CFSTR("SecCertificate"))); CFStringRef hostname_mismatch_string = CFSTR("Hostname mismatch."); ScopedCFTypeRef hostname_mismatch_error( CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(bundle, hostname_mismatch_string, hostname_mismatch_string, CFSTR("SecCertificate"))); CFStringRef policy_requirements_not_met_string = CFSTR("Policy requirements not met."); ScopedCFTypeRef policy_requirements_not_met_error( CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(bundle, policy_requirements_not_met_string, policy_requirements_not_met_string, CFSTR("SecCertificate"))); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < properties_length; ++i) { CFDictionaryRef dict = reinterpret_cast( const_cast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(properties, i))); CFStringRef error = reinterpret_cast( const_cast(CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, CFSTR("value")))); if (CFEqual(error, date_error)) { reason |= CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID; } else if (CFEqual(error, trust_error)) { reason |= CERT_STATUS_AUTHORITY_INVALID; } else if (CFEqual(error, weak_error)) { reason |= CERT_STATUS_WEAK_KEY; } else if (CFEqual(error, hostname_mismatch_error)) { reason |= CERT_STATUS_COMMON_NAME_INVALID; } else if (CFEqual(error, policy_requirements_not_met_error)) { reason |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID | CERT_STATUS_AUTHORITY_INVALID; } else { reason |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID; } } return reason; } bool CertVerifyProcIOS::SupportsAdditionalTrustAnchors() const { return false; } bool CertVerifyProcIOS::SupportsOCSPStapling() const { return false; } CertVerifyProcIOS::~CertVerifyProcIOS() = default; int CertVerifyProcIOS::VerifyInternal( X509Certificate* cert, const std::string& hostname, const std::string& ocsp_response, int flags, CRLSet* crl_set, const CertificateList& additional_trust_anchors, CertVerifyResult* verify_result) { ScopedCFTypeRef trust_policies; OSStatus status = CreateTrustPolicies(&trust_policies); if (status) return NetErrorFromOSStatus(status); ScopedCFTypeRef cert_array( x509_util::CreateSecCertificateArrayForX509Certificate( cert, x509_util::InvalidIntermediateBehavior::kIgnore)); if (!cert_array) { verify_result->cert_status |= CERT_STATUS_INVALID; return ERR_CERT_INVALID; } ScopedCFTypeRef trust_ref; SecTrustResultType trust_result = kSecTrustResultDeny; ScopedCFTypeRef final_chain; status = BuildAndEvaluateSecTrustRef(cert_array, trust_policies, &trust_ref, &final_chain, &trust_result); if (status) return NetErrorFromOSStatus(status); if (CFArrayGetCount(final_chain) == 0) return ERR_FAILED; // TODO(rsleevi): Support CRLSet revocation. switch (trust_result) { case kSecTrustResultUnspecified: case kSecTrustResultProceed: break; case kSecTrustResultDeny: verify_result->cert_status |= CERT_STATUS_AUTHORITY_INVALID; break; default: verify_result->cert_status |= GetCertFailureStatusFromTrust(trust_ref); } GetCertChainInfo(final_chain, verify_result); // While iOS lacks the ability to distinguish system-trusted versus // user-installed roots, the set of roots that are expected to comply with // the Baseline Requirements can be determined by // GetNetTrustAnchorHistogramForSPKI() - a non-zero value means that it is // known as a publicly trusted, and therefore subject to the BRs, cert. for (auto it = verify_result->public_key_hashes.rbegin(); it != verify_result->public_key_hashes.rend() && !verify_result->is_issued_by_known_root; ++it) { verify_result->is_issued_by_known_root = GetNetTrustAnchorHistogramIdForSPKI(*it) != 0; } if (IsCertStatusError(verify_result->cert_status)) return MapCertStatusToNetError(verify_result->cert_status); return OK; } } // namespace net