#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import json import os import sys import tempfile import zipfile from util import build_utils from util import proguard_util sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))) from pylib import constants def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() build_utils.AddDepfileOption(parser) parser.add_argument('--android-sdk-tools', required=True, help='Android sdk build tools directory.') parser.add_argument('--main-dex-rules-path', action='append', default=[], dest='main_dex_rules_paths', help='A file containing a list of proguard rules to use ' 'in determining the class to include in the ' 'main dex.') parser.add_argument('--main-dex-list-path', required=True, help='The main dex list file to generate.') parser.add_argument('--inputs', help='JARs for which a main dex list should be ' 'generated.') parser.add_argument('--proguard-path', required=True, help='Path to the proguard executable.') parser.add_argument('--negative-main-dex-globs', help='GN-list of globs of .class names (e.g. org/chromium/foo/Bar.class) ' 'that will fail the build if they match files in the main dex.') parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', default=[], help='JARs for which a main dex list should be ' 'generated.') args = parser.parse_args(build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(args)) if args.inputs: args.paths.extend(build_utils.ParseGnList(args.inputs)) if args.negative_main_dex_globs: args.negative_main_dex_globs = build_utils.ParseGnList( args.negative_main_dex_globs) shrinked_android_jar = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(args.android_sdk_tools, 'lib', 'shrinkedAndroid.jar')) dx_jar = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(args.android_sdk_tools, 'lib', 'dx.jar')) proguard_cmd = [ 'java', '-jar', args.proguard_path, '-forceprocessing', '-dontwarn', '-dontoptimize', '-dontobfuscate', '-dontpreverify', '-libraryjars', shrinked_android_jar, ] for m in args.main_dex_rules_paths: proguard_cmd.extend(['-include', m]) main_dex_list_cmd = [ 'java', '-cp', dx_jar, 'com.android.multidex.MainDexListBuilder', # This workaround significantly increases main dex size and doesn't seem to # be needed by Chrome. See comment in the source: # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dx/src/com/android/multidex/MainDexListBuilder.java '--disable-annotation-resolution-workaround', ] input_paths = list(args.paths) input_paths += [ shrinked_android_jar, dx_jar, ] input_paths += args.main_dex_rules_paths input_strings = [ proguard_cmd, main_dex_list_cmd, ] if args.negative_main_dex_globs: input_strings += args.negative_main_dex_globs output_paths = [ args.main_dex_list_path, ] build_utils.CallAndWriteDepfileIfStale( lambda: _OnStaleMd5(proguard_cmd, main_dex_list_cmd, args.paths, args.main_dex_list_path, args.negative_main_dex_globs), args, input_paths=input_paths, input_strings=input_strings, output_paths=output_paths) return 0 def _CheckForUnwanted(kept_classes, proguard_cmd, negative_main_dex_globs): # Check if ProGuard kept any unwanted classes. found_unwanted_classes = sorted( p for p in kept_classes if build_utils.MatchesGlob(p, negative_main_dex_globs)) if found_unwanted_classes: first_class = found_unwanted_classes[0].replace( '.class', '').replace('/', '.') proguard_cmd += ['-whyareyoukeeping', 'class', first_class, '{}'] output = build_utils.CheckOutput( proguard_cmd, print_stderr=False, stdout_filter=proguard_util.ProguardOutputFilter()) raise Exception( ('Found classes that should not be in the main dex:\n {}\n\n' 'Here is the -whyareyoukeeping output for {}: \n{}').format( '\n '.join(found_unwanted_classes), first_class, output)) def _OnStaleMd5(proguard_cmd, main_dex_list_cmd, paths, main_dex_list_path, negative_main_dex_globs): paths_arg = ':'.join(paths) main_dex_list = '' try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jar') as temp_jar: # Step 1: Use ProGuard to find all @MainDex code, and all code reachable # from @MainDex code (recursive). proguard_cmd += [ '-injars', paths_arg, '-outjars', temp_jar.name ] build_utils.CheckOutput(proguard_cmd, print_stderr=False) # Record the classes kept by ProGuard. Not used by the build, but useful # for debugging what classes are kept by ProGuard vs. MainDexListBuilder. with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_jar.name) as z: kept_classes = [p for p in z.namelist() if p.endswith('.class')] with open(main_dex_list_path + '.partial', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(kept_classes) + '\n') if negative_main_dex_globs: # Perform assertions before MainDexListBuilder because: # a) MainDexListBuilder is not recursive, so being included by it isn't # a huge deal. # b) Errors are much more actionable. _CheckForUnwanted(kept_classes, proguard_cmd, negative_main_dex_globs) # Step 2: Expand inclusion list to all classes referenced by the .class # files of kept classes (non-recursive). main_dex_list_cmd += [ temp_jar.name, paths_arg ] main_dex_list = build_utils.CheckOutput(main_dex_list_cmd) except build_utils.CalledProcessError as e: if 'output jar is empty' in e.output: pass elif "input doesn't contain any classes" in e.output: pass else: raise with open(main_dex_list_path, 'w') as main_dex_list_file: main_dex_list_file.write(main_dex_list) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))